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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 67

        03/01/2000       RChase     115.47     Fixed dynamic cursors in build_select_statements.
                                               to use explict date conversion.  This clears up
                                               issues with clients using NLS date formats other
                                               than DD-MON-YYYY.
                                               Updated process procedure to output a wrapped dynamic
                                               sql statement to the log file for better debugging
        03/14/2000       Thayden    115.48     Advanced Conditions for headers and trailers.
        05/31/2000       gperry     115.49     Tuning.
        06/20/2000       jcarpent   115.50     Fix for Tuning fix,
                                               uninitialized collection.
                                               bug 5339.
        08/10/2000       tilak      115.51     Dynamic sql date format changed from YYYY to RRRR to
                                               support all the other lang
        08/17/2000       tilak      115.52
        08/17/2000       tilak      115.53     bug 1381514 fixed before calling calc_ext_date the type of code is calidat                                               ed
        08/17/2000       tilak      115.54     Backport of 115.48 for 11.5.2
                                               patchset with NLS fixes from
                                               115.51.  wwbug 1391217.
        08/30/2000       stee       115.55     Leapfrog of 115.53.
        09/03/2000       stee       115.56     Leapfrog of 115.51.
        09/03/2000       stee       115.57     Leapfrog of 115.55.
        12/06/2000       rchase     115.58     Leapfrog of 115.56 with fixes
                                               for 1521958.  Added rule contexts.
        12/07/2000       jcarpent   115.59     Merged version of 115.57 and 115.58.
        01/23/2001       rchase     115.60     Bug 1608852. Correct thread issue.
                                               Lock being released before status
                                               updating batch range status.
        01/30/2001       tilak      115.61     error message changed ,get from get_error_messages
                                               with element name
        06/06/2001       tilak      115.62     caling formula is added for header/trailer - 1786750
        06/21/2001       tilak      115.63     gv$_system_parameter used instead of v$system_paramter
        07/27/2001       tilak      115.65     Change Event Dynomic sql is cahnged,
                                               chg_eff_Dt is replaced  p_effective date
        11/07/2001       mhoyes     115.66   - bug 2100912. Moved call to ben_extract.set_ext_lvls
                                               from chunk level to thread level. Globals were
                                               being over refreshed.
        11/09/2001       mhoyes     115.67   - bug 2100912. Moved call to ben_extract.setup_rcd_typ_lvl
                                               from chunk level to thread level. Globals were
                                               being over refreshed.
        11/26/2001       mhoyes     115.68   - dbdrv lines.

