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2 /* $Header: farxptb.pls 115.10 2004/04/29 12:47:27 skchawla ship $ */
4   procedure property_tax(
5 	book		in 	varchar2,
6 	end_date	in 	date,
7         segment1	in      varchar2,
8         segment2	in      varchar2,
9         segment3	in      varchar2,
10         segment4	in      varchar2,
11         segment5	in      varchar2,
12         segment6	in      varchar2,
13         segment7	in      varchar2,
14         property_type	in      varchar2,
15         company		in      varchar2,
16         cost_center	in      varchar2,
17         cost_account	in      varchar2,
18 	request_id	in 	number,
19 	user_id		in 	number,
20  	retcode	 out nocopy varchar2,
21 	errbuf	 out nocopy varchar2) is
23   h_login_id		number;
24   h_asset_number	varchar2(25);
25   h_serial_number	varchar2(35);
26   h_tag_number		varchar2(15);
27   h_description		varchar2(80);
28   h_inventorial		varchar2(3);
30   h_concat_loc		varchar2(500);
31   h_concat_cat          varchar2(500);
32   h_concat_key		varchar2(500);
33   h_loc_segs		fa_rx_shared_pkg.Seg_Array;
34   h_cat_segs            fa_rx_shared_pkg.Seg_Array;
35   h_key_segs		fa_rx_shared_pkg.Seg_Array;
37   h_state_loc		varchar2(50);
39   h_state_seg	        number;
41   h_concat_acct		varchar2(500);
42   h_acct_segs		fa_rx_shared_pkg.Seg_Array;
44   h_bal_seg		number;
45   h_cc_seg		number;
46   h_acct_seg		number;
48   h_acct_structure	number;
49   h_loc_structure	number;
50   h_cat_structure       number;
51   h_key_structure	number;
53   h_book		varchar2(15);
54   h_state		varchar2(30);
55   h_end_date		date;
56   h_segment1		varchar2(30);
57   h_segment2		varchar2(30);
58   h_segment3		varchar2(30);
59   h_segment4		varchar2(30);
60   h_segment5		varchar2(30);
61   h_segment6		varchar2(30);
62   h_segment7		varchar2(30);
63   h_property_type	varchar2(10);
64   h_cost_center		varchar2(30);
65   h_company		varchar2(30);
66   h_cost_account	varchar2(25);
68   h_period_ctr		number;
69   h_request_id 		number;
70   h_segment_num		number;
72 Cursor c1 is
73      SELECT bc.book_type_code,
74             bc.accounting_flex_structure,
75             sob.currency_code,
76             cur.precision,
77 	    dp.period_counter
78        FROM fa_book_controls bc,
79             gl_sets_of_books sob,
80             fnd_currencies cur,
81 	    fa_deprn_periods dp
82       WHERE bc.book_type_code = h_book
83         AND bc.date_ineffective is null
84         AND sob.set_of_books_id = bc.set_of_books_id
85         AND sob.currency_code = cur.currency_code
86 	AND dp.book_Type_code = h_book
87 	AND h_end_Date between dp.period_open_date and
88 		nvl(dp.period_close_date,h_end_date+1);
89 c1rec c1%rowtype;
91 Cursor c_main is
92     SELECT lo.location_id,
93 	   comcc.code_combination_id,  /* comcc.segment1 company, */
94 	   bk.book_type_code,
95 	   cb.asset_cost_acct,
96  	   to_char(bk.date_placed_in_service, 'YYYY') year,
97  	   ad.asset_number,
98  	   ad.tag_number, ad.serial_number,
99  	   ad.description, ad.inventorial,
100  	   lpad(to_char(sum(di.units_assigned)),6)  units,
101  	   bk.date_placed_in_service ,
102  	   round(sum(bk.cost *
103  	   (di.units_assigned/ah.units/*ad.current_units bugfix 3591282*/)),c1rec.precision) cost,
104            lo.segment1,
105            lo.segment2,
106            lo.segment3,
107            lo.segment4,
108            lo.segment5,
109            lo.segment6,
110            lo.segment7,
111            fc.category_id,
112 	   ad.property_type_code,
113 	   ad.asset_key_ccid
114       FROM fa_system_controls sc,
115            fa_locations lo,
116            fa_books     bk,
117            fa_asset_history ah,
118            fa_additions ad,
119            fa_distribution_history  di,
120            gl_Code_combinations   comcc,
121            fa_category_books        cb,
122            fa_book_controls         bc,
123            fa_categories	      fc
124      WHERE
125        bk.book_type_code = h_book
126        AND bk.asset_id = ad.asset_id
127        AND ah.asset_id = ad.asset_id
128        AND ah.category_id = cb.category_id
129        AND cb.book_type_code= bk.book_type_code
130        AND bc.book_type_code = bk.book_type_code
131        and di.book_type_code = bc.distribution_source_book
132        AND di.location_id = lo.location_id
