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Line 145: ,mtl_parameters mp

141: ,NVL(msi.end_assembly_pegging_flag,'N')
142: ,mp.allocate_serial_flag
143: FROM mtl_transaction_types mtt
144: ,mtl_system_items msi
145: ,mtl_parameters mp
146: WHERE mtt.transaction_type_id = l_txn_type_id
147: AND msi.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
148: AND msi.organization_id = l_organization_id
149: AND mp.organization_id = l_organization_id;

Line 1064: -- Bug 1712465 - We now get detail_any_serial from mtl_parameters

1060: -- Determine whether serial numbers should be detailed.
1061: -- First, get value for profile
1062: -- If profile = 1, detail any serial number, not just those
1063: -- within the given range
1064: -- Bug 1712465 - We now get detail_any_serial from mtl_parameters
1065: -- in the get_request_context procedure.
1066: --x_request_context.detail_any_serial :=
1067: -- to_number(fnd_profile.value('INV:DETAIL_SERIAL_NUMBERS'));

Line 3809: from mtl_parameters

3805: l_organization_code Varchar2(10);
3807: Cursor get_org (p_organization_id IN NUMBER) is
3808: Select organization_code
3809: from mtl_parameters
3810: Where organization_id = p_organization_id;
3811: Begin
3812: Open get_org(p_organization_id);
3813: Fetch get_org into l_organization_code;