        01/20/2002      tjesumic    115.69   - restart process added
        02/12/2002 hnarayan    115.70     added procedure update_ht_strt_end_dt to update
             data which correspond to fields STRTDT and ENDDT
             in header and trailer records of result detail.
        03/11/2002      tjesumic    115.71   -  UTF changes
        03/12/2002      ikasire     115.72      BEN UTF8 Changes
        05/06/2002      tjesumic    115.73      p_ext_crit_prfl_id ,p_rquest_id added as
                                                paramter to process_ext_ht_recs
        05/16/2002      tjesumic    115.74      dynamic sql chnaged the assg date validate changed from nvl to (+)                                                bug : 2376285
        05/21/2002      tjesumic    115.75      PLPLCY element added for header level
        05/24/2002      tjesumic    115.76     change event dynomic sql fixed
        08-Jun-02       pabodla    115.78      Do not select the contingent worker
                                               assignment when assignment data is
        17-Jun-02       pabodla    115.79      Fetching assignment data even if assignment_type is null
        15-Aug-02       tjesumic   115.79      Max_lenght added for String Element
        28-Aug-02       tjesumic   115.80      if the string Element is null and max_lenght defined
                                               string element will be considered as space
        17-dec-02       tjesumic   115.81      115.78,115.79 reversed
        27-Dec-02       lakrish    115.84      NOCOPY changes
        13-Feb-03       rpillay    115.85      HRMS Debug Performance changes to
                                                hr_utility.set_location calls
        23-Aug-03       tjesumic   115.86      calcualted records added for  detail record
        02-Oct-03       tjesumic   115.87      Upper/lower/initcap applied for string format mask
        29-Oct-03       tjesumic   115.88      total for detail records are considers only non hiden records
                                               hiden recors are filterd
        30-dec-03       mmudigon   115.89      Bug 3232205. Modified cursors on
                                               ben_person_actions to drive by
        19-Jan-03       tjesumic   115.91      New procedire load_extract added to import and export the
                                               extract definition
        19-Jan-03       tjesumic   115.92      extract sedded or not decided by the extract not the parameter
        19-Jan-03       tjesumic   115.92      view name cahnged to ben_pl_v
        26-Jan-03       tjesumic   115.94      validate_mode parameterized for fndload concurren mgr
        26-Jan-03       tjesumic   115.95      Extract header formula format mask is fixed
        10-Feb-03       tjesumic   115.96      Person Type usage added in dynamic sql  - ppt
        21-Apr-04       tjesumic   115.97      when the header/trailed element is null and mandatory
                                               then throw the warning , if the record is mandatory then
                                               throw the error and rollback the header and trailer
        26-May-04       mmudigon   115.98      Bug 367237. Parameters changed
                                               for Restart procedure
        04-Jun-04       mmudigon   115.99      GSCC file.sql.6 fix
        06-Jul-04       tjesumic   115.100     for security check_asg_security added and per_people_f view used
        06-Jul-04       tjesumic   115.104     brought forward the version 100 above the leaf frog
        02-Aug-04       nhunur     115.105     ensure request_id is not passed as null to benefit actions api.
        06-Aug-04       nhunur     115.106     3810114 - Added code to prevent over polling of fnd_conc_requests.
        13-aug-04       tjesumic   115.107     chg_actl_ct is truncated to validated the dates
        18-Nov-04       rpinjala   115.108     New procedure chk_pqp_extract added
        19-Nov-04       rpinjala   115.109     Changed chk_pqp_extract procedure.
        05-Dec-04       rpinjala   115.110     Changed chk_pqp_extract procedure.
        15-Dec-04       tjesumic   115.111     ext_rcd_in_file_id added to ben_Ext_rslt_dtl table
        01-Feb-05       tjesumic   115.112     300 elements allowed in  a record
        08-Mar-05       tjesumic   115.113     check_asg_security changed for performance
        09-Mar-05       tjesumic   115.114     check_asg_security changed for performance
        22-Mar-05       tjesumic   115.115     CWB (CW) , subheader codes changes
                                               new extract type for 'CW' and new header and trialer procedure
                                               for subheader and new  criteria for both added
       24-Mar-05        tjesumic   115.116     position extracted from  position base table
       30-Mar-05        tjesumic   115.117    new param p_subhdr_chg_log added for nfc extract to get postion
                                               suheader from  history table
       30-Mar-05        tjesumic   115.118    nfc changes
