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2 /*$Header: ARH2CASS.pls 120.12 2006/08/17 10:16:40 idali ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This package contains the public APIs for customer accounts and related entities.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product HZ
7  * @rep:displayname  Customer Account
10  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY HZ_PERSON
11  * @rep:lifecycle active
12  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
13  */
15 --------------------------------------
16 -- declaration of record type
17 --------------------------------------
19 TYPE cust_account_rec_type IS RECORD (
20     cust_account_id                         NUMBER,
21     account_number                          VARCHAR2(30),
22     attribute_category                      VARCHAR2(30),
23     attribute1                              VARCHAR2(150),
24     attribute2                              VARCHAR2(150),
25     attribute3                              VARCHAR2(150),
26     attribute4                              VARCHAR2(150),
27     attribute5                              VARCHAR2(150),
28     attribute6                              VARCHAR2(150),
29     attribute7                              VARCHAR2(150),
30     attribute8                              VARCHAR2(150),
31     attribute9                              VARCHAR2(150),
32     attribute10                             VARCHAR2(150),
33     attribute11                             VARCHAR2(150),
34     attribute12                             VARCHAR2(150),
35     attribute13                             VARCHAR2(150),
36     attribute14                             VARCHAR2(150),
37     attribute15                             VARCHAR2(150),
38     attribute16                             VARCHAR2(150),
39     attribute17                             VARCHAR2(150),
40     attribute18                             VARCHAR2(150),
41     attribute19                             VARCHAR2(150),
42     attribute20                             VARCHAR2(150),
43     global_attribute_category               VARCHAR2(30),
44     global_attribute1                       VARCHAR2(150),
45     global_attribute2                       VARCHAR2(150),
46     global_attribute3                       VARCHAR2(150),
47     global_attribute4                       VARCHAR2(150),
48     global_attribute5                       VARCHAR2(150),
49     global_attribute6                       VARCHAR2(150),
50     global_attribute7                       VARCHAR2(150),
51     global_attribute8                       VARCHAR2(150),
52     global_attribute9                       VARCHAR2(150),
53     global_attribute10                      VARCHAR2(150),
54     global_attribute11                      VARCHAR2(150),
55     global_attribute12                      VARCHAR2(150),
56     global_attribute13                      VARCHAR2(150),
57     global_attribute14                      VARCHAR2(150),
58     global_attribute15                      VARCHAR2(150),
59     global_attribute16                      VARCHAR2(150),
60     global_attribute17                      VARCHAR2(150),
61     global_attribute18                      VARCHAR2(150),
62     global_attribute19                      VARCHAR2(150),
63     global_attribute20                      VARCHAR2(150),
64     orig_system_reference                   VARCHAR2(240),
65     orig_system                             VARCHAR2(30),
66     status                                  VARCHAR2(1),
67     customer_type                           VARCHAR2(30),
68     customer_class_code                     VARCHAR2(30),
69     primary_salesrep_id                     NUMBER,
70     sales_channel_code                      VARCHAR2(30),
71     order_type_id                           NUMBER,
72     price_list_id                           NUMBER,
73     tax_code                                VARCHAR2(50),
74     fob_point                               VARCHAR2(30),
75     freight_term                            VARCHAR2(30),
76     ship_partial                            VARCHAR2(1),
77     ship_via                                VARCHAR2(30),
78     warehouse_id                            NUMBER,
79     tax_header_level_flag                   VARCHAR2(1),
80     tax_rounding_rule                       VARCHAR2(30),
81     coterminate_day_month                   VARCHAR2(6),
82     primary_specialist_id                   NUMBER,
83     secondary_specialist_id                 NUMBER,
84     account_liable_flag                     VARCHAR2(1),
85     current_balance                         NUMBER,
86     account_established_date                DATE,
87     account_termination_date                DATE,
88     account_activation_date                 DATE,
89     department                              VARCHAR2(30),
90     held_bill_expiration_date               DATE,
91     hold_bill_flag                          VARCHAR2(1),
92     realtime_rate_flag                      VARCHAR2(1),
93     acct_life_cycle_status                  VARCHAR2(30),
94     account_name                            VARCHAR2(240),
95     deposit_refund_method                   VARCHAR2(20),
