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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

         SUM(CASE WHEN a.effective_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
                 THEN a.abs_drtn_days
                 ELSE 0
             END)  abs_drtn_days
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN a.effective_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
                 THEN abs_drtn_hrs
                 ELSE 0
             END)  abs_drtn_hrs
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN a.effective_date = p_from_date
                 THEN a.abs_start_blnc + a.abs_nstart_blnc
                  WHEN a.effective_date > p_from_date
                    AND a.effective_date <= p_to_date
                 THEN abs_start_blnc
                 ELSE 0
             END)  abs_in_period
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN a.effective_date = p_from_date
                THEN a.abs_ntfctn_days_start_blnc + a.abs_ntfctn_days_nstart_blnc
                  WHEN a.effective_date > p_from_date
                    AND a.effective_date <= p_to_date
                THEN abs_ntfctn_days_start_blnc
                ELSE 0
             END)  abs_ntfctn_period
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date BETWEEN  p_from_date AND p_to_date;
Line: 89

   NVL(SUM(a.hire_hdc),0)          tot_gain_hire
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_in_hdc),0)   tot_gain_transfer
  ,NVL(SUM(a.termination_hdc),0)   tot_loss_term
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_out_hdc),0)  tot_loss_transfer
  FROM hri_mdp_sup_wcnt_chg_mv a
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date BETWEEN p_from_date
                       AND p_to_date;
Line: 101

  SELECT /*+ INDEX(a) */
   NVL(SUM(a.hire_hdc),0)          tot_gain_hire
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_in_hdc),0)   tot_gain_transfer
  ,NVL(SUM(a.termination_hdc),0)   tot_loss_term
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_out_hdc),0)  tot_loss_transfer
  FROM hri_mds_sup_wcnt_chg_mv a
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date = p_to_date
  AND a.period_type = p_period_type
  AND a.comparison_type IN (p_comparison_type, 'CURRENT');
Line: 172

   NVL(SUM(a.hire_hdc),0)          tot_gain_hire
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_in_hdc),0)   tot_gain_transfer
  ,NVL(SUM(a.termination_hdc),0)   tot_loss_term
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_out_hdc),0)  tot_loss_transfer
  FROM hri_mdp_sup_wcnt_chg_mv a
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.wkth_wktyp_sk_fk = p_wkth_wktyp_sk_fk
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date BETWEEN p_from_date
                       AND p_to_date;
Line: 185

  SELECT /*+ INDEX(a) */
   NVL(SUM(a.hire_hdc),0)          tot_gain_hire
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_in_hdc),0)   tot_gain_transfer
  ,NVL(SUM(a.termination_hdc),0)   tot_loss_term
  ,NVL(SUM(a.transfer_out_hdc),0)  tot_loss_transfer
  FROM hri_mds_sup_wcnt_chg_mv a
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.wkth_wktyp_sk_fk = p_wkth_wktyp_sk_fk
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date = p_to_date
  AND a.period_type = p_period_type
  AND a.comparison_type IN (p_comparison_type, 'CURRENT');
Line: 255

   NVL(SUM(a.sep_vol_hdc),0)     total_trn_vol
  ,NVL(SUM(a.sep_invol_hdc),0)   total_trn_invol
  FROM hri_mdp_sup_wcnt_chg_mv a
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
  AND a.wkth_wktyp_sk_fk = p_wkth_wktyp_sk_fk;
Line: 265

  SELECT /*+ INDEX(a) */
   NVL(SUM(a.sep_vol_hdc),0)     total_trn_vol
  ,NVL(SUM(a.sep_invol_hdc),0)   total_trn_invol
  FROM hri_mds_sup_wcnt_chg_mv a
  WHERE a.supervisor_person_id = p_supervisor_id
  AND a.direct_record_ind = v_direct_record_ind
  AND a.effective_date = p_to_date
  AND a.period_type = p_period_type
  AND a.comparison_type IN (p_comparison_type, 'CURRENT')
  AND a.wkth_wktyp_sk_fk = p_wkth_wktyp_sk_fk;
Line: 368

   NVL(SUM(term.separation_hdc), 0) total_term
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN pow.pow_band = 1
                THEN term.separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_pow_band1
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN pow.pow_band = 2
                THEN term.separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_pow_band2
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN pow.pow_band = 3
                THEN term.separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_pow_band3
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN pow.pow_band = 4
                THEN term.separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_pow_band4
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN pow.pow_band = 5
                THEN term.separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_pow_band5
 hri_mdp_sup_wcnt_term_asg_mv  term
,hri_dbi_cl_pow_all_band_v     pow
WHERE term.supervisor_person_id = :1
AND term.effective_date BETWEEN :2 AND :3
AND term.pow_band_sk_fk = pow.id'
  || l_where_clause;
Line: 468

   NVL(SUM(separation_hdc), 0)
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN perf_band = 1
                THEN separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_perf_band1
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN perf_band = 2
                THEN separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_perf_band2
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN perf_band = 3
                THEN separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_perf_band3
  ,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN perf_band = -5
                THEN separation_hdc
                ELSE 0
           END), 0)  total_term_perf_bandna
 hri_mdp_sup_wcnt_term_asg_mv  term
WHERE term.supervisor_person_id = :1
AND term.effective_date BETWEEN :2 AND :3'
  || l_where_clause;
Line: 560

 NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN separation_category = ''SEP_INV''
              THEN term.separation_hdc
         ELSE 0
         END), 0)
,NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN separation_category = ''SEP_VOL''
              THEN term.separation_hdc
         ELSE 0
         END), 0)
,NVL(SUM(term.separation_hdc), 0)
 hri_mdp_sup_wcnt_term_asg_mv  term
WHERE term.supervisor_person_id = :1
AND term.effective_date BETWEEN :2 AND :3'
  || l_where_clause;
Line: 596

  SELECT effective_change_end_date  INTO l_end_place_date
  FROM hri_mb_asgn_events_ct asgn
       asgn.person_id = p_person_id
  AND  asgn.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  and  asgn.worker_term_nxt_ind = 1 ;