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2  /* $Header: wipospvs.pls 120.3.12010000.3 2008/09/18 06:57:02 tbhande ship $ */
6      This routine checks if there are outside processing resources at
7      the first operation of the routing for the job or schedule identified
8      by the parameters.  If so, it selects that operation_seq_num and
9      the outside processing account of the job or schedule, and calls
10      the CREATE_REQUISITION routine.
11    */
14     (P_Wip_Entity_Id NUMBER,
15      P_Organization_id NUMBER,
16      P_Repetitive_Schedule_Id NUMBER);
20      This routine does validation to make sure that outside processing
21      is allowed at the operation specified in P_Operation_Seq_Num.
22      Specifically, it raises an error if the User Id running the process
23      is not an employee or if the outside processing operation department
24      has no location specified.
26      If no error is raised, then a record is inserted into
29      Arguments:
30         P_Wip_Entity_Id,                These identify the job or schedule
31         P_Organization_Id,
32         P_Repetitive_Schedule_Id
34         P_Operation_Seq_Num             The operation that we are moving
35                                         to (or the first op for Release)
37         P_Outside_Proc_Acct             Account of the job/schedule, needed
38                                         to create the interface record.
40         P_Line_Id                       Line attached to the Repetitive Schedule
41                                         This is null for Discrete Jobs
42   */
45       P_Wip_Entity_Id NUMBER,
46       P_Organization_Id NUMBER,
47       P_Repetitive_Schedule_Id NUMBER,
48       P_Operation_Seq_Num NUMBER,
49       P_Resource_Seq_Num IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
53     Create Additional PO requisitions
55     This Procedure is called only when the job quantity is increased.
56     This procedure sets the P_added_quantity to the global variable
57     additional_quantity. If the additional_quantity value is > 0 then
58     an addtional requisition is created for the increased job quantity */
61     (P_Wip_Entity_Id NUMBER,
62      P_Organization_id NUMBER,
63      P_Repetitive_Schedule_Id NUMBER,
64      P_Added_Quantity NUMBER,
65      P_Op_Seq NUMBER default null);
67   FUNCTION PO_REQ_EXISTS ( p_wip_entity_id      in      NUMBER
68                           ,p_rep_sched_id       in      NUMBER
69                           ,p_organization_id    in      NUMBER
70                           ,p_op_seq_num         in      NUMBER default NULL
71                           ,p_entity_type        in      NUMBER
72                          ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
75   /* ConvertToPrimaryMoveQty
77      Converts the quantity that is put on the purchase order to the
78      PRIMARY quantity to be moved for the assembly being built.
80      Arguments:
81         p_item_id :     the OSP item that is put on the purchase order
82         p_organization_id :
83         p_quantity :    the quantity that is on the purchase order
84         p_uom_code :    the unit of measure that is on the purchase order
85         p_usage_rate_or_amount : the usage_rate_or_amount for the resource that
86                         the OSP item is attached to; this is required when
87                         the OSP item is of type RESOURCE
88   */
91   FUNCTION ConvertToPrimaryMoveQty (p_item_id           NUMBER,
92                                 p_organization_id       NUMBER,
93                                 p_quantity              NUMBER,
94                                 p_uom_code              VARCHAR2,
95                                 p_primary_uom_code      VARCHAR2,
96                                 p_usage_rate_or_amount  NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
101         approved_flag        in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
102         closed_code          in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
103         line_closed_status   in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
104         cancel_flag          in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
105         frozen_flag          in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
106         user_hold_flag       in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
107         line_expiration_date in DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
108         line_cancel_flag     in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2;
113    P_AssemblyItemNumber      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
114    P_VendorName              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
115    P_WipEntityName           IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
116    P_BasePoNum               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
117    P_SupplierItemNumber      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
118    P_AssemblyPrimaryUom      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
119    P_Uom                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
120    P_WipLineCode             IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
121    P_BomRevision             IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
122    P_StartDate               IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
123    P_PoReleaseNumber         IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
124    P_OrganizationId          IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
125    P_WipEntityType           IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
126    P_WipEntityId             IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
127    P_WipRepetitiveScheduleId IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
128    P_ResourceSeqNum          IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
129    P_ItemId                  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
130    P_AssemblyItemId          IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
131    P_WipOperationSeqNum      IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
132    R_QaAvailable             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
134  /**
135   * This function validates the from op and to op for the user relating to
136   * OSP operation steps.  The follow rules apply to OSP:
137   *   -  Users cannot move into a Queue of an OSP operation unless that
138   *      department has a location setup.
