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Line 11: g_ext_dtl_rcd_id ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE;

7: g_proc_name varchar2(65):= 'PQP_US_SRS_Extracts.';
8: g_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%Type;
9: g_business_group_id per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;
10: g_legislation_code varchar2(20);
11: g_ext_dtl_rcd_id ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE;
12: g_ext_dfn_type pqp_extract_attributes.ext_dfn_type%TYPE;
13: g_ext_dfn_id pqp_extract_attributes.ext_dfn_id%TYPE;
14: g_effective_date date;
15: g_extract_start_date date;

Line 79: from ben_ext_rcd rcd

75: Cursor csr_ext_rcd_id(c_hide_flag In Varchar2
76: ,c_rcd_type_cd In Varchar2
77: ) Is
78: select rcd.ext_rcd_id
79: from ben_ext_rcd rcd
80: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
81: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
82: Where dfn.ext_dfn_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_dfn_id -- The extract executing currently
83: And rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id

Line 80: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin

76: ,c_rcd_type_cd In Varchar2
77: ) Is
78: select rcd.ext_rcd_id
79: from ben_ext_rcd rcd
80: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
81: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
82: Where dfn.ext_dfn_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_dfn_id -- The extract executing currently
83: And rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
84: And rin.hide_flag = c_hide_flag -- Y=Hidden, N=Not Hidden

Line 339: (p_ext_rcd_id In ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE

335: -- ============================
336: -- ~ Procedures ~
337: -- ============================
338: Procedure Update_Record_Values
339: (p_ext_rcd_id In ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE
340: ,p_ext_data_element_name In ben_ext_data_elmt.name%TYPE
341: ,p_data_element_value In ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE
342: ,p_data_ele_seqnum In Number Default Null
343: ,p_ext_dtl_rec In out nocopy ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE