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1 PACKAGE BODY gmd_recipe_migration AS
2 /* $Header: GMDRMIGB.pls 120.4 2006/09/19 14:37:13 txdaniel noship $ */
3    PROCEDURE migrate_recipe (
4       p_api_version              IN       	NUMBER,
5       p_init_msg_list            IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
6       p_commit                   IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
7       x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
8       x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
9       x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
10       p_recipe_no_choice         IN       	VARCHAR2 )
11    IS
12       /* This cursor extracts distinct formula - routing combination to create Recipes as
13          formulas */
14       CURSOR formula_cur
15       IS
16          SELECT   h.formula_no,
17                   h.formula_vers,
18                   e.routing_id,
19                   e.formula_id,
20                   h.formula_desc1
21              FROM fm_form_eff_bak e,
22                   fm_form_mst_b h
23             WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
24                                  FROM gmd_recipe_eff_assoc
25                                 WHERE fmeff_id = e.fmeff_id )
26               AND e.formula_id = h.formula_id
27          GROUP BY h.formula_no,
28                   h.formula_vers,
29                   e.routing_id,
30                   e.formula_id,
31                   h.formula_desc1
32          ORDER BY h.formula_no,
33                   h.formula_vers;
35       /* This cursor extracts distinct formula - routing combination to create Recipes as
36          items */
37       CURSOR product_cur
38       IS
39          SELECT   i.item_no,
40                   e.formula_id,
41                   e.routing_id,
42                   i.item_desc1
43              FROM fm_form_mst_b h,
44                   fm_form_eff_bak e,
45                   fm_matl_dtl m,
46                   ic_item_mst i
47             WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
48                                  FROM gmd_recipe_eff_assoc
49                                 WHERE fmeff_id = e.fmeff_id )
50               AND e.formula_id = m.formula_id
51               AND e.formula_id = h.formula_id
52               AND m.item_id = i.item_id
53               AND m.line_no = 1
54               AND m.line_type = 1
55          GROUP BY i.item_no,
56                   e.formula_id,
57                   e.routing_id,
58                   i.item_desc1
59          ORDER BY i.item_no;
61       /* Extracts routing step and line information from fm_rout_mtl_bak table */
62       CURSOR recipe_material_cur
63       IS
64          SELECT   rm.routingstep_no,
65                   rm.formulaline_id,
66                   rm.routing_id,
67                   rm.formula_id,
68                   rm.text_code,
69                   rm.last_updated_by,
70                   rm.created_by,
71                   rm.last_update_date,
72                   rm.creation_date,
73                   rm.last_update_login
74              FROM fm_rout_mtl_bak rm
75             WHERE rm.routingstep_no IS NOT NULL
76               AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
77                                  FROM gmd_recipe_step_materials
78                                 WHERE formulaline_id = rm.formulaline_id
79                                   AND EXISTS ( SELECT recipe_id
80                                                  FROM gmd_recipes
81                                                 WHERE formula_id = rm.formula_id
82                                                   AND routing_id = rm.routing_id ))
83          GROUP BY rm.routingstep_no,
84                   rm.formulaline_id,
85                   rm.routing_id,
86                   rm.formula_id,
87                   rm.text_code,
88                   rm.last_updated_by,
89                   rm.created_by,
90                   rm.last_update_date,
91                   rm.creation_date,
92                   rm.last_update_login;
94    /* Get the duplicate effectivity ids */
95    /* Get all effectivities where the only difference is the customer id */
96    /* To create a customer specific effectivity, in past a new effectivity for that
97       customer would be created.  However, now with the new GMD model customer specific effectivities
98       are stored in a recipe-customer table */
99    CURSOR get_dup_cust_eff
100    IS
101       SELECT   orgn_code,
102                item_id,
103                formula_use,
104                end_date,
105                start_date,
106                min_qty,
107                max_qty,
108                std_qty,
109                item_um,
110                preference,
111                routing_id,
112                formula_id,
113             /* Thomas - Bug 2562007, duplicate rows with delete mark are needed */
114             -- delete_mark,
115                COUNT (* ) eff_dup_count
116           FROM fm_form_eff
117        /* Thomas - Bug 2562007,Their may be duplicates without customer id */
118        -- WHERE cust_id IS NOT NULL
119       GROUP BY orgn_code,
120                item_id,
121                formula_use,
122                end_date,
123                start_date,
124                min_qty,
125                max_qty,
126                std_qty,
127                item_um,
128                preference,
129                routing_id,
130                formula_id
131             -- delete_mark
132         HAVING COUNT (* ) > 1;
134       /* Check if recipe customer exists */
135       Cursor check_recipe_cust_exists(v_recipe_id NUMBER, v_customer_id NUMBER) IS
136         SELECT 1
137            FROM sys.DUAL
138           WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1
139                            FROM gmd_recipe_customers
140                           WHERE recipe_id = v_recipe_id
141                             AND customer_id = v_customer_id);
143       /* Check if recipe step material exists */
144       Cursor check_step_mat_exists(v_recipe_id NUMBER, v_formulaline_id NUMBER) IS
145         SELECT 1
146            FROM sys.DUAL
