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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

       the self service screen and updated by the various packages

Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:

Change History

Who        When          What
Aiyer      19-Feb-2002   Changes have been made as a part of the code fix for the bug 2233298
                         Added IN OUT NOCOPY parameters p_major_seq_num ,p_minor_seq_num,p_track_seq_num
                         to procedures insert_majors, insert_minors, insert_tracks  respectively

rgangara   22-Feb-2002   Enchancements as per CCR SWCR009. Bug# 2237145.
                         Added Alt_person_id as parameter in Insert_batch_request, Insert_student_request procedures
rgangara   25-Feb-2002   Fixing of Review comments
Aiyer      08-Mar-2002   Fix for the bug 2248040. Validation 10 in Validate Request procedure was added as a part of this bug
Aiyer      20-Mar-2002   The procedure delete_request has been modified due to the performance bug #2219307
Aiyer      16-May-2002   The procedure insert_batch_student was changed for the fix of the bugs 2370194,2370165
Aiyer      16-May-2002   The procedure insert_batch_student was modified for the fix of the bug 2369716
Aiyer      22-May-2002   The procedure insert_batch_student was modified for the fix of the bug 2370124
Aiyer      19-Jun-2002   The procedure Update_request and Submit_audit_request have been modifed for the fix of the bug 2422143.
Aiyer      29-May-2002   This has been done as a part of the bug fix for the bug 2415113. The procedure insert_batch_students has
                         been modified for this fix.
Aiyer      11-Jul-2002   This has been done as a part of the bug fix for the bug 2453391. The procedure insert_batch_students has
                         been modified for this fix.
DDEY       09-Aug-2002   The Dyanmic SQL query for Graduation Term is changed as per the bug # 2436029 .
kumma      18-OCT-2002   Changed the query to fetch the new columns from igs_pe_athletic_dtl_v and igs_pe_athletic_prg_v, 2608360
kumma      08-NOV-2002   Removed the Default Keywords from the procedure signatures
Aiyer      12-Dec-2002   Procedure validate_batch_request and insert_batch_request modified for
                         the bug #2638656.Obsoletion of athletic_program_id field from these procedures
Nalin Kumar 07-Apr-2003  Obsoleted the 'Degree Audit Single Request Submission' & 'Degree Audit Multiple Request Submission' Job.
                         This is as per DA UI Build. Bug# 2829285.
  PROCEDURE single_da_request (errbuf   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                               retcode  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                               p_batch_id     IN  NUMBER,
                               p_org_id       IN  NUMBER)  IS
    -- This concurrent job is made obsolete as part of Enh#2829285. If user tried to
    -- run the program then an error message should be written to the Log file that
    -- the Concurrent Program is obsolete and this should not be run. DA UI Build.