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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 64

    SELECT pll.quantity,
           (pll.quantity * pL.unit_price) amount,
    INTO   l_qty,
    FROM po_line_locations pll,
         po_lines_all pL,
         po_headers pH
    WHERE pll.line_location_id = p_po_line_location_id
    AND pll.po_line_id         = pL.po_line_id
    AND pll.po_header_id       = pH.po_header_id
Line: 175

            sl.ship_line_source_id        po_line_location_id,
            sl.currency_code              sl_currency_code,
            sl.currency_conversion_type   sl_currency_conversion_type,
            sl.currency_conversion_date   sl_currency_conversion_date,
            sl.txn_qty                    sl_txn_qty,
            sl.txn_unit_price             sl_txn_unit_price,
            tl.tax_line_id inl_tax_line_id,
            tl.tax_line_num inl_tax_line_num
        FROM inl_ship_lines sl,
             zx_lines zl,
             inl_tax_lines tl
        WHERE sl.ship_header_id            = p_ship_header_id
        AND sl.ship_line_src_type_code     = 'PO'
        AND sl.ship_line_source_id         = zl.trx_line_id
        AND zl.application_id              = 201
        AND tl.ship_header_id(+)           = p_ship_header_id
        AND tl.source_parent_table_name(+) = 'ZX_LINES'
        AND tl.source_parent_table_id(+)   = zl.tax_line_id
        ORDER BY sl.ship_line_group_id,sl.ship_line_num
Line: 242

                p_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_id  := zlines_tbl(i).inl_tax_line_id; -- NULL ON INSERTS
Line: 422

                l_debug_info := 'Insert IN INL_TAX_LINES getting ID from sequence';
Line: 429

                SELECT inl_tax_lines_s.NEXTVAL
                INTO   l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_id
                FROM   DUAL
Line: 434

                    SELECT NVL(MAX(tl.tax_line_num),0)+1
                    INTO l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_num
                    FROM inl_tax_lines tl
                    WHERE tl.ship_header_id = l_tax_ln_tbl(i).ship_header_id
Line: 442

                l_debug_info := 'Inserting record in INL_TAX_LINES';
Line: 449

                INTO inl_tax_lines (
                    tax_line_id             ,                 /* 01 */
                    tax_line_num            ,                 /* 02 */
                    tax_code                ,                 /* 03 */
                    ship_header_id          ,                 /* 04 */
                    parent_tax_line_id      ,                 /* 05 */
                    adjustment_num          ,                 /* 06 */
                    match_id                ,                 /* 07 */
                    source_parent_table_name,                 /* 08 */
                    source_parent_table_id  ,                 /* 09 */
                    tax_amt                 ,                 /* 10 */
                    nrec_tax_amt            ,                 /* 11 */
                    currency_code           ,                 /* 12 */
                    currency_conversion_type,                 /* 13 */
                    currency_conversion_date,                 /* 14 */
                    currency_conversion_rate,                 /* 15 */
                    tax_amt_included_flag   ,                 /* 16 */
                    created_by              ,                 /* 17 */
                    creation_date           ,                 /* 18 */
                    last_updated_by         ,                 /* 19 */
                    last_update_date        ,                 /* 20 */
                    last_update_login                         /* 21 */
                VALUES (
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_id             , /* 01 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_num            , /* 02 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_code                , /* 03 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).ship_header_id          , /* 04 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).parent_tax_line_id      , /* 05 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).adjustment_num          , /* 06 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).match_id                , /* 07 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).source_parent_table_name, /* 08 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).source_parent_table_id  , /* 09 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_amt                 , /* 10 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).nrec_tax_amt            , /* 11 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_code           , /* 12 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_conversion_type, /* 13 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_conversion_date, /* 14 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_conversion_rate, /* 15 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_amt_included_flag   , /* 16 */
                    fnd_global.user_id                      , /* 17 */
                    SYSDATE                                 , /* 18 */
                    fnd_global.user_id                      , /* 19 */
                    SYSDATE                                 , /* 20 */
                    fnd_global.login_id                       /* 21 */
Line: 497

