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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 96

                                           table updates.
 sdahiya     28-Jan-2006  115.21  5002283  Modified cursor c_IDW_events to
                                           fetch element entry updates done
                                           in "Update" mode in addition to
                                           "Correction" mode.
 sdahiya     01-Feb-2006  115.22           Modified cursor c_IDW_events to
                                           use events' effective date
                                           (instead of creation date) for IDW
 sdahiya     01-Feb-2006  115.23  5002283  Modified cursor c_IDW_events to
                                           use events' effective date
                                           (instead of creation date) to
                                           date effectively identify element
                                           entries and element types.
 sdahiya     02-Feb-2006  115.24           Modified action_creation and
                                           archinit to stamp appropriate date
                                           in pay_recorded_requests when
                                           archiver is run in retry mode.
 sdahiya     10-Apr-2006  115.25  5146225  Modified function get_idw to call
                                           pay_mx_ff_udfs.get_idw in
                                           BIMONTH_REPORT mode only if
                                           gv_variable_idw is 'Y'.
 sdahiya     17-Apr-2006  115.26  5005254  Archiver should archive
                                           termination date instead of a day
                                           prior to the date stamped in
 sdahiya     19-Apr-2006  115.27           Calculate IDW on
                                           LEAST(assignment's end date,
                                                            process end date)
 sdahiya     11-May-2006  115.28  5033056  Modified cursor c_person_detail
                                           to select future dated hires for
 vpandya     18-May-2006  115.29  5234584  Modified cursor c_person_detail
                                           to select future dated hires and
                                           for any UPDATE or CORRECTION in
                                           employee name.
 sdahiya     19-Jun-2006  115.30           SUA 2006 changes.
 vpandya     22-Jun-2006  115.31  5353025  Changed c_abs_info cursor.
                                           Now passing eff start and end date
                                           of element entry instead of the
 sdahiya     27-Jun-2006  115.32  5354858  Modified all references involving
                                           INFONAVIT element entries to
                                           consider INFONAVIT transactions
                                           occuring in future with respect to
                                           archiver's end date.
 sdahiya     28-Jun-2006  115.33  5355325  Removed undesired join with
                                           pay_element_entry_values_f in
                                           cursor c_abs_info.
 vpandya     25-Aug-2006  115.34           Initializing gn_implementation to
                                           zero when there is no payroll
                                           action before the current one so
                                           that if retry is run  for the
                                           very first SS Archiver process
                                           after running SS Archiver multiple
                                           times, it should archive Person
                                           Also Changed value for rww.
                                           Added logic for separation.
 sdahiya     20-Sep-2006  115.35  5552692  'S' should be archived if
                                           Reduction Table Applies input
                                           value is 'Y'.
 sdahiya     23-Sep-2006  115.36  5558838  INFONAVIT transactions effective in
                                           past with respect to archiver
                                           start date should be considered
                                           for transactions 18, 19 and 20.
 vmehta      26-Sep-2006  115.37  5568202  modified load_infonavit_trans to
                                           call load_infonavit_info with
                                           effective_start_date + 1
                                           and effective_end_date + 1
                                           This to ensure that we load the
                                           structure with current values and
                                           not old values.
 sdahiya     24-Jan-2007  115.38           Modified the archiver so that
                                           transaction date is now archived
                                           in action_information2 and employer
                                           SS identifier in action_information5.
                                           Data upgrade will be carried out
                                           using the generic upgrade mechanism.
                                           Function arch_exists_without_upgrade
                                           created to restrict running of
                                           archiver without upgrading existing
                                           archived data.
 sdahiya     13-Feb-2007  115.39  5875096  Fixed get_person_information so that
                                           it uses correct dates to fetch person
                                           data for future dated events.
 sdahiya     06-Mar-2007  115.40  5908010  Only those assignments which belong
                                           to the current GRE should be
                                           considered to fetch person data.
 sdahiya     13-Mar-2007  115.41  5921945, Each event should be checked for its
                                  5899264, existence under GRE for which
                                  5922046  archiver is run.
 sdahiya     14-Mar-2007  115.42  5888285  Events for EFFECTIVE_END_DATE should
                                           be ignored if future asg records
 vpandya     20-Mar-2007  115.43  5944540  Leapfrog ver 115.37 to resolve R12
                                           Branch Line issue.
 vpandya     20-Mar-2007  115.44           This is the same as 115.42.
 sdahiya     21-Mar-2007  115.45           Modified seniority_changed to check
                                           seniority on MAX(hire date, previous
                                           archiver run date).
 sdahiya     22-Mar-2007  115.46  5885473  Modified chk_person_rec_chng to
                                           identify changes in IMSS medical
                                           center (PER_INFORMATION4).
 sdahiya     20-Apr-2007  115.47  6005922  Fixed seniority calculation for
                                           future-dated hires.
 sdahiya     22-Apr-2007  115.48           08 and 02 transactions should not be
                                           archived if person-GRE relation
                                           exists due to assignments other than
                                           the current one.
 sdahiya     24-Apr-2007  115.49  6013218  Employee social security number
                                           should be fetched from person
                                           record effective on transaction
 sdahiya     25-Apr-2007  115.50  6005853  Terminations due to SCL changes
                                           should be checked for qualification
                                           under current GRE.
 sdahiya     25-Apr-2007  115.51           Modified cursor csr_per_gre so that
                                           it checks for person-GRE association
                                           for the current assignment in
                                           addition to others.
 sdahiya     26-Apr-2007  115.52  6019466  Modified cursor csr_per_gre to ensure
                                           that only active assignments are
                                           checked to establish person's
                                           relation with GRE.
 sdahiya     27-Apr-2007  115.53  6020160  Added NVL check in
                                           chk_person_rec_chng procedure.
 vpandya     10-May-2007  115.54  6019849  Changed cursor c_person_detail:
                                           removing trailing blank if second
                                           name is not entered.(rtrim)
 sdahiya     15-May-2007  115.55  6021768  Modified arch_other_transactions
                                           so that 07 is archived only if
                                           person is not a new hire.
 sdahiya     16-May-2007  115.56           07 transactions effective on a date
                                           different from the hire date should
                                           be archived. Modified cache_idw_date
                                           for this.
 sdahiya     18-May-2007  115.57  6060052  Run through transactions only if
                                           transactions' cache is not empty.
 nragavar    12-Jul-2007  115.58  6198089  modified to log absences correctly.
 vpandya     16-Jul-2007  115.59  6238481  Changed: arch_other_transactions
                                           Added end if for event_qualified
                                           for INFONAVIT.
 vpandya     18-Jul-2007  115.60  6198089  Changed: range_cursor and removed
                                  6130744  condition for ppe.effective_date.
                                           For bimonthly period, the date
                                           for 07 trans would be first day
                                           of next bimonthly period.
 vpandya     20-Jul-2007  115.62  6264202  Changed: archive_data
                                           Filter transaction if trn date is
                                           4712/12/31. Call an API if pl/sql
                                           table count is greater than 0.
 vpandya     20-Jul-2007  115.63           Changed: archive_data
 vpandya     20-Aug-2007  115.64           Changed: get_idw, truncating
                                           effective_date while calling get_idw
                                           of udfs.
 vpandya     21-Aug-2007  115.65  6353167  Changed: get_idw, using mode to
                                           REPORT now on as bimonthly IDW gets
                                           when first day of next bimonth period
 prechand   21-Feb-2008   115.66  6820541  Start date is replaced by effective_
                                           start_date in the get person information
                                           query for getting the latest hire date
 sivanara   07-Mar-2008   115.67  6862116  Added cursor c_check_active_employee
                                           to archive_data cursor, so that
					   archive data is only for "Employee"
 sivanara   25-Apr-2008   115.68  6960481  Added new parameter to event_qualified
                                           to filter out applicant event.
 sivanara   17-Jun-2008   115.70  7185703  Removed fnd_date function from the cursor
                                           csr_get_asg_end_date and csr_per_gre.
 sivanara   20-Aug-2008   115.71  7341327  For the cursor csr_per_gre added condition
                                           for applicant.
 swamukhi   01-Oct-2008   115.72  6451017  For the cursor csr_per_gre added a condition
                                           to check the effective_start_date.
 vvijayku   07-Nov-2008   115.73  6451017  Added a new cursor c_get_report_term_rehire
                                           to retrieve the value of the reporting option
					   and later archiving it.
 vvijayku   10-Nov-2008   115.74  7342321  Added a new cursor c_first_sal_date which retrieves
				           the date on which the first salary was attached to
					   the assignment.
 vvijayku   21-Nov-2008   115.75  7342321  The complete fix did not go into the earlier version
                                           115.74. This version has the complete fix.
 vvijayku   21-Nov-2008   115.76  7342321  Had to remove some compilation errors,which was arcsed
                                           in by mistake.