96     dormant_account_flag                    VARCHAR2(1),
97     npa_number                              VARCHAR2(60),
98     suspension_date                         DATE,
99     source_code                             VARCHAR2(150),
100     comments                                VARCHAR2(240),
101     dates_negative_tolerance                NUMBER,
102     dates_positive_tolerance                NUMBER,
103     date_type_preference                    VARCHAR2(20),
104     over_shipment_tolerance                 NUMBER,
105     under_shipment_tolerance                NUMBER,
106     over_return_tolerance                   NUMBER,
107     under_return_tolerance                  NUMBER,
108     item_cross_ref_pref                     VARCHAR2(30),
109     ship_sets_include_lines_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
110     arrivalsets_include_lines_flag          VARCHAR2(1),
111     sched_date_push_flag                    VARCHAR2(1),
112     invoice_quantity_rule                   VARCHAR2(30),
113     pricing_event                           VARCHAR2(30),
114     status_update_date                      DATE,
115     autopay_flag                            VARCHAR2(1),
116     notify_flag                             VARCHAR2(1),
117     last_batch_id                           NUMBER,
118     selling_party_id                        NUMBER,
119     created_by_module                       VARCHAR2(150),
120     application_id                          NUMBER
121 );
123 TYPE cust_acct_relate_rec_type IS RECORD (
124     cust_account_id                         NUMBER,
125     related_cust_account_id                 NUMBER,
126     relationship_type                       VARCHAR2(30),
127     comments                                VARCHAR2(240),
128     attribute_category                      VARCHAR2(30),
129     attribute1                              VARCHAR2(150),
130     attribute2                              VARCHAR2(150),
131     attribute3                              VARCHAR2(150),
132     attribute4                              VARCHAR2(150),
133     attribute5                              VARCHAR2(150),
134     attribute6                              VARCHAR2(150),
135     attribute7                              VARCHAR2(150),
136     attribute8                              VARCHAR2(150),
137     attribute9                              VARCHAR2(150),
138     attribute10                             VARCHAR2(150),
139     customer_reciprocal_flag                VARCHAR2(1),
140     status                                  VARCHAR2(1),
141     attribute11                             VARCHAR2(150),
142     attribute12                             VARCHAR2(150),
143     attribute13                             VARCHAR2(150),
144     attribute14                             VARCHAR2(150),
145     attribute15                             VARCHAR2(150),
146     bill_to_flag                            VARCHAR2(1),
147     ship_to_flag                            VARCHAR2(1),
148     created_by_module                       VARCHAR2(150),
149     application_id                          NUMBER,
150     org_id                                  NUMBER,  /* Bug 3456489 */
151     cust_acct_relate_id                     NUMBER   -- Bug 4529413
152 );
154 --------------------------------------
155 -- declaration of public procedures and functions
156 --------------------------------------
158 /**
159  * PROCEDURE create_cust_account
160  *
162  *     Creates customer account for person party.
163  *
165  *     HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.create_person
166  *     HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFIE_V2PUB.create_customer_profile
167  *
169  *   IN:
170  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
171  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
172  *     p_cust_account_rec             Customer account record.
173  *     p_person_rec                   Person party record which being created account
174  *                                    belongs to. If party_id in person record is not
175  *                                    passed in or party_id does not exist in hz_parties,
176  *                                    API ceates a person party based on this record.
177  *     p_customer_profile_rec         Customer profile record. One customer account
178  *                                    must have a customer profile.
179  *     p_create_profile_amt           If it is set to FND_API.G_TRUE, API create customer
180  *                                    profile amounts by copying corresponding data
181  *                                    from customer profile class amounts.
182  *   IN/OUT:
183  *   OUT:
184  *     x_cust_account_id              Customer account ID.
185  *     x_account_number               Customer account number.
186  *     x_party_id                     Party ID of the person party which this account
187  *                                    belongs to.
188  *     x_party_number                 Party number of the person party which this account
189  *                                    belongs to.
190  *     x_profile_id                   Person profile ID.
