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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 254

    SELECT SUBSTR(hou.name,1,20)   org_name,
           SUBSTR(hoi1.org_information2,1,27) company_number_1,
           decode(hoi1.org_information3,'Y',1,2) c2_affiliated_14,
           decode(hoi3.org_information5,'Y',1,2) gov_contract_15,
           SUBSTR(hoi3.org_information4,1,20)  duns_16,
           decode(hoi3.org_information6,'Y',1,2) apprentices_emp_19,
           SUBSTR(hoi3.org_information1,1,14) sic_20,
           SUBSTR(hoi3.org_information2,1,16) naics_21,
           SUBSTR(hoi2.org_information2,1,50) title_cert_off_22,
           SUBSTR(hoi2.org_information1,1,50) name_cert_off_23,
           SUBSTR(hoi2.org_information10,1,20) tel_num_24,
           SUBSTR(hoi2.org_information14,1,10) fax_num_25,
           SUBSTR(hoi2.org_information15,1,40) email_26,
           hoi1.organization_id par_ent_org_id
     FROM  per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn,
           hr_all_organization_units hou,
           hr_organization_information hoi1,
           hr_organization_information hoi2,
           hr_organization_information hoi3
    WHERE  pgn.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
    AND    pgn.node_type = 'PAR'
    AND    hou.organization_id = p_business_group_id
    AND    pgn.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND    hou.organization_id = pgn.business_group_id --BUG3646445
    AND    hoi3.org_information_context  = 'VETS_EEO_Dup'
    AND    hoi3.organization_id = pgn.entity_id
    AND    hoi2.org_information_context  = 'EEO_REPORT'
    AND    hoi2.organization_id = hou.organization_id
    AND    hoi1.org_information_context  = 'EEO_Spec'
    AND    hoi1.organization_id = pgn.entity_id;
Line: 287

     SELECT count('num_emps')
       FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE paf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
        AND paf.assignment_type = 'E'
        AND p_start_date > paf.effective_start_date
        AND p_end_date < paf.effective_end_date
        AND paf.location_id IN
           (SELECT entity_id
            FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes
            WHERE  hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
Line: 1855

           hlei1.lei_information2 unit_number_3,
           UPPER(hlei1.lei_information1) unit_name_4,
                 ' '||
                 eloc.address_line_2)  unit_address_req_5,
           UPPER(eloc.address_line_3)  unit_address_6,
           UPPER(eloc.town_or_city) city_7,
           UPPER(eloc.region_2) state_8,
           SUBSTR(eloc.postal_code,1,5) zip_code_9,
           SUBSTR(eloc.postal_code,7,4) zip_code_last_4_10,
           DECODE(hlei1.lei_information9,'Y',1,2) reported_last_year_11,
           hlei2.lei_information6 ein_12,
           DECODE(hlei1.lei_information4,'Y',1,'N',2) gov_contract_15,
           hlei2.lei_information2 duns_16,
           UPPER(eloc.region_1) county_17,
           DECODE(hlei1.lei_information3,'Y',1,'N',2) apprentices_emp_19,
           hlei2.lei_information3 sic_20,
           hlei2.lei_information4 naics_21,
           hlei2.lei_information10 hq
    FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn,
           hr_location_extra_info hlei1,
           hr_location_extra_info hlei2,
           hr_locations_all eloc
    WHERE  -- pghn.hierarchy_version_id = 2683  -- sd1
           pghn.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id -- 2803 sd10plus
           -- pghn.hierarchy_version_id = 2823 -- Vik SD Albuquereque
    AND    pghn.node_type = 'EST'
    AND    eloc.location_id = pghn.entity_id
    AND    hlei1.location_id = pghn.entity_id
    AND    hlei1.location_id = hlei2.location_id
    AND    hlei1.information_type = 'EEO-1 Specific Information'
    AND    hlei1.lei_information_category = 'EEO-1 Specific Information'
    AND    hlei2.information_type = 'Establishment Information'
    AND    hlei2.lei_information_category = 'Establishment Information';
Line: 1896

/* SELECT count('num_emps_at_location')
       FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE paf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
        AND paf.assignment_type = 'E'
        AND p_start_date >= paf.effective_start_date
        AND p_end_date <= paf.effective_end_date
        AND TO_CHAR(paf.location_id) IN
           (SELECT entity_id
            FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn
            pgn.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
            AND (
              pgn.hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id
                   OR pgn.parent_hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id)
            AND pgn.node_type IN ('EST','LOC')
            ); */
Line: 1914