                l_debug_info := 'Inserting record in INL_ASSOCIATIONS';
Line: 504

                INTO inl_associations (
                    association_id                          , /* 01 */
                    ship_header_id                          , /* 02 */
                    from_parent_table_name                  , /* 03 */
                    from_parent_table_id                    , /* 04 */
                    to_parent_table_name                    , /* 05 */
                    to_parent_table_id                      , /* 06 */
                    allocation_basis                        , /* 07 */
                    allocation_uom_code                     , /* 08 */
                    created_by                              , /* 09 */
                    creation_date                           , /* 10 */
                    last_updated_by                         , /* 11 */
                    last_update_date                        , /* 12 */
                    last_update_login                         /* 13 */
                VALUES (
                    inl_associations_s.NEXTVAL              , /* 01 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).ship_header_id          , /* 02 */
                    'INL_TAX_LINES'                         , /* 03 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_id             , /* 04 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).to_parent_table_name    , /* 05 */
                    l_tax_ln_tbl(i).to_parent_table_id      , /* 06 */
                    'VALUE'                                 , /* 07 */
                    null                                    , /* 08 */
                    fnd_global.user_id                      , /* 09 */
                    SYSDATE                                 , /* 10 */
                    fnd_global.user_id                      , /* 11 */
                    SYSDATE                                 , /* 12 */
                    fnd_global.login_id                       /* 13 */
Line: 543

                UPDATE inl_tax_lines
                SET tax_amt                 = l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_amt                 ,
                    nrec_tax_amt            = l_tax_ln_tbl(i).nrec_tax_amt            ,
                    currency_code           = l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_code           ,
                    currency_conversion_type= l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_conversion_type,
                    currency_conversion_date= l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_conversion_date,
                    currency_conversion_rate= l_tax_ln_tbl(i).currency_conversion_rate,
                    tax_amt_included_flag   = l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_amt_included_flag   ,
                    last_updated_by         = fnd_global.user_id                      ,
                    last_update_date        = SYSDATE                                 ,
                    last_update_login       = fnd_global.login_id
                    tax_line_id             = l_tax_ln_tbl(i).tax_line_id
Line: 709

      SELECT pll.po_header_id, nvl(ph.rate ,1)
        INTO x_po_header_id,   x_po_header_curr_conv_rate
        FROM po_line_locations pll, po_headers ph
       WHERE pll.line_location_id = P_Po_Line_Location_Id
         AND pll.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
         AND rownum = 1;
Line: 808

      SELECT ood.set_of_books_id
        INTO l_ledger_id
        FROM org_organization_definitions ood
       WHERE ood.organization_id = l_ship_header_rec.organization_id
         AND rownum             = 1;
Line: 822

         l_tax_event_type_code := 'UPDATE';
Line: 823

         x_event_type_code := 'ARRIVAL UPDATED';
Line: 838

         DELETE FROM zx_trx_headers_gt
          WHERE trx_id=l_ship_header_rec.ship_header_id;
Line: 843

