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Line 185: -- wf_directory.IsPerformer which only operates for current sysdate.

181: -- Assignment_Check (INTERNAL routine only)
182: --
183: -- Check whether a particular assignment of a user to a role exists,
184: -- regardless of start/end date. This is different from
185: -- wf_directory.IsPerformer which only operates for current sysdate.
186: -- In: username- user name
187: -- In: rolename- role name
188: --
189: function Assignment_Check(username in varchar2,

Line 519: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,

517: /* We can't just assume that the orig system is FND_USR. It could */
518: /* be PER because the row in wf_users/wf_roles is one or the other */
519: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,
520: l_user_orig_system,
521: l_user_orig_system_id);
523: /* In case there is no WF user, sync this user up so there is one.*/

Line 529: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,

525: /* # Should we remove this code and just trust the bulk sync? */
526: if( (l_user_orig_system is NULL)
527: and (l_user_orig_system_id is NULL)) then
528: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(username);
529: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,
530: l_user_orig_system,
531: l_user_orig_system_id);
532: end if;

Line 707: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,

703: end if;
705: /* We can't just assume that the orig system is FND_USR. It could */
706: /* be PER because the row in wf_users/wf_roles is one or the other */
707: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,
708: l_user_orig_system,
709: l_user_orig_system_id);
711: /* In case there is no WF user, sync this user up so there is one.*/

Line 717: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,

713: /* # Should we remove this code and just trust bulk sync?*/
714: if( (l_user_orig_system is NULL)
715: and (l_user_orig_system_id is NULL)) then
716: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(username);
717: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(username,
718: l_user_orig_system,
719: l_user_orig_system_id);
720: end if;

Line 925: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(x_user_name,

921: ':'||resp_id;
923: -- Bug3649874 propagate the who columns
925: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(x_user_name,
926: l_user_orig_system,
927: l_user_orig_system_id);
929: wf_local_synch.PropagateUserRole

Line 1552: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(rowrec.user_name,

1548: 'USER_ROLE Not FOUND. Need to insert');
1549: end if;
1550: -- We cant just assume that the orig system is FND_USR. It could
1551: -- be PER because the row in wf_users/wf_roles is one or the other
1552: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(rowrec.user_name,
1553: l_user_orig_system,
1554: l_user_orig_system_id);
1555: -- In case there is no WF user, sync this user up so there is one.
1556: -- Should never happen but be safe in case sync wasnt perfect in past

Line 1566: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(rowrec.user_name,

1562: 'Orig system and id not found. Trying to sync user:'||
1563: rowrec.user_name);
1564: end if;
1565: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(rowrec.user_name);
1566: wf_directory.GetRoleOrigSysInfo(rowrec.user_name,
1567: l_user_orig_system,
1568: l_user_orig_system_id);
1569: end if;
1570: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then