SELECT  count(peo.person_id)
FROM    per_all_assignments_f ass,
               per_all_people_f peo,
               per_jobs_vl job
WHERE  peo.person_id = ass.person_id
AND    peo.per_information1 is not NULL
AND    job.job_information_category  = 'US'
AND    p_start_date <= nvl(job.date_to,p_end_date )
AND    p_end_date >= job.date_from
AND    job.job_information1 is not NULL
AND    ass.job_id  = job.job_id
AND    peo.effective_start_date = (select max(peo1.effective_start_date)
						       from   per_people_f peo1
						       where  p_start_date <= peo1.effective_end_date
						       and  p_end_date >= peo1.effective_start_date
						       and    peo.person_id = peo1.person_id
						       and     peo1.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
AND    ass.effective_start_date = (select max(ass1.effective_start_date)
						       from    per_all_assignments_f ass1
						       where   p_start_date <= ass1.effective_end_date
						       and     p_end_date  >= ass1.effective_start_date
						       and     ass.person_id = ass1.person_id
						       and     ass1.assignment_type  = 'E'
						       and     ass1.primary_flag     = 'Y'
AND    ass.assignment_type = 'E'
AND    ass.primary_flag = 'Y'
AND    ass.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
AND    peo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
AND    job.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
           SELECT 'X'
              AND hoi1.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Statuses'
              AND    hoi1.organization_id               = p_business_group_id
              AND    ass.employment_category      = hoi2.org_information1
              AND    hoi2.organization_id               = p_business_group_id
              AND    hoi2.org_information_context = 'Reporting Categories'  )
AND   p_start_date <= ass.effective_end_date
AND   p_end_date  >= ass.effective_start_date
AND TO_CHAR(ass.location_id) IN
           (SELECT entity_id
            FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn
            pgn.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
            AND (
              pgn.hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id
                   OR pgn.parent_hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id)
            AND pgn.node_type IN ('EST','LOC')
Line: 1972

           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'3',1))   c_hlfemale,
	   COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'1',1))   c_wfemale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'2',1))   c_bfemale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'5',1))   c_hfemale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'4',1))   c_afemale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'6',1))   c_ifemale,
	   COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'13',1))   c_tmracesfemale,
	   count(peo.person_id)  "c_total_cat",
           hrl.lookup_code lookup_code
    FROM   per_all_people_f                peo,
           per_all_assignments_f           ass,
           per_jobs_vl                     job,
           hr_lookups                      hrl,
           per_gen_hierarchy_nodes         pgn_est
    WHERE  peo.person_id = ass.person_id
    AND    peo.per_information1 IS not NULL
    AND    peo.per_information_category = 'US'
    AND    job.job_information_category = 'US'
    AND    p_start_date <= nvl(job.date_to,p_start_date)
    AND    p_end_date >= job.date_from
    AND    job.job_information1 = hrl.lookup_code
    AND    hrl.lookup_type = 'US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES'
    AND    ass.job_id = job.job_id
    AND    peo.effective_start_date =
             (SELECT MAX(peo1.effective_start_date)
              FROM   per_people_f peo1
              WHERE  p_start_date <= peo1.effective_end_date
              AND    p_end_date >= peo1.effective_start_date
              AND    peo.person_id = peo1.person_id
              AND    peo1.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND ass.effective_start_date =
             (SELECT MAX(ass1.effective_start_date)
              FROM   per_assignments_f ass1
              WHERE  p_start_date <= ass1.effective_end_date
    AND    p_end_date >= ass1.effective_start_date
              AND    ass.person_id = ass1.person_id
              AND    ass1.assignment_type  = 'E'
              AND    ass1.primary_flag     = 'Y'
    AND ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
    AND ass.primary_flag     = 'Y'
    AND ass.business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
    AND peo.business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
    AND job.business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
           SELECT 'X'
             FROM hr_organization_information  hoi1,
                  hr_organization_information hoi2
              WHERE TO_CHAR(ass.assignment_status_type_id) = hoi1.org_information1
              AND   hoi1.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Statuses'
              AND   hoi1.organization_id            = p_business_group_id
              AND   ass.employment_category        = hoi2.org_information1
              AND   hoi2.organization_id            = p_business_group_id
              AND   hoi2.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Categories'
    AND ass.location_id = pgn_est.entity_id
    AND (pgn_est.hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id
           OR pgn_est.parent_hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id)
    AND  pgn_est.node_type IN ('EST','LOC')
    AND pgn_est.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
    AND pgn_est.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
    AND peo.sex = 'F'
    AND  1 > (SELECT count(*)
                FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes         pgn_loc
               WHERE pgn_est.entity_id = pgn_loc.entity_id
                 AND pgn_loc.node_type = 'LOC'
                 AND pgn_loc.parent_hierarchy_node_id = pgn_est.hierarchy_node_id
                 AND pgn_loc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
    GROUP BY hrl.lookup_code;
Line: 2047