-- Global Variables
   TYPE gre_rec_type IS RECORD(
    assignment_id           NUMBER,
    effective_start_date    DATE,
    effective_end_date      DATE,
    gre_id                  NUMBER);
Line: 320

            SELECT assignment_id,
                                   effective_end_date) gre_id
              FROM per_assignments_f
             WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 335

       SELECT  per.current_applicant_flag
       FROM  per_all_people_f per
       WHERE per.person_id = p_person_id
       AND  fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)
            BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date;
Line: 426

     SELECT business_group_id
     FROM   hr_all_organization_units
     WHERE  organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 431

     SELECT pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('END_DATE',LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS)
     FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa
     WHERE  ppa.report_type      = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
     AND    ppa.report_qualifier = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
     AND    ppa.report_category  = 'RT'
     AND    pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE',LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) =
     ORDER BY ppa.payroll_action_id desc ;
Line: 442

     SELECT fnd_date.canonical_to_date(org_information6)
     FROM   hr_organization_information
     WHERE  org_information_context = 'MX_TAX_REGISTRATION'
     AND    organization_id         = cp_organization_id ;
Line: 503

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO ln_count
           FROM fnd_sessions
          WHERE session_id =  USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 555

         SELECT fnd_date.date_to_canonical(sysdate)
           INTO lv_start_date
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 578

    SELECT fnd_date.date_to_displaydate( ADD_MONTHS (
               fnd_date.canonical_to_date( p_date ), -1 ) ) || '  -  ' ||
           fnd_date.date_to_displaydate( ADD_MONTHS (
               fnd_date.canonical_to_date( p_date ), 1 ) -1 )
      INTO lv_dates
      FROM dual;
Line: 607

      SELECT business_group_id
                                LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) start_date
                                LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) end_date
            ,pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE',LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) GRE
                                LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) REPORT_MODE
                                LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) PERIOD_ENDING_DATE
        FROM pay_payroll_actions
       WHERE payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 711

      SELECT  sum(decode(to_number(puci.value),0,0,1)) total_days
             ,sum(to_number(puci.value)) total_hours
        FROM  pay_user_column_instances_f puci,
              pay_user_columns puc
       WHERE  puc.user_column_name = cp_workschedule
         AND  ( puc.legislation_code = 'MX' OR
                puc.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id )
         AND  puc.user_column_id   = puci.user_column_id;
Line: 784

