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1 package body FND_WF_ENGINE as
2 /* $Header: afwfengb.pls 115.19 2003/11/06 07:15:34 rosthoma ship $ */
7 --
8 -- AddItemAttr (PUBLIC)
9 --   Add a new unvalidated run-time item attribute.
10 -- IN:
11 --   itemtype - item type
12 --   itemkey - item key
13 --   aname - attribute name
14 --   text_value   - add text value to it if provided.
15 --   number_value - add number value to it if provided.
16 --   date_value   - add date value to it if provided.
17 -- NOTE:
18 --   The new attribute has no type associated.  Get/set usages of the
19 --   attribute must insure type consistency.
20 --
21 procedure AddItemAttr(itemtype in varchar2,
22                       itemkey in varchar2,
23                       aname in varchar2,
24                       text_value   in varchar2,
25                       number_value in number,
26                       date_value   in date)
27 is
28 begin
29    wf_engine.AddItemAttr(itemtype,
30                          itemkey,
31                          aname,
32                          text_value,
33                          number_value,
34                          date_value);
35 end AddItemAttr;
39 --
40 -- SetItemAttrText (PUBLIC)
41 --   Set the value of a text item attribute.
42 --   If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the
43 --   text-string value to a number/date using attribute format.
44 --   For all other types, store the value directly.
45 -- IN:
46 --   itemtype - Item type
47 --   itemkey - Item key
48 --   aname - Attribute Name
49 --   avalue - New value for attribute
50 --
51 procedure SetItemAttrText(itemtype in varchar2,
52                           itemkey in varchar2,
53                           aname in varchar2,
54                           avalue in varchar2)
55 is
57 begin
58    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype,
59                              itemkey,
60                              aname,
61                              avalue);
62 end SetItemAttrText;
64 --
65 -- SetItemAttrNumber (PUBLIC)
66 --   Set the value of a number item attribute.
67 --   Attribute must be a NUMBER-type attribute.
68 -- IN:
69 --   itemtype - Item type
70 --   itemkey - Item key
71 --   aname - Attribute Name
72 --   avalue - New value for attribute
73 --
74 procedure SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype in varchar2,
75                             itemkey in varchar2,
76                             aname in varchar2,
77                             avalue in number)
78 is
79 begin
80   wf_engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype,
81                               itemkey,
82                               aname,
83                               avalue);
84 end SetItemAttrNumber;
86 --
87 -- SetItemAttrDate (PUBLIC)
88 --   Set the value of a date item attribute.
89 --   Attribute must be a DATE-type attribute.
90 -- IN:
91 --   itemtype - Item type
92 --   itemkey - Item key
93 --   aname - Attribute Name
94 --   avalue - New value for attribute
95 --
96 procedure SetItemAttrDate(itemtype in varchar2,
97                           itemkey in varchar2,
98                           aname in varchar2,
99                           avalue in date)
100 is
101 begin
102  wf_engine.SetItemAttrDate(itemtype,
103                            itemkey,
104                            aname,
105                            avalue);
107 end SetItemAttrDate;
109 --
110 -- SetItemAttrDocument (PUBLIC)
111 --   Set the value of a document item attribute.
112 -- IN:
113 --   itemtype - Item type
114 --   itemkey - Item key
115 --   aname - Attribute Name
116 --   documentid - Document Identifier - full concatenated document attribute
117 --                strings:
118 --                nodeid:libraryid:documentid:version:document_name
119 --
120 --
121 procedure SetItemAttrDocument(itemtype in varchar2,
122                               itemkey in varchar2,
123                               aname in varchar2,
124                               documentid in varchar2)
125 is
126 begin
127    wf_engine.SetItemAttrDocument(itemtype,
128                                  itemkey,
129                                  aname,
130                                  documentid);
131 end SetItemAttrDocument;
134 --
135 -- GetItemAttrInfo (PUBLIC)
136 --   Get type information about a item attribute.
137 -- IN:
138 --   itemtype - Item type
139 --   aname - Attribute name
140 -- OUT:
141 --   atype  - Attribute type
142 --   subtype - 'SEND' or 'RESPOND'
143 --   format - Attribute format
144 --
145 procedure GetItemAttrInfo(itemtype in varchar2,
146                           aname in varchar2,
147                           atype out NOCOPY varchar2,
148                           subtype out NOCOPY varchar2,
149                           format out NOCOPY varchar2)
150 is
151 begin
152    wf_engine.GetItemAttrInfo(itemtype,
153                              aname,
154                              atype,
155                              subtype,
156                              format);
157 end GetItemAttrInfo;
159 --
160 -- GetItemAttrText (PUBLIC)
161 --   Get the value of a text item attribute.
