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Line 1316: from ahl_mr_effectivities me, ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr

1312: CURSOR csi_pm_instance_csr IS
1313: SELECT min(instance_id), max(instance_id)
1314: FROM csi_item_instances csi,
1315: (select me.inventory_item_id
1316: from ahl_mr_effectivities me, ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr
1317: where mr.mr_header_id = me.mr_header_id
1318: and mr.type_code = 'PROGRAM') mre
1319: WHERE trunc(nvl(active_start_date, sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate) AND
1320: trunc(sysdate) < trunc(nvl(active_end_date, sysdate+1))

Line 6447: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_mr_headers_b curr_mr, ahl_applicable_mrs apmr

6443: curr_mr.mr_header_id preceding_mr_header_id,
6444: apmr.descendent_count,
6445: mr.whichever_first_code,
6446: apmr.repetitive_flag
6447: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_mr_headers_b curr_mr, ahl_applicable_mrs apmr
6448: --fix for bug number 5922149
6449: --WHERE mr.preceding_mr_header_id = curr_mr.mr_header_id AND
6450: WHERE mr.preceding_mr_header_id IN (SELECT t.mr_header_id FROM ahl_mr_headers_b t where t.title = curr_mr.title ) AND
6451: curr_mr.mr_header_id = p_mr_header_id AND

Line 6476: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_applicable_mrs apmr

6472: apmr.repetitive_flag,
6473: mr.title,
6474: mr.effective_from,
6475: mr.effective_to
6476: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_applicable_mrs apmr
6477: WHERE mr.preceding_mr_header_id IN (SELECT t.mr_header_id FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v t where t.title = p_curr_mr_title ) AND
6478: apmr.mr_header_id = mr.mr_header_id AND
6479: trunc(sysdate) >= trunc(nvl(mr.effective_from, sysdate)) AND
6480: trunc(sysdate) <= trunc(nvl(mr.effective_to, sysdate+1)) AND

Line 6477: WHERE mr.preceding_mr_header_id IN (SELECT t.mr_header_id FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v t where t.title = p_curr_mr_title ) AND

6473: mr.title,
6474: mr.effective_from,
6475: mr.effective_to
6476: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_applicable_mrs apmr
6477: WHERE mr.preceding_mr_header_id IN (SELECT t.mr_header_id FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v t where t.title = p_curr_mr_title ) AND
6478: apmr.mr_header_id = mr.mr_header_id AND
6479: trunc(sysdate) >= trunc(nvl(mr.effective_from, sysdate)) AND
6480: trunc(sysdate) <= trunc(nvl(mr.effective_to, sysdate+1)) AND
6481: apmr.csi_item_instance_id = p_item_instance_id;

Line 6896: -- replaced ahl_mr_headers_app_v with ahl_mr_headers_b as ahl_applicable_mrs has

6892: -- get all programs which have no schedules.
6893: CURSOR ahl_cont_not_scheduled_csr IS
6894: SELECT DISTINCT appl.program_mr_header_id, mr.whichever_first_code
6895: FROM ahl_applicable_mrs appl, ahl_mr_headers_b mr
6896: -- replaced ahl_mr_headers_app_v with ahl_mr_headers_b as ahl_applicable_mrs has
6897: -- the filter of application_usg_code.
6898: WHERE appl.program_mr_header_id = mr.mr_header_id
6899: AND pm_schedule_exists = 'N';

Line 8121: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v

8118: -- Get MR details.
8119: CURSOR ahl_mr_headers_csr (p_mr_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
8120: SELECT whichever_first_code
8121: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v
8122: WHERE mr_header_id = p_mr_header_id;
8124: -- get the configuration structure.(G_config_node_tbl).
8125: CURSOR csi_reln_csr ( p_csi_item_instance_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 8160: l_whichever_first_code ahl_mr_headers_app_v.whichever_first_code%TYPE;

8156: l_mr_header_id NUMBER;
8157: l_uc_header_id NUMBER;
8158: l_calc_due_date DATE;
8159: l_due_date DATE;
8160: l_whichever_first_code ahl_mr_headers_app_v.whichever_first_code%TYPE;
8161: l_inv_master_organization_id number;
8162: l_inventory_item_id number;
8163: l_position_reference VARCHAR2(30);
8164: l_counter_rules_tbl counter_rules_tbl_type;

Line 10188: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v

10184: --check whether the given mr exists
10185: CURSOR check_mr_exists(c_mr_header_id number)
10186: IS
10187: SELECT mr_header_id
10188: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v
10189: WHERE mr_header_id = c_mr_header_id;
10191: --get all the MR effectivity definitions for a given MR
10192: CURSOR get_mr_effect(c_mr_header_id NUMBER)

Line 10696: from ahl_mr_headers_app_v

10692: IS
10693: SELECT cii.instance_id
10694: FROM csi_item_instances cii, ahl_mr_effectivities mre, mtl_system_items_b msi,
10695: (select mr_header_id
10696: from ahl_mr_headers_app_v
10697: where type_code = 'PROGRAM') mr
10698: WHERE cii.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
10699: AND cii.inv_master_organization_id = msi.organization_id
10700: AND cii.inventory_item_id = mre.inventory_item_id

Line 11193: AND exists (SELECT 'x' from ahl_mr_headers_app_v MR

11189: -- added nvl conditions above as this seems to force use of index on
11190: -- ahl_mr_headers_b and also brings query cost down.
11191: AND mre.relationship_id is null
11192: AND mre.inventory_item_id = cii.inventory_item_id
11193: AND exists (SELECT 'x' from ahl_mr_headers_app_v MR
11194: WHERE MR.mr_header_id = mre.mr_header_id
11195: AND MR.program_type_code NOT IN ('MO_PROC')
11196: AND MR.version_number in (SELECT max(MRM.version_number)
11197: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v MRM

Line 11197: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v MRM

11193: AND exists (SELECT 'x' from ahl_mr_headers_app_v MR
11194: WHERE MR.mr_header_id = mre.mr_header_id
11195: AND MR.program_type_code NOT IN ('MO_PROC')
11196: AND MR.version_number in (SELECT max(MRM.version_number)
11197: FROM ahl_mr_headers_app_v MRM
11198: WHERE mrm.title = mr.title
11199: AND SYSDATE between trunc(MR.effective_from)
11200: AND trunc(nvl(MR.effective_to,SYSDATE+1))
11201: AND mr_status_code='COMPLETE'

Line 11265: from ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_mr_effectivities me

11261: ) Root_instance_id
11263: FROM csi_item_instances cii,
11264: (select distinct me.inventory_item_id
11265: from ahl_mr_headers_app_v mr, ahl_mr_effectivities me
11266: where mr.mr_header_id = me.mr_header_id AND
11267: mr.mr_status_code = 'COMPLETE' AND
11268: MR.program_type_code NOT IN ('MO_PROC') AND -- added in R12
11269: trunc(effective_from) <= trunc(sysdate) AND