      SELECT legislation_info2
        FROM pay_mx_legislation_info_f
       WHERE legislation_info_type = 'MX Minimum Wage Information'
         AND legislation_info1     = 'MWA'
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                   AND effective_end_date;
Line: 908

      SELECT replace(org_information1,'-','') Social_Security_ID
            ,org_information3 Transmitter_Yes_No
            ,org_information5 WayBill_Number
            ,org_information6 Transmitter_GRE_ID
        FROM hr_organization_information
       WHERE org_information_context = 'MX_SOC_SEC_DETAILS'
         AND organization_id         = cp_organization_id ;
Line: 917

      SELECT name
        FROM hr_organization_units
       WHERE organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 922

      SELECT org_information5 WayBill_Number
        FROM hr_organization_information
       WHERE org_information_context = 'MX_SOC_SEC_DETAILS'
         AND organization_id         = cp_organization_id ;
Line: 1008

                     p_action_context_id   =>  p_payroll_action_id
                    ,p_action_context_type => 'PA'
                    ,p_assignment_id       => null
                    ,p_tax_unit_id         => p_tax_unit_id
                    ,p_curr_pymt_eff_date  => p_effective_date
                    ,p_tab_rec_data        => pay_mx_soc_sec_archive.lrr_act_tab
Line: 1017

Line: 1123

      SELECT ppe.effective_date
        FROM pay_process_events ppe
            ,pay_event_updates peu
            ,pay_dated_tables pdt
            ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
            ,pay_input_values_f piv
            ,pay_element_types_f pet
       WHERE ppe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
         AND ppe.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
         AND ppe.change_type       = 'DATE_EARNED'
         AND ppe.creation_date  BETWEEN p_start_date
                                    AND p_end_date
         AND peu.event_update_id   = ppe.event_update_id
         AND pdt.dated_table_id    = peu.dated_table_id
         AND pdt.table_name        = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F'
         AND ppe.surrogate_key     = peev.element_entry_value_id
         AND peev.input_value_id   = piv.input_value_id
         AND piv.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
         AND pet.element_name      = 'Integrated Daily Wage'
         AND piv.name              = 'IDW Factor Table'
         AND pet.legislation_code  = 'MX'
         AND ppe.effective_date BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date
                                    AND peev.effective_end_date
         AND ppe.effective_date BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date
                                    AND piv.effective_end_date
         AND ppe.effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                                    AND pet.effective_end_date
      -- Bug 5002283
      SELECT ppe.effective_date
        FROM pay_process_events ppe
            ,pay_event_updates peu
            ,pay_dated_tables pdt
            ,pay_element_entries_f pee
            ,pay_element_types_f pet
       WHERE ppe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
         AND ppe.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
         AND ppe.change_type       = 'DATE_EARNED'
         AND ppe.creation_date  BETWEEN p_start_date
                                    AND p_end_date
         AND peu.event_update_id   = ppe.event_update_id
         AND pdt.dated_table_id    = peu.dated_table_id
         AND pdt.table_name        = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F'
         AND ppe.surrogate_key     = pee.element_entry_id
         AND pee.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
         AND pet.element_name      = 'Integrated Daily Wage'
         AND pet.legislation_code  = 'MX'
         AND ppe.effective_date BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date
                                    AND pee.effective_end_date
         AND ppe.effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                                    AND pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 1176

        SELECT element_entry_id
          FROM pay_element_entries_f
         WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                     AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1186

      SELECT DISTINCT ppe.effective_date
            ,ppe.description      change_values
            ,ppe.surrogate_key    element_entry_id
        FROM pay_process_events ppe
            ,pay_event_updates peu
            ,pay_dated_tables pdt
       WHERE ppe.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
         AND ppe.assignment_id     = cp_assignment_id
         AND ppe.change_type       = 'DATE_EARNED'
         AND ppe.creation_date  BETWEEN cp_start_date
                                    AND cp_end_date
         AND peu.event_update_id   = ppe.event_update_id
         AND pdt.dated_table_id    = peu.dated_table_id
         AND pdt.table_name        = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F'
       ORDER BY ppe.effective_date;
Line: 1206

      SELECT element_type_id
        FROM pay_element_entries_f
       WHERE element_entry_id = cp_element_entry_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                   AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1217

      SELECT 'MX_IDWF' eei_information1
        FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
       WHERE element_type_id          = cp_element_type_id
         AND information_type         = 'PQP_UK_RATE_TYPE'
         AND eei_information_category = 'PQP_UK_RATE_TYPE'
         AND ((eei_information1 = 'MX_BASE' AND gv_IDW_calc_method = 'B')
              OR (eei_information1 = 'MX_IDWF' AND gv_IDW_calc_method <> 'B'))
        FROM pay_element_types_f pet
            ,pay_element_classifications pec
            ,pay_sub_classification_rules_f psr
       WHERE pet.element_type_id   = cp_element_type_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                                   AND pet.effective_end_date
         AND psr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN psr.effective_start_date
                                   AND psr.effective_end_date
         AND pec.classification_id = psr.classification_id
         AND psr.legislation_code  = 'MX'
         AND INSTR(pec.classification_name,
              'Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)') > 0;
Line: 1241

      SELECT replace(org_information1,'-','') Social_Security_ID
        FROM hr_organization_information
       WHERE org_information_context = 'MX_SOC_SEC_DETAILS'
         AND organization_id         = cp_organization_id ;
Line: 1248

      SELECT replace(ppf.per_information3,'-','')        emp_ssnumber
        FROM per_all_people_f ppf
       WHERE ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
         -- Bug 6013218
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND
Line: 1255

                ( SELECT max(ppf_in.effective_start_date)
                    FROM per_all_people_f ppf_in
                   WHERE ppf_in.person_id      =  ppf.person_id
                     AND trunc(cp_end_date)   >= ppf_in.effective_start_date
                     AND trunc(cp_start_date) <= ppf_in.effective_end_date);*/
Line: 1268