191  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
192  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
193  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
194  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
195  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
196  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
197  *
198  * NOTES
199  *
201  *
202  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
203  *
204  */
205 /*#
206  * Use this routine to create a customer account. The API creates records in the
207  * HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table for the Person party type. You can create a customer account for
208  * an existing party by passing the party_id value of the party. Alternatively, this
209  * routine creates a new party and an account for that party. You can also create a
210  * customer profile record in the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table, while calling this routine
211  * based on value passed in p_customer_profile_rec. This routine is overloaded for Person
212  * and Organization. If an orig_system_reference is passed in, then the API creates a
213  * record in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table to store the mapping between the source
214  * system reference and the TCA primary key. If orig_system_reference is not passed in,
215  * then the default is UNKNOWN.
216  * @rep:scope public
217  * @rep:lifecycle active
218  * @rep:displayname Create Customer Account  (For Person party)
219  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.CustAccount.create
220  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
221  */
222 PROCEDURE create_cust_account (
223     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
224     p_cust_account_rec                      IN     CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
225     p_person_rec                            IN     HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.PERSON_REC_TYPE,
226     p_customer_profile_rec                  IN     HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_V2PUB.CUSTOMER_PROFILE_REC_TYPE,
227     p_create_profile_amt                    IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE,
228     x_cust_account_id                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
229     x_account_number                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
230     x_party_id                              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
231     x_party_number                          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
232     x_profile_id                            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
233     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
234     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
235     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
236 );
238 /**
239  * PROCEDURE create_cust_account
240  *
242  *     Creates customer account for organization party.
243  *
245  *     HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.create_organization
246  *     HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_V2PUB.create_customer_profile
247  *
249  *   IN:
250  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
251  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
252  *     p_cust_account_rec             Customer account record.
253  *     p_organization_rec             Organization party record which being created account
254  *                                    belongs to. If party_id in organization record is not
255  *                                    passed in or party_id does not exist in hz_parties,
256  *                                    API ceates a organization party based on this record.
257  *     p_customer_profile_rec         Customer profile record. One customer account
258  *                                    must have a customer profile.
259  *     p_create_profile_amt           If it is set to FND_API.G_TRUE, API create customer
260  *                                    profile amounts by copying corresponding data
261  *                                    from customer profile class amounts.
262  *   IN/OUT:
263  *   OUT:
264  *     x_cust_account_id              Customer account ID.
265  *     x_account_number               Customer account number.
266  *     x_party_id                     Party ID of the organization party which this account
267  *                                    belongs to.
268  *     x_party_number                 Party number of the organization party which this
269  *                                    account belongs to.
270  *     x_profile_id                   Organization profile ID.
271  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
272  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
273  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
274  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
275  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
276  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
277  *
278  * NOTES
279  *
281  *
282  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
283  *
284  */
285 /*#
286  * Use this routine to create a customer account. This API creates records in the
287  * HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table for the Organization party type. You can create an account for
288  * an existing party by passing party_id of the party. Alternatively, you can use this
289  * routine to create a new party and an account for that party. You can also create a
290  * customer profile record in the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table, while calling this routine
291  * based on the value passed in p_customer_profile_rec. This routine is overloaded for
292  * Person and Organization. If an orig_system_reference is passed in, then the API creates
293  * a record in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table to store the mapping between the source
294  * system reference and the TCA primary key. If orig_system_reference is not passed in,
295  * then the default is UNKNOWN.
296  * @rep:scope public
297  * @rep:lifecycle active
298  * @rep:displayname Create Customer Account  (For Organization party)
299  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.CustAccount.create
300  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
301  */
302 PROCEDURE create_cust_account (
303     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
304     p_cust_account_rec                      IN     CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
305     p_organization_rec                      IN     HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.ORGANIZATION_REC_TYPE,
306     p_customer_profile_rec                  IN     HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_V2PUB.CUSTOMER_PROFILE_REC_TYPE,
307     p_create_profile_amt                    IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE,
308     x_cust_account_id                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
309     x_account_number                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
310     x_party_id                              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
311     x_party_number                          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
312     x_profile_id                            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
313     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
314     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
315     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
316 );
318 /**
319  * PROCEDURE update_cust_account
320  *
322  *     Updates customer account.