147           WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1
148                            FROM gmd_recipe_step_materials
149                           WHERE recipe_id = v_recipe_id
150                             AND formulaline_id = v_formulaline_id);
152       /* Get all invalid validity rules */
153       CURSOR get_invalid_validity_rules
154       IS
155          SELECT recipe_validity_rule_id,
156                 item_id
157            FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules;
159       /* Check if the item id exists in ic_item_mst table */
160       CURSOR get_valid_item ( v_item_id NUMBER )
161       IS
162          SELECT 1
163            FROM sys.DUAL
164           WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1
165                            FROM ic_item_mst
166                           WHERE item_id = v_item_id
167                             AND delete_mark = 0 );
169       /* Get the costing details based on effectivities that have cost rollup done */
170       CURSOR cm_cmpt_dtl_cur (pfmeff_id NUMBER )
171       IS
172          SELECT *
173            FROM cm_cmpt_dtl
174           WHERE fmeff_id = pfmeff_id;
176       /* Defining all local variables  */
177       l_recipe_id            gmd_recipes.recipe_id%TYPE            := 0;
178       l_routingstep_id       NUMBER                                := 0;
179       l_recipe_no            gmd_recipes.recipe_no%TYPE            := NULL;
180       l_recipe_version       gmd_recipes.recipe_version%TYPE       := 0;
181       l_recipe_status        gmd_recipes.recipe_status%TYPE        := '700';
182       l_counter              NUMBER                                := 0;
183       l_cm_counter           NUMBER                                := 0;
184       l_recipe_vr_id         NUMBER                                := 0;
185       l_return_val           NUMBER                                := 0;
186       l_item_count           NUMBER                                := 0;
187       l_dup_counter          NUMBER                                := 0;
188       l_fmeff_id             NUMBER;
189       l_dummy_id             NUMBER;
190       l_owner_orgn           VARCHAR2(4);
191       l_creation_orgn        VARCHAR2(4);
192       l_delete_mark          NUMBER(5);
193       l_creation_date        DATE;
194       l_created_by           NUMBER(15);
195       l_last_updated_by      NUMBER(15);
196       l_last_update_date     DATE;
197       l_last_update_login    NUMBER(15);
198       l_text_code            NUMBER(15);
199       l_owner_id             NUMBER(15);
200       l_creation_orgn_code   VARCHAR2 ( 4 );
201       l_owner_orgn_code      VARCHAR2 ( 4 );
202       l_msg_data             VARCHAR2 ( 240 );
203       l_msg_count            NUMBER;
204       l_return_status        VARCHAR2 ( 1 );
205       l_return_code          NUMBER;
206       error_msg              VARCHAR2 ( 240 );
207    BEGIN
208       /*  Define Savepoint */
209       SAVEPOINT recipe_migration;
211       /* Irrespective of the whether recipes are named based on formulas
212          or items, the number of recipes created should remain the same.
213          However, the number of recipe_no's might be different
214          in the two cases
215       */
217       /* Step 1 : To migrate data into the Recipe Header table  */
218       IF ( UPPER ( p_recipe_no_choice ) = 'FORMULA' )
219       THEN
220          FOR formula_rec IN formula_cur
221          LOOP
222             BEGIN
223                /* intialize the return status */
224                x_return_status            := 'S';
226                /* Compare the new recipe_no with the previous record */
227                /* If it is a new one, the recipe version is 1 */
228                /* else the recipe version is incremented by 1 */
230                /* Since the cursor is grouped and ordered by formula no and version */
231                /* the recipe no and version assignments would work fine. */
232                /* Thomas - Bug 2562007, Removed the TRIM condition to migrate the formulae */
233                /* as they were defined */
234                IF ( ( l_recipe_no ) <> ( formula_rec.formula_no ))
235                THEN
236                   l_recipe_no       :=  formula_rec.formula_no;
237                   l_recipe_version  := 1;
238                ELSE
239                   l_recipe_no       := formula_rec.formula_no;
240                   l_recipe_version  := l_recipe_version + 1;
241                END IF;
244                /* ================================ */
245                /* Based on Recipe_no and Recipe_version check if a recipe */
246                /* already exists in the database */
247                /* ================================= */
248                gmd_recipe_val.recipe_name (
249                    p_api_version                => 1.0,
250                   p_init_msg_list               => fnd_api.g_false,
251                   p_commit                      => fnd_api.g_false,
252                   p_recipe_no                   => l_recipe_no,
253                   p_recipe_version              => l_recipe_version,
254                   x_return_status               => l_return_status,
255                   x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count,
256                   x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data,
257                   x_return_code                 => l_return_code,
258                   x_recipe_id                   => l_recipe_id );
260                IF ( l_recipe_id IS NOT NULL )
261                THEN
262                   x_return_status            := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
263                   /* Thomas - Bug 2562007, Added the following loggin of message */
264                   insert_message (p_source_table => 'FM_FORM_MST'
265                                  ,p_target_table => 'GMD_RECIPES'
266                                  ,p_source_id    => l_recipe_no
267                                  ,p_target_id    => l_recipe_version
268                                  ,p_message      => 'Recipe:'||l_recipe_no||' Version:'||l_recipe_version||' already exists.'