162 --   If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the
163 --   number/date value to a text-string representation using attrbute format.
164 --   For all other types, get the value directly.
165 -- IN:
166 --   itemtype - Item type
167 --   itemkey - Item key
168 --   aname - Attribute Name
169 -- RETURNS:
170 --   Attribute value
171 --
172 function GetItemAttrText(itemtype in varchar2,
173                          itemkey in varchar2,
174                          aname in varchar2)
175 return varchar2 is
176   lvalue varchar2(4000);
177 begin
178    lvalue := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype,
179                                        itemkey,
180                                        aname);
181    return lvalue;
182 end GetItemAttrText;
184 --
185 -- GetItemAttrNumber (PUBLIC)
186 --   Get the value of a number item attribute.
187 --   Attribute must be a NUMBER-type attribute.
188 -- IN:
189 --   itemtype - Item type
190 --   itemkey - Item key
191 --   aname - Attribute Name
192 -- RETURNS:
193 --   Attribute value
194 --
195 function GetItemAttrNumber(itemtype in varchar2,
196                            itemkey in varchar2,
197                            aname in varchar2)
198 return number is
199   lvalue number;
200 begin
201   lvalue := wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber(itemtype,
202                                         itemkey,
203                                         aname);
204   return lvalue;
205 end GetItemAttrNumber;
207 --
208 -- GetItemAttrDate (PUBLIC)
209 --   Get the value of a date item attribute.
210 --   Attribute must be a DATE-type attribute.
211 -- IN:
212 --   itemtype - Item type
213 --   itemkey - Item key
214 --   aname - Attribute Name
215 -- RETURNS:
216 --   Attribute value
217 --
218 function GetItemAttrDate (itemtype in varchar2,
219                           itemkey in varchar2,
220                           aname in varchar2)
221 return date is
222   lvalue date;
223 begin
224   lvalue := wf_engine.GetItemAttrDate(itemtype,
225                                       itemkey,
226                                       aname);
227 end GetItemAttrDate;
229 --
230 -- GetItemAttrDocument (PUBLIC)
231 --   Get the value of a document item attribute.
232 -- IN:
233 --   itemtype - Item type
234 --   itemkey - Item key
235 --   aname - Attribute Name
236 -- RETURNS:
237 --   documentid - Document Identifier - full concatenated document attribute
238 --                strings:
239 --                nodeid:libraryid:documentid:version:document_name
240 --
241 Function GetItemAttrDocument(itemtype in varchar2,
242                              itemkey in varchar2,
243                              aname in varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
245   lvalue varchar2(4000);
246 begin
247   lvalue := wf_engine.GetItemAttrDocument(itemtype,
248                                           itemkey,
249                                           aname);
250   return lvalue;
251 end GetItemAttrDocument;
253 --
254 -- GetActivityAttrInfo (PUBLIC)
255 --   Get type information about an activity attribute.
256 -- IN:
257 --   itemtype - Item type
258 --   itemkey - Item key
259 --   actid - Process activity id
260 --   aname - Attribute name
261 -- OUT:
262 --   atype  - Attribute type
263 --   subtype - 'SEND' or 'RESPOND'
264 --   format - Attribute format
265 --
266 procedure GetActivityAttrInfo(itemtype in varchar2,
267                               itemkey in varchar2,
268                               actid in number,
269                               aname in varchar2,
270                               atype out NOCOPY varchar2,
271                               subtype out NOCOPY varchar2,
272                               format out NOCOPY varchar2)
273 is
274   actdate date;
275 begin
276    wf_engine.GetActivityAttrInfo(itemtype,
277                                  itemkey,
278                                  actid,
279                                  aname,
280                                  atype,
281                                  subtype,
282                                  format);
283 end GetActivityAttrInfo;
286 --
287 -- GetActivityAttrText (PUBLIC)
288 --   Get the value of a text item attribute.
289 --   If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the
290 --   number/date value to a text-string representation using attrbute format.
291 --   For all other types, get the value directly.
292 -- IN:
293 --   itemtype - Item type
294 --   itemkey - Item key
295 --   actid - Process activity id
296 --   aname - Attribute Name
297 -- RETURNS:
298 --   Attribute value
299 --
300 function GetActivityAttrText(itemtype in varchar2,
301                              itemkey in varchar2,
302                              actid in number,
303                              aname in varchar2)
304 return varchar2 is
305   lvalue varchar2(4000);
306 begin
307   lvalue := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype,
308                                           itemkey,
309                                           actid,
310                                           aname);
311   return lvalue;
312 end GetActivityAttrText;
314 --
315 -- GetActivityAttrNumber (PUBLIC)
316 --   Get the value of a number item attribute.
317 --   Attribute must be a NUMBER-type attribute.