139   *   -  Users cannot move forward into a queue of an operation that has
140   *      PO resource unless the user is an employee
141   * The error message for the first case would be WIP_PO_MOVE_LOCATION and
142   * WIP_VALID_EMPLOYEE for the second case.
143   * Parameters:
144   *   p_orgID         The organization identifier.
145   *   p_wipEntityID   The wip entity identifier.
146   *   p_lineID        The line id used only for repetitive schedule. For
147   *                   discrete and lotbased, do not need to pass this value.
148   *   p_entityType    The wip entity type. (usually discrete)
149   *   p_fmOpSeqNum    The from operation sequence number that user is moving.
150   *   p_toOpSeqNum    The to operation sequence number that user is moving.
151   *   p_toStep        The to intraoperation step that user is moving to.
152   *   p_userID        The user identifier.
153   *   x_msg           The error message name before translation
154   *   x_error         The error message after translation for displaying
155   *                   to user.
156   * Return:
157   *   boolean     A flag indicating whether update successful or not.
158   */
159   FUNCTION checkOSP(p_orgID             NUMBER,
160                     p_wipEntityID       NUMBER,
161                     p_lineID            NUMBER := NULL,
162                     p_entityType        NUMBER,
163                     p_fmOpSeqNum        NUMBER,
164                     p_toOpSeqNum        NUMBER,
165                     p_toStep            NUMBER,
166                     p_userID            NUMBER,
167                     x_msg           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
168                     x_error         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
170  /**
171   * This procedure will pickup all PO/requisitions associated to the jobs
172   * based on the criteria used provided, then call updatePOReqNBD procedure
173   * to update PO/requisition need-by date. This procedure will be called from
174   * Update PO need-by date concurrent program.
175   *
176   * Parameters:
177   *   errbuf             Error messages that will be displayed in concurrent
178   *                      program log file
179   *   retcode            Return status of this procedure
180   *                        0 - success
181   *                        1 - warning
182   *                        2 - error
183   *   p_project_id       Project that user want to update PO/requisition NBD
184   *   p_task_id          Task that user want to update PO/requisition NBD
185   *   p_days_forward_fm  Number of days forward that user want us to start
186   *                      updating PO/requisition NBD
187   *   p_days_forward_to  Number of days forward that user want us to stop
188   *                      updating PO/requisition NBD
189   *   p_org_id           Organization identifier.
190   *   p_entity_type      The wip entity type.
191   *
192   */
193   PROCEDURE updatePOReqNBDManager(errbuf            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
194                                   retcode           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
195                                   p_project_id      IN         NUMBER,
196                                   p_task_id         IN         NUMBER,
197                                   p_days_forward_fm IN         NUMBER,
198                                   p_days_forward_to IN         NUMBER,
199                                   p_org_id          IN         NUMBER,
200                                   p_entity_type     IN         NUMBER);
202  /**
203   * This procedure will update PO/requisition need-by date.
204   *
205   * Parameters:
206   *   p_po_header_id        PO header ID (Standard PO)
207   *   p_po_release_id       Release ID (Blanket)
208   *   p_po_line_location_id Line location ID (shipment level)
209   *   p_req_header_id       Requisition header ID (requisition)
210   *   p_req_line_id         Requisition line ID (requisition)
211   *   p_po_req_type         Type of document('STANDARD','BLANKET',
212   *                         'REQUISITION')
213   *   p_approval_status     Document approval status
214   *   p_new_NBD             new need-by date
215   *   x_return_status       There are 2 possible values
216   *                         *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
217   *                          means all po/requisition get updated successfully
218   *                         *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error*
219   *                          means an exception occurred
220   *
221   */
222   PROCEDURE updatePOReqNBD(p_po_header_id         IN         NUMBER,
223                            p_po_release_id        IN         NUMBER,
224                            p_po_line_location_id  IN         NUMBER,
225                            p_req_header_id        IN         NUMBER,
226                            p_req_line_id          IN         NUMBER,
227                            p_po_req_type          IN         VARCHAR2,
228                            p_approval_status      IN         VARCHAR2,
229                            p_new_NBD              IN         DATE,
230                            p_ou_id                IN         NUMBER,
231                            x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
234  /**
235   * This procedure will update PO/requisition quantity..