269                                  ,p_error_type   => 'U');
270                END IF;
272                IF ( x_return_status = 'S' )
273                THEN
275                  /* Get the recipe id from the sequence */
276                  SELECT gmd_recipe_id_s.NEXTVAL
277                    INTO l_recipe_id
278                    FROM sys.DUAL;
279                  /* function gmdfmval_pub.locked_effectivity_val gets the recipe status */
280                  /* This function return non zero value when the effectivity is locked */
282                  l_return_val := gmdfmval_pub.locked_effectivity_val (
283                                                       formula_rec.formula_id );
285                  IF ( l_return_val <> 0 )
286                  THEN
287                     l_recipe_status            := '900';
288                  ELSE
289                     l_recipe_status            := '700';
290                  END IF;
292                  /* Derive the delete mark and WHO column values */
293                  /* Bug 3503706 - Created separate SQL statements
294                     to derive delete mark and Who columns
295                  */
296                  SELECT Min(delete_mark)
297                    INTO l_delete_mark
298                    FROM fm_form_eff_bak
299                   WHERE formula_id = formula_rec.formula_id
300                     AND NVL ( routing_id, -999 ) =
301                                            NVL ( formula_rec.routing_id, -999 );
303                  SELECT creation_date,
304                         created_by,
305                         last_updated_by,
306                         last_update_date,
307                         last_update_login,
308                         created_by
309                    INTO l_creation_date,
310                         l_created_by,
311                         l_last_updated_by,
312                         l_last_update_date,
313                         l_last_update_login,
314                         l_owner_id
315                    FROM fm_form_eff_bak
316                   WHERE formula_id = formula_rec.formula_id
317                     AND NVL ( routing_id, -999 ) =
318                                            NVL ( formula_rec.routing_id, -999 )
319                     AND ROWNUM = 1;
321                  /* Define the creation and owner orgn values from profile values */
323                  l_creation_orgn_code  :=
324                      TRIM (fnd_profile.value_specific ('GEMMS_DEFAULT_ORGN' ,
325                                                                 l_created_by ));
326                  l_owner_orgn_code :=
327                      TRIM (fnd_profile.value_specific ('GEMMS_DEFAULT_ORGN' ,
328                                                                   l_owner_id ));
330                  INSERT INTO gmd_recipes_b (recipe_id, recipe_no, recipe_version, owner_orgn_code, creation_orgn_code,
331                                             formula_id, routing_id, recipe_status, calculate_step_quantity, owner_id,
332                                             delete_mark, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
333                  VALUES                    (l_recipe_id, l_recipe_no, l_recipe_version, l_owner_orgn_code, l_creation_orgn_code,
334                                             formula_rec.formula_id, formula_rec.routing_id, l_recipe_status, 0, l_owner_id,
335                                             l_delete_mark, l_creation_date, l_created_by, l_last_update_date, l_last_updated_by, l_last_update_login);
337                  INSERT INTO gmd_recipes_tl (recipe_id, recipe_description, source_lang, created_by, creation_date,
338                                              last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login, language
339                                             )
340                  SELECT l_recipe_id, formula_rec.formula_desc1, userenv('lang'), l_created_by, l_creation_date,
341                         l_last_updated_by, l_last_update_date, l_last_update_login, l.language_code
342                  FROM fnd_languages l
343                  WHERE l.installed_flag in ('I', 'B')
344                  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT null
345                                  FROM gmd_recipes_tl t
346                                  WHERE t.recipe_id = l_recipe_id
347                                  AND t.language = l.language_code);
348                END IF;
350             EXCEPTION
351                WHEN OTHERS
352                THEN
353                   error_msg  := SQLERRM;
354                   insert_message (p_source_table => 'FM_FORM_EFF'
355                                  ,p_target_table => 'GMD_RECIPES'
356                                  ,p_source_id    => formula_rec.formula_id
357                                  ,p_target_id    => l_recipe_id
358                                  ,p_message      => error_msg
359                                  ,p_error_type   => 'U');
360             END;        /* End prior to end loop */
361          END LOOP;      /* loop completed for all distinct formula- routings */
362       /* ******************* End of Formula selection ********************** */
363       ELSIF ( UPPER ( p_recipe_no_choice ) = 'PRODUCT' )
364       THEN
365          FOR product_rec IN product_cur
366          LOOP
367             BEGIN
368                /* initialize the return status */
369                x_return_status            := 'S';
371                /* Compare the new recipe_no with the previous record */
372                /* If it is a new one, the recipe version is 1 */
373                /* else the recipe version is inremented by 1 */
375                /* Since the cursor is grouped and ordered by item no */
