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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

  PROCEDURE select_row(recinfo IN OUT NOCOPY rg_report_content_sets%ROWTYPE) IS
    select * INTO recinfo
    from rg_report_content_sets
    where content_set_id = recinfo.content_set_id;
Line: 26

  END select_row;
Line: 28

  PROCEDURE select_columns(X_content_set_id NUMBER,
                           X_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
    recinfo rg_report_content_sets%ROWTYPE;
Line: 33

Line: 35

  END select_columns;
Line: 42

     select 1 into dummy from dual
     where not exists
       (select 1 from rg_report_content_sets
        where name = X_name
          and application_id = X_application_id
          and ((X_rowid IS NULL) OR (rowid <> X_rowid)));
Line: 59

    select 1 into dummy from dual
    where not exists
      (select 1 from rg_reports
       where  content_set_id = X_content_set_id);
Line: 73

    select rg_report_content_sets_s.nextval
    into   next_group_id
    from   dual;