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1 PACKAGE bom_copy_routing AS
2 /* $Header: BOMCPYRS.pls 120.10 2006/05/17 21:07:41 earumuga noship $ */
3 /*#
4 * This API contains the methods for copying Routing.
5 * @rep:scope private
6 * @rep:product BOM
7 * @rep:displayname Routing Copy
8 * @rep:lifecycle active
10 */
11 /*==========================================================================+
12 |   Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation, California, USA                  |
13 |                          All rights reserved.                             |
14 +===========================================================================+
15 |                                                                           |
16 | File Name    : BOMCPYRS.pls                                               |
17 | Description  : Routing copy package specification                         |
18 | Created By   : Manu Chadha                                                |
19 |                                                                           |
20 |   from_org_id     Copy from org id                                        |
21 |   to_org_id       Copy to org id                                          |
22 |   from_sequence_id    Copy from routing sequence id                       |
23 |   to_sequence_id      Copy to routing sequence id                         |
24 |   display_option      copy option                                         |
25 |               1 - all (not supported from form)                           |
26 |               2 - current                                                 |
27 |               3 - current + future                                        |
28 |   user_id         user id                                                 |
29 |   to_item_id      Copy to item id                                         |
30 |   direction       direction of copy                                       |
31 |               1 - BOM to BOM                                              |
32 |               2 - BOM to ENG                                              |
33 |               3 - ENG to ENG                                              |
34 |               2 - ENG to BOM                                              |
35 |   to_alternate        Copy to alternate designator                        |
36 |   rev_date        Revision date to copy                                   |
37 |   err_msg         Error message                                           |
38 |   error_code      Error code                                              |
39 |                                                                           |
40 |   30-Jun-2005    Ezhilarasan  Added new overloaded procedure to support   |
41 |                               copy routing in context of eco              |
42 +==========================================================================*/
43 /*#
44 * copy_routing will copy a routing for a given item to the item id supplied.
45 * @param to_sequence_id Destination Sequence Id to which routing will be copied
46 * @param from_sequence_id Source Sequence Id from which routing will be copied
47 * @param from_org_id Source Organization Id from which routing will be copied
48 * @param to_org_id Destination Organization Id to which routing will be copied
49 * @param display_option Effectivity Filter criteria for routing operations (all, current, current+future)
50 * @param user_id user id
51 * @param to_item_id item id to which routing is copied
52 * @param direction direction of copy (BOM to BOM, BOM to ENG,ENG to BOM,ENG to ENG)
53 * @param to_alternate Copy to alternate designator
54 * @param rev_date Revision date to copy
55 * @rep:scope private
56 * @rep:lifecycle active
57 * @rep:displayname Copy Routing
58 */
59    PROCEDURE copy_routing (
60       to_sequence_id     IN   NUMBER,
61       from_sequence_id   IN   NUMBER,
62       from_org_id        IN   NUMBER,
63       to_org_id          IN   NUMBER,
64       display_option     IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
65       user_id            IN   NUMBER DEFAULT -1,
66       to_item_id         IN   NUMBER,
67       direction          IN   NUMBER,
68       to_alternate       IN   VARCHAR2,
69       rev_date                DATE
70    );
72 /*#
73 * switch_to_primary_rtg will set alternate routing designator in bom_operational_routings.
74 * @param p_org_id Organization id
75 * @param p_ass_itm_id Assembly Item Id
76 * @param p_alt_rtg_desg Alternate Routings Designator
77 * @param p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg Alternate Routings Designator for primary routing
78 * @rep:scope private
79 * @rep:lifecycle active
80 * @rep:displayname Switch To Primary Routing
81 */
82    PROCEDURE switch_to_primary_rtg (
83       p_org_id                  IN   NUMBER,
84       p_ass_itm_id              IN   NUMBER,
85       p_alt_rtg_desg            IN   VARCHAR2,
86       p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg   IN   VARCHAR2
87    );
88 /*#
89 * switch_rtg_validate will set alternate routing designator in bom_operational_routings.
90 * @param p_org_id Organization id
91 * @param p_ass_itm_id Assembly Item Id
92 * @param p_alt_rtg_desg Alternate Routings Designator
93 * @param p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg Alternate Routings Designator for primary routing
94 * @param x_return_status Indicating success or faliure
95 * @param x_message_name Message
96 * @rep:scope private
97 * @rep:lifecycle active
98 * @rep:displayname Switch Routing Validate
99 */
100 /*** Added as part of Patchset I enhancement - 2544075 ***/
101    PROCEDURE switch_rtg_validate (
102       p_org_id                  IN              NUMBER,
103       p_ass_itm_id              IN              NUMBER,
104       p_alt_rtg_desg            IN              VARCHAR2,
105       p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg   IN              VARCHAR2,
106       x_return_status           IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
107       x_message_name            IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
108    );
109 /*#
110 * switch_to_primary_rtg will set alternate routing designator in bom_operational_routings.