376                IF ( TRIM ( l_recipe_no ) <> TRIM ( product_rec.item_no ))
377                THEN
378                   l_recipe_no       := TRIM ( product_rec.item_no );
379                   l_recipe_version  := 1;
380                ELSE
381                   l_recipe_no       := TRIM ( product_rec.item_no );
382                   l_recipe_version  :=   l_recipe_version + 1;
383                END IF;
386                /* ================================ */
387                /* Based on Recipe_no and Recipe_version check if a recipe */
388                /* already exists in the database */
389                /* ================================= */
390                gmd_recipe_val.recipe_name (
391                    p_api_version                => 1.0,
392                   p_init_msg_list               => fnd_api.g_false,
393                   p_commit                      => fnd_api.g_false,
394                   p_recipe_no                   => l_recipe_no,
395                   p_recipe_version              => l_recipe_version,
396                   x_return_status               => l_return_status,
397                   x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count,
398                   x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data,
399                   x_return_code                 => l_return_code,
400                   x_recipe_id                   => l_recipe_id );
402                IF ( l_recipe_id IS NOT NULL )
403                THEN
404                   x_return_status            := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
405                END IF;
407                /* Get the recipe id from sequence */
409                SELECT gmd_recipe_id_s.NEXTVAL
410                  INTO l_recipe_id
411                  FROM sys.DUAL;
412                /* function gmdfmval_pub.locked_effectivity_val gets the recipe status */
413                /* This function return non zero value when the effectivity is locked */
415                l_return_val  :=  gmdfmval_pub.locked_effectivity_val (
416                                                        product_rec.formula_id );
418                IF ( l_return_val <> 0 )
419                THEN
420                   l_recipe_status            := '900';
421                ELSE
422                   l_recipe_status            := '700';
423                END IF;
425                /* get the delete mark and WHO columns */
426                  /* Bug 3503706 - Created separate SQL statements
427                     to derive delete mark and Who columns
428                  */
429                  SELECT Min(delete_mark)
430                    INTO l_delete_mark
431                    FROM fm_form_eff_bak
432                   WHERE formula_id = product_rec.formula_id
433                     AND NVL ( routing_id, -999 ) =
434                                            NVL ( product_rec.routing_id, -999 );
436                  SELECT creation_date,
437                         created_by,
438                         last_updated_by,
439                         last_update_date,
440                         last_update_login,
441                         created_by
442                    INTO l_creation_date,
443                         l_created_by,
444                         l_last_updated_by,
445                         l_last_update_date,
446                         l_last_update_login,
447                         l_owner_id
448                    FROM fm_form_eff_bak
449                   WHERE formula_id = product_rec.formula_id
450                     AND NVL ( routing_id, -999 ) =
451                                            NVL ( product_rec.routing_id, -999 )
452                     AND ROWNUM = 1;
454                /* Define the creation and owner orgn values from profile values */
456                l_creation_orgn_code       :=
457                      TRIM (fnd_profile.value_specific ('GEMMS_DEFAULT_ORGN' ,
458                                                                 l_created_by ));
459                l_owner_orgn_code          :=
460                      TRIM (fnd_profile.value_specific ( 'GEMMS_DEFAULT_ORGN' ,
461                                                                   l_owner_id ));
463                /* Insert into the recipe header table */
464                IF ( x_return_status = 'S' )
465                THEN
466                  INSERT INTO gmd_recipes_b (recipe_id, recipe_no, recipe_version, owner_orgn_code, creation_orgn_code,
467                                             formula_id, routing_id, recipe_status, calculate_step_quantity, owner_id,
468                                             delete_mark, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
469                  VALUES                    (l_recipe_id, l_recipe_no, l_recipe_version, l_owner_orgn_code, l_creation_orgn_code,
470                                             product_rec.formula_id, product_rec.routing_id, l_recipe_status, 0, l_owner_id,
471                                             l_delete_mark, l_creation_date, l_created_by, l_last_update_date, l_last_updated_by, l_last_update_login);
473                  INSERT INTO gmd_recipes_tl (recipe_id, recipe_description, source_lang, created_by, creation_date,
474                                              last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login, language
475                                             )
476                  SELECT l_recipe_id, product_rec.item_desc1, userenv('lang'), l_created_by, l_creation_date,
477                         l_last_updated_by, l_last_update_date, l_last_update_login, l.language_code
478                  FROM fnd_languages l
479                  WHERE l.installed_flag in ('I', 'B')
480                  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT null