323  *
325  *
327  *   IN:
328  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
329  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
330  *     p_cust_account_rec             Customer account record.
331  *   IN/OUT:
332  *     p_object_version_number        Used for locking the being updated record.
333  *   OUT:
334  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
335  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
336  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
337  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
338  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
339  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
340  *
341  * NOTES
342  *
344  *
345  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
346  *
347  */
348 /*#
349  * Use this routine to update a customer account. This API updates records in the
350  * HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table. The customer account can belong to a party of type
351  * Person or Organization. The same routine updates all types of accounts,
352  * whether the account belongs to a person or an organization. If the primary key is not
353  * passed in, then get the primary key from the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table, based on
354  * orig_system and orig_system_reference. Note: orig_system and orig_system_reference must
355  * be unique and not null and unique.
356  * @rep:scope public
357  * @rep:lifecycle active
358  * @rep:displayname Update Customer Account
359  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.CustAccount.update
360  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
361  */
362 PROCEDURE update_cust_account (
363     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
364     p_cust_account_rec                      IN     CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
365     p_object_version_number                 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
366     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
367     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
368     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
369 );
371 /**
372  * PROCEDURE get_cust_account_rec
373  *
375  *      Gets customer account record
376  *
378  *
380  *   IN:
381  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
382  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
383  *     p_cust_account_id              Customer account id.
384  *   IN/OUT:
385  *   OUT:
386  *     x_cust_account_rec             Returned customer account record.
387  *     x_customer_profile_rec         Returned customer profile record.
388  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
389  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
390  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
391  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
392  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
393  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
394  *
395  * NOTES
396  *
398  *
399  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
400  *
401  */
403 PROCEDURE get_cust_account_rec (
404     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
405     p_cust_account_id                       IN     NUMBER,
406     x_cust_account_rec                      OUT    NOCOPY CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
407     x_customer_profile_rec                  OUT    NOCOPY HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_V2PUB.CUSTOMER_PROFILE_REC_TYPE,
408     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
409     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
410     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
411 );
413 /**
414  * PROCEDURE create_cust_acct_relate ( signature 1)
415  *
417  *     Creates relationship between two customer accounts.
418  *
420  *
422  *   IN:
423  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
424  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
425  *     p_cust_acct_relate_rec         Customer account relate record.
426  *   IN/OUT:
427  *   OUT:
428  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
429  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
430  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
431  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
432  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
433  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
434  *
435  * NOTES
436  *
438  *
439  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
440  *
441  */
442 /*#
443  * Use this routine to create a customer account relationship. This API creates records in
444  * the HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE table. You can use this process to relate two different
445  * customer accounts. Use the Relationship APIs to create relationships between parties.
446  * @rep:scope public
447  * @rep:lifecycle active
448  * @rep:displayname Create Customer Account Relationship
449  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.CustAcctRelate.create
450  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
451  */
452 PROCEDURE create_cust_acct_relate (
453     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
454     p_cust_acct_relate_rec                  IN     CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
455     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
456     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
457     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
458 );
462 /**
463  * PROCEDURE create_cust_acct_relate ( signature 2)
464  *
466  *     Creates relationship between two customer accounts.Overloaded with
467  *     x_cust_acct_relate_id parameter.
468  *
470  *
472  *   IN:
473  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
474  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
475  *     p_cust_acct_relate_rec         Customer account relate record.
476  *   IN/OUT:
477  *   OUT:
478  *     x_cust_acct_relate_id          Return primary key after creation of record.
479  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
480  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
481  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
482  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
483  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
484  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
485  *
486  * NOTES
487  *
489  *
490  *   08-23-2005    Idris Ali        o Created.
491  *
492  */
493 /*#
494  * Use this routine to create a customer account relationship. This API creates records in
495  * the HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE table. You can use this process to relate two different
496  * customer accounts. Use the Relationship APIs to create relationships between parties.