318 -- IN:
319 --   itemtype - Item type
320 --   itemkey - Item key
321 --   actid - Process activity id
322 --   aname - Attribute Name
323 -- RETURNS:
324 --   Attribute value
325 --
326 function GetActivityAttrNumber(itemtype in varchar2,
327                                itemkey in varchar2,
328                                actid in number,
329                                aname in varchar2)
330 return number is
331   lvalue number;
332 begin
333   lvalue := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrNumber(itemtype,
334                                             itemkey,
335                                             actid,
336                                             aname);
337   return lvalue;
338 end GetActivityAttrNumber;
340 --
341 -- GetActivityAttrDate (PUBLIC)
342 --   Get the value of a date item attribute.
343 --   Attribute must be a DATE-type attribute.
344 -- IN:
345 --   itemtype - Item type
346 --   itemkey - Item key
347 --   actid - Process activity id
348 --   aname - Attribute Name
349 -- RETURNS:
350 --   Attribute value
351 --
352 function GetActivityAttrDate(itemtype in varchar2,
353                              itemkey in varchar2,
354                              actid in number,
355                              aname in varchar2)
356 return date is
357   lvalue date;
358 begin
359   lvalue := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrDate(itemtype,
360                                           itemkey,
361                                           actid,
362                                           aname);
363   return lvalue;
364 end GetActivityAttrDate;
366 --
367 -- Set_Item_Parent (PUBLIC)
368 -- *** OBSOLETE - Use SetItemParent instead ***
369 --
370 procedure Set_Item_Parent(itemtype in varchar2,
371                           itemkey in varchar2,
372                           parent_itemtype in varchar2,
373                           parent_itemkey in varchar2,
374                           parent_context in varchar2)
375 is
376 begin
377    wf_engine.Set_Item_Parent(itemtype,
378                              itemkey,
379                              parent_itemtype,
380                              parent_itemkey,
381                              parent_context);
382 end Set_Item_Parent;
384 --
385 -- SetItemParent (PUBLIC)
386 --   Set the parent info of an item
387 -- IN
388 --   itemtype - Item type
389 --   itemkey - Item key
390 --   parent_itemtype - Itemtype of parent
391 --   parent_itemkey - Itemkey of parent
392 --   parent_context - Context info about parent
393 --
394 procedure SetItemParent(itemtype in varchar2,
395                         itemkey in varchar2,
396                         parent_itemtype in varchar2,
397                         parent_itemkey in varchar2,
398                         parent_context in varchar2)
399 is
400 begin
401   wf_engine.SetItemParent(itemtype,
402                           itemkey,
403                           parent_itemtype,
404                           parent_itemkey,
405                           parent_context);
406 end SetItemParent;
408 procedure SetItemOwner(itemtype in varchar2,
409                        itemkey in varchar2,
410                        owner  in varchar2)
411 is
412 begin
413   wf_engine.SetItemOwner(itemtype,
414                          itemkey,
415                          owner);
416 end;
418 --
419 -- GetItemUserKey (PUBLIC)
420 --   Get the user key of an item
421 -- IN
422 --   itemtype - Item type
423 --   itemkey - Item key
424 -- RETURNS
425 --   User key of the item
426 --
427 function GetItemUserKey(itemtype in varchar2,
428                         itemkey in varchar2)
429 return varchar2 is
430 lvalue varchar2(4000);
431 begin
432   lvalue := wf_engine.GetItemUserKey(itemtype,
433                                      itemkey);
434   return lvalue;
435 end GetItemUserKey;
437 --
438 -- SetItemUserKey (PUBLIC)
439 --   Set the user key of an item
440 -- IN
441 --   itemtype - Item type
442 --   itemkey - Item key
443 --   userkey - User key to be set
444 --
445 procedure SetItemUserKey(itemtype in varchar2,
446                          itemkey in varchar2,
447                          userkey in varchar2)
448 is
449 begin
450   wf_engine.SetItemUserKey(itemtype,
451                            itemkey,
452                            userkey);
453 end SetItemUserKey;
455 --
456 -- GetActivityLabel (PUBLIC)
457 --  Get activity instance label given id, in a format
458 --  suitable for passing to other wf_engine apis.
459 -- IN
460 --   actid - activity instance id
461 -- RETURNS
462 --   <process_name>||':'||<instance_label>
463 --
464 function GetActivityLabel(actid in number)
465 return varchar2
466 is
470   return lvalue;
467   lvalue varchar2(62);
468 begin
469   lvalue := wf_engine.GetActivityLabel(actid);
471 end GetActivityLabel;
473 --
474 -- CB (PUBLIC)
475 --   This is the callback function used by the notification system to
476 --   get and set process attributes, and mark a process complete.