       31-Mar-05        tjesumic   115.119    GHR changes
       15-Mar-05        tjesumic   115.120    Global/Cross bg changes added
       27-Apr-05        rpinjala   115.121    Changed chk_pqp_extract procedure.
       28-Apr-05        tjesumic   115.122    to_date change to canonical_to_date for formula result date conversion
       30-Apr-05        tjesumic   115.123    string element added for  rule element
       12-May-05        tjesumic   115.124    g_ext_dfn_id and g_ext_rslt_id intialised in subheader for subhdr formula
       17-May-05        tjesumic   115.125    p_ghr_date parameter changed to p_eff_start/end_dte
       08-Jun-05        tjesumic   115.125    pennserver enhancement for new parameter, outpput type
                                              effective, actual date and pauroll change events
       08-Jun-05        tjesumic   115.127    pennserver enhancement
       13-Jun-05        tjesumic   115.128    payroll dynamic sql changed
       13-Jun-05        tjesumic   115.129    ghr sql cahnged for pos02
       25-Jul-05        tjesumic   115.130    Dynamic sql build changed fro performance  and bug 4440823
       22-Aug-05        tjesumic   115.131    business group id variable initalization in security check is changed
       22-Aug-05        rbingi     115.132    Bug 4545881 - Global flag retrieved from Ext_Crit_Prfl
       21-Sep-05        tjesumic   115.133    grade inforamtion extracted in  subheader
       13-Sep-05        tjesumic   115.134    when the extract excuted with only subheader, the process should not
                                              go throuh person information
       9-nov-05         nhunur     115.135    xcl > per for performance - bug 4721453
       6-Dec-05         tjesumic   115.136    cm_display_flag is  added and validated
       9-Dec-05         tjesumic   115.137    benxmlwrit called for cm_display on
      10-Dec-05         tjesumic   115.138    output_code to set the output type for display
      20-Dec-05         tjesumic   115.139    cm_downlaod added for download and GHR fix as per 4609093
      20-Dec-05         tjesumic   115.141    c_xdoi cursor closed
      22-Dec-05         tjesumic   115.142    XSL changed to EXCEL
      11-Jan-06         tjesumic   115.143    restart changed to send correct parameters to process
      02-Feb-06         tjesumic   115.144    restart changed to process the errorerd ranges from advance condition
      12-Feb-06         tjesumic   115.145    Assignment set added in extract criteria's person level
      15-Mar-06         tjesumic   115.146    Penserver Sql changes
      23-Mar-06         tjesumic   115.147    Penserver Sql changes
      27-Mar-06         tjesumic   115.148    debug  function call removed
      29-Mar-06         tjesumic   115.149    end dte and start parsed  in update_ht_strt_end_dt
      28-APR-06         hgattu     115.150    new param p_out_dummy is added to process procedure(5131931)
      07-Aug-06         tjesumic   115.151    parameter p_out_dummy passed in wrong position
      06-Oct-06         tjesumic   115.152    The Advance Date criteria added to Dynamic sql
                                              Pay change event sql splited into two, 1 for non Asg event
                                              another one for Asg Events. New procedure
                                              chck_non_asg_pay_evt and build_adv_criteria added.
     20-oct-06          tjesumic   115.153    The dynamic query changed to calc the criteria value and validated
                                              as in clause without using extract table. per_all_people removed
                                              from pay change event query
     23-Oct-06          tjesumic   115.154    nocopy added
     31-Oct-06          tjesumic   115.155    payroll id added to the dynamic query
     07-Dec-06          tjesumic   115.156    subheader's org, job and grade from and to date are validated
     12-Feb-07          tjesumic   115.157    allow overide param added for uploading file
                                              required file benextse.lct 115.40 , benextse,pkh/pkb 115.24/73
     13-Feb-07          tjesumic   115.158    Legislation ang global check in pay_event_updates table is removed
                                              The primary key is passed from process event table.
     07-mar-07          tjesumic   115.159    Dynamic sql error is fixed
     20-mar-07          tjesumic   115.162    115.160 and 161 reverted
     04-Sep-07          tjesumic   115.163    total count and detail count elements are fixed by adding ext_rcd_in_file_id in validation
     26-Nov-07          tjesumic   115.164    when the extract is global, for 'PPT' person type usage the criteria are validated from table
                                              big - 6642051
     30-Apr-08          vkodedal   115.165    Changes required for penserver - performance fix--6895935,6801389,6995291
     11-Aug-08          vkodedal   115.167    Penserver perf issue-7274509
     25-Aug-08          vkodedal   115.168    Penserver perf issue-7341530
     12-Sep-08          jvaradra   115.170    Penserver perf issue-7358558


