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Line 9: p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type,

7: Procedure term_ret_grade
8: ( p_pa_request_id in ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%type,
9: p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type,
10: p_first_noa_id in ghr_pa_requests.first_noa_id%type,
11: p_second_noa_id in ghr_pa_requests.second_noa_id%type,
12: p_effective_date in ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type,
13: p_refresh_flag in varchar2 )

Line 467: p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type ,

463: Procedure populate_noa_spec_extra_info
464: (p_pa_request_id in number ,
465: p_first_noa_id in number ,
466: p_second_noa_id in number ,
467: p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type ,
468: p_assignment_id in per_assignments_f.assignment_id%type ,
469: p_position_id in per_positions.position_id%type ,
470: p_effective_date in ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type ,
471: p_refresh_flag in varchar2 default 'Y'

Line 631: p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type,

628: Procedure fetch_noa_spec_extra_info
629: (p_pa_request_id in number,
630: p_noa_id in number,
631: p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type,
632: p_assignment_id in per_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
633: p_position_id in per_positions.position_id%type,
634: p_effective_date in ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type,
635: p_refresh_flag in varchar2 default 'Y'

Line 655: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;

651: l_old_rei_rec ghr_pa_request_extra_info%rowtype;
652: l_flag varchar2(1);
653: l_refresh_flag varchar2(1);
654: l_rei_rec_exists varchar2(1);
655: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
656: l_assignment_id per_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
657: l_ret_review_date varchar2(30);
658: l_eff_date date;
659: l_position_id per_positions.position_id%type;

Line 3461: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;

3457: l_exists boolean := FALSE;
3458: l_flag varchar2(1) := null;
3459: l_rei_rec ghr_pa_request_extra_info%rowtype;
3460: l_org_rec ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow%rowtype;
3461: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
3462: l_assignment_id per_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
3463: l_per_refresh_flag varchar2(1);
3464: l_asg_refresh_flag varchar2(1);
3465: l_business_group_id per_assignments_f.business_group_id%type;

Line 3474: from per_people_f

3470: l_person_type per_person_types.system_person_type%type := hr_api.g_varchar2;
3472: cursor c_bus_gp is
3473: select business_group_id
3474: from per_people_f
3475: where person_id = p_person_id
3476: and nvl(p_effective_date,sysdate) between
3477: effective_start_date and effective_end_date;

Line 3576: per_people_f ppf

3572: -- Added by Venkat -- Bug # 1236354
3573: cursor c_person_type is
3574: select ppt.system_person_type
3575: from per_person_types ppt,
3576: per_people_f ppf
3577: where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
3578: and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
3579: and p_effective_date
3580: between ppf.effective_start_date