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1 package body isc_dbi_sam_top_agr_pkg as
2 /* $Header: ISCRGCGB.pls 120.7 2005/12/13 18:16:26 scheung noship $ */
4 procedure get_sql (	p_param		in		bis_pmv_page_parameter_tbl,
5 			x_custom_sql	out nocopy	varchar2,
6 			x_custom_output	out nocopy	bis_query_attributes_tbl) is
8   l_func                 varchar2(32000);
9   l_sgid                 varchar2(32000);
10   l_agree                varchar2(32000);
11   l_class                varchar2(32000);
12   l_cust                 varchar2(32000);
13   l_curr                 varchar2(32000);
14   l_curr_suffix          varchar2(32000);
15   l_class_from           varchar2(32000);
16   l_sg_sg                number;
17   l_sg_res               number;
18   l_sg_where             varchar2(32000);
19   l_agree_where          varchar2(32000);
20   l_class_where          varchar2(32000);
21   l_cust_where           varchar2(32000);
22   l_time_where           varchar2(32000);
23   l_col                  varchar2(32000);
24   l_query                varchar2(32000);
25   l_custom_rec           bis_query_attributes;
27 begin
29   -- Get all necessary parameters from PMV
30   for i in 1..p_param.count loop
32     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'BIS_FXN_NAME') then
33       l_func :=  p_param(i).parameter_value;
34     end if;
36     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'ORGANIZATION+JTF_ORG_SALES_GROUP') then
37       l_sgid :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
38     end if;
40     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE+ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE') then
41       l_agree :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
42     end if;
44     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS+FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS') then
45       l_class :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
46     end if;
48     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'CUSTOMER+FII_CUSTOMERS') then
49       l_cust :=  p_param(i).parameter_id;
50     end if;
52     if (p_param(i).parameter_name = 'CURRENCY+FII_CURRENCIES') then
53       l_curr := p_param(i).parameter_id;
54     end if;
56   end loop;
58   if (l_curr = '''FII_GLOBAL1''') then
59     l_curr_suffix := 'g';
60   else -- (l_curr = '''FII_GLOBAL2''')
61     l_curr_suffix := 'g1';
62   end if;
64   -- Figure out where clauses
65   l_sg_sg   := to_number(replace(substr(l_sgid,instr(l_sgid,'.') + 1),''''));
66   l_sg_res  := to_number(replace(substr(l_sgid,1,instr(l_sgid,'.') - 1),''''));
68   if (l_sg_res is null) then -- when a sales group is chosen
69     l_sg_where := ' and f.sales_grp_id = (&ORGANIZATION+JTF_ORG_SALES_GROUP) ';
70   else -- when the LOV parameter is a Salesrep (no need to go through the SG hierarchy)
71     l_sg_where := ' and f.sales_grp_id = :ISC_SG and f.salesrep_id = :ISC_RES';
72   end if;
74   if (l_agree is null) then
75     l_agree_where := '';
76   else
77     l_agree_where := ' and f.agreement_type_id in (&ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE+ISC_AGREEMENT_TYPE)';
78   end if;
80   if (l_class is null) then
81     l_class_where := '';
82     l_class_from := '';
83   else
84     l_class_where := ' and f.customer_id = cc.party_id and cc.class_code in (&FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS+FII_TRADING_PARTNER_MKT_CLASS)';
85     l_class_from := ', fii_party_mkt_class cc ';
86   end if;
88   if (l_cust is null) then
89     l_cust_where := '';
90   else
91     l_cust_where := ' and f.customer_id in (&CUSTOMER+FII_CUSTOMERS)';
92   end if;
94   if (l_func = 'ISC_DBI_SAM_TOP_AGR') then
95     l_time_where := ' and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE >= f.time_activation_date_id
96 and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE < nvl(f.time_effective_end_date_id, trunc(&BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE) + 1)';
97     l_col := 'expiration';
98   elsif (l_func = 'ISC_DBI_SAM_NEW_AGR') then
99     l_time_where := ' and f.time_activation_date_id between &BIS_CURRENT_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE';
100     l_col := 'expiration';
101   elsif (l_func = 'ISC_DBI_SAM_EXD_AGR') then
102     l_time_where := ' and f.time_expiration_date_id between &BIS_CURRENT_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE
103 and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE < nvl(f.time_termination_date_id, trunc(&BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE)+1)';
104     l_col := 'expiration';
105   elsif (l_func = 'ISC_DBI_SAM_TRM_AGR') then
106     l_time_where := ' and f.time_termination_date_id is not null
107 and f.time_termination_date_id between &BIS_CURRENT_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE';
108     l_col := 'termination';