111 * @param p_org_id Organization id
112 * @param p_ass_itm_id Assembly Item Id
113 * @param p_alt_rtg_desg Alternate Routings Designator
114 * @param p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg Alternate Routings Designator for primary routing
115 * @param x_return_status Return Status to be returned back
116 * @param x_message_name Message to be passed back
117 * @rep:scope private
118 * @rep:lifecycle active
119 * @rep:displayname Switch To Primary Routing
120 */
121    PROCEDURE switch_to_primary_rtg (
122       p_org_id                  IN              NUMBER,
123       p_ass_itm_id              IN              NUMBER,
124       p_alt_rtg_desg            IN              VARCHAR2,
125       p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg   IN              VARCHAR2,
126       x_return_status           IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
127       x_message_name            IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
128    );
129 	-- Start of comments
130 	--	API name 	: copy_routing
131 	--	Type		: private
132 	--	Pre-reqs	: None.
133 	--	Function	: Copies routing source sequence id to target sequence id
134 	--	Parameters	:
135 	--	IN		:	to_sequence_id IN NUMBER Required
136 	--				    Routing sequence Id of the target item
137 	--	    	    from_sequence_id IN NUMBER Required
138 	--				    Routing sequence Id of the source item
139 	--              from_org_id         IN NUMBER   Required
140 	--                  Source item's organization id
141 	--              to_org_id           IN NUMBER   Required
142 	--                  Target item's organization id
143 	--              display_option      IN NUMBER   Optional
144 	--				    Effectivity Filter criteria for routing operations
145 	--              user_id             IN NUMBER   Optional
146 	--                  User Id of the user who launches this process
147 	--              to_item_id          IN NUMBER   Required
148 	--                  Target routing's Item Id
149 	--              direction           IN NUMBER   Optional
150 	--                  Specifies the type of source and target routing combination
151 	--              to_alternate        IN VARCHAR2 Required
152 	--                  Target item's routing alternate name
153 	--              rev_date            IN DATE     Required
154 	--                  Date from which source item's operation needs to filterd
155 	--              p_e_change_notice     IN VARCHANR2  Optional
156 	--                  Change Notice Name
157 	--              p_rev_item_seq_id     IN NUMBER   Optional
158 	--                  Revised Item Sequence Id of Target Structure's Item
159 	--              p_routing_or_eco         IN NUMBER   Optional
160 	--                  Copy operation needs to create a structure or eco
161 	--              p_eco_eff_date        IN DATE     Optional
162 	--                  Effectivity Date for operations if copy operation creates eco
163 	--              p_contex_eco IN VARCHAR2 Optional
164 	--                  ECO context from which the source item's operations are filtered
165 	--              p_log_errors IN VARCHAR2 Optional
166 	--                  Flag which specifies whethere errors needs to be logged in mtl_interface_errors
167 	--              p_copy_request_id IN VARCHAR2 Optional
168 	--                  To group the errors which have been logged in mtl_interface_errors
169 	-- End of comments
170 /*#
171 * copy_routing Copies routing source sequence id to target sequence id.