133        AND di.asset_id = bk.asset_id
134        AND di.code_combination_id= comcc.code_combination_id
135        AND ad.asset_category_id = fc.category_id
136        AND cb.asset_cost_acct= nvl(h_cost_account, cb.asset_cost_acct)
137        AND nvl(bk.period_counter_fully_retired, c1rec.period_counter+1) >=                                                  c1rec.period_counter
138        AND nvl(lo.segment1,0) = nvl(h_segment1, nvl(lo.segment1, 0))
139        AND nvl(lo.segment2,0) = nvl(h_segment2, nvl(lo.segment2, 0))
140        AND nvl(lo.segment3,0) = nvl(h_segment3, nvl(lo.segment3, 0))
141        AND nvl(lo.segment4,0) = nvl(h_segment4, nvl(lo.segment4, 0))
142        AND nvl(lo.segment5,0) = nvl(h_segment5, nvl(lo.segment5, 0))
143        AND nvl(lo.segment6,0) = nvl(h_segment6, nvl(lo.segment6, 0))
144        AND nvl(lo.segment7,0) = nvl(h_segment7, nvl(lo.segment7, 0))
145        AND ad.property_type_code = nvl(h_property_type, ad.property_type_code)
146        AND ad.owned_leased = 'OWNED'
147        AND h_end_date between bk.date_effective and nvl(bk.date_ineffective,sysdate)
148        AND h_end_date between ah.date_effective and nvl(ah.date_ineffective,sysdate)
149        AND di.transaction_header_id_in <=
150                            (select max(th.transaction_header_id)
151                              from fa_transaction_headers  th
152                             where th.asset_id  =  di.asset_id
153                              AND th.book_type_code = di.book_type_code
154                              AND th.date_effective <= h_end_date)
155        AND (di.transaction_header_id_out >=
156                            (select min(th.transaction_header_id)
157                              from fa_transaction_headers  th
158                             where th.asset_id = di.asset_id
159                              AND th.book_type_code = di.book_type_code
160                              AND th.date_effective > h_end_date)
161                OR di.transaction_header_id_out is null)
162      GROUP BY
163 	bk.book_type_code,
164 	comcc.code_combination_id,
165 	lo.location_id,
166 	lo.segment1,
167 	lo.segment2,
168 	lo.segment3,
169 	lo.segment4,
170 	lo.segment5,
171 	lo.segment6,
172 	lo.segment7,
173 	to_char(bk.date_placed_in_service, 'YYYY'),
174 	ad.property_type_code,
175 	cb.asset_cost_acct,
176 	fc.category_id,
177 	ad.asset_number, ad.tag_number, ad.serial_number,
178 	ad.description, ad.inventorial, ad.asset_key_ccid,
179 	bk.date_placed_in_service
180      ORDER BY
181 	comcc.code_combination_id,
182 	lo.location_id,
183 	cb.asset_cost_acct,
184 	to_char(bk.date_placed_in_service, 'YYYY'),
185 	asset_number;
186 c_mainrec c_main%rowtype;
189 begin
191   h_book		:= book;
192   h_end_date		:= end_date;
193   h_request_id		:= request_id;
194   h_segment1		:= segment1;
195   h_segment2		:= segment2;
196   h_segment3		:= segment3;
197   h_segment4		:= segment4;
198   h_segment5		:= segment5;
199   h_segment6		:= segment6;
200   h_segment7		:= segment7;
201   h_property_type	:= property_type;
202   h_company		:= company;
203   h_cost_center		:= cost_center;
204   h_cost_account	:= cost_account;
207   --dbms_output.enable (50000);
209   select accounting_flex_structure, location_flex_structure, category_flex_structure, asset_key_flex_structure
210   into h_acct_structure, h_loc_structure, h_cat_structure, h_key_structure
211   from fa_book_controls bc, fa_system_controls
212   where book_type_code = h_book;
215   select fcr.last_update_login
216   into   h_login_id
217   from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
218   where fcr.request_id = h_request_id;
220    fa_rx_shared_pkg.GET_ACCT_SEGMENT_NUMBERS (
221    BOOK                 => h_book,
222    BALANCING_SEGNUM     => h_bal_seg,
223    ACCOUNT_SEGNUM       => h_acct_seg,
224    CC_SEGNUM            => h_cc_seg,
225    CALLING_FN           => 'PROPERTY_TAX');
228    SELECT s.segment_num
229      INTO h_segment_num
230      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s,
231           fnd_segment_attribute_values sav,
232           fnd_segment_attribute_types sat
233     WHERE s.application_id = 140
234       AND s.id_flex_code = 'LOC#'
235       AND s.id_flex_num = h_loc_structure
236       AND s.enabled_flag = 'Y'
237       AND s.application_column_name = sav.application_column_name