477 --
478 --   The command may be one of:
479 --     GET - Get the value of an attribute
480 --     SET - Set the value of an attribute
481 --     COMPLETE - Mark the activity as complete
482 --     ERROR - Mark the activity as error status
483 --     TESTCTX - Test current context via selector function
484 --     FORWARD - Execute notification function for FORWARD
485 --     TRANSFER - Execute notification function for TRANSFER
486 --     RESPOND - Execute notification function for RESPOND
487 --
488 --   The context is in the format <itemtype>:<itemkey>:<activityid>.
489 --
490 --   The text_value/number_value/date_value fields are mutually exclusive.
491 --   It is assumed that only one will be used, depending on the value of
492 --   the attr_type argument ('VARCHAR2', 'NUMBER', or 'DATE').
493 --
494 -- IN:
495 --   command - Action requested.  Must be one of 'GET', 'SET', or 'COMPLETE'.
496 --   context - Context data in the form '<item_type>:<item_key>:<activity>'
497 --   attr_name - Attribute name to set/get for 'GET' or 'SET'
498 --   attr_type - Attribute type for 'SET'
499 --   text_value - Text Attribute value for 'SET'
500 --   number_value - Number Attribute value for 'SET'
501 --   date_value - Date Attribute value for 'SET'
502 -- OUT:
503 --   text_value - Text Attribute value for 'GET'
504 --   number_value - Number Attribute value for 'GET'
505 --   date_value - Date Attribute value for 'GET'
506 --
507 procedure CB(command in varchar2,
508              context in varchar2,
509              attr_name in varchar2,
510              attr_type in varchar2,
511              text_value in out NOCOPY varchar2,
512              number_value in out NOCOPY number,
513              date_value in out NOCOPY date)
514 is
515 begin
516   wf_engine.CB(command,
517                context,
518                attr_name,
519                attr_type,
520                text_value,
521                number_value,
522                date_value);
523 end CB;
525 --
526 -- ProcessDeferred (PUBLIC)
527 --   Process all deferred activities
528 -- IN
529 --   itemtype - Item type to process.  If null process all item types.
530 --   minthreshold - Minimum cost activity to process. No minimum if null.
531 --   maxthreshold - Maximum cost activity to process. No maximum if null.
532 --
533 procedure ProcessDeferred(itemtype in varchar2,
534                           minthreshold in number,
535                           maxthreshold in number) is
538 begin
539   wf_engine.ProcessDeferred(itemtype,
540                             minthreshold,
541                             maxthreshold);
542 end ProcessDeferred;
544 --
545 -- ProcessTimeout (PUBLIC)
546 --  Pick up one timed out activity and execute timeout transition.
547 -- IN
548 --  itemtype - Item type to process.  If null process all item types.
549 --
550 procedure ProcessTimeOut(itemtype in varchar2)
551 is
552 begin
553   wf_engine.ProcessTimeOut(itemtype);
554 end ProcessTimeOut;
556 --
557 -- ProcessStuckProcess (PUBLIC)
558 --   Pick up one stuck process, mark error status, and execute error process.
559 -- IN
560 --   itemtype - Item type to process.  If null process all item types.
561 --
562 procedure ProcessStuckProcess(itemtype in varchar2)
563 is
564 begin
565   wf_engine.ProcessStuckProcess(itemtype);
566 end ProcessStuckProcess;
568 --
569 -- Background (PUBLIC)
570 --  Process all current deferred and/or timeout activities within
571 --  threshold limits.
572 -- IN
573 --   itemtype - Item type to process.  If null process all item types.
574 --   minthreshold - Minimum cost activity to process. No minimum if null.
575 --   maxthreshold - Maximum cost activity to process. No maximum if null.
576 --   process_deferred - Run deferred or waiting processes
577 --   process_timeout - Handle timeout and stuck process errors
578 --
579 procedure Background (itemtype         in varchar2,
580                       minthreshold     in number,
581                       maxthreshold     in number,
582                       process_deferred in boolean,
583                       process_timeout  in boolean)
584 is
585 begin
586   wf_engine.Background(itemtype,
587                        minthreshold,
588                        maxthreshold,
589                        process_deferred,
590                        process_timeout);
591 end Background;
593 --
594 -- BackgroundConcurrent (PUBLIC)
595 --  Run background process for deferred and/or timeout activities
596 --  from Concurrent Manager.
597 --  This is a cover of Background() with different argument types to
598 --  be used by the Concurrent Manager.
599 -- IN
600 --   errbuf - CPM error message
601 --   retcode - CPM return code (0 = success, 1 = warning, 2 = error)
602 --   itemtype - Item type to process.  If null process all item types.
606 --   process_timeout - Handle timeout errors
603 --   minthreshold - Minimum cost activity to process. No minimum if null.