      SELECT paat.absence_attendance_type_id
            --,paa.abs_information1 disability_type
            ,paa.abs_information2 disability_id
        FROM per_absence_attendance_types paat
            ,pay_input_values_f piv
            ,pay_element_entries_f pee
            --,pay_element_entry_values_f peev  (Bug 5355325)
            ,per_absence_attendances paa
       WHERE paat.business_group_id     = cp_business_group_id
         AND NVL(paat.information1, 'N')= 'Y'
                information1 for MX specifies if absence should be
                reported to Social Security
         AND piv.input_value_id         = paat.input_value_id
         AND piv.effective_start_date  <= cp_end_date
         AND piv.effective_end_date    >= cp_start_date
         AND piv.element_type_id        = cp_element_type_id
         AND pee.element_entry_id       = cp_element_entry_id
         AND pee.assignment_id          = cp_assignment_id
         AND pee.element_type_id        = piv.element_type_id
         AND pee.effective_start_date  <= cp_end_date
         AND pee.effective_end_date    >= cp_start_date
         --AND peev.element_entry_id      = pee.element_entry_id
         --AND peev.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date
         --AND peev.effective_end_date   >= cp_start_date
         AND paa.absence_attendance_id  = pee.creator_id
         AND paa.person_id                  = cp_person_id
         AND paa.absence_attendance_type_id = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
         AND paa.date_start       BETWEEN cp_start_date
                                      AND cp_end_date;
Line: 1306

      SELECT eei_information1
        FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
       WHERE element_type_id          = cp_element_type_id
         AND information_type         = 'MX_DEDUCTION_PROCESSING'
         AND eei_information_category = 'MX_DEDUCTION_PROCESSING'
         AND eei_information1         = 'INFONAVIT';
Line: 1318

      SELECT piv.name
        FROM pay_input_values_f piv
            ,pay_element_entries_f pee
            ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
       WHERE piv.effective_start_date  <= cp_end_date
         AND piv.effective_end_date    >= cp_start_date
         AND piv.element_type_id        = cp_element_type_id
         AND pee.element_entry_id       = cp_element_entry_id
         AND pee.assignment_id          = cp_assignment_id
         AND pee.element_type_id        = piv.element_type_id
         AND pee.effective_start_date  <= cp_end_date
         AND pee.effective_end_date    >= cp_start_date
         AND peev.element_entry_id      = pee.element_entry_id
         AND peev.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date
         AND peev.effective_end_date   >= cp_start_date
         AND pee.effective_start_date   = peev.effective_start_date
         AND pee.effective_end_date     = peev.effective_end_date
         AND peev.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
    ORDER BY piv.display_sequence;
Line: 1347

        SELECT element_entry_id
          FROM pay_element_entries_f
         WHERE assignment_id        = p_assignment_id
           AND element_type_id      = cp_element_type_id
           AND effective_start_date BETWEEN cp_start_date AND cp_end_date;
Line: 1354

        SELECT pdf.degree,
               pdf.dis_information2 subsidized_days,
               pdf.dis_information3 disability_type,
               pdf.dis_information4 consequence,
               pdf.dis_information5 disability_control,
          FROM per_disabilities_f pdf
         WHERE pdf.person_id = p_person_id
           AND pdf.registration_id = cp_registration_id
           AND p_effective_date BETWEEN pdf.effective_start_date
                                    AND pdf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1367

        SELECT pwi.inc_information1 risk_type
          FROM per_work_incidents pwi
         WHERE pwi.person_id = p_person_id
           AND pwi.incident_id = cp_incident_id;
Line: 1443

      SELECT max(ppe.effective_date)
        FROM pay_process_events ppe ,
             pay_event_updates peu  ,
             pay_dated_tables pdt
       WHERE ppe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
         AND ppe.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
         AND ppe.change_type       = 'DATE_EARNED'
         AND peu.event_update_id   = ppe.event_update_id
         AND pdt.dated_table_id    = peu.dated_table_id
         AND ((pdt.table_name      = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F')
          OR (pdt.table_name       = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F'))
         AND peu.event_type        = 'INSERT';
Line: 1590

          SELECT piv.name
            FROM pay_input_values_f piv
                ,pay_element_entries_f pee
                ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
           WHERE piv.effective_start_date  <= p_end_date
             AND piv.effective_end_date    >= p_start_date
             AND piv.element_type_id        = p_element_type_id
             AND pee.element_entry_id       = p_element_entry_id
             AND pee.assignment_id          = p_assignment_id
             AND pee.element_type_id        = piv.element_type_id
             AND pee.effective_start_date  <= p_end_date
             AND pee.effective_end_date    >= p_start_date
             AND peev.element_entry_id      = pee.element_entry_id
             AND peev.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
             AND peev.effective_end_date   >= p_start_date
             AND pee.effective_start_date   = peev.effective_start_date
             AND pee.effective_end_date     = peev.effective_end_date
             AND peev.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
        ORDER BY piv.display_sequence;
Line: 1629

                SELECT DECODE (c_infonavit_info_rec.screen_entry_value,
                               'Y', 'S',
                               'N') INTO trn(p_index).redxn_table_applies
                  FROM DUAL;
Line: 1653

