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APPS.IGR_IMP_001 dependencies on IGR_IS_RACE

Line 244: CURSOR inq_per_race_cur(l_person_id igr_is_race.person_id%TYPE) IS

240: status IN (inserted,updated);
243: --2775931 Start
244: CURSOR inq_per_race_cur(l_person_id igr_is_race.person_id%TYPE) IS
246: race_cd
247: FROM
248: igr_is_race

Line 248: igr_is_race

244: CURSOR inq_per_race_cur(l_person_id igr_is_race.person_id%TYPE) IS
246: race_cd
247: FROM
248: igr_is_race
249: WHERE
250: person_id = l_person_id AND
251: status IN (inserted,updated);
252: --2775931 Start

Line 1797: /* Validate the data in Self Service table igr_is_race for not null before inserting into igs_pe_race_int */

1795: --2775931 start
1796: FOR inq_per_race_rec IN inq_per_race_cur(inq_rec.inq_person_id) LOOP
1797: /* Validate the data in Self Service table igr_is_race for not null before inserting into igs_pe_race_int */
1798: /* Validate the data in Self Service table igr_is_race, race_cd column for value from lookup before inserting into igs_pe_race_int */
1799: validate_race_int(inq_per_race_rec,l_status,l_tokenstr);
1800: IF l_status = 1 THEN
1801: BEGIN

Line 1798: /* Validate the data in Self Service table igr_is_race, race_cd column for value from lookup before inserting into igs_pe_race_int */

1795: --2775931 start
1796: FOR inq_per_race_rec IN inq_per_race_cur(inq_rec.inq_person_id) LOOP
1797: /* Validate the data in Self Service table igr_is_race for not null before inserting into igs_pe_race_int */
1798: /* Validate the data in Self Service table igr_is_race, race_cd column for value from lookup before inserting into igs_pe_race_int */
1799: validate_race_int(inq_per_race_rec,l_status,l_tokenstr);
1800: IF l_status = 1 THEN
1801: BEGIN
1802: INSERT INTO igs_pe_race_int

Line 1843: UPDATE igr_is_race SET status = 'T' WHERE person_id = inq_rec.inq_person_id;

1839: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Insert on IGS_PE_RACE_INT failed '||SQLERRM);
1840: RAISE;
1841: END;
1843: UPDATE igr_is_race SET status = 'T' WHERE person_id = inq_rec.inq_person_id;
1844: ELSIF l_status = 2 THEN /* l_status = 0 i.e Validation failed due to lookup_code check */
1845: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
1846: fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME','igs_pe_race_int');
1847: fnd_message.set_token('COL_NAMES',l_tokenstr);