604 --   maxthreshold - Maximum cost activity to process. No maximum if null.
605 --   process_deferred - Run deferred or waiting processes
607 --
608 procedure BackgroundConcurrent (errbuf out NOCOPY varchar2,
609                                 retcode out NOCOPY varchar2,
610                                 itemtype in varchar2,
611                                 minthreshold in varchar2,
612                                 maxthreshold in varchar2,
613                                 process_deferred in varchar2,
614                                 process_timeout in varchar2)
615 is
616 begin
617   wf_engine.BackgroundConcurrent(errbuf,
618                                  retcode,
619                                  itemtype,
620                                  minthreshold,
621                                  maxthreshold,
622                                  process_deferred,
623                                  process_timeout);
624 end BackgroundConcurrent;
626 --
627 -- CreateProcess (PUBLIC)
628 --   Create a new runtime process (for an application item).
629 -- IN
630 --   itemtype - A valid item type
631 --   itemkey  - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
632 --   process  - A valid root process for this item type
633 --              (or null to use the item's selector function)
634 --
635 procedure CreateProcess(itemtype in varchar2,
636                         itemkey  in varchar2,
637                         process  in varchar2)
638 is
639 begin
640   wf_engine.CreateProcess(itemtype,
641                           itemkey,
642                           process);
643 end CreateProcess;
645 --
646 -- StartProcess (PUBLIC)
647 --   Begins execution of the process. The process will be identified by the
648 --   itemtype and itemkey.  The engine locates the starting activities
649 --   of the root process and executes them.
650 -- IN
651 --   itemtype - A valid item type
652 --   itemkey  - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
653 --
654 procedure StartProcess(itemtype in varchar2,
655                        itemkey  in varchar2)
656 is
657 begin
658   wf_engine.StartProcess(itemtype,
659                          itemkey);
660 end StartProcess;
662 --
663 -- LaunchProcess (PUBLIC)
664 --   Launch a process both creates and starts it.
665 --   This is a wrapper for friendlier UI
666 -- IN
667 --   itemtype - A valid item type
668 --   itemkey  - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
669 --   process  - A valid root process for this item type
670 --              (or null to use the item's selector function)
671 --   userkey - User key to be set
672 --   owner - Role designated as owner of the item
673 --
674 procedure LaunchProcess(itemtype in varchar2,
675                         itemkey  in varchar2,
676                         process  in varchar2,
677                         userkey  in varchar2,
678                         owner    in varchar2) is
680 begin
681   wf_engine.LaunchProcess(itemtype,
682                           itemkey,
683                           process,
684                           userkey,
685                           owner);
686 end LaunchProcess;
688 --
689 -- SuspendProcess (PUBLIC)
690 --   Suspends process execution, meaning no new transitions will occur.
691 --   Outstanding notifications will be allowed to complete, but they will not
692 --   cause activity transitions. If the process argument is null, the root
693 --   process for the item is suspended, otherwise the named process is
694 --   suspended.
695 -- IN
696 --   itemtype - A valid item type
697 --   itemkey  - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
698 --   process  - Process to suspend, specified in the form
699 --              [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
700 --              If null suspend the root process.
701 --
702 procedure SuspendProcess(itemtype in varchar2,
703                          itemkey  in varchar2,
704                          process  in varchar2) is
705 begin
706   wf_engine.SuspendProcess(itemtype,
707                            itemkey,
708                            process);
709 end SuspendProcess;
711 --
712 -- AbortProcess (PUBLIC)
713 --   Abort process execution. Outstanding notifications are canceled. The
714 --   process is then considered complete, with a status specified by the
715 --   result argument.
716 -- IN
717 --   itemtype - A valid item type
718 --   itemkey  - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
719 --   process  - Process to abort, specified in the form
720 --              [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
721 --              If null abort the root process.
722 --   result   - Result to complete process with
723 --
724 procedure AbortProcess(itemtype in varchar2,
725                        itemkey  in varchar2,
726                        process  in varchar2,
727                        result   in varchar2) is
728 begin
729   wf_engine.AbortProcess(itemtype,
730                          itemkey,
731                          process,
735 --
732                          result);
733 end AbortProcess;
736 -- ResumeProcess (PUBLIC)
737 --   Returns a process to normal execution status. Any transitions which
738 --   were deferred by SuspendProcess() will now be processed.
739 -- IN
740 --   itemtype   - A valid item type
741 --   itemkey    - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
742 --   process  - Process to resume, specified in the form
743 --              [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
744 --              If null resume the root process.