          SELECT piv.name
            FROM pay_input_values_f piv
                ,pay_element_entries_f pee
                ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
           WHERE piv.effective_start_date  <= cp_end_date
             AND piv.effective_end_date    >= cp_start_date
             AND piv.element_type_id        = cp_element_type_id
             AND pee.element_entry_id       = cp_element_entry_id
             AND pee.assignment_id          = cp_assignment_id
             AND pee.element_type_id        = piv.element_type_id
             AND pee.effective_start_date  <= cp_end_date
             AND pee.effective_end_date    >= cp_start_date
             AND peev.element_entry_id      = pee.element_entry_id
             AND peev.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date
             AND peev.effective_end_date   >= cp_start_date
             AND pee.effective_start_date   = peev.effective_start_date
             AND pee.effective_end_date     = peev.effective_end_date
             AND peev.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
        ORDER BY piv.display_sequence;
Line: 1736

Line: 1737

Line: 1759

                hr_utility_trace('Timestamp of IDW table update event = '||
Line: 1780

            SELECT ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (p_end_date, 'Y'),
                               MONTHS_BETWEEN (ld_hire_anniversary,
                                               TRUNC (ld_hire_anniversary, 'Y'))
                               ) +
                  (ld_hire_anniversary - TRUNC (ld_hire_anniversary, 'MM'))
              INTO ld_anniversary_date
              FROM dual;
Line: 2110

Line: 2158

Line: 2160

Line: 2346

      SELECT segment10
        FROM per_all_assignments_f  paf
             ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hck
       WHERE paf.assignment_id = cp_asg_id
         AND paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hck.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 2354

      SELECT segment1
        FROM per_all_assignments_f  paf
            ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hck
       WHERE paf.assignment_id = cp_asg_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                   AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hck.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 2365

      SELECT location_id
        FROM per_all_assignments_f
       WHERE assignment_id = cp_asg_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                   AND effective_end_date;
Line: 2374

      SELECT replace(org_information1,'-','') Social_Security_ID
        FROM hr_organization_information
       WHERE org_information_context = 'MX_SOC_SEC_DETAILS'
         AND organization_id         = cp_organization_id ;
Line: 2381

      SELECT replace(ppf.per_information3,'-','')        emp_ssnumber
        FROM per_all_people_f ppf
       WHERE ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
         -- Bug 6013218
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND
Line: 2388

                ( SELECT max(ppf_in.effective_start_date)
                    FROM per_all_people_f ppf_in
                   WHERE ppf_in.person_id      =  ppf.person_id
                     AND trunc(cp_end_date)   >= ppf_in.effective_start_date
                     AND trunc(cp_start_date) <= ppf_in.effective_end_date);*/
Line: 2397

      SELECT aei_information3
        FROM per_assignment_extra_info pae
       WHERE pae.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
         AND information_type  = 'MX_SS_EMP_TRANS_REASON'
         AND fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1) = cp_effective_date
         AND aei_information2  = cp_gre_id ;
Line: 2406

      SELECT pds_information1
        FROM per_periods_of_service ppos,
             per_all_assignments_f paf
       WHERE paf.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
         AND paf.person_id = ppos.person_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                   AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND pds_information_category='MX';
Line: 2417

     SELECT per_system_status
       FROM per_assignment_status_types
      WHERE assignment_status_type_id = cp_asg_status_type_id;
Line: 2422

        SELECT 'X'
          FROM per_assignments_f paf
         WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                     AND paf.effective_end_date
           AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,cp_effective_date) = p_gre_id;
Line: 2436

        SELECT 'Y'
          FROM per_assignments_f paf,
               per_assignment_status_types pst
         WHERE paf.person_id = p_person_id
           --AND paf.assignment_id <> p_assignment_id
           AND paf.assignment_status_type_id = pst.assignment_status_type_id
           AND ((cp_effective_date < paf.effective_end_date AND
                 cp_tran_type = '02' AND
                 -- Bug 6019466
                 pst.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN') OR
                (cp_effective_date > paf.effective_start_date AND
                 cp_tran_type = '08'))
           AND paf.assignment_type = 'E'
           AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,cp_effective_date) = p_gre_id
	               FROM per_all_people_f per
		       WHERE per.person_id = paf.person_id
        	       AND  cp_effective_date
                            BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date
			AND NVL(per.current_applicant_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
			AND paf.effective_start_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date);
Line: 2466

       SELECT  per.current_applicant_flag
       FROM  per_all_people_f per
       WHERE per.person_id = p_person_id
       AND  fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)
            BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date;
Line: 2542

Line: 2566

      hr_utility_trace('Update_type      : '||
                             p_asg_events(i).update_type );
Line: 2595

      IF p_asg_events(i).update_type = 'I' THEN

         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || lv_procedure_name, 30);
Line: 2692

            /*IF ( p_asg_events(1).update_type <> 'I' AND
                 p_asg_events(i).update_type <> 'I' )  THEN*/

               IF ln_old_gre_id = p_gre_id AND ln_new_gre_id <> p_gre_id

Line: 2869

               SELECT COUNT(*)
                 INTO ln_asg_count
                 FROM per_all_assignments_f
                WHERE assignment_id        = p_assignment_id
                  AND effective_start_date = p_asg_events(i).effective_date;
Line: 2912

                  date-tracked update to the asg record. We need to ignore
                  EFFECTIVE_END_DATE events if assignment is not terminated.
                  (Bug 5888285)*/
               lv_old_asg_status := NULL;
Line: 2958

Line: 3046

Line: 3048

Line: 3257

      SELECT event_group_id
        FROM pay_event_groups
       WHERE event_group_name = cp_event_group_name;
Line: 3265

      SELECT paf.assignment_id
        FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
       WHERE paf.assignment_id     = cp_assignment_id
         AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,trunc(cp_end_date)) = cp_gre_id
       ORDER BY paf.assignment_id
               ,paf.effective_start_date desc
               ,paf.effective_end_date desc;
Line: 3282