109   elsif (l_func = 'ISC_DBI_SAM_EXG_AGR') then
110     l_time_where := ' and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE >= f.time_activation_date_id
111 and &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE < nvl(f.time_effective_end_date_id, trunc(&BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE) + 1)
112 and f.time_expiration_date_id between &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE and &BIS_CURRENT_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE';
113     l_col := 'expiration';
114   end if;
116   l_query := '
117 select	oset.isc_attribute_1 ISC_ATTRIBUTE_1,
118         ccv.value ISC_ATTRIBUTE_2,
119         cust.value ISC_ATTRIBUTE_3,
120         sg.group_name ISC_ATTRIBUTE_4,
121         agree.value ISC_ATTRIBUTE_5,
122         ISC_MEASURE_1,
123         ISC_MEASURE_2,
124         ISC_MEASURE_3,
125         ISC_MEASURE_4,
126         ISC_MEASURE_5,
127         ISC_MEASURE_6,
128         ISC_MEASURE_7,
129         ISC_MEASURE_8,
130 	oset.isc_attribute_6 ISC_ATTRIBUTE_6,
131 	oset.isc_attribute_7 ISC_ATTRIBUTE_7,
132         ''pFunctionName=OKC_REP_SALES_BSA_HEADER_VIEW&mode=view&headerId=''||oset.blanket_header_id||''&moContextOrgId=''||oset.org_id||''&addBreadCrumb=Y&retainAM=Y'' ISC_ATTRIBUTE_8
133 from
134 (
135 select (rank() over (&ORDER_BY_CLAUSE nulls last, isc_attribute_1))-1 rnk,
136 isc_attribute_1,
137 isc_attribute_6,
138 isc_attribute_7,
139 blanket_header_id,
140 org_id,
141 customer_id,
142 sales_grp_id,
143 agreement_type_id,
144 isc_measure_1,
145 isc_measure_2,
146 isc_measure_3,
147 isc_measure_4,
148 sum(isc_measure_1) over () isc_measure_5,
149 sum(isc_measure_2) over () isc_measure_6,
150 sum(isc_measure_3) over () isc_measure_7,
151 sum(isc_measure_4) over () isc_measure_8
152 from
153 (
154 select f.blanket_number ISC_ATTRIBUTE_1,
155        f.time_activation_date_id ISC_ATTRIBUTE_6,
156        f.time_'||l_col||'_date_id ISC_ATTRIBUTE_7,
157        f.blanket_header_id,
158        f.org_id,
159        f.customer_id,
160        f.sales_grp_id,
161        f.agreement_type_id,
162        sum(case when f.order_line_id is null then 0 else 1 end)  ISC_MEASURE_1,
163        sum(case when (f.time_fulfilled_date_id <= &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE)
164            then f.fulfilled_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||' else 0 end)  ISC_MEASURE_2,
165        sum(f.commit_prorated_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||')
166        - sum(case when (f.time_fulfilled_date_id <= &BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE)
167              then f.fulfilled_outstand_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||' else 0 end) ISC_MEASURE_3,
168        sum(f.commit_prorated_amt_'||l_curr_suffix||') ISC_MEASURE_4
169 from isc_dbi_bsa_order_lines_f f'||l_class_from||'
170 where f.transaction_phase_code = ''F''
171 and f.commit_prorated_amt_g is not null
172 and f.blanket_line_id is not null
173 and nvl(f.time_termination_date_id, f.time_activation_date_id + 1) >= f.time_activation_date_id
174 '||l_time_where||l_sg_where||l_agree_where||l_class_where||l_cust_where||'
175 group by f.blanket_number,
176        f.blanket_header_id,
177        f.org_id,
178        f.time_activation_date_id,
179        f.time_'||l_col||'_date_id,
180        f.customer_id,
181        f.sales_grp_id,
182        f.agreement_type_id
183 ) ) oset,
184      fii_party_mkt_class cc,
185      fii_partner_mkt_class_v ccv,
186      fii_customers_v cust,
187      jtf_rs_groups_vl sg,
188      isc_agreement_type_v agree
189 where oset.customer_id = cc.party_id
190 and cc.class_code = ccv.id
191 and oset.customer_id = cust.id
192 and oset.sales_grp_id = sg.group_id
193 and oset.agreement_type_id = agree.id
194 and((oset.rnk between &START_INDEX and &END_INDEX) OR (&END_INDEX = -1))
195 &ORDER_BY_CLAUSE nulls last
196 ';
199   l_custom_rec := bis_pmv_parameters_pub.initialize_query_type;
200   x_custom_output := bis_query_attributes_tbl();
202   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ISC_SG';
203   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := to_char(l_sg_sg);
204   l_custom_Rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
205   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
206   x_custom_output.extend;
207   x_custom_output(x_custom_output.count) := l_custom_rec;
209   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':ISC_RES';
210   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := to_char(l_sg_res);
211   l_custom_Rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
212   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.INTEGER_BIND;
213   x_custom_output.extend;
214   x_custom_output(x_custom_output.count) := l_custom_rec;
216   x_custom_sql := l_query;
218 end get_sql;
220 end isc_dbi_sam_top_agr_pkg;