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1 package initjvmaux authid current_user is
2  -- exec: execute a statement
3  procedure exec (x varchar2);
4  -- drp: execute a statement
5  -- with some errors typically seen in drop commands ignored
6  procedure drp (x varchar2);
7  -- rollbacksetup: do whatever is possible to ensure that there is a large
8  -- enough rollback segment available and where appropriate make it so that
9  -- rollbackset will make that segment be in use for the current transaction
10  procedure rollbacksetup;
11  -- rollbackset: make the rollback segment determined by rollbacksetup, if any,
12  -- be in use for the current transaction
13  procedure rollbackset;
14  -- rollbackcleanup: deallocate any rollback segment allocated by rollbacksetup
15  procedure rollbackcleanup;
16  -- setloading: make dbms_registry entry for status loading
17  procedure setloading;
18  -- setloaded: make dbms_registry entry for status loaded
19  procedure setloaded;
20  -- validate_javavm: validation procedure for dbms_registry
21  procedure validate_javavm;
22  -- registrystatus: get the value of status from dba_registry for JAVAVM
23  function registrystatus return varchar2;
24  -- startup_pending_p: see whether startup_required bit is set in registry
25  -- for JAVAVM
26  function startup_pending_p return boolean;
27  -- check_sizes_for_cjs: verify that pool sizes and tablespace are large
28  -- enough for create java system
29  procedure check_sizes_for_cjs(required_shared_pool number := 24000000,
30                                required_shared_pool_if_10049
31                                        number := 70000000,
32                                required_java_pool number := 12000000,
33                                required_tablespace number := 70000000);
34  -- create_if_not_present: create an object only if it's not there
35  procedure create_if_not_present(command varchar2);
36  -- alter_if_not_present: alter an object only if the alteration isn't already there
37  procedure alter_if_not_present(command varchar2);
38  -- abort_message: dbms_output a highlighted message
39  procedure abort_message(msg1 varchar2, msg2 varchar2 default null);
40  -- jvmuscript: return jvmuxxx script name if it is appropriate to run it
41  -- given the upgrade from version indicated in dba_registry, else return
42  -- jvmempty.sql (the empty script).
43  function jvmuscript(patchset varchar2) return varchar2;
44  -- jvmversion: return version value for JAVAVM from dba_registry
45  function jvmversion return varchar2;
46  -- current_release_version: return version value from v$instance
47  function current_release_version return varchar2;
48  -- drop_sys_class: drop the (long)named class from SYS, along with any
49  -- public synonym and MD5 table entry
50  procedure drop_sys_class(name varchar2);
51  -- drop_sys_resource: drop the (long)named resource from SYS, along with any
52  -- MD5 table entry
53  procedure drop_sys_resource(name varchar2);
54  -- compare_releases: return an indication of whether the first argument
55  --                   is older than the second where both are strings in the
56  --                   release designator format n1.n2.n3.n4.n5 (full five terms
57  --                   not required).  Result is a string which is one of
58  --                   FIRST_IS_NEWER, FIRST_IS_OLDER, FIRST_IS_NULL or SAME
59  --                   Used in jvmrm.sql, particularly for when it is included
60  --                   by jvmdwgrd.sql
61  function compare_releases(first varchar2, second varchar2) return varchar2;
62  -- startaction_outarg: declare intention to start a given action
63  -- returns requested action, if allowed, else conflicting pending action
64  procedure startaction_outarg(newaction IN OUT varchar2);
65  -- startaction: convenience wrapper for startaction_outarg which ignores
66  -- return value and so is callable with a literal string
67  procedure startaction(newaction IN varchar2);
68  -- endaction_outarg: declare end of current action
69  -- returns (in the OUT arg) current action if not punting else 'PUNT'
70  procedure endaction_outarg(action OUT varchar2);
71  -- endaction: convenience wrapper for endaction_outarg which ignores
72  -- return value
73  procedure endaction;
74  -- endaction_asload: endaction and if not punting, set last action to 'LOAD'
75  procedure endaction_asload;
76  -- startstep: indicate start of a script step
77  -- returns true if step should be attempted
78  function startstep(newstep varchar2) return boolean;
79  -- endstep: indicate current step completed successfully
80  procedure endstep;
81  -- currentexecid: return the unique id for the current session that is
82  -- used to indicate what session last did startaction
83  function currentexecid return varchar2;
84  -- Some debugoutput functions
85  procedure set_debug_output_on;
86  procedure set_debug_output_off;
87  procedure debug_output(line varchar2);
88  procedure set_alt_tablespace_limit(l number);
89  -- drop sros during up/downgrade
90  procedure drop_sros;
91  -- create the infrastructure for persistent System.properties
92  -- can only be run as SYS
93  procedure create_property_defs_table;
94 end;