238       AND sav.application_id = 140
239       AND sav.id_flex_code = 'LOC#'
240       AND sav.id_flex_num = h_loc_structure
241       AND sav.attribute_value = 'Y'
242       AND sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
243       AND sat.application_id = 140
244       AND sat.id_flex_code = 'LOC#'
245       AND sat.unique_flag = 'Y'
246       AND sat.segment_attribute_type = 'LOC_STATE';
248    SELECT count(segment_num)
249      INTO h_state_seg
250      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments
251     WHERE application_id = 140
252       AND id_flex_code = 'LOC#'
253       AND id_flex_num = 101
254       AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
255       AND segment_num <= h_segment_num;
258   open c1;
259   fetch c1 into c1rec;
261   open c_main;
262   loop
263     fetch c_main into c_mainrec;
265     if (c_main%NOTFOUND) then exit;  end if;
267         fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_acct (
268            struct_id => h_acct_structure,
269            ccid => c_mainrec.code_combination_id,
270            concat_string => h_concat_acct,
271            segarray => h_acct_segs);
273         fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_location (
274            struct_id => h_loc_structure,
275            ccid => c_mainrec.location_id,
276            concat_string => h_concat_loc,
277            segarray => h_loc_segs);
279         fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_category (
280            struct_id => h_cat_structure,
281            ccid => c_mainrec.category_id,
282            concat_string => h_concat_cat,
283            segarray => h_cat_segs);
286         if c_mainrec.asset_key_ccid is not null then
287            fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_asset_key (
288               struct_id => h_key_structure,
289               ccid => c_mainrec.asset_key_ccid,
290               concat_string => h_concat_key,
291               segarray => h_key_segs);
292 	else
293 	   h_concat_key := '';
294 	end if;
296   -- This restriction should really be in the mainselects where-clause,
297   -- but due to historical limited functionality in pl/sql
298   -- it has to be done like this.
299   -- If you want to improve performance, remove this where
300   -- and define a row that looks like this in the main query:
301   -- lo.segment? = h_state
302   -- The columnname segment? depends on what the qualifying statesegment
303   -- has been defined to (usually segment1).
305 --dbms_output.put_line('cost account ' || h_acct_segs(h_acct_seg));
308     if	h_acct_segs(h_bal_seg)  = nvl(h_company, h_acct_segs(h_bal_seg)) AND
309         h_acct_segs(h_cc_seg)   = nvl(h_cost_center, h_acct_segs(h_cc_seg)) then
311 	insert into fa_proptax_rep_itf  (
312  	request_id,
313  	book_type_code,
314  	location,
315  	state  ,
316  	company,
317  	asset_cost_acct,
318  	year,
319  	date_placed_in_service,
320  	asset_number, tag_number, serial_number,
321  	description, inventorial,
322  	units      ,
323  	original_cost,
324         cost_center,
325         asset_category,
326 	asset_key,
327         property_type,
328         segment1,
329         segment2,
330         segment3,
331         segment4,
332         segment5,
333         segment6,
334         segment7,
335  	created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
336  	last_update_login)
337  	values (
338  	h_request_id,
339  	c_mainrec.book_type_code,
340  	h_concat_loc,
341  	h_loc_segs(h_state_seg),
342  	h_acct_segs(h_bal_seg),
343  	c_mainrec.asset_cost_acct,
344  	c_mainrec.year,
345  	c_mainrec.date_placed_in_service ,
346  	c_mainrec.asset_number,
347 	c_mainrec.tag_number,
348 	c_mainrec.serial_number,
349  	c_mainrec.description, c_mainrec.inventorial,
350  	c_mainrec.units,
351  	c_mainrec.cost,
352         h_acct_segs(h_cc_seg),
353         h_concat_cat,
354 	h_concat_key,
355         c_mainrec.property_type_code,
356         c_mainrec.segment1,
357         c_mainrec.segment2,
358         c_mainrec.segment3,
359         c_mainrec.segment4,
360         c_mainrec.segment5,
361         c_mainrec.segment6,
362         c_mainrec.segment7,
363 	user_id, sysdate, user_id , sysdate, h_login_id);
365     end if;
367   end loop;
368   close c_main;
369 close c1;
371 	errbuf := '';
373 end property_tax;