        SELECT effective_end_date
          FROM per_assignments_f pa
         WHERE pa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND pa.effective_end_date = cp_effective_date
           AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,cp_effective_date) = p_gre_id
	               FROM per_all_people_f per
		       WHERE per.person_id = pa.person_id
        	       AND  cp_effective_date
                            BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date
			AND NVL(per.current_applicant_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 3347

Line: 3348

Line: 3349

Line: 3350

Line: 3545

      SELECT ppf.person_id                               person_id
            ,replace(ppf.per_information3,'-','')        emp_ssnumber
            ,ppf.last_name                               paternal_last_name
            ,ppf.per_information1                        maternal_last_name
            ,rtrim(ppf.first_name || ' ' || ppf.middle_names)   emp_name
            ,ppf.per_information4                        medical_center
            ,ppf.employee_number                         worker_id
            ,ppf.national_identifier                     curp
            ,ppf.per_information2                        tax_rfc_id
            ,fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)  hire_date
       FROM per_all_people_f ppf
      WHERE ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
        AND ppf.effective_start_date =
                ( SELECT max(ppf_in.effective_start_date)
                    FROM per_all_people_f ppf_in
                   WHERE ppf_in.person_id             = ppf.person_id
                     AND ppf_in.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date);
Line: 3567

      SELECT paf.location_id
            ,substr(paf.employment_category,3,1) worker_type
       FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE paf.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
        AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                  AND paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 3575

                ( SELECT max(paf_in.effective_start_date)
                    FROM per_all_assignments_f paf_in
                   WHERE paf_in.assignment_id  = paf.assignment_id
                     AND trunc(cp_end_date)   >= paf_in.effective_start_date
                     AND trunc(cp_start_date) <= paf_in.effective_end_date);*/
Line: 3582

      SELECT  hsc.segment6             salary_type
             ,puc.user_column_name     work_schedule
        FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,
             pay_user_columns puc
       WHERE hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id  = cp_soft_cod_kflx_id
         AND hsc.segment4 = puc.user_column_id(+);
Line: 3590

      SELECT  location_code
        FROM  hr_locations_all
       WHERE  location_id = cp_location_id;
Line: 3595

        SELECT paf.effective_start_date,
          FROM per_assignments_f paf
         WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND paf.effective_start_date = (SELECT max(paf_in.effective_start_date)
                                             FROM per_assignments_f paf_in
                                            WHERE paf_in.assignment_id =
                           -- Bug 5908010
                           AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                      paf_in.effective_start_date) = p_gre_id);
Line: 3612

      SELECT pee.element_entry_id
        FROM pay_element_entries_f pee
            ,per_all_assignments_f paf
       WHERE paf.person_id     = cp_person_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                   AND paf.effective_end_date
         AND pee.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id + 0
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date
                                   AND pee.effective_end_date
         AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1
                        FROM pay_element_type_extra_info petei
                       WHERE petei.information_type = 'MX_DEDUCTION_PROCESSING'
                         AND petei.eei_information_category =
                         AND petei.eei_information1 = 'INFONAVIT'
                         AND petei.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id )
        ORDER BY pee.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 3634

      SELECT piv.name, peev.screen_entry_value
        FROM pay_element_entry_values_f peev
            ,pay_input_values_f piv
       WHERE piv.element_type_id   = cp_element_type_id
         AND peev.element_entry_id = cp_element_entry_id
         AND piv.input_value_id    = peev.input_value_id
         AND cp_effective_date BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date
                                   AND piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 3928

    SELECT hoi.org_information10
      FROM hr_organization_units hou,
           hr_organization_information hoi
     WHERE hou.organization_id = p_org_id
       AND hoi.org_information_context ='MX_SOC_SEC_DETAILS'
       AND hou.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN hou.date_from
                                AND nvl(hou.date_to,p_effective_date);
Line: 4034

      INTO gn_implementation
      FROM pay_payroll_actions
     WHERE report_type      = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
       AND report_qualifier = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
       AND report_category  = 'RT'
       AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE', legislative_parameters )
                                  = ln_gre_id
       AND payroll_action_id + 0 < p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 4057

        'SELECT  DISTINCT paf.person_id
         FROM    per_assignments_f      paf,
                 pay_payroll_actions    ppa
         WHERE   ppa.payroll_action_id    = :p_payroll_action_id
         AND     paf.business_group_id    = ppa.business_group_id
         AND     per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                  ,ppa.effective_date) = '||ln_gre_id|| ' '||
        'AND    ppa.effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                    AND paf.effective_end_date
         ORDER BY paf.person_id';
Line: 4074

        'SELECT  DISTINCT person_id FROM ( '||
        'SELECT  paf.person_id
         FROM    per_assignments_f      paf
                ,pay_payroll_actions    ppa
         WHERE   ppa.payroll_action_id    = :p_payroll_action_id
         AND     paf.business_group_id    = ppa.business_group_id
         AND     per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                   ,ppa.effective_date) = '||ln_gre_id|| ' '||
        'AND     (EXISTS ( '||
                'SELECT 1 FROM pay_process_events     ppe '||
                'WHERE    ppe.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id '||
                'AND      ppe.creation_date BETWEEN '||
                '    fnd_date.canonical_to_date(''' ||lv_start_date||''') AND'||
                '    fnd_date.canonical_to_date('''||lv_end_date||''') )';
Line: 4101