481                                  FROM gmd_recipes_tl t
482                                  WHERE t.recipe_id = l_recipe_id
483                                  AND t.language = l.language_code);
485                END IF;
486             EXCEPTION
487                WHEN OTHERS
488                THEN
489                   error_msg  := SQLERRM;
490                   insert_message (p_source_table => 'FM_FORM_EFF'
491                                  ,p_target_table => 'GMD_RECIPES'
492                                  ,p_source_id    => product_rec.item_no
493                                  ,p_target_id    => l_recipe_id
494                                  ,p_message      => error_msg
495                                  ,p_error_type   => 'U');
497             END;   /* End prior to end loop */
498          END LOOP;
499       /* ******************* End of item - recipe selection ********************** */
500       END IF;
502       /* *******************Step Common to either selection **************** */
504       /* Step 2: Create an association table */
505       /* Loop thro every fmeff_id in the fm_form_eff table */
506       /* Based on the formula and routing id we could derive the recipe_id from recipe_header. */
508       /* We need to use an association table GMD_RECIPE_EFF_ASSOC that relates fmeff_id  */
509       /* to the recipe_id and validity rule id */
511       INSERT INTO gmd_recipe_eff_assoc
512                   (  fmeff_id,
513                     recipe_id,
514                     orgn_code,
515                     item_id,
516                     formula_use,
517                     end_date,
518                     start_date,
519                     inv_min_qty,
520                     inv_max_qty,
521                     min_qty,
522                     max_qty,
523                     std_qty,
524                     item_um,
525                     preference,
526                     routing_id,
527                     formula_id,
528                     cust_id,
529                     creation_date,
530                     last_update_date,
531                     created_by,
532                     last_updated_by,
533                     delete_mark,
534                     text_code,
535                     trans_cnt,
536                     last_update_login,
537                     recipe_validity_rule_id )
538          SELECT eff.fmeff_id fmeff_id,
539                 rec.recipe_id,
540                 eff.orgn_code,
541                 eff.item_id,
542                 eff.formula_use,
543                 eff.end_date,
544                 eff.start_date,
545                 eff.inv_min_qty,
546                 eff.inv_max_qty,
547                 eff.min_qty,
548                 eff.max_qty,
549                 eff.std_qty,
550                 eff.item_um,
551                 eff.preference,
552                 eff.routing_id,
553                 eff.formula_id,
554                 eff.cust_id,
555                 eff.creation_date,
556                 eff.last_update_date,
557                 eff.created_by,
558                 eff.last_updated_by,
559                 eff.delete_mark,
560                 eff.text_code,
561                 eff.trans_cnt,
562                 eff.last_update_login,
563                 eff.fmeff_id vr_id
564            FROM fm_form_eff_bak eff,
565                 gmd_recipes_b rec
566           WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
567                                FROM gmd_recipe_eff_assoc
568                               WHERE fmeff_id = eff.fmeff_id )
569             AND rec.formula_id = eff.formula_id
570             AND NVL ( rec.routing_id, -111 ) = NVL ( eff.routing_id, -111 );
572       /* Step 3 */
573       /* Migrate data into the GMD_RECIPE_CUSTOMERS table */
574       FOR recipe_cust_rec IN (SELECT   a.recipe_id,
575                                        a.cust_id,
576                                        a.created_by,
577                                        a.creation_date,
578                                        a.last_updated_by,
579                                        a.last_update_login,
580                                        a.text_code,
581                                        a.last_update_date
582                                   FROM gmd_recipe_eff_assoc a
583                                  WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
584                                                       FROM gmd_recipe_customers
585                                                      WHERE recipe_id = a.recipe_id
586                                                        AND customer_id = a.cust_id )
587                                    AND cust_id IS NOT NULL
588                               GROUP BY a.cust_id,
589                                        a.recipe_id,
590                                        a.created_by,
591                                        a.creation_date,
592                                        a.last_updated_by,
593                                        a.last_update_login,
594                                        a.text_code,
595                                        a.last_update_date ) LOOP
597            OPEN  check_recipe_cust_exists(recipe_cust_rec.recipe_id,
598                                           recipe_cust_rec.cust_id);
599            FETCH check_recipe_cust_exists INTO  l_dummy_id;
600              IF (check_recipe_cust_exists%NOTFOUND) THEN
601                  INSERT INTO gmd_recipe_customers
602                              (  recipe_id,
603                                customer_id,
604                                created_by,
605                                creation_date,
606                                last_updated_by,