745 --
746 procedure ResumeProcess(itemtype in varchar2,
747                         itemkey  in varchar2,
748                         process  in varchar2)
749 is
750 begin
751   wf_engine.ResumeProcess(itemtype,
752                           itemkey,
753                           process);
754 end ResumeProcess;
757 Procedure CreateForkProcess (copy_itemtype  in varchar2,
758                              copy_itemkey   in varchar2,
759                              new_itemkey    in varchar2,
760                              same_version   in boolean) is
761 begin
762   wf_engine.CreateForkProcess(copy_itemtype,
763                               copy_itemkey,
764                               new_itemkey,
765                               same_version);
766 end CreateForkProcess;
770 --
771 -- StartForkProcess (PUBLIC)
772 --   Start a process that has been forked. Depending on the way this was forked,
775 --   this will execute startprocess if its to start with the latest version or
776 --   it copies the forked process activty by activity.
777 -- IN
778 --   itemtype  - Item type
779 --   itemkey   - item key to start
780 --
781 procedure StartForkProcess(itemtype in  varchar2,
782                            itemkey  in  varchar2) as
783 begin
784   wf_engine.StartForkProcess(itemtype,
785                              itemkey);
786 end StartForkProcess;
789 --
790 --
791 -- BeginActivity (PUBLIC)
792 --   Determines if the specified activity may currently be performed on the
793 --   work item. This is a test that the performer may proactively determine
794 --   that their intent to perform an activity on an item is, in fact, allowed.
795 -- IN
796 --   itemtype  - A valid item type
797 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
798 --   activity  - Completed activity, specified in the form
799 --               [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
800 --
801 procedure BeginActivity(itemtype in varchar2,
802                         itemkey  in varchar2,
803                         activity in varchar2)
804 is
805 begin
806   wf_engine.BeginActivity(itemtype,
807                           itemkey,
808                           activity);
809 end BeginActivity;
811 --
812 -- CompleteActivity (PUBLIC)
813 --   Notifies the workflow engine that an activity has been completed for a
814 --   particular process(item). This procedure can have one or more of the
815 --   following effects:
816 --   o Creates a new item. If the completed activity is the start of a process,
817 --     then a new item can be created by this call. If the completed activity
818 --     is not the start of a process, it would be an invalid activity error.
819 --   o Complete an activity with an optional result. This signals the
820 --     workflow engine that an asynchronous activity has been completed.
821 --     An optional activity completion result can also be passed.
822 -- IN
823 --   itemtype  - A valid item type
824 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
825 --   activity  - Completed activity, specified in the form
826 --               [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
827 --   <result>  - An optional result.
828 --
829 procedure CompleteActivity(itemtype in varchar2,
830                            itemkey  in varchar2,
831                            activity in varchar2,
832                            result   in varchar2)
833 is
834 begin
835   wf_engine.CompleteActivity(itemtype,
836                              itemkey,
837                              activity,
838                              result);
839 end CompleteActivity;
841 --
842 -- CompleteActivityInternalName (PUBLIC)
843 --   Identical to CompleteActivity, except that the internal name of
844 --   completed activity is passed instead of the activity instance label.
845 -- NOTES:
846 -- 1. There must be exactly ONE instance of this activity with NOTIFIED
847 --    status.
848 -- 2. Using this api to start a new process is not supported.
849 -- 3. Synchronous processes are not supported in this api.
850 -- 4. This should only be used if for some reason the instance label is
851 --    not known.  CompleteActivity should be used if the instance
852 --    label is known.
853 -- IN
854 --   itemtype  - A valid item type
855 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
856 --   activity  - Internal name of completed activity, in the format
857 --               [<parent process_name>:]<process activity_name>
858 --   <result>  - An optional result.
859 --
863                                        result   in varchar2)
860 procedure CompleteActivityInternalName(itemtype in varchar2,
861                                        itemkey  in varchar2,
862                                        activity in varchar2,
864 is
865 begin
866   wf_engine.CompleteActivityInternalName(itemtype,
867                                          itemkey,
868                                          activity,
869                                          result);
870 end CompleteActivityInternalName;
872 --
873 -- AssignActivity (PUBLIC)
874 --   Assigns or re-assigns the user who will perform an activity. It may be
875 --   called before the activity has been enabled(transitioned to). If a user
876 --   is assigned to an activity that already has an outstanding notification,
877 --   that notification will be forwarded to the new user.
878 -- IN
879 --   itemtype  - A valid item type
880 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
881 --   activity  - Activity to assign, specified in the form
882 --               [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
883 --   performer - User who will perform this activity.
884 --
885 procedure AssignActivity(itemtype in varchar2,
886                          itemkey  in varchar2,
887                          activity in varchar2,
888                          performer in varchar2) is
889 begin
890   wf_engine.AssignActivity(itemtype,
891                            itemkey,
892                            activity,
893                            performer);
894 end AssignActivity;
896 --
897 -- HandleError (PUBLIC)
898 --   Reset the process thread to the given activity and begin execution
899 -- again from that point.  If command is:
900 --     SKIP - mark the activity complete with given result and continue
901 --     RETRY - re-execute the activity before continuing
902 -- IN
903 --   itemtype  - A valid item type.
