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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 67

PROCEDURE Insert_Row (
	pp_sync_registration_id	IN  NUMBER
	,pp_sync_label	IN  VARCHAR2
	,pp_order_id	IN  NUMBER
	,pp_status	IN  VARCHAR2
	,pp_max_participants  	IN  NUMBER
	,pp_parties_not_in_sync	IN  NUMBER
	,po_error_code		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
	,po_error_msg		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
Line: 117

PROCEDURE Update_Sync_Status (
	pp_sync_label	IN  VARCHAR2
	,pp_status	IN  VARCHAR2
	,po_error_code	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
	,po_error_msg	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
Line: 255

	-- Update the Sync Registration Status

		Update_Sync_Status (pp_sync_label => lv_sync_label
			,pp_status     => gv_SYNC_ERROR_STATUS
			,po_error_code => lv_error_code
			,po_error_msg  => lv_error_msg);
Line: 305

PROCEDURE Update_Sync_Status (
	pp_sync_label		IN  VARCHAR2
	,pp_status			IN  VARCHAR2
	,po_error_code		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
	,po_error_msg		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

	lv_status			xnp_sync_registration.status%TYPE;
Line: 320

	SELECT status
	FROM   xnp_sync_registration
	WHERE  sync_label = cv_sync_label
	FOR UPDATE OF status;
Line: 327

 	  -- Select the current status and lock the row
	OPEN lv_sync_status_cur (pp_sync_label);
Line: 339

	-- Update the status of the Sync Registration
  	UPDATE xnp_sync_registration
  	SET    status  = pp_status
  	WHERE CURRENT OF lv_sync_status_cur;
Line: 351

Line: 353

END Update_Sync_Status;
Line: 375

		SELECT status
		FROM   xnp_sync_registration
		WHERE  sync_label = cv_sync_label
		FOR UPDATE OF status;
Line: 382

	-- Select the current status and lock the row
	OPEN lv_sync_status_cur (pp_sync_label);
Line: 394

	-- Update the status of the Sync Registration
  	UPDATE xnp_sync_registration
  	SET    status  = gv_SYNC_ACTIVE_STATUS
	      ,parties_not_in_sync = max_participants
  	WHERE CURRENT OF lv_sync_status_cur;
Line: 432

	e_SyncInsertException     EXCEPTION;
Line: 438

		SELECT order_id, line_item_name,count(*) range_count
		FROM   xdp_order_line_items
		WHERE  order_id = cv_order_id
		GROUP BY order_id,line_item_name;
Line: 447

		SELECT line_item_id
	FROM   xdp_order_line_items
	WHERE  order_id = cv_order_id
	AND  line_item_name = cv_line_item_name;
Line: 494

		SELECT xnp_sync_registration_s.NEXTVAL
		INTO   lv_sync_registration_id
		FROM   dual;
Line: 498

		-- Insert a Sync Registration

		Insert_Row(pp_sync_registration_id => lv_sync_registration_id
			,pp_sync_label => lv_sync_label
			,pp_order_id => pp_order_id
			,pp_status    => gv_SYNC_ACTIVE_STATUS
			,pp_max_participants   	=> lv_range_count
			,pp_parties_not_in_sync	=> lv_range_count
			,po_error_code	=> po_error_code
			,po_error_msg	=> po_error_msg);
Line: 574

		SELECT status, max_participants
		FROM   xnp_sync_registration
		WHERE  sync_label = cv_sync_label
		FOR UPDATE OF status, parties_not_in_sync ;
Line: 725

			UPDATE xnp_sync_registration
			SET    status  = l_status
				,parties_not_in_sync = l_parties_not_in_sync
			WHERE CURRENT OF l_sync_reg_cur;
Line: 759

PROCEDURE Insert_Row (
	pp_sync_registration_id	IN  NUMBER
	,pp_sync_label	IN  VARCHAR2
	,pp_order_id	IN  NUMBER
	,pp_status	IN  VARCHAR2
	,pp_max_participants   	IN  NUMBER
	,pp_parties_not_in_sync	IN  NUMBER
	,po_error_code	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
	,po_error_msg	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

	po_error_code := 0 ;
Line: 775

	INSERT INTO xnp_sync_registration (
Line: 803

			po_error_msg  := 'XNP_WF_SYNC.INSERT_ROW-'||SQLERRM;
Line: 805

END Insert_Row;
Line: 896

	-- Update the XNP_SYNC_REGISTRATION status to ERROR
	Update_Sync_Status (pp_sync_label => lv_sync_label
		,pp_status     => gv_SYNC_ERROR_STATUS
		,po_error_code => lv_error_code
		,po_error_msg  => lv_error_msg);
Line: 942

	-- Update the XNP_SYNC_REGISTRATION status to ERROR
	Update_Sync_Status (pp_sync_label => lv_sync_label
		,pp_status     => gv_SYNC_TIMEOUT
		,po_error_code => lv_error_code
		,po_error_msg  => lv_error_msg);
Line: 1037

		SELECT	parties_not_in_sync,
		FROM   xnp_sync_registration
		WHERE  sync_label = cv_sync_label
		FOR UPDATE OF status,
Line: 1127

	-- decrement the parties not in sync and update the registry

	l_parties_not_in_sync := l_parties_not_in_sync - 1;
Line: 1131

	UPDATE xnp_sync_registration
	SET parties_not_in_sync = l_parties_not_in_sync
	WHERE CURRENT OF l_sync_reg_cur;
Line: 1233

			SELECT text_value
			INTO l_sdp_result_code
			WHERE notification_id = WF_ENGINE.context_nid