172 * @param to_sequence_id Destination Sequence Id to which routing will be copied
173 * @param from_sequence_id Source Sequence Id from which routing will be copied
174 * @param from_org_id Source Organization Id from which routing will be copied
175 * @param to_org_id Destination Organization Id to which routing will be copied
176 * @param display_option Effectivity Filter criteria for routing operations (all, current, current+future)
177 * @param user_id user id
178 * @param to_item_id item id to which routing is copied
179 * @param direction direction of copy (BOM to BOM, BOM to ENG,ENG to BOM,ENG to ENG)
180 * @param to_alternate Copy to alternate designator
181 * @param rev_date Revision date to copy
182 * @param p_e_change_notice Change Notice Name
183 * @param p_rev_item_seq_id  Revised Item Sequence Id of Target Structure's Item
184 * @param p_routing_or_eco Copy operation needs to create a structure or eco
185 * @param p_trgt_eff_date Target Effectivity Date for operations
186 * @param p_eco_eff_date Effectivity Date for operations if copy operation creates eco
187 * @param p_context_eco ECO context from which the source item's operations are filtered
188 * @param p_log_errors Flag which specifies whethere errors needs to be logged in mtl_interface_errors
189 * @param p_copy_request_id To group the errors which have been logged in mtl_interface_errors
190 * @param p_cpy_disable_fields Flag to copy disable fields
191 * @rep:scope private
192 * @rep:lifecycle active
193 * @rep:displayname Copy Routing
194 */
195    PROCEDURE copy_routing (
196       to_sequence_id          IN   NUMBER,
197       from_sequence_id        IN   NUMBER,
198       from_org_id             IN   NUMBER,
199       to_org_id               IN   NUMBER,
200       display_option          IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
201       user_id                 IN   NUMBER DEFAULT -1,
202       to_item_id              IN   NUMBER,
203       direction               IN   NUMBER,
204       to_alternate            IN   VARCHAR2,
205       rev_date                     DATE,
206       p_e_change_notice         IN   VARCHAR2,
207       p_rev_item_seq_id         IN   NUMBER,
208       p_routing_or_eco          IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
209 	  p_trgt_eff_date           IN   DATE,
210       p_eco_eff_date            IN   DATE,
211       p_context_eco             IN   VARCHAR2,
212 	  p_log_errors              IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
213 	  p_copy_request_id         IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
214 	  p_cpy_disable_fields      IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
215    );
217 	-- Start of comments
218 	--	API name 	: GET_MESSAGE
219 	--	Type		: private
220 	--	Pre-reqs	: None.
221 	--	Function	: Gets message with tokens set
222 	--	Parameters	:
223 	--	IN		:	p_msg_name   	IN VARCHAR2	Required
224 	--				    Name of the message
225 	--              p_op_seq_num    IN NUMBER Required
226 	--                  Operation Sequence Number which is being processed
227 	-- End of comments
228    FUNCTION GET_MESSAGE (p_msg_name IN VARCHAR2, p_op_seq_num IN NUMBER)
231 	-- Start of comments
232 	--	API name 	: GET_MESSAGE
233 	--	Type		: private
234 	--	Pre-reqs	: None.
235 	--	Function	: Gets message with tokens set
236 	--	Parameters	:
237 	--	IN		:	p_msg_name   	IN VARCHAR2	Required
238 	--				    Name of the message
239 	--              p_op_seq_num    IN NUMBER Required
240 	--                  Operation Sequence Number which is being processed
241 	--              p_oper_type     IN VARCHAR2 Required
242 	--                  Operation Type
243 	-- End of comments
244    FUNCTION GET_MESSAGE (p_msg_name IN VARCHAR2, p_op_seq_num IN NUMBER,
245         p_oper_type IN VARCHAR2)
248 	-- Start of comments
249 	--	API name 	: GET_MESSAGE
250 	--	Type		: private
251 	--	Pre-reqs	: None.
252 	--	Function	: Gets message with tokens set
253 	--	Parameters	:
254 	--	IN		:	p_msg_name   	IN VARCHAR2	Required
255 	--				    Name of the message
256 	--              p_op_seq_num    IN NUMBER Required
257 	--                  Operation Sequence Number which is being processed
258 	--              p_entity_name   IN VARCHAR2 Required
259 	--                  Entity Name for which the error has occured
260 	--              p_type          IN VARCHAR2 Required
261 	--                  Entity type to find out the token name.
262 	-- End of comments
263 	FUNCTION GET_MESSAGE (p_msg_name IN VARCHAR2, p_op_seq_num IN NUMBER,
264         p_entity_name IN VARCHAR2, p_type IN VARCHAR2)
267    PROCEDURE switch_common_to_primary_rtg (	-- BUG 4712488
268       p_org_id                  IN   NUMBER,
269       p_ass_itm_id              IN   NUMBER,
270       p_alt_rtg_desg            IN   VARCHAR2,
271       p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg   IN   VARCHAR2
272    );
274    PROCEDURE switch_common_to_alternate_rtg (	-- BUG 4712488
275       p_org_id                  IN   NUMBER,
276       p_ass_itm_id              IN   NUMBER,
277       p_alt_desg_for_prim_rtg   IN   VARCHAR2,
278       p_rtg_seq_id		IN   NUMBER
279    );
281 	-- Start of comments
282 	--	API name 	: copy_routing_for_revised_item
283 	--	Type		: private
284 	--	Pre-reqs	: None.
