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Line 1813: CURSOR cur_min_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,

1809: AND pee_start_dt <= cp_effective_date
1810: AND (expiry_dt IS NULL OR expiry_dt >= cp_effective_date);
1812: -- Cursor for getting the minimum primary program credit points that are defined
1813: CURSOR cur_min_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1814: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)
1815: IS
1816: SELECT min_cp_per_calendar
1817: FROM igs_ps_ver

Line 1814: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)

1810: AND (expiry_dt IS NULL OR expiry_dt >= cp_effective_date);
1812: -- Cursor for getting the minimum primary program credit points that are defined
1813: CURSOR cur_min_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1814: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)
1815: IS
1816: SELECT min_cp_per_calendar
1817: FROM igs_ps_ver
1818: WHERE course_cd = cp_primary_cd

Line 1817: FROM igs_ps_ver

1813: CURSOR cur_min_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1814: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)
1815: IS
1816: SELECT min_cp_per_calendar
1817: FROM igs_ps_ver
1818: WHERE course_cd = cp_primary_cd
1819: AND version_number = cp_version_number;
1821: -- Below three cursors added as part of Enrl Elgbl and Validation Build. Bug#2616692

Line 1984: CURSOR cur_max_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,

1980: AND pee_start_dt <= cp_effective_date
1981: AND (expiry_dt IS NULL OR expiry_dt >= cp_effective_date);
1983: -- Cursor for getting the maximum primary program credit points that are defined
1984: CURSOR cur_max_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1985: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)
1986: IS
1987: SELECT max_cp_per_teaching_period
1988: FROM igs_ps_ver

Line 1985: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)

1981: AND (expiry_dt IS NULL OR expiry_dt >= cp_effective_date);
1983: -- Cursor for getting the maximum primary program credit points that are defined
1984: CURSOR cur_max_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1985: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)
1986: IS
1987: SELECT max_cp_per_teaching_period
1988: FROM igs_ps_ver
1989: WHERE course_cd = cp_primary_cd

Line 1988: FROM igs_ps_ver

1984: CURSOR cur_max_primary_cp(cp_primary_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1985: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE)
1986: IS
1987: SELECT max_cp_per_teaching_period
1988: FROM igs_ps_ver
1989: WHERE course_cd = cp_primary_cd
1990: AND version_number = cp_version_number;
1992: -- Below cursor added as part of Enrl Elgbl and Validation Build. Bug#2616692