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Line 532: FROM okc_k_headers_b

528: CURSOR c_obj_ver(p_id NUMBER) IS
529: SELECT object_version_number, decode(
530: NVL(sign(months_between(START_DATE,sysdate+1)),1),-1,decode(
531: NVL(sign(months_between(END_DATE,sysdate-1)),1),1,'ACTIVE','EXPIRED'),'SIGNED' )
532: FROM okc_k_headers_b
533: WHERE id = p_id;
534: BEGIN
535: x_chrv_tbl(i).VALIDATE_YN := 'N';
536: Open c_obj_ver(x_chrv_tbl(i).id);

Line 681: from okc_k_headers_b CHR,

677: -- building a list of source contract for the renewed contract being resurrected
678: cursor C1 is
679: select distinct contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
680: contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
681: from okc_k_headers_b CHR,
682: okc_operation_lines OLI,
683: okc_operation_instances OIE, --**
684: okc_class_operations COP --**
685: where OLI.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id

Line 697: from okc_k_headers_b CHR,

694: Cursor C2 is
695: select contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
696: contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
697: from okc_k_headers_b CHR,
698: okc_operation_lines OLI,
699: okc_operation_instances OIE, --**
700: okc_class_operations COP --**
701: where OLI.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id

Line 730: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,

726: -- building list of target contracts for the same source contracts
728: SELECT distinct contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
729: contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
730: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
731: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
732: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
733: okc_operation_instances OIE1,
734: okc_class_operations COP1,

Line 754: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,

750: -- Line Level Check added as part of LLC
751: CURSOR C2 is
752: SELECT contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
753: contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
754: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
755: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
756: okc_statuses_b STE,
757: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
758: okc_operation_lines OLI2,

Line 807: from OKC_K_HEADERS_B CHR,

803: -- CANCELLED status (DATE_RENEWED is NULL).
804: --
805: cursor c1 is
806: select distinct 'Y'
807: from OKC_K_HEADERS_B CHR,
808: okc_operation_lines OLI,
809: okc_operation_instances OIE,
810: okc_class_operations COP
811: where chr.id = oli.object_chr_id

Line 852: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,

848: l_chr_id number := p_id;
849: l_status varchar2(1);
850: CURSOR c1 IS
851: SELECT distinct 'Y'
852: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
853: okc_statuses_b STS,
854: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
855: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
856: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**

Line 881: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,

877: -- Line Level Check added as part of LLC
879: CURSOR c2 IS
880: SELECT distinct 'Y'
881: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
882: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
883: okc_statuses_b STS,
884: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
885: okc_operation_lines OLI2,

Line 938: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,

934: --
935: --
936: CURSOR c1 IS
937: SELECT distinct 'Y'
938: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
939: okc_statuses_b STS,
940: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
941: okc_operation_lines OLI2,
942: okc_operation_instances OIE1, --**

Line 967: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,

963: -- Line Level Check added as part of LLC
965: CURSOR c2 IS
966: SELECT distinct 'Y'
967: FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
968: okc_k_lines_b CLE,
969: okc_statuses_b STS,
970: okc_operation_lines OLI1,
971: okc_operation_lines OLI2,

Line 1176: FROM okc_k_headers_b

1172: --
1174: CURSOR get_scs_code_csr IS
1175: SELECT scs_code
1176: FROM okc_k_headers_b
1177: WHERE id= p_id;
1179: --

Line 1763: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_headers_b where id = p_id;

1759: cursor get_ste_code(p_code in varchar2) is
1760: Select ste_code from okc_statuses_b where code = p_code;
1762: cursor get_k_hdr_cur (p_id in number) is
1763: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_headers_b where id = p_id;
1765: cursor get_k_line_cur(p_cle_id in number) is
1766: Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_lines_b where id = p_id;