285 	--	Function	: Copies routing source sequence id to target sequence id
286 	--                for a specific revised item
287 	--	Parameters	:
288 	--	IN		:	to_sequence_id IN NUMBER Required
289 	--				    Routing sequence Id of the target item
290 	--	    	    from_sequence_id IN NUMBER Required
291 	--				    Routing sequence Id of the source item
292 	--              from_org_id         IN NUMBER   Required
293 	--                  Source item's organization id
294 	--              to_org_id           IN NUMBER   Required
295 	--                  Target item's organization id
296 	--              user_id             IN NUMBER   Optional
297 	--                  User Id of the user who launches this process
298 	--              to_item_id          IN NUMBER   Required
299 	--                  Target routing's Item Id
300 	--              direction           IN NUMBER   Optional
301 	--                  Specifies the type of source and target routing combination
302 	--              to_alternate        IN VARCHAR2 Required
303 	--                  Target item's routing alternate name
304 	--              rev_date            IN DATE     Required
305 	--                  Date from which source item's operation needs to filterd
306 	--              p_e_change_notice     IN VARCHANR2  Optional
307 	--                  Change Notice Name
308 	--              p_rev_item_seq_id     IN NUMBER   Optional
309 	--                  Revised Item Sequence Id of Target Structure's Item
310 	--              p_routing_or_eco         IN NUMBER   Optional
311 	--                  Copy operation needs to create a structure or eco
312 	--              p_eco_eff_date        IN DATE     Optional
313 	--                  Effectivity Date for operations if copy operation creates eco
314 	--              p_contex_eco IN VARCHAR2 Optional
315 	--                  ECO context from which the source item's operations are filtered
316 	--              p_log_errors IN VARCHAR2 Optional
317 	--                  Flag which specifies whethere errors needs to be logged in mtl_interface_errors
318 	--              p_copy_request_id IN VARCHAR2 Optional
319 	--                  To group the errors which have been logged in mtl_interface_errors
320 	-- End of comments
321 /*#
322 * copy_routing Copies routing source sequence id to target sequence id.
323 * @param to_sequence_id Destination Sequence Id to which routing will be copied
324 * @param from_sequence_id Source Sequence Id from which routing will be copied
325 * @param from_org_id Source Organization Id from which routing will be copied
326 * @param to_org_id Destination Organization Id to which routing will be copied
327 * @param user_id user id
328 * @param to_item_id item id to which routing is copied
329 * @param direction direction of copy (BOM to BOM, BOM to ENG,ENG to BOM,ENG to ENG)
330 * @param to_alternate Copy to alternate designator
331 * @param rev_date Revision date to copy
332 * @param p_e_change_notice Change Notice Name
333 * @param p_rev_item_seq_id  Revised Item Sequence Id of Target Structure's Item
334 * @param p_routing_or_eco Copy operation needs to create a structure or eco
335 * @param p_trgt_eff_date Target Effectivity Date for operations
336 * @param p_eco_eff_date Effectivity Date for operations if copy operation creates eco
337 * @param p_context_eco ECO context from which the source item's operations are filtered
338 * @param p_log_errors Flag which specifies whethere errors needs to be logged in mtl_interface_errors
339 * @param p_copy_request_id To group the errors which have been logged in mtl_interface_errors
340 * @param p_cpy_disable_fields Flag to copy disable fields
341 * @rep:scope private
342 * @rep:lifecycle active
343 * @rep:displayname Copy Routing For Revised Item
344 */
345    PROCEDURE copy_routing_for_revised_item (
346       to_sequence_id          IN   NUMBER,
347       from_sequence_id        IN   NUMBER,
348       from_org_id             IN   NUMBER,
349       to_org_id               IN   NUMBER,
350       user_id                 IN   NUMBER DEFAULT -1,
351       to_item_id              IN   NUMBER,
352       direction               IN   NUMBER,
353       to_alternate            IN   VARCHAR2,
354       rev_date                     DATE,
355       p_e_change_notice         IN   VARCHAR2,
356       p_rev_item_seq_id         IN   NUMBER,
357       p_routing_or_eco          IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
358 	  p_trgt_eff_date           IN   DATE,
359       p_eco_eff_date            IN   DATE,
360       p_context_eco             IN   VARCHAR2,
361 	  p_log_errors              IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
362 	  p_copy_request_id         IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
363 	  p_cpy_disable_fields      IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
364    );
366    PROCEDURE copy_attachments(p_from_sequence_id IN NUMBER,
367 	                           p_to_sequence_id   IN NUMBER,
368 	 						   p_user_id          IN NUMBER);
369    PROCEDURE update_last_updated_by ( p_user_id IN NUMBER
370  	                           ,p_to_sequence_id IN NUMBER );
374 END bom_copy_routing;