904 --   itemkey   - The item key of the process.
905 --   activity  - Activity to reset, specified in the form
906 --               [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
907 --   command   - SKIP or RETRY.
908 --   <result>  - Activity result for the 'SKIP' command.
909 --
910 procedure HandleError(itemtype in varchar2,
911                       itemkey  in varchar2,
912                       activity in varchar2,
913                       command  in varchar2,
914                       result   in varchar2)
915 is
916 begin
917   wf_engine.HandleError(itemtype,
918                         itemkey,
919                         activity,
920                         command,
921                         result);
922 end HandleError;
925 --
926 -- ItemStatus (Public)
927 --   This is a public cover for WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUS.ROOT_STATUS
928 --   Returns the status and result for the root process of this item.
929 --   If the item does not exist an exceprion will be raised.
930 -- IN
931 --   itemtype - Activity item type.
932 --   itemkey  - The item key.
933 -- OUT
934 --   status   - Activity status for root process of this item
935 --   result   - Result code for root process of this item
936 --
937 procedure ItemStatus(itemtype in varchar2,
938                      itemkey  in varchar2,
939                      status   out NOCOPY varchar2,
940                      result   out NOCOPY varchar2) is
941 begin
942   wf_engine.ItemStatus(itemtype,
943                        itemkey,
944                        status,
945                        result);
946 end ItemStatus;
948 --
949 -- Activity_Exist_In_Process
950 --   Check if an activity exist in a process
951 -- IN
952 --   p_item_type
953 --   p_item_key
954 --   p_activity_item_type
955 --   p_anctivity_name
956 -- RET
957 --   TRUE if activity exist, FALSE otherwise
958 --
959 function Activity_Exist_In_Process (p_item_type          in  varchar2,
960                                     p_item_key           in  varchar2,
961                                     p_activity_item_type in  varchar2,
962                                     p_activity_name      in  varchar2)
963 return boolean
964 is
965 begin
966   return (wf_engine.Activity_Exist_In_Process(p_item_type,
967                                               p_item_key,
968                                               p_activity_item_type,
969                                               p_activity_name));
970 end Activity_Exist_In_Process;
972 --
973 -- Activity_Exist
974 --   Check if an activity exist in a process
975 -- IN
976 --   p_process_item_type
977 --   p_process_name
978 --   p_activity_item_type
979 --   p_anctivity_name
980 --   active_date
981 --   iteration  - maximum 8 level deep (0-7)
982 -- RET
983 --   TRUE if activity exist, FALSE otherwise
984 --
985 function Activity_Exist (p_process_item_type  in  varchar2,
986                          p_process_name       in  varchar2,
987                          p_activity_item_type in  varchar2,
988                          p_activity_name      in  varchar2,
989                          active_date          in  date,
990                          iteration            in  number)
991 return boolean
995                                    p_process_name,
992 is
993 begin
994   return (wf_engine.Activity_Exist(p_process_item_type,
996                                    p_activity_item_type,
997                                    p_activity_name,
998                                    active_date,
999                                    iteration));
1000 end Activity_Exist;
1002 --
1003 -- user_synch
1004 --   Wrapper for fnd_user_pkg.user_synch()
1005 -- IN
1006 --   p_user_name
1007 --
1008 procedure user_synch (p_user_name  in  varchar2)
1009 is
1010 begin
1011   fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(p_user_name);
1012 end;
1014 --
1015 -- default_event_raise
1016 --   Wrapper for wf_event.raise()
1017 -- IN
1018 --   p_event_name
1019 --   p_event_key
1020 --
1021 procedure default_event_raise(p_event_name  in  varchar2,
1022                               p_event_key   in  varchar2)
1023 is
1024 begin
1025   wf_event.raise(p_event_name, p_event_key, null, null, null);
1026 end;
1028 --
1029 -- propagate_user_role
1030 --   Wrapper for wf_local_synch.propagate_user_role()
1031 -- IN
1032 --   p_user_orig_system
1033 --   p_user_orig_system_id
1034 --   p_role_orig_system
1035 --   p_role_orig_system_id
1036 --   p_start_date
1037 --   p_expiration_date
1038 --
1039 procedure propagate_user_role(p_user_orig_system      in varchar2,
1040                               p_user_orig_system_id   in number,
1041                               p_role_orig_system      in varchar2,
1042                               p_role_orig_system_id   in number,
1043                               p_start_date            in date,
1044                               p_expiration_date       in date)
1045 is
1046 begin
1048    --Bug 2880053
1049    --This API will just be a wrapper to propagate_user_role2
1050    --Call propagate_user_role2 with the new signature for
1051    --wf_local_synch.propagate_user_role2
1053    fnd_wf_engine.propagate_user_role2(p_user_orig_system,
1054                                      p_user_orig_system_id,