         INSERT INTO zx_trx_headers_gt(
/*01*/               internal_organization_id,
/*02*/               internal_org_location_id,
/*03*/               application_id,
/*04*/               entity_code,
/*05*/               event_class_code,
/*06*/               event_type_code,
/*07*/               trx_id,
/*08*/               hdr_trx_user_key1,
/*09*/               hdr_trx_user_key2,
/*10*/               hdr_trx_user_key3,
/*11*/               hdr_trx_user_key4,
/*12*/               hdr_trx_user_key5,
/*13*/               hdr_trx_user_key6,
/*14*/               trx_date,
/*15*/               trx_doc_revision,
/*16*/               ledger_id,
/*17*/               trx_currency_code,
/*18*/               currency_conversion_date,
/*19*/               currency_conversion_rate,
/*20*/               currency_conversion_type,
/*21*/               minimum_accountable_unit,
/*22*/               precision,
/*23*/               legal_entity_id,
/*24*/               rounding_ship_to_party_id,
/*25*/               rounding_ship_from_party_id,
/*26*/               rounding_bill_to_party_id,
/*27*/               rounding_bill_from_party_id,
/*28*/               rndg_ship_to_party_site_id,
/*29*/               rndg_ship_from_party_site_id,
/*30*/               rndg_bill_to_party_site_id,
/*31*/               rndg_bill_from_party_site_id,
/*32*/               establishment_id,
/*33*/               receivables_trx_type_id,
/*34*/               related_doc_application_id,
/*35*/               related_doc_entity_code,
/*36*/               related_doc_event_class_code,
/*37*/               related_doc_trx_id,
/*38*/               rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key1,
/*39*/               rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key2,
/*40*/               rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key3,
/*41*/               rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key4,
/*42*/               rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key5,
/*43*/               rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key6,
/*44*/               related_doc_number,
/*45*/               related_doc_date,
/*46*/               default_taxation_country,
/*47*/               quote_flag,
/*48*/               ctrl_total_hdr_tx_amt,
/*49*/               trx_number,
/*50*/               trx_description,
/*51*/               trx_communicated_date,
/*52*/               batch_source_id,
/*53*/               batch_source_name,
/*54*/               doc_seq_id,
/*55*/               doc_seq_name,
/*56*/               doc_seq_value,
/*57*/               trx_due_date,
/*58*/               trx_type_description,
/*59*/               document_sub_type,
/*60*/               supplier_tax_invoice_number,
/*61*/               supplier_tax_invoice_date ,
/*62*/               supplier_exchange_rate,
/*63*/               tax_invoice_date,
/*64*/               tax_invoice_number,
/*65*/               tax_event_class_code,
/*66*/               tax_event_type_code,
/*67*/               doc_event_status,
/*68*/               rdng_ship_to_pty_tx_prof_id,
/*69*/               rdng_ship_from_pty_tx_prof_id,
/*70*/               rdng_bill_to_pty_tx_prof_id,
/*71*/               rdng_bill_from_pty_tx_prof_id,
/*72*/               rdng_ship_to_pty_tx_p_st_id,
/*73*/               rdng_ship_from_pty_tx_p_st_id,
/*74*/               rdng_bill_to_pty_tx_p_st_id,
/*75*/               rdng_bill_from_pty_tx_p_st_id,
/*76*/               bill_third_pty_acct_id,
/*77*/               bill_third_pty_acct_site_id,
/*78*/               ship_third_pty_acct_id,
/*79*/               ship_third_pty_acct_site_id,
/*80*/               doc_level_recalc_flag
         VALUES (
/*01*/               l_ship_header_rec.organization_id,                --internal_organization_id
/*02*/               l_ship_header_rec.location_id,                    --internal_org_location_id
/*03*/               l_application_id,                                      --application_id
/*04*/               G_ENTITY_CODE,                                         --entity_code
/*05*/               p_event_class_code,                                    --event_class_code
/*06*/               x_event_type_code,                                     --event_type_code
/*07*/               l_ship_header_rec.ship_header_id,                   --trx_id
/*08*/               NULL,                                                  --hdr_trx_user_key1
/*09*/               NULL,                                                  --hdr_trx_user_key2
/*10*/               NULL,                                                  --hdr_trx_user_key3
/*11*/               NULL,                                                  --hdr_trx_user_key4
/*12*/               NULL,                                                  --hdr_trx_user_key5
/*13*/               NULL ,                                                  --hdr_trx_user_key6
/*14*/               l_ship_header_rec.ship_date,                        --trx_date
/*15*/               NULL,                                                  --trx_doc_revision
/*16*/               l_ledger_id,                                           --ledger_id
/*17*/               null,                                                  -- 07/2007 Currency columns was transfer to lines l_ship_header_rec.CURRENCY_CODE,
/*18*/               null,                                                  -- l_ship_header_rec.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE,
/*19*/               null,                                                  -- l_ship_header_rec.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE,
/*20*/               null,                                                  -- l_ship_header_rec.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE,
/*21*/               null,                                                  -- l_minimum_accountable_unit,
/*22*/               null,                                                  -- l_precision,
/*23*/               l_ship_header_rec.legal_entity_id,                --legal_entity_id
/*24*/               l_ship_to_organization_id,                             --rounding_ship_to_party_id
/*25*/               NULL,                                                  --rounding_ship_from_party_id
/*26*/               NULL,                                                  --rounding_bill_to_party_id
/*27*/               NULL,                                                  --rounding_bill_from_party_id
/*28*/               NULL,                                                  --rndg_ship_to_party_site_id
/*29*/               NULL,                                                  --rndg_ship_from_party_site_id
/*30*/               NULL,                                                  --rndg_bill_to_party_site_id
/*31*/               NULL,                                                  --rndg_bill_from_party_site_id
/*32*/               NULL,                                                  --establishment_id
/*33*/               NULL,                                                  --receivables_trx_type_id
/*34*/               NULL,                                                  --related_doc_application_id
/*35*/               NULL,                                                  --related_doc_entity_code
/*36*/               NULL,                                                  --related_doc_event_class_code
/*37*/               NULL,                                                  --related_doc_trx_id
/*38*/               NULL,                                                  --rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key1
/*39*/               NULL,                                                  --rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key2
/*40*/               NULL,                                                  --rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key3
/*41*/               NULL,                                                  --rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key4
/*42*/               NULL,                                                  --rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key5
/*43*/               NULL,                                                  --rel_doc_hdr_trx_user_key6
/*44*/               NULL,                                                  --related_doc_number
/*45*/               NULL,                                                  --related_doc_date
/*46*/               l_ship_header_rec.taxation_country,               --default_taxation_country
/*47*/               l_quote_flag,                                          --quote_flag
/*48*/               NULL,                                                  --ctrl_total_hdr_tx_amt
/*49*/               l_ship_header_rec.ship_num,                         --trx_number
/*50*/               NULL, --'INL_SHIPMENT',                                        --trx_description
/*51*/               NULL,                                                  --trx_communicated_date
/*52*/               NULL,                                                  --batch_source_id
/*53*/               NULL,                                                  --batch_source_name
/*54*/               NULL,                                                  --doc_seq_id
/*55*/               NULL,                                                  --doc_seq_name
/*56*/               NULL,                                                  --doc_seq_value
/*57*/               NULL,                                                  --trx_due_date
/*58*/               NULL,                                                  --trx_type_description
/*59*/               l_ship_header_rec.document_sub_type,              --document_sub_type
/*60*/               NULL,                                                  --supplier_tax_invoice_number
/*61*/               NULL,                                                  --supplier_tax_invoice_date
/*62*/               NULL,                                                  --supplier_exchange_rate
/*63*/               NULL,                                                  --tax_invoice_date
/*64*/               NULL,                                                  --tax_invoice_number
/*65*/               NULL,                                                  --tax_event_class_code
/*66*/               l_tax_event_type_code,                                 --tax_event_type_code
/*67*/               NULL,                                                  --doc_event_status
/*68*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_ship_to_pty_tx_prof_id
/*69*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_ship_from_pty_tx_prof_id
/*70*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_bill_to_pty_tx_prof_id
/*71*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_bill_from_pty_tx_prof_id
/*72*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_ship_to_pty_tx_p_st_id
/*73*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_ship_from_pty_tx_p_st_id
/*74*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_bill_to_pty_tx_p_st_id
/*75*/               NULL,                                                  --rdng_bill_from_pty_tx_p_st_id
/*76*/               NULL,                                                  --bill_third_pty_acct_id
/*77*/               NULL,                                                  --bill_third_pty_acct_site_id
/*78*/               NULL,                                                  --ship_third_pty_acct_id
/*79*/               NULL,                                                  --ship_third_pty_acct_site_id
/*80*/               l_doc_level_recalc_flag
Line: 1132