607                                last_update_login,
608                                text_code,
609                                last_update_date )
610                        VALUES ( recipe_cust_rec.recipe_id,
611                                recipe_cust_rec.cust_id,
612                                recipe_cust_rec.created_by,
613                                recipe_cust_rec.creation_date,
614                                recipe_cust_rec.last_updated_by,
615                                recipe_cust_rec.last_update_login,
616                                recipe_cust_rec.text_code,
617                                recipe_cust_rec.last_update_date );
618               END IF;
619             CLOSE check_recipe_cust_exists;
620       END LOOP; /* for recipe customers */
622       /* Step 4 :  */
623       /* Migrate data into gmd_recipe_validity_rules table */
624       /* All effectvities are inserted into the validity rules table */
626       INSERT INTO gmd_recipe_validity_rules
627                   (  recipe_validity_rule_id,
628                     recipe_id,
629                     orgn_code,
630                     item_id,
631                     recipe_use,
632                     preference,
633                     start_date,
634                     end_date,
635                     min_qty,
636                     max_qty,
637                     std_qty,
638                     item_um,
639                     inv_min_qty,
640                     inv_max_qty,
641                     text_code,
642                     created_by,
643                     creation_date,
644                     last_updated_by,
645                     last_update_date,
646                     last_update_login,
647                     delete_mark,
648                     validity_rule_status )
649          SELECT fmeff_id,
650                 recipe_id,
651                 orgn_code,
652                 item_id,
653                 formula_use,
654                 preference,
655                 start_date,
656                 end_date,
657                 min_qty,
658                 max_qty,
659                 std_qty,
660                 item_um,
661                 inv_min_qty,
662                 inv_max_qty,
663                 text_code,
664                 created_by,
665                 creation_date,
666                 last_updated_by,
667                 last_update_date,
668                 last_update_login,
669                 delete_mark,
670                 gmdfmval_pub.gmd_effectivity_locked_status ( fmeff_id )
671            FROM gmd_recipe_eff_assoc
672           WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
673                                FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules
674                               WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = fmeff_id );
676       /* Step 5 */
677       /* Migrate data into the Recipe Materials Step table from
678          fm_rout_mtl_bak table    */
679       FOR recipe_material_rec IN recipe_material_cur
680       LOOP
681          BEGIN
682             IF ( recipe_material_rec.routing_id IS NOT NULL )
683             THEN
684                SELECT recipe_id
685                  INTO l_recipe_id
686                  FROM gmd_recipes_b
687                 WHERE formula_id = recipe_material_rec.formula_id
688                   AND routing_id = recipe_material_rec.routing_id
689                   AND ROWNUM = 1;
690             ELSE
691                SELECT DISTINCT recipe_id
692                  INTO l_recipe_id
693                  FROM gmd_recipes_b
694                 WHERE formula_id = recipe_material_rec.formula_id
695                   AND routing_id IS NULL
696                   AND ROWNUM = 1;
697             END IF;
699             /* Important based on the routingstep_no and routing_id get the  */
700             /* routingstep_id */
702             SELECT routingstep_id
703               INTO l_routingstep_id
704               FROM fm_rout_dtl
705              WHERE routing_id = recipe_material_rec.routing_id
706                AND routingstep_no = recipe_material_rec.routingstep_no
707                AND ROWNUM = 1;
709             /* Check for unique constraints on this table */
710             OPEN  check_step_mat_exists(l_recipe_id,
711                                         recipe_material_rec.formulaline_id);
712             FETCH check_step_mat_exists INTO  l_dummy_id;
713               IF (check_step_mat_exists%NOTFOUND) THEN
714                  INSERT INTO gmd_recipe_step_materials
715                              (  recipe_id,
716                                routingstep_id,
717                                formulaline_id,
718                                creation_date,
719                                created_by,
720                                last_updated_by,
721                                last_update_date,
722                                last_update_login )
723                       VALUES (  l_recipe_id,
724                                l_routingstep_id,
725                                recipe_material_rec.formulaline_id,
726                                recipe_material_rec.creation_date,
727                                recipe_material_rec.created_by,
728                                recipe_material_rec.last_updated_by,
729                                recipe_material_rec.last_update_date,
730                                recipe_material_rec.last_update_login );
732               END IF;
733             CLOSE check_step_mat_exists;
735          EXCEPTION
736             WHEN OTHERS
737             THEN
738                error_msg := SQLERRM;
739                insert_message (p_source_table => 'FM_ROUT_MTL'
740                               ,p_target_table => 'GMD_RECIPE_STEP_MATERIALS'
