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1 PACKAGE BODY per_fr_org_ddf_validation AS
2 /* $Header: pefroriv.pkb 120.0.12000000.2 2007/02/28 10:40:22 spendhar ship $ */
3 --
4 g_package constant varchar2(30) := 'per_fr_org_ddf_validation';
5 --
6 PROCEDURE validate_fr_opm_mapping
7   (p_org_information_id          IN NUMBER
8   ,p_org_information_context     IN VARCHAR2
9   ,p_organization_id             IN NUMBER
10   ,p_org_information1            IN VARCHAR2
11   ,p_org_information2            IN VARCHAR2)
12 IS
13   l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'.validate_fr_opm_mapping';
14   L_dummy number;
15   Cursor csr_chk_specific_opm is
16   select 1
17   from hr_organization_information
19   and   ORG_INFORMATION1        = p_org_information1
20   and   ORGANIZATION_ID        <> p_organization_id;
21   --
22   cursor csr_chk_generic_opm is
23   select 1
24   from hr_organization_information
26   and   ORG_INFORMATION2        = p_org_information2
27   and   ORGANIZATION_ID         = p_organization_id
28   and   org_information_id     <> p_org_information_id;
29   --
31   --
32   /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
33   IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
34      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : '|| l_proc , 5);
35      return;
36   END IF;
37   --
38   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,5);
39   if p_org_information_context = 'FR_DYN_PAYMETH_MAPPING_INFO' then
40     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,10);
41     if hr_multi_message.no_exclusive_error
42         (p_check_column1 => 'HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION.ORG_INFORMATION1')
43     then
44       -- No error for ORG_INFORMATION1 already exists so,
45       -- prevent account-specific methods from being attached to more than
46       -- one organization, but allow them to be registered more than once to
47       -- the same organization.
48       --
49       Open csr_chk_specific_opm;
50       Fetch csr_chk_specific_opm into L_dummy;
51       If csr_chk_specific_opm%FOUND then
52         Close csr_chk_specific_opm;
53         fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_75032_ORI_SPEC_OPM_EXISTS');
54         hr_multi_message.add(p_associated_column1 =>
55                              'HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION.ORG_INFORMATION1');
56       else
57         close csr_chk_specific_opm;
58       end if;
59     end if; -- check existing errors
60     if hr_multi_message.no_exclusive_error
61         (p_check_column1 => 'HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION.ORG_INFORMATION2')
62     then
63       -- No error for ORG_INFORMATION2 already exists so,
64       -- prevent account-independent methods from being attached to an
65       -- organization more than once.
66       --
67       Open csr_chk_generic_opm;
68       fetch csr_chk_generic_opm into l_dummy;
69       if csr_chk_generic_opm%FOUND then
70         close csr_chk_generic_opm;
71         fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_75033_ORI_GEN_OPM_EXISTS');
72         hr_multi_message.add(p_associated_column1 =>
73                              'HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION.ORG_INFORMATION2');
74       else
75         close csr_chk_generic_opm;
76       end if;
77     end if; -- check existing errors
78   end if; -- org_information_context = 'FR_DYN_PAYMETH_MAPPING_INFO'
79   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving: '||l_proc,99);
80 end validate_fr_opm_mapping;
82 PROCEDURE validate_fr_contrib_codes
83   (p_org_information_id          IN NUMBER
84   ,p_org_information_context     IN VARCHAR2
85   ,p_organization_id             IN NUMBER
86   ,p_org_information3            IN VARCHAR2
87   ,p_org_information5            IN VARCHAR2)
88 IS
89   l_proc 	varchar2(72) := g_package||'.validate_fr_contrib_codes';
90   l_inv_code 	varchar2(1) := 'Y';
91   l_type 	varchar2(10);
92   Cursor c_ins_prov_type IS
93    select nvl(ip.type, null)
94    from hr_fr_insurance_providers_v ip
95    where ip.organization_id = p_org_information3;
97   --
98   /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
99   IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
100      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : '|| l_proc , 01);
101      return;
102   END IF;
103   --
104   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering '||l_proc,01);
105   if p_org_information_context = 'FR_COMP_CADRE_LIFE_INSURE' then
106     hr_utility.set_location(' Validating contrib_codes '||p_org_information5,01);
107     open c_ins_prov_type;
108     fetch c_ins_prov_type into l_type;
109     close c_ins_prov_type;
111     if l_type = 'AGIRC' then
112       if (substr(p_org_information5,1,1) = '3'
113       and substr(p_org_information5,2,4) = 'XXXX'
114       and substr(p_org_information5,6,1) between '0' and '9'
115       and substr(p_org_information5,7,1) between '0' and '9'  ) then
116         l_inv_code := 'N';
117       end if;
118     elsif l_type = 'ARRCO' then
119       if (substr(p_org_information5,1,1) = '4'
120       and substr(p_org_information5,2,4) = 'XXXX'
121       and substr(p_org_information5,6,1) between '0' and '9'
122       and substr(p_org_information5,7,1) between '0' and '9'  ) then
123         l_inv_code := 'N';
124       end if;
125     else
126       if not( substr(p_org_information5,1,1) between '1' and '4') then
127         l_inv_code := 'N';
128       end if;
129     end if; -- org_information3 check
130     if l_inv_code = 'Y' then
131       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_74962_INVALID_CONTRIB_CODE');
132       fnd_message.set_token('CONTRIB_CODE',p_org_information5);
133       fnd_message.raise_error;
134     end if; -- invalid code check
135   end if;   -- org_information_context check
136 END validate_fr_contrib_codes;
138 end per_fr_org_ddf_validation;