-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
Line: 344

  SELECT data_typ_cd
       , ext_typ_cd
       , strt_dt
       , end_dt
       , ext_crit_prfl_id
       , ext_file_id
       , prmy_sort_cd
       , scnd_sort_cd
       , output_name
       , drctry_name
       , apnd_rqst_id_flag
       , kickoff_wrt_prc_flag
       , use_eff_dt_for_chgs_flag
       , upd_cm_sent_dt_flag
       , ext_post_prcs_rl
       , ext_global_flag
       , output_type
       , xdo_template_id
       , cm_display_flag
  FROM  ben_ext_dfn
  WHERE ext_dfn_id = p_ext_dfn_id;
Line: 369

  select ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id1,
  from  ben_Ext_file exf
  where exf.ext_file_id = p_file_id ;
Line: 377

  select  exf.short_name
  from ben_ext_fld  exf,
       ben_Ext_data_elmt_in_rcd edr,
       ben_ext_data_elmt        ede
  where edr.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id = p_data_elmt_in_rcd_id
    and edr.ext_data_elmt_id     = ede.ext_Data_elmt_id
    and ede.ext_fld_id           = exf.ext_fld_id (+)
Line: 390

  select ext_global_flag
  from ben_ext_crit_prfl
  where ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
Line: 490

Procedure update_ht_strt_end_dt (p_ext_rslt_id  number)
  l_proc          varchar2(72);
Line: 506

   SELECT rslt.run_strt_dt , rslt.run_end_dt
   FROM    ben_ext_rslt rslt
   WHERE   rslt.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id;
Line: 511

   SELECT distinct rdtl.ext_rcd_id ext_rcd_id
   FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd, ben_ext_rslt_dtl rdtl
   WHERE  rdtl.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
     and  rdtl.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
     and rcd.rcd_type_cd in ('H','T');
Line: 518

   SELECT elrc.seq_num, fld.short_name, elmt.frmt_mask_cd
   FROM ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd elrc, ben_ext_data_elmt elmt, ben_ext_fld fld
   WHERE elrc.ext_rcd_id = p_ext_rcd_id
     and elrc.ext_data_elmt_id = elmt.ext_data_elmt_id
     and elmt.ext_fld_id = fld.ext_fld_id
     and ltrim(rtrim(fld.short_name)) in ('STRTDT','ENDDT');
Line: 528

    l_proc := g_package||'.update_ht_strt_end_dt';
Line: 578

      l_tot_string := 'UPDATE BEN_EXT_RSLT_DTL ' || l_tot_string
         || ' WHERE ext_rslt_id = ' || to_char(p_ext_rslt_id)
         || ' AND   ext_rcd_id  = ' || to_char(rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id);
Line: 584

      l_tot_string := 'UPDATE BEN_EXT_RSLT_DTL SET  ' ||  l_col_name  ||  '   = :VAL  where ext_rslt_id = :RSLT_ID and ext_rcd_id  = :RCD_ID' ;
Line: 617

END update_ht_strt_end_dt;
Line: 653

    select formula_type_id
    from   ff_formulas_f
    where  formula_id = p_rule_id
    and    p_effective_date
           between effective_start_date
           and     effective_end_date;
Line: 661

  select name
  from   per_business_groups
  where  organization_id = p_bg_id ;
Line: 666

   select a.plcy_r_grp
     from ben_popl_org_f a,
          ben_popl_org_role_f b
    where a.pl_id = l_pl_id
      and a.plcy_r_grp is not null
      and a.popl_org_id = b.popl_org_id
      and b.org_role_typ_cd = l_typ_cd
      and p_effective_date between a.effective_start_date
                             and a.effective_end_date
       and p_effective_date between b.effective_start_date
                             and b.effective_end_date;
Line: 679

   select a.plcy_r_grp
     from ben_popl_org_f a
    where a.pl_id = l_pl_id
      and a.plcy_r_grp is not null
      and p_effective_date between a.effective_start_date
                             and a.effective_end_date ;
Line: 688