741                               ,p_source_id    => recipe_material_rec.formulaline_id
742                               ,p_target_id    => recipe_material_rec.formulaline_id
743                               ,p_message      => error_msg
744                               ,p_error_type   => 'U');
745          END;                                       /* End prior to end loop */
746       END LOOP;
748       /* Step 6:  Obsolete VRs and recipes that are based on Obsolted formulas
749          During formula migartion we had obsoleted formulas whose items
750          are inactive. Recipes and VRs that use this formula are also obsoleted */
751       UPDATE gmd_recipes_b
752       SET    recipe_status = '1000'
753       WHERE  formula_id IN (SELECT formula_id
754                             FROM   fm_form_mst_b
755                             WHERE  formula_Status = '1000');
757       /* Obsolete Vrs that are based on obsoleted Recipes */
758       UPDATE gmd_recipe_validity_rules
759       SET    validity_rule_status = '1000'
760       WHERE  recipe_id IN (SELECT  recipe_id
761                             FROM   gmd_recipes_b
762                             WHERE  recipe_Status = '1000');
764       /* Step 7: Update all tables that use fmeff_id - with VR id */
765       /* Validate duplicate effectivity customers */
766       FOR get_dup_eff_rec IN get_dup_cust_eff
767       LOOP  /* All dup effectivity groups - loop eff 1*/
768         /* Get the duplicate effectivity ids for diffent customers */
770          /* initialize the dup effectivity counter */
771         l_dup_counter := 0;
772        /* changed fm_form_eff to _bak as it was deleting new recipes */
773         FOR update_eff_rec IN
774                             (SELECT fmeff_id
775                                FROM fm_form_eff_bak
776                               WHERE NVL(orgn_code,fnd_api.g_miss_char) =
777                                        NVL(get_dup_eff_rec.orgn_code,
778                                                            fnd_api.g_miss_char )
779                                 AND item_id = get_dup_eff_rec.item_id
780                                 AND formula_use = get_dup_eff_rec.formula_use
781                                 /* Thomas - Bug 2562007, Added NVL condition as end date could be null */
782                                 AND NVL(end_date, fnd_api.g_miss_date) = NVL(get_dup_eff_rec.end_date, fnd_api.g_miss_date)
783                                 AND start_date = get_dup_eff_rec.start_date
784                                 AND min_qty = get_dup_eff_rec.min_qty
785                                 AND max_qty = get_dup_eff_rec.max_qty
786                                 AND std_qty = get_dup_eff_rec.std_qty
787                                 AND item_um = get_dup_eff_rec.item_um
788                                 AND preference = get_dup_eff_rec.preference
789                                 AND NVL ( routing_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num ) =
790                                        NVL (get_dup_eff_rec.routing_id,
791                                                             fnd_api.g_miss_num )
792                                 AND formula_id = get_dup_eff_rec.formula_id
793                                 /* Thomas - Bug 2562007, Commented out the following checking */
794                                 /* and added the order by clause */
795                                 -- AND delete_mark = get_dup_eff_rec.delete_mark
796                                 -- AND cust_id IS NOT NULL
797                                 ORDER BY delete_mark, cust_id desc, fmeff_id)
799          LOOP  /* dupplicate effectivities for a given group - loop eff 2 */
800            IF (l_dup_counter = 0) THEN
801               l_fmeff_id := update_eff_rec.fmeff_id;
802            END IF;
803            /* Skip the first row */
804            /* for e.g if the select i.e loop eff 2 above returns fmeff_id
805               101, 102 and 103 as duplicate ids we want delete 102 and 103
806               from the VR table so we skip the 1st row that returns 101*/
807            /* Thomas - Bug 2562007, Changed the l_dup_counter from > 1 to > 0 */
808            IF (l_dup_counter > 0) THEN
809                BEGIN
810                  UPDATE pm_btch_hdr
811                     SET fmeff_id = l_fmeff_id
812                   WHERE fmeff_id = update_eff_rec.fmeff_id;
814                  UPDATE gl_item_cst
815                     SET fmeff_id = l_fmeff_id
816                   WHERE fmeff_id = update_eff_rec.fmeff_id;
818                  UPDATE gmp_form_eff
819                     SET fmeff_id = l_fmeff_id
820                   WHERE fmeff_id = update_eff_rec.fmeff_id;
822                  /* Since table cm_cmpt_dtl could have many fmeff_ids
823                     row to be updated the system might run out of rollback segment
824                     space - to prevent this we provide regular interval commits */
825                  SELECT NVL ( COUNT (* ), 0 )
826                    INTO l_cm_counter
827                    FROM cm_cmpt_dtl
828                   WHERE fmeff_id = update_eff_rec.fmeff_id;
830                  FOR k IN cm_cmpt_dtl_cur ( update_eff_rec.fmeff_id )
831                  LOOP
832                     UPDATE cm_cmpt_dtl
833                        SET fmeff_id = l_fmeff_id
834                      WHERE fmeff_id = update_eff_rec.fmeff_id
835                        AND ROWNUM < 51;
836                     COMMIT;
837                     SAVEPOINT recipe_migration;
838                     IF ( cm_cmpt_dtl_cur%ROWCOUNT > l_cm_counter/50 )
839                     THEN
840                        l_cm_counter  := 0;
841                        EXIT;
842                     END IF;
843                  END LOOP;
844                  /* Increment the counter */