                  SELECT NVL(precision, 0), NVL(minimum_accountable_unit,(1/power(10,precision)))
                    INTO l_precision, l_minimum_accountable_unit
                    FROM fnd_currencies
                   WHERE currency_code = l_ship_line_list(i).currency_code;
Line: 1187

               SELECT fob_lookup_code   -- From lookup FOB
                 INTO l_fob_point
                 FROM po_vendor_sites
                WHERE party_site_id = l_ship_line_list(i).party_site_id
                  AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1221

               l_line_level_action := 'UPDATE';
Line: 1324

               trans_lines(i).assessable_value               := 0; -- l_line_amount; --updated above
Line: 1375

         DELETE FROM zx_transaction_lines_gt
         WHERE trx_id= l_ship_header_rec.ship_header_id;
Line: 1378

         l_debug_info := 'Step 15: Bulk Insert into global temp table';
Line: 1386

           INSERT INTO zx_transaction_lines_gt
           VALUES trans_lines(m);
Line: 1390

         l_debug_info := 'Step 15: Populate pl/sql table inserted: '||sql%rowcount||' line(s)';
Line: 1469

         DELETE FROM inl_associations
          WHERE ship_header_id = P_ship_Header_Id
            AND to_parent_table_name IN ('INL_SHIP_LINES', 'INL_CHARGE_LINES')
            AND from_parent_table_name = 'INL_TAX_LINES';
Line: 1474