        'SELECT  paf.person_id
         FROM    per_assignments_f      paf
                ,pay_payroll_actions    ppa
                ,pay_element_entries_f pee
                ,pay_sub_classification_rules_f psc
                ,pay_element_classifications pec
                ,pay_assignment_actions paa
                ,pay_payroll_actions ppa2
         WHERE   ppa.payroll_action_id    = '|| ln_pactid ||' '||
        'AND     paf.business_group_id    = ppa.business_group_id
         AND     per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                   ,ppa.effective_date) = '||ln_gre_id|| ' '||
        'AND pee.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id '||
        'AND pee.effective_start_date <= '||
             'fnd_date.canonical_to_date('''||gv_periodic_end_date||''') '||
        'AND pee.effective_end_date >= '||
             'fnd_date.canonical_to_date(''' ||gv_periodic_start_date||''') '||
        'AND psc.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id '||
        'AND psc.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id '||
        'AND psc.effective_start_date <=  '||
             'fnd_date.canonical_to_date('''||gv_periodic_end_date||''') '||
        'AND psc.effective_end_date >=  '||
             'fnd_date.canonical_to_date(''' ||gv_periodic_start_date||''') '||
        'AND pec.classification_id = psc.classification_id '||
        'AND pec.classification_name LIKE
                      ''%Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)'' '||
        'AND paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id '||
        'AND ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id '||
        'AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN  '||
             'fnd_date.canonical_to_date(''' ||gv_periodic_start_date||''') '||
             'AND fnd_date.canonical_to_date('''||gv_periodic_end_date||''') '||
        'AND ppa2.action_type in ( ''R'', ''Q'', ''B'', ''V'' ) '||
        'AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pay_run_results prr
             WHERE prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
               AND prr.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id ) '||
        'AND NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1
                   FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_prev
                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa_prev
                  WHERE ppa_prev.report_type      = ''SS_ARCHIVE''
                    AND ppa_prev.report_qualifier = ''SS_ARCHIVE''
                    AND ppa_prev.report_category  = ''RT''
                    AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val(''GRE'',
                           ppa_prev.legislative_parameters) = '||
                                                          ln_gre_id|| ' '||
                   'AND TRUNC( fnd_date.canonical_to_date (
                                ppa_prev.legislative_parameters) ) ) = ' ||
                                            gv_periodic_end_date|| ''') ) '||
                   'AND paa_prev.payroll_action_id = ppa_prev.payroll_action_id
                    AND paa_prev.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
                    AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val(''MX_IDWV'',
                    paa_prev.serial_number) =   ''Y'' ) ' ||
        'AND    '''|| gv_mode || ''' = ''P'' ) ' ||
        'ORDER BY person_id';
Line: 4167

    update  pay_payroll_actions
    set     effective_date = fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4712/12/31')
    where   payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 4189

     SELECT paf.person_id
           ,decode(paf.primary_flag, 'Y', 'Y', 'Z')
           ,'N' variable_idw
       FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
           ,per_assignments_f paf
      WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id  = cp_payroll_action_id
        AND ppa.business_group_id  = cp_business_group_id
        AND paf.business_group_id  = ppa.business_group_id
        AND paf.person_id BETWEEN cp_start_person_id
                              AND cp_end_person_id
        AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,ppa.effective_date) = cp_gre_id
     SELECT paf.person_id
           ,decode(paf.primary_flag, 'Y', 'Y', 'Z')
           ,'Y' variable_idw
       FROM per_assignments_f      paf
           ,pay_payroll_actions    ppa
           ,pay_element_entries_f pee
           ,pay_sub_classification_rules_f psc
           ,pay_element_classifications pec
           ,pay_assignment_actions paa
           ,pay_payroll_actions ppa2
      WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id    =  cp_payroll_action_id
        AND paf.business_group_id    = ppa.business_group_id
        AND paf.person_id BETWEEN cp_start_person_id
                              AND cp_end_person_id
        AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                   ,ppa.effective_date) = cp_gre_id
        AND pee.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
        AND pee.effective_start_date <= cp_periodic_end_date
        AND pee.effective_end_date   >= cp_periodic_start_date
        AND psc.business_group_id     = ppa.business_group_id
        AND psc.element_type_id       = pee.element_type_id
        AND psc.effective_start_date <= cp_periodic_end_date
        AND psc.effective_end_date   >= cp_periodic_start_date
        AND pec.classification_id     = psc.classification_id
        AND pec.classification_name LIKE
                      '%Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)'
        AND paa.assignment_id         = paf.assignment_id
        AND ppa2.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
        AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN cp_periodic_start_date
                                    AND cp_periodic_end_date
        AND ppa2.action_type in ( 'R', 'Q', 'B', 'V' )
        AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pay_run_results prr
                     WHERE prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                       AND prr.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id )
        AND NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1
                   FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_prev
                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa_prev
                  WHERE ppa_prev.report_type      = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
                    AND ppa_prev.report_qualifier = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
                    AND ppa_prev.report_category  = 'RT'
                    AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE',
                           ppa_prev.legislative_parameters) = cp_gre_id
                    AND TRUNC( fnd_date.canonical_to_date (
                        pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val( 'PERIOD_ENDING_DATE',
                                ppa_prev.legislative_parameters) ) ) =
                    AND paa_prev.payroll_action_id = ppa_prev.payroll_action_id
                    AND paa_prev.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
                    AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('MX_IDWV',
                        paa_prev.serial_number) =   'Y' )
        AND gv_mode  = 'P'
      ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4 desc;
Line: 4273