           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'3',1))   c_hlmale,
	   COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'1',1))   c_wmale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'2',1))   c_bmale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'5',1))   c_hmale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'4',1))   c_amale,
           COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'6',1))   c_imale,
	   COUNT(DECODE(peo.per_information1,'13',1))   c_tmracesmale,
            hrl.lookup_code lookup_code
    FROM   per_all_people_f                peo,
           per_all_assignments_f           ass,
           per_jobs_vl                     job,
           hr_lookups                      hrl,
           per_gen_hierarchy_nodes         pgn_est
    WHERE  peo.person_id = ass.person_id
    AND    peo.per_information1 IS NOT NULL
    AND    peo.per_information_category = 'US'
    AND    job.job_information_category = 'US'
    AND    p_start_date <= NVL(job.date_to,p_start_date)
    AND    p_end_date >= job.date_from
    AND    job.job_information1 = hrl.lookup_code
    AND    hrl.lookup_type = 'US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES'
    AND    ass.job_id = job.job_id
    AND    peo.effective_start_date =
             (SELECT MAX(peo1.effective_start_date)
              FROM   per_people_f peo1
              WHERE  p_start_date <= peo1.effective_end_date
              AND    p_end_date >= peo1.effective_start_date
              AND    peo.person_id = peo1.person_id
              AND    peo1.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND ass.effective_start_date =
             (SELECT MAX(ass1.effective_start_date)
              FROM   per_assignments_f ass1
              WHERE  p_start_date <= ass1.effective_end_date
  AND    p_end_date >= ass1.effective_start_date
              AND    ass.person_id = ass1.person_id
              AND    ass1.assignment_type  = 'E'
              AND    ass1.primary_flag     = 'Y'
    AND ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
    AND ass.primary_flag     = 'Y'
    AND ass.business_group_id =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND peo.business_group_id =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND job.business_group_id =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
           SELECT 'X'
              AND   hoi1.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Statuses'
              AND   hoi1.organization_id            = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
              AND   ass.employment_category        = hoi2.org_information1
              AND   hoi2.organization_id            = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
              AND   hoi2.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Categories'
    AND ass.location_id = pgn_est.entity_id
    AND (pgn_est.hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id
           OR pgn_est.parent_hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id)
    AND  pgn_est.node_type IN ('EST','LOC')
    AND pgn_est.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
    AND pgn_est.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
    AND peo.sex = 'M'
    AND  1 > (SELECT count(*)
                FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes         pgn_loc
               WHERE pgn_est.entity_id = pgn_loc.entity_id
                 AND pgn_loc.node_type = 'LOC'
                 AND pgn_loc.parent_hierarchy_node_id = pgn_est.hierarchy_node_id
                 AND pgn_loc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
    GROUP BY hrl.lookup_code;
Line: 2122