845                  l_counter   :=   l_counter + 1;
846                  IF ( l_counter > 5 )
847                  THEN
848                     COMMIT;
849                     SAVEPOINT recipe_migration;
850                     l_counter := 0;
851                  END IF;
853                  /* Delete duplicate VR id from gmd_recipe_validity_rule table */
854                  DELETE
855                  FROM   gmd_recipe_validity_rules
856                  WHERE  recipe_validity_rule_id = update_eff_rec.fmeff_id;
858                  insert_message (p_source_table => 'FM_FORM_EFF'
859                                 ,p_target_table => 'GMD_RECIPE_VALIDITY_RULES'
860                                 ,p_source_id    => update_eff_rec.fmeff_id
861                                 ,p_target_id    => l_fmeff_id
862                                 ,p_message      => 'Deleted effectivity:'||update_eff_rec.fmeff_id||' Updated with effectivity:'||l_fmeff_id
863                                 ,p_error_type   => 'E');
864                EXCEPTION
865                  WHEN OTHERS
866                  THEN
867                     error_msg := SQLERRM;
868                     insert_message (p_source_table => 'GMD_RECIPE_EFF_ASSOC'
869                                    ,p_target_table => 'PM_BTCH_HDR - CM_CMPT_DTL - GL_ITEM_CST - GMP_FORM_EFF'
870                                    ,p_source_id    => l_fmeff_id
871                                    ,p_target_id    => update_eff_rec.fmeff_id
872                                    ,p_message      => error_msg
873                                    ,p_error_type   => 'U');
874                END;    /* End prior to end loop */
875            END IF; /* l_dup_counter > 1 */
877            /* increment this counter */
878            l_dup_counter := l_dup_counter + 1;
880          END LOOP; /* End loop for duplicate eff 2 */
881       END LOOP; /* End loop for duplicate eff 1 */
883       WHEN OTHERS
884       THEN
885         ROLLBACK TO recipe_migration;
886         error_msg := SQLERRM;
887         insert_message (p_source_table => 'Old GMD tables'
888                        ,p_target_table => 'New GMD tables'
889                        ,p_source_id    => 'Unknown'
890                        ,p_target_id    => 'Unknown'
891                        ,p_message      => error_msg
892                        ,p_error_type   => 'U');
893          x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
894          fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
895              p_count                      => x_msg_count,
896             p_data                        => x_msg_data );
897    END migrate_recipe;
899    PROCEDURE insert_message (
900       p_source_table       IN   VARCHAR2,
901       p_target_table       IN   VARCHAR2,
902       p_source_id          IN   VARCHAR2,
903       p_target_id	   IN	VARCHAR2,
904       p_message            IN   VARCHAR2,
905       p_error_type         IN   VARCHAR2
906    ) IS
907       PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
908    BEGIN
909      INSERT INTO gmd_migration
910      (  migration_id,
911         source_table,
912         target_table,
913         source_id,
914         target_id,
915         message_text )
916       SELECT gmd_request_id_s.NEXTVAL,
917         p_source_table,
918         p_target_table,
919         p_source_id,
920         p_target_id,
921         p_message
922      FROM DUAL;
923      COMMIT;
924    END insert_message;
926    PROCEDURE qty_update_fxd_scaling IS
927    CURSOR fixed_scaling IS
928       SELECT grv.item_id, fmd.qty,fmd.item_um base_um, grv.std_qty, grv.item_um conv_um,
929              recipe_validity_rule_id rule_id, grv.min_qty, grv.max_qty
930         FROM fm_form_mst_b ffm,
931              fm_matl_dtl fmd,
932              gmd_recipes_b gr,
933              gmd_recipe_validity_rules grv
934        WHERE ffm.formula_id = fmd.formula_id
935          AND ffm.formula_id = gr.formula_id
936          AND grv.orgn_code = ffm.orgn_code
937          AND grv.recipe_id = gr.recipe_id
938          AND fmd.scale_type = 0
939          AND fmd.line_type = 1
940          AND (   grv.max_qty <> fmd.qty
941               OR grv.min_qty <> fmd.qty
942               OR grv.std_qty <> fmd.qty
943              )
944          AND grv.item_id = fmd.item_id;
945         x_out_qty   NUMBER;
946    BEGIN
947       FOR x_rec IN fixed_scaling LOOP
948         /* Update only those records whose quantities are incorrect, depending upon the UOM's */
949          IF x_rec.base_um = x_rec.conv_um THEN
950            UPDATE gmd_recipe_validity_rules
951             SET max_qty = x_rec.qty,
952                 min_qty = x_rec.qty,
953                 std_qty = x_rec.qty
954            WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = x_rec.rule_id;
955          ELSE
956          /*Calling the UOM conversation package, if the prduct UOM then the effectivitity UOM */
957          /*gmicuom.icuomcv(p_item_id,p_lot_id,P_min_qty,P_item_um,P_inv_item_um,X_inv_min_qty)*/
958            gmicuom.icuomcv (
959               x_rec.item_id,
960               0,
961               x_rec.qty,
962               x_rec.base_um,
963               x_rec.conv_um,
964               x_out_qty
965             );
967            IF (   x_rec.min_qty <> x_out_qty
968              OR x_rec.max_qty <> x_out_qty
969              OR x_rec.std_qty <> x_out_qty
970             ) THEN
971             UPDATE gmd_recipe_validity_rules
972                SET max_qty = x_out_qty,
973                    min_qty = x_out_qty,
974                    std_qty = x_out_qty
975              WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = x_rec.rule_id;
976            END IF;
977         END IF;
978      END LOOP;
979    END qty_update_fxd_scaling;
982 END gmd_recipe_migration;