     SELECT paf.person_id
           ,decode(paf.primary_flag, 'Y', 'Y', 'Z')
           ,'N' variable_idw
       FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
           ,per_assignments_f paf
           ,pay_population_ranges ppr
      WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id
        AND ppr.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
        AND ppr.chunk_number      = cp_chunk_number
        AND paf.person_id         = ppr.person_id
        AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,ppa.effective_date) = cp_gre_id
     SELECT paf.person_id
           ,decode(paf.primary_flag, 'Y', 'Y', 'Z')
           ,'Y' variable_idw
       FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
           ,per_assignments_f paf
           ,pay_population_ranges ppr
           ,pay_element_entries_f pee
           ,pay_sub_classification_rules_f psc
           ,pay_element_classifications pec
           ,pay_assignment_actions paa
           ,pay_payroll_actions ppa2
      WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id
        AND ppr.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
        AND ppr.chunk_number      = cp_chunk_number
        AND paf.person_id         = ppr.person_id
        AND per_mx_ssaffl_archive.derive_gre_from_loc_scl(
                                           ,ppa.effective_date) = cp_gre_id
        AND pee.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
        AND pee.effective_start_date <= cp_periodic_end_date
        AND pee.effective_end_date   >= cp_periodic_start_date
        AND psc.business_group_id     = ppa.business_group_id
        AND psc.element_type_id       = pee.element_type_id
        AND psc.effective_start_date <= cp_periodic_end_date
        AND psc.effective_end_date   >= cp_periodic_start_date
        AND pec.classification_id     = psc.classification_id
        AND pec.classification_name LIKE
                      '%Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)'
        AND paa.assignment_id         = paf.assignment_id
        AND ppa2.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
        AND ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN cp_periodic_start_date
                                    AND cp_periodic_end_date
        AND ppa2.action_type in ( 'R', 'Q', 'B', 'V' )
        AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pay_run_results prr
                     WHERE prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                       AND prr.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id )
        AND NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1
                   FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_prev
                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa_prev
                  WHERE ppa_prev.report_type      = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
                    AND ppa_prev.report_qualifier = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
                    AND ppa_prev.report_category  = 'RT'
                    AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE',
                           ppa_prev.legislative_parameters) = cp_gre_id
                    AND TRUNC( fnd_date.canonical_to_date (
                        pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val( 'PERIOD_ENDING_DATE',
                                ppa_prev.legislative_parameters) ) ) =
                    AND paa_prev.payroll_action_id = ppa_prev.payroll_action_id
                    AND paa_prev.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
                    AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('MX_IDWV',
                        paa_prev.serial_number) =   'Y' )
        AND gv_mode  = 'P'
      ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4 desc;
Line: 4489

              SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                INTO ln_asg_act_id
                FROM dual;
Line: 4493

      	      hr_utility_trace('--> Inserting into pay_assignment_actions' );
Line: 4514

	      UPDATE pay_assignment_actions
                 SET serial_number = to_char(ln_person_id) || '|' ||
                                     'MX_IDWV=' || lv_report_mode || '|'
               WHERE assignment_action_id = ln_asg_act_id;
Line: 4541

                 SELECT count(*)
                   INTO ln_events_found
                   FROM pay_process_events
                  WHERE assignment_id = ln_assignment_id
                    AND last_update_date
                               BETWEEN fnd_date.canonical_to_date(lv_start_date)
                                   AND fnd_date.canonical_to_date(lv_end_date);
Line: 4561

                 SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                   INTO ln_asg_act_id
                   FROM dual;
Line: 4565

		hr_utility_trace('--> insert into pay_assignment_actions.' );
Line: 4582

                 UPDATE pay_assignment_actions
                    SET serial_number = to_char(ln_person_id) || '|' ||
                                        'MX_IDWV=' || lv_report_mode || '|'
                  WHERE assignment_action_id = ln_asg_act_id;
Line: 4588

Line: 4641

      SELECT paa.payroll_action_id
        FROM pay_assignment_actions paa
       WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = cp_assignment_action;
Line: 4651

      SELECT count(*)
        FROM pay_action_information
       WHERE action_context_id   = cp_payroll_action_id
         AND action_context_type = 'PA';
Line: 4659

       SELECT  'Y'
       FROM  per_all_people_f per
       WHERE per.person_id = p_person_id
       AND  fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)
            BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND per.effective_end_date
       AND   per.current_employee_flag = 'Y';
Line: 4697

Line: 4841

Line: 4910

Line: 4916

Line: 4923

                     p_action_context_id   => p_asg_action_id
                    ,p_action_context_type => 'AAP'
                    ,p_assignment_id       => ln_assignment_id
                    ,p_tax_unit_id         => ln_gre_id
                    ,p_curr_pymt_eff_date  => ld_end_date
                    ,p_tab_rec_data        => pay_mx_soc_sec_archive.lrr_act_tab
Line: 4934

Line: 4959

      SELECT dated_table_id
        FROM pay_dated_tables;
Line: 4964

      SELECT pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE',
                                               LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS) GRE,
                                              LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS)) END_DATE
        FROM pay_payroll_actions
       WHERE payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 4992

      INTO gn_implementation
      FROM pay_payroll_actions
     WHERE report_type      = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
       AND report_qualifier = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
       AND report_category  = 'RT'
       AND pay_mx_utility.get_legi_param_val('GRE', legislative_parameters )
                                  = ln_gre_id
       AND payroll_action_id + 0 < p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 5037

         advanced further; it cannot be updated by a potential retry attempt. */
Line: 5066

        hr_utility_trace ('pay_recorded_requests not updated.');
Line: 5069

Line: 5079

        SELECT 'Y'
          FROM pay_upgrade_status pus,
               pay_upgrade_definitions pud
         WHERE pud.upgrade_definition_id = pus.upgrade_definition_id
           AND pus.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
           AND pud.short_name = 'MX_SS_ARCH_TRAN_DATE'
           AND pus.status = 'C';
Line: 5088

        SELECT 'Y'
          FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
         WHERE ppa.report_type = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
           AND ppa.report_qualifier = 'SS_ARCHIVE'
           AND ppa.report_category = 'RT'
           AND ppa.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;