236   *
237   * Parameters:
238   *   p_job_id           WIP_ENTITY_ID
239   *   p_repetitive_id    REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID
240   *   p_org_id           ORGANIZATION_ID
241   *   p_changed_qty      Quantity of assembly that need to be changed, not PO
242   *                      quantity. Pass positive for increase, and negative
243   *                      for decrease case. For example, if user change job
244   *                      quantity from 10 to 12, pass 2 as p_changed_qty.
245   *   p_fm_op            We will update PO/requisition associated to the
246   *                      operation greater than p_fm_op.
247   *                      quantity. This parameter is useful for scrap, unscrap
248   *                      and overmove case. We should not update all PO/req
249   *                      associated to the job. Instead, we should update only
250   *                      the one affected by these transactions
251   *  p_is_scrap_txn      Added for bug 4734309: Pass WIP_CONSTANTS.YES when
252   *                      calling  from scrap processor. For scrap transactions, only PO/REQs
253   *                      connected to future operations will be affected.
254   *   x_return_status    There are 2 possible values
255   *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
256   *                        means all po/requisition get updated successfully
257   *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error*
258   *                        means an exception occurred
259   *
260   */
261   PROCEDURE updatePOReqQuantity(p_job_id        IN         NUMBER,
262                                 p_repetitive_id IN         NUMBER := NULL,
263                                 p_org_id        IN         NUMBER,
264                                 p_changed_qty   IN         NUMBER,
265                                 p_fm_op         IN         NUMBER,
266                                 p_is_scrap_txn  IN         NUMBER := NULL,
267                                 x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
269   /**
270   * This procedure will update PO/requisition quantity..
271   *
272   * Parameters:
273   *   p_job_id           WIP_ENTITY_ID
274   *   p_repetitive_id    REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID
275   *   p_org_id           ORGANIZATION_ID
276   *   p_op_seq_num       Operation that we have to cancel PO/requisition.
277   *                      This parameter is useful if user want to cancel only
278   *                      PO/requisition for a specific operation.
279   *   x_return_status    There are 2 possible values
280   *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
281   *                        means all po/requisition get updated successfully
282   *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error*
283   *                        means an exception occurred
284   *
285   */
286   PROCEDURE cancelPOReq(p_job_id        IN         NUMBER,
287                         p_repetitive_id IN         NUMBER := NULL,
288                         p_org_id        IN         NUMBER,
289                         p_op_seq_num    IN         NUMBER := NULL,
290                         x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
291   		      p_clr_fnd_mes_flag IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'); -- added parameter p_clr_fnd_mes_flag for
292                                                                              -- bugfix 7415801
295  /* Fix for bug 4446607: This function returns TRUE if a PO/REQ is ever
296   * created for this particular job/operation, irrespective of whether the
297   * PO/REQ is cancelled or closed. This will be used to determine whether
298   * to call release_validation when rescheduling the job through mass-load.
299   * We had been using PO_REQ_EXISTS but that would return FALSE if either
300   * the PO/REQ is cancelled or if all the quantity is received for the PO.
301   * Because of this, requisition creation was erroneously triggered when
302   * rescheduling a job, whose associated PO has been received in total.
303   */
304   FUNCTION PO_REQ_created ( p_wip_entity_id      in      NUMBER
305                            ,p_rep_sched_id       in      NUMBER
306                            ,p_organization_id    in      NUMBER
307                            ,p_op_seq_num         in      NUMBER default NULL
308                            ,p_entity_type        in      NUMBER
309                           ) RETURN BOOLEAN;