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Line 67: ap_tax_codes_all TC

63: , aatd.checkrun_id
64: , TC.description --Bug5502917
65: FROM ap_awt_temp_distributions_all AATD,
66: ap_invoices_all AI,
67: ap_tax_codes_all TC
68: WHERE AATD.invoice_id = InvId
69: AND AATD.invoice_id = AI.invoice_id
70: AND AATD.tax_name = TC.name(+)
71: AND TC.org_id = AI.org_id -- Bug5902006

Line 712: tax_authority_id ap_tax_codes.awt_vendor_id%TYPE;

709: P_create_dists IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) --Bug7685907 bug8207324 bug8236169
710: IS
711: new_invoice_id ap_invoices.invoice_id%TYPE;
712: tax_authority_id ap_tax_codes.awt_vendor_id%TYPE;
713: tax_authority_site_id ap_tax_codes.awt_vendor_site_id%TYPE;
714: base_currency ap_system_parameters.base_currency_code%TYPE;
715: new_invoice_base_descr ap_invoices.description%TYPE;
716: inv_terms_date DATE;

Line 713: tax_authority_site_id ap_tax_codes.awt_vendor_site_id%TYPE;

709: P_create_dists IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) --Bug7685907 bug8207324 bug8236169
710: IS
711: new_invoice_id ap_invoices.invoice_id%TYPE;
712: tax_authority_id ap_tax_codes.awt_vendor_id%TYPE;
713: tax_authority_site_id ap_tax_codes.awt_vendor_site_id%TYPE;
714: base_currency ap_system_parameters.base_currency_code%TYPE;
715: new_invoice_base_descr ap_invoices.description%TYPE;
716: inv_terms_date DATE;
717: ta_terms_id po_vendor_sites.terms_id%TYPE;

Line 779: ap_tax_codes_all ATC,

775: --, APID.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code - Bug 4277744
776: --, APID.ussgl_trx_code_context ussgl_trx_code_context - Bug 4277744
777: , APID.org_id
778: FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all APID,
779: ap_tax_codes_all ATC,
780: ap_invoices_all AI
781: WHERE (APID.invoice_id = InvId)
782: AND (APID.invoice_line_number = NVL(P_Inv_Line_No,invoice_line_number))
783: AND (APID.distribution_line_number = NVL(P_dist_Line_No,distribution_line_number))

Line 870: FROM ap_tax_codes_all t,

866: s.pay_group_lookup_code,
867: s.accts_pay_code_combination_id,
868: s.party_site_id,
869: pv.party_id
870: FROM ap_tax_codes_all t,
871: ap_system_parameters_all p,
872: po_vendor_sites_all s,
873: po_vendors pv
874: WHERE t.tax_id = TaxId

Line 1477: l_tax_name ap_tax_codes.name%TYPE;

1473: p_checkrun_id in number default null)
1474: IS
1475: l_awt_flag ap_invoices.awt_flag%TYPE;
1476: l_inv_curr_code ap_invoices.invoice_currency_code%TYPE;
1477: l_tax_name ap_tax_codes.name%TYPE;
1478: l_payment_date DATE := p_awt_date;
1479: l_org_id number; --4742265
1481: -- The variable "l_AWT_success" checks general WT calculations in the first

Line 2562: ap_tax_codes_all TC

2558: , TC.tax_id tax_code_id
2559: , aatd.checkrun_id
2560: FROM ap_awt_temp_distributions_all AATD,
2561: ap_invoices_all AI,
2562: ap_tax_codes_all TC
2563: WHERE AATD.invoice_id = InvId
2564: AND AATD.invoice_id = AI.invoice_id
2565: AND TC.name(+) = AATD.tax_name
2566: AND TC.tax_type = 'AWT' -- BUG 3665866

Line 2591: FROM ap_tax_codes_all

2587: ret BOOLEAN;
2589: CURSOR c_get_limit IS
2590: SELECT 'Limit ExISts'
2591: FROM ap_tax_codes_all
2592: WHERE tax_id = TaxId
2593: AND awt_period_type IS not NULL;
2595: dummy CHAR(12);

Line 2647: ap_tax_codes_all C

2644: CURSOR c_get_awt_period IS
2645: SELECT p.period_name
2646: FROM ap_other_periods P,
2647: ap_tax_codes_all C
2648: WHERE (rec_temp.accounting_date BETWEEN
2649: p.start_date AND p.end_date)
2650: AND p.period_type = c.awt_period_type
2651: AND c.name = rec_temp.tax_name

Line 3020: ap_tax_codes TC,

3016: , AID.awt_invoice_payment_id
3017: , AID.invoice_distribution_id
3018: , AID.awt_related_id
3019: FROM ap_invoice_distributions AID,
3020: ap_tax_codes TC,
3021: ap_invoices AI
3022: WHERE AID.invoice_id = ParentId
3023: AND TC.tax_id (+) = AID.withholding_tax_code_id /* Bug 5382525 */
3024: AND AID.invoice_id = AI.invoice_id --6660355

Line 3137: ap_tax_codes TC

3133: , AID.awt_invoice_payment_id
3134: , AID.invoice_distribution_id
3135: , awt_related_id
3136: FROM ap_invoice_distributions AID,
3137: ap_tax_codes TC
3138: WHERE AID.awt_invoice_payment_id = ParentId
3139: AND TC.tax_id(+) = AID.withholding_tax_code_id /* 5382525 */
3140: AND AID.invoice_line_number = NVL(P_Inv_Line_No,
3141: AID.invoice_line_number)

Line 3257: ap_tax_codes T

3253: msg VARCHAR2(240);
3254: CURSOR c_get_period (distDate IN DATE, TaxId IN NUMBER) IS
3255: SELECT period_name
3256: FROM ap_other_periods P,
3257: ap_tax_codes T
3258: WHERE t.tax_id = TaxId
3259: AND p.period_type = t.awt_period_type
3260: AND p.application_id = 200
3261: AND p.module = 'AWT'