   select a.cstmr_num
     from ben_popl_org_f a,
          ben_popl_org_role_f b
    where a.pl_id = l_pl_id
      and a.cstmr_num is not null
      and a.popl_org_id = b.popl_org_id
      and b.org_role_typ_cd = l_typ_cd
      and p_effective_date between a.effective_start_date
                             and a.effective_end_date
       and p_effective_date between b.effective_start_date
                             and b.effective_end_date;
Line: 701

   select b.name
   from ben_popl_org_f a,
        ben_popl_org_role_f b
   where a.pl_id = l_pl_id
     and b.name is not null
     and b.org_role_typ_cd = l_typ_cd
      and a.popl_org_id = b.popl_org_id
     and p_effective_date between a.effective_start_date
         and a.effective_end_date
     and p_effective_date between b.effective_start_date
         and b.effective_end_date;
Line: 716

  select count(distinct person_id)
  from   ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd
  where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
  and    person_id not in (0, 999999999999)
  and    xrd.group_val_01 = p_group_val_01
  and    nvl(xrd.group_val_02,'-1')  =  nvl(p_group_val_02,'-1') ;
Line: 726

   select count(*)
   from   ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd ,
          ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
   where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_id  = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id  = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id
    and   erf.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
    and   erf.hide_flag    = 'N'
    and   xrd. person_id not in (0, 999999999999)
    and   xrd.group_val_01 = p_group_val_01
    and   nvl(xrd.group_val_02,'-1')  =  nvl(p_group_val_02,'-1')
Line: 742

   select count(*)
   from   ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd ,
          ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
   where  xrd.ext_rslt_id  = p_ext_rslt_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_id   = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id  = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id
    and   erf.ext_file_id  = p_ext_file_id
    and   erf.hide_flag    = 'N'
    and   xrd.group_val_01 = p_group_val_01
    and   nvl(xrd.group_val_02,'   ')  =  nvl(p_group_val_02,'   ')
Line: 755

 select count(*)
  from   ben_ext_rcd_in_file fil, ben_ext_rcd rcd
  where  fil.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
  and    fil.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
  and    rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'L';
Line: 1078

 select ewc.seq_num
       , xel.data_elmt_typ_cd
       , xel.data_elmt_rl
       , xel.name
       , xel.string_val
       , xel.dflt_val
       , xel.max_length_num
       , xel.ttl_fnctn_cd
       , xel.ttl_cond_oper_cd
       , xel.ttl_cond_val
       , xel.ttl_sum_ext_data_elmt_id
       , xel.ttl_cond_ext_data_elmt_id
       , efl.short_name
 from ben_Ext_where_clause ewc,
      ben_Ext_data_elmt    xel,
      ben_ext_fld          efl
 where ewc.ext_data_elmt_id = p_ext_data_elmt_id
   and xel.ext_data_elmt_id = ewc.cond_ext_data_elmt_id
   and xel.ext_fld_id       = efl.ext_fld_id (+)  ;
Line: 1195

  select a.ext_rcd_id,
  from   ben_ext_rcd          a,
         ben_ext_rcd_in_file  b
  where  a.ext_rcd_id  = b.ext_rcd_id
  and    b.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
  and    a.rcd_type_cd = p_rcd_typ_cd
  order by b.seq_num;
Line: 1208

  select a.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id,
         hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',b.frmt_mask_cd) frmt_mask_cd,
         b.frmt_mask_cd frmt_mask_lookup_cd ,
  from   ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd    a,
         ben_ext_data_elmt           b,
         ben_ext_fld                 c
  where  a.ext_rcd_id = l_ext_rcd_id
  and    a.ext_data_elmt_id = b.ext_data_elmt_id
  and    b.ext_fld_id = c.ext_fld_id (+)
  order by a.seq_num;
Line: 1240