           count('all_birds_and_blokes_in_job')   c_mf,
           hrl.lookup_code lookup_code
    FROM   per_all_people_f                peo,
           per_all_assignments_f           ass,
           per_jobs_vl                     job,
           hr_lookups                      hrl,
           per_gen_hierarchy_nodes	   pgn_est
    WHERE  peo.person_id = ass.person_id
    AND    peo.per_information1 IN ('1','2','3','4','5','6','13') --BUG4410003
    AND    peo.per_information_category = 'US'
    AND    job.job_information_category = 'US'
    AND    p_start_date <= nvl(job.date_to,p_start_date)
    AND    p_end_date >= job.date_from
    AND    job.job_information1 = hrl.lookup_code
    AND    hrl.lookup_type = 'US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES'
    AND    ass.job_id = job.job_id
    AND    peo.effective_start_date =
             (SELECT MAX(peo1.effective_start_date)
              FROM   per_people_f peo1
              WHERE  p_start_date <= peo1.effective_end_date
              AND    p_end_date >= peo1.effective_start_date
              AND    peo.person_id = peo1.person_id
              AND    peo1.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
    AND ass.effective_start_date =
             (SELECT MAX(ass1.effective_start_date)
              FROM   per_assignments_f ass1
              WHERE  p_start_date <= ass1.effective_end_date
              AND    p_end_date >= ass1.effective_start_date
              AND    ass.person_id = ass1.person_id
              AND    ass1.assignment_type  = 'E'
              AND    ass1.primary_flag     = 'Y'
    AND ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
    AND ass.primary_flag     = 'Y'
    AND ass.business_group_id =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND peo.business_group_id =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND job.business_group_id =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
           SELECT 'X'
              AND   hoi1.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Statuses'
              AND   hoi1.organization_id            = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
              AND   ass.employment_category        = hoi2.org_information1
              AND   hoi2.organization_id            = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
              AND   hoi2.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Categories'  )
    AND ass.location_id = pgn_est.entity_id
    AND (pgn_est.hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id
           OR pgn_est.parent_hierarchy_node_id = l_hierarchy_node_id)
    AND  pgn_est.node_type IN ('EST','LOC')
    AND pgn_est.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
    AND pgn_est.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
    AND  1 > (SELECT count(*)
                FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes         pgn_loc
               WHERE pgn_est.entity_id = pgn_loc.entity_id
                 AND pgn_loc.node_type = 'LOC'
                 AND pgn_loc.parent_hierarchy_node_id = pgn_est.hierarchy_node_id
                 AND pgn_loc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
    GROUP BY hrl.lookup_code;
Line: 2189

     lei_information14   p_hlmale
      ,lei_information15  p_hlfemale
      ,lei_information4    p_wmale
     ,lei_information5     p_bmale
     ,lei_information6     p_hmale
     ,lei_information7     p_amale
     ,lei_information8     p_imale
     ,lei_information16   p_tmracesmale
     ,lei_information9     p_wfemale
     ,lei_information10   p_bfemale
     ,lei_information11   p_hfemale
     ,lei_information12   p_afemale
     ,lei_information13   p_ifemale
     ,lei_information17   p_tmracesfemale
     ,lei_information3     p_total

   FROM     hr_location_extra_info  lei
           ,per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn
  WHERE   lei.lei_information1 =  l_prev_year_filed
    AND   lei.information_type = 'EEO-1 Archive Information'
    -- BUG3646445
    AND   lei.location_id = pgn.entity_id
    AND  pgn.hierarchy_node_id =  l_hierarchy_node_id
    AND pgn.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id;
Line: 2218

  PROCEDURE insert_location_eit(p_hierarchy_node_id IN NUMBER,
                                p_hierarchy_version_id IN NUMBER,
                                p_report_year IN  VARCHAR2)  IS

  p_update VARCHAR2(1) := 'C';
Line: 2231

  BEGIN --insert_location_eit

     fnd_file.put_line(which => fnd_file.log,buff =>'insert INTO location eit ');
Line: 2236

         SELECT eloc.location_id,
           INTO l_location_id,
           FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn,
                hr_locations_all eloc
          WHERE (hierarchy_node_id = p_hierarchy_node_id
             or parent_hierarchy_node_id = p_hierarchy_node_id)
            AND hierarchy_version_id =  p_hierarchy_version_id
            AND pgn.node_type = 'EST'
            AND eloc.location_id = pgn.entity_id;
Line: 2253

      SELECT 'U',
        INTO p_update,
        FROM hr_location_extra_info
       WHERE lei_information1 = p_report_year
         AND lei_information_category =  'EEO-1 Archive Information'
         AND location_id = l_location_id;
Line: 2263

         p_update := 'C';
Line: 2276

     IF p_update = 'U' THEN
           (which => fnd_file.log,
            buff  => '                     ');
Line: 2282

            buff  => 'p_update '||p_update||' location_id to update IS '
                     ||l_location_id ||' '|| l_location_code);
Line: 2286

            SELECT object_version_number
              INTO l_object_version_number
              FROM hr_location_extra_info
             WHERE location_extra_info_id = l_location_extra_info_id;
Line: 2293