         DELETE FROM inl_tax_lines tl
          WHERE ship_header_id = P_ship_Header_Id
            AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
                          FROM inl_ebtax_lines_v ebV
                              ,zx_lines zl
                         WHERE ship_header_id = P_ship_Header_Id
                           AND tl.source_parent_table_name = 'ZX_LINES'
                           AND tl.source_parent_table_id = zl.tax_line_id
                           AND ebv.ship_line_id = zl.trx_line_id );
Line: 1486

         FOR curTax in (SELECT zl.tax_line_id
                              ,nvl(zl.Nrec_tax_amt,0) Nrec_tax_amt
                              ,DECODE(lv.source, 'SHIP_LINE'    ,'INL_SHIP_LINES'
                                               , 'CHARGE' ,'INL_CHARGE_LINES') source
                              ,inl_tax_lines_s.NEXTVAL tax_line_id_s
                          FROM zx_lines              zl
                              ,inl_ebtax_lines_v lv
                              ,inl_ship_headers   oh
                         WHERE zl.application_id     = 9004
                           AND zl.trx_id             = P_ship_Header_Id
                           AND oh.ship_Header_Id     = P_ship_Header_Id
                           AND lv.ship_line_id       = zl.trx_line_id
                           AND lv.ship_header_id     = P_ship_Header_Id)
           IF l_proc  = 'N' THEN
              l_proc  := 'Y';
Line: 1542

            INSERT INTO inl_tax_lines (
Line: 1592

            INSERT INTO inl_associations (
                          association_id                   /* 01 */
                         ,ship_header_id                     /* 02 */
                         ,from_parent_table_name           /* 03 */
                         ,from_parent_table_id             /* 04 */
                         ,to_parent_table_name             /* 05 */
                         ,to_parent_table_id               /* 06 */
                         ,allocation_basis                 /* 07 */
                         ,allocation_uom_code              /* 08 */
                         ,created_by                       /* 09 */
                         ,creation_date                    /* 10 */
                         ,last_updated_by                  /* 11 */
                         ,last_update_date                 /* 12 */
                         ,last_update_login)               /* 13 */
                          inl_associations_s.NEXTVAL  /* 01 */
                         ,curTax.trx_id                    /* 02 */
                         ,'INL_TAX_LINES'             /* 03 */
                         ,curTax.tax_line_id_s             /* 04 */
                         ,curTax.source                    /* 05 */
                         ,curTax.trx_line_id               /* 06 */
                         ,l_allocation_basis               /* 07 */
                         ,l_allocation_uom_code            /* 08 */
                         ,fnd_global.user_id               /* 09 */
                         ,SYSDATE                          /* 10 */
                         ,fnd_global.user_id               /* 11 */
                         ,SYSDATE                          /* 12 */
                         ,fnd_global.login_id);            /* 13 */
Line: 1621

         UPDATE inl_ship_lines
         SET tax_already_calculated_flag = 'Y',
             last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
             last_update_date = SYSDATE
         WHERE ship_header_id =  p_ship_header_Id;
Line: 1627

         UPDATE inl_charge_lines
         SET tax_already_calculated_flag = 'Y',
             last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
             last_update_date = SYSDATE
         WHERE NVL(parent_charge_line_id,charge_line_id) IN (SELECT assoc.from_parent_table_id
                                                             FROM inl_associations assoc
                                                             WHERE assoc.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
                                                             AND assoc.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id);
Line: 1760

      SELECT entity_code INTO G_ENTITY_CODE
        FROM zx_evnt_cls_mappings
       WHERE application_id = 9004
         AND ROWNUM         = 1;
Line: 1845

            SELECT 'Y'
            INTO  l_tax_already_calculated
            FROM  zx_lines_det_factors
            WHERE trx_id = l_ship_header_rec.ship_header_id
            AND   application_id    = 9004
            AND   entity_code       = G_ENTITY_CODE
            AND   event_class_code = l_event_class_code
            AND   ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2114

          SELECT  zx.default_taxation_country,
          INTO    l_po_country_code,
          FROM    zx_lines_det_factors zx,
                  po_line_locations pll
          WHERE   zx.application_id   = 201
          AND     zx.event_class_code = 'PO_PA'
          AND     zx.entity_code      = 'PURCHASE_ORDER'
          AND     zx.trx_id           = pll.po_header_id
          AND     zx.trx_line_id      = pll.line_location_id
          AND     zx.trx_level_type   = 'SHIPMENT'
          AND     trx_line_id         = p_po_line_location_id;