1055                                      p_role_orig_system,
1056                                      p_role_orig_system_id,
1057                                      p_start_date,
1058                                      p_expiration_date,
1059                                      TRUE);
1060 end;
1062 Function DisableOrLaunch(l_item_type in varchar2,
1063                          l_itemkey   in varchar2,
1064                          c_instid    in varchar2,
1065                          l_username  in varchar2,
1066                          l_name      in varchar2)
1067 return number is
1068   disable_or_launch number;
1069   colon             pls_integer;
1071 begin
1073   colon := instr(l_username, ':');
1074   if (colon = 0) then
1075      select count(1)
1076      into disable_or_launch
1078           WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN,
1080      where     WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type
1081            and WIAS.ITEM_KEY  = l_itemkey
1082            and WIAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = c_instid
1083            and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.GROUP_ID
1085            and NATTR.NAME = l_name
1086            and WN.RECIPIENT_ROLE in
1087               (select WUR.ROLE_NAME
1088                from WF_USER_ROLES WUR
1089                where WUR.USER_NAME = l_username);
1090   else
1091      select count(1)
1092      into disable_or_launch
1094           WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN,
1096      where     WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = l_item_type
1097            and WIAS.ITEM_KEY  = l_itemkey
1098            and WIAS.PROCESS_ACTIVITY = c_instid
1099            and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.GROUP_ID
1101            and NATTR.NAME = l_name
1102            and WN.RECIPIENT_ROLE in
1103               (select WUR.ROLE_NAME
1104                from WF_USER_ROLES WUR
1105                where WUR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = substr(l_username, 1, colon-1)
1106                and WUR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = substr(l_username, colon+1)
1107                and WUR.USER_NAME = l_username
1108                and WUR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in
1109                      ('HZ_PARTY','CUST_CONT'));
1110   end if;
1112 return disable_or_launch;
1113 end;
1115 --
1116 -- SetItemAttrTextAuto (PUBLIC)
1117 --   Set the value of a text item attribute. - Autonomously. Needed for ERES
1118 --   If the attribute is a NUMBER or DATE type, then translate the
1119 --   text-string value to a number/date using attribute format.
1120 --   For all other types, store the value directly.
1121 -- IN:
1122 --   itemtype - Item type
1123 --   itemkey - Item key
1124 --   aname - Attribute Name
1125 --   avalue - New value for attribute
1126 --
1127 procedure SetItemAttrTextAuto(itemtype in varchar2,
1128                           itemkey in varchar2,
1129                           aname in varchar2,
1130                           avalue in varchar2) is
1134 begin
1135    SetItemAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, aname, avalue);
1136    commit;
1137 end;
1140 --
1141 -- AbortProcessAuto (PUBLIC)
1142 --   Abort process execution. - Autonomously. Needed for ERES.
1143 --   Outstanding notifications are canceled. The process is then considered
1144 --   complete, with a status specified by the result argument.
1145 -- IN
1146 --   itemtype - A valid item type
1147 --   itemkey  - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
1148 --   process  - Process to abort, specified in the form
1149 --              [<parent process_name>:]<process instance_label>
1150 --              If null abort the root process.
1151 --   result   - Result to complete process with
1152 --
1153 procedure AbortProcessAuto(itemtype in varchar2,
1154                        itemkey  in varchar2,
1155                        process  in varchar2 default '',
1156                        result   in varchar2 default '#FORCE') is
1160 begin
1161    AbortProcess(itemtype, itemkey, process, result);
1162    commit;
1163 end;
1165 --Bug 2880053
1166 --New API which matches the signature of wf_local_synch.propagate_user_role
1168 PROCEDURE propagate_user_role2(p_user_orig_system      in varchar2,
1169                                p_user_orig_system_id   in number,
1170                                p_role_orig_system      in varchar2,
1171                                p_role_orig_system_id   in number,
1172                                p_start_date            in date,
1173                                p_expiration_date       in date,
1174                                p_overwrite             in boolean,
1175                                p_raiseErrors           in boolean)
1176 is
1177 begin
1178   execute immediate
1179   'begin wf_local_synch.propagate_user_role(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6 , TRUE); end;'
1180       using p_user_orig_system,
1181             p_user_orig_system_id,
1182             p_role_orig_system,
1183             p_role_orig_system_id,
1184             p_start_date,
1185             p_expiration_date;
1187 end;
1188 end FND_WF_ENGINE;