            (p_validate                  =>    false -- true
            ,p_location_extra_info_id    =>    l_location_extra_info_id
            ,p_object_version_number     =>    l_object_version_number
Line: 2301

      p_update := 'C';
Line: 2303

     END IF; --p_update = 'U'
Line: 2305

   IF  p_update = 'C'  THEN
           (which => fnd_file.log,
            buff  => 'p_update '||p_update||' location_id '||l_location_id);
Line: 2355

   END IF; -- IF p_update = 'C'
Line: 2363

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO l_eit_count
           FROM hr_location_extra_info  lei
          WHERE location_id = l_location_id
            AND information_type = 'EEO-1 Archive Information';
Line: 2378

          SELECT min(lei_information1)
            INTO l_min_year
            FROM hr_location_extra_info  lei
           WHERE location_id = l_location_id
             AND information_type = 'EEO-1 Archive Information';
Line: 2385

          SELECT location_extra_info_id, object_version_number
           INTO l_location_extra_info_id,l_object_version_number
           FROM hr_location_extra_info  lei
          WHERE lei_information1 = l_min_year
            AND information_type = 'EEO-1 Archive Information'
            AND location_id = l_location_id;
Line: 2393

            (p_validate                  =>    false -- true
            ,p_location_extra_info_id    =>    l_location_extra_info_id
            ,p_object_version_number     =>    l_object_version_number
Line: 2407

END insert_location_eit;
Line: 2409

PROCEDURE insert_org_eit(p_hierarchy_node_id IN NUMBER,
                         p_hierarchy_version_id IN NUMBER,
                         p_business_group_id    IN NUMBER,
                         p_report_year IN  VARCHAR2)  IS

  p_update VARCHAR2(1) := 'C';
Line: 2425

  l_proc VARCHAR2(40) := g_package || 'insert_org_eit';
Line: 2427


      l_organization_id := l_org_rec.par_ent_org_id;
Line: 2431

      SELECT 'U', org_information_id
        INTO p_update, l_org_information_id
        FROM hr_organization_information
       WHERE org_information1 = p_report_year
         AND organization_id = l_org_rec.par_ent_org_id;
Line: 2440

      p_update := 'C';
Line: 2471

   IF p_update = 'U' THEN
           (which => fnd_file.log,
            buff  => 'p_update '||p_update||' org_id to update IS '
                     ||l_organization_id||' IN bus grp '
Line: 2479

            SELECT object_version_number
              INTO l_object_version_number
              FROM hr_organization_information
             WHERE org_information_id = l_org_information_id;
Line: 2489

            (p_validate                  =>    false -- true
            ,p_org_information_id        =>    l_org_information_id
            ,p_object_version_number     =>    l_object_version_number
Line: 2497

      p_update := 'C';
Line: 2499

   END IF; --p_update = 'U'
Line: 2501

   IF  p_update = 'C' THEN
           (which => fnd_file.log,
            buff  => '                      ');
Line: 2507

            buff  => 'p_update '||p_update||' org id '||l_organization_id);
Line: 2549

   END IF; --p_update = 'C'
Line: 2558

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_eit_count
        FROM hr_organization_information
       WHERE organization_id = p_business_group_id
         AND org_information_context = 'EEO_Archive';
Line: 2572

           SELECT MIN(org_information1)
             INTO l_min_year
             FROM hr_organization_information
            WHERE organization_id = p_business_group_id
              AND ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT = 'EEO_Archive';
Line: 2580

         SELECT org_information_id,
           INTO l_org_information_id
           FROM hr_organization_information
          WHERE org_information1 = l_min_year
            AND org_information_context = 'EEO_Archive'
            AND organization_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 2590

            (p_validate                  =>    false -- true
            ,p_org_information_id        =>    l_org_information_id
            ,p_object_version_number     =>    l_object_version_number
Line: 2602

END insert_org_eit;
Line: 4269

	  insert_location_eit(p_hierarchy_node_id => l_hierarchy_node_id,
                              p_hierarchy_version_id => p_hierarchy_version_id,
                              p_report_year => l_report_year);
Line: 4286

      insert_org_eit(p_hierarchy_node_id => l_hierarchy_node_id,
                     p_hierarchy_version_id => p_hierarchy_version_id,
                     p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id,
                     p_report_year => l_report_year);
Line: 4315

  SELECT  count('establishments')
    FROM  per_gen_hierarchy_nodes
   WHERE  node_type = 'EST'
     AND  hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id;