497  * @rep:scope public
498  * @rep:lifecycle active
499  * @rep:displayname Create Customer Account Relationship
500  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.CustAcctRelate.create
501  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
502  */
503 PROCEDURE create_cust_acct_relate (
504     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
505     p_cust_acct_relate_rec                  IN     CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
506     x_cust_acct_relate_id                   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
507     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
508     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
509     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
510 );
513 /**
514  * PROCEDURE update_cust_acct_relate (signature 1.)
515  *
517  *     Updates relationship between two customer accounts.This will update the active
518  *  record between the two customer accounts specified. To update an  inactive record
519  *  use the overloaded procedure update_cust_acct_relate which accepts rowid as
520  *  parameter.
521  *
523  *
525  *   IN:
526  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
527  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
528  *     p_cust_acct_relate_rec         Customer account relate record.
529  *   IN/OUT:
530  *     p_object_version_number        Used for locking the being updated record.
531  *   OUT:
532  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
533  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
534  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
535  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
536  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
537  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
538  *
539  * NOTES
540  *
542  *
543  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
544  *
545  */
546 /*#
547  * Use this routine to update a customer account relationship. This API updates records
548  * in the HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE table.
549  * @rep:scope public
550  * @rep:lifecycle active
551  * @rep:displayname Update Customer Account Relationship
552  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.CustAcctRelate.update
553  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Customer Account APIs,  Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
554  */
555 PROCEDURE update_cust_acct_relate (
556     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
557     p_cust_acct_relate_rec                  IN     CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
558     p_object_version_number                 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
559     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
560     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
561     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
562 );
566 /**
567  * PROCEDURE update_cust_acct_relate (signature 2.)
568  *
570  *     Updates relationship between two customer accounts. This is the overloaded procedure
571  *  which accepts the rowid of the record in HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE as a parameter.
572  *
574  *
576  *   IN:
577  *
578  *      p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
579  *                                     FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
580  *
581  *      p_cust_acct_relate_rec         Customer account relate record.
582  *
583  *      p_rowid                        Rowid of record in HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE.
584  *
585  *   IN/OUT:
586  *
587  *      p_object_version_number        Used for locking the being updated record.
588  *
589  *   OUT:
590  *
591  *      x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
592  *                                     be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
593  *                                     FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
594  *                                     FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
595  *
596  *      x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
597  *
598  *      x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
599  *
600  * NOTES
601  *
603  *
604  *   04-21-2004    Rajib Ranjan Borah      o Bug 3449118. Created.
605  */
607 PROCEDURE update_cust_acct_relate (
608     p_init_msg_list                         IN            VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
609     p_cust_acct_relate_rec                  IN            CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
610     p_rowid                                 IN            ROWID,
611     p_object_version_number                 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
612     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
613     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
614     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
615 );
618 /**
619  * PROCEDURE get_cust_acct_relate_rec
620  *
622  *      Gets customer account relationship record
623  *
625  *
627  *   IN:
628  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
629  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
630  *     p_cust_account_id              Customer account id.
631  *     p_related_cust_account_id      Related customer account id.
632  *     p_cust_acct_relate_id          Customer account relate id.
633  *   IN/OUT:
634  *   OUT:
635  *     x_cust_acct_relate_rec         Returned customer account relate record.
636  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
637  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
638  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
639  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
640  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
641  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
642  *
643  * NOTES
644  *
646  *
647  *   07-23-2001    Jianying Huang      o Created.
648  *   04-20-2004    Rajib Ranjan Borah  o Bug 3449118. Added rowid as parameter.
649  *   08-12-2004    Idris Ali           o Bug 4529413. Added p_cust_acct_relate_id parameter
650  */
652 PROCEDURE get_cust_acct_relate_rec (
653     p_init_msg_list                         IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
654     p_cust_account_id                       IN     NUMBER,
655     p_related_cust_account_id               IN     NUMBER,
656     p_cust_acct_relate_id                   IN     NUMBER,   -- Bug 4529413
657     p_rowid                                 IN     ROWID,
658     x_cust_acct_relate_rec                  OUT    NOCOPY CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
659     x_return_status                         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
660     x_msg_count                             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
661     x_msg_data                              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
662 );