  SELECT b.val_1
  FROM ben_ext_crit_typ a,
       ben_ext_crit_val b
  WHERE  a.ext_crit_typ_id = b.ext_crit_typ_id
    and  a.crit_typ_cd = 'BPL'
    and  a.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id;
Line: 1249

  select count(*)
  from   ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,
         ben_ext_rcd rcd,
         ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
   where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id  = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id
    and   erf.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
    and   rcd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   erf.hide_flag    = 'N'
   and    rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'L' ;
Line: 1854

             ,p_program_update_date        =>  sysdate
             ,p_request_id                 =>  fnd_global.conc_request_id
             ,p_object_version_number      =>  l_object_version_number
             ,p_ext_per_bg_id            =>  p_ext_per_bg_id
             ,p_ext_rcd_in_file_id         =>  l_ext_rcd_in_file_id
Line: 1914

  select distinct
         nvl(xrd.ext_per_bg_id,-1)  ext_per_bg_id
  from   ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,
         ben_ext_rcd rcd,
         ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
   where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   erf.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
    and   rcd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
   and    rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'S'
   and    ltrim(xrd.group_val_01)  is not null ;
Line: 2016

  select null
  from   fnd_concurrent_requests fnd
  where  fnd.phase_code <> 'C'
  and    fnd.request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 2022

  select count(*)
  from   ben_ext_rcd_in_file fil, ben_ext_rcd rcd
  where  fil.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
  and    fil.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
  and    rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'H';
Line: 2029

  select count(*)
  from   ben_ext_rcd_in_file fil, ben_ext_rcd rcd
  where  fil.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
  and    fil.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
  and    rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'T';
Line: 2037

  select count(*)
  from   ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,
         ben_ext_rcd rcd,
         ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
   where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id  = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id
    and   erf.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
    and   rcd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   erf.hide_flag    = 'N'
   and    rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'S' ;
Line: 2052

   select count(*)
   from   ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd , ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
   where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
    and   xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id  = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id
    and   erf.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
    and   erf.hide_flag    = 'N'
    and   person_id not in (0, 999999999999) ;
Line: 2066

  select count(distinct person_id)
  from   ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd
  where  xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
  and    person_id not in (0, 999999999999);
Line: 2072

  select count(*)
  from   ben_ext_rslt_err err
  where  err.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id;
Line: 2211

  select ran.range_id
  from ben_batch_ranges ran
  where ran.range_status_cd = 'U'
  and rownum < 2
  for update of ran.range_status_cd;
Line: 2221

  select 1
  from ben_batch_ranges ran
  where ran.range_status_cd = 'E'
Line: 2237

    select 'X'
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct
           ,ben_Ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd  = p_type
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id  ;
Line: 2369

      update ben_batch_ranges ran set ran.range_status_cd = 'P'
      where ran.range_id = l_range_id;
Line: 2435

  update ben_batch_ranges
    set range_status_cd = 'E'
    where range_id = l_range_id;
Line: 2486

    update ben_batch_ranges
    set range_status_cd = 'E'
    where range_id = l_range_id;
Line: 2622

                      p_select_statement   in out nocopy long) is

 l_proc                   varchar2(80);
Line: 2628

 select ecv.ext_crit_val_id
 from ben_ext_crit_typ ect, ben_ext_crit_val ecv
 where ect.crit_typ_cd = 'ADV'
 and ect.ext_crit_typ_id = ecv.ext_crit_typ_id
 and ect.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
Line: 2638

 select ecc.crit_typ_cd,
 from ben_ext_crit_cmbn ecc
 where  ecc.ext_crit_val_id = p_ext_crit_val_id
Line: 2798

  p_select_statement := l_sql_string ;
Line: 2825

 select 'X'
 from ben_ext_crit_typ ect
     ,ben_ext_crit_val ecv
     ,pay_datetracked_events pde
     ,pay_dated_tables pdt
  where ect.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and ect.crit_typ_cd = 'CPE'
    and ecv.ext_crit_typ_id = ect.ext_crit_typ_id
    and pde.event_group_id = to_number(ecv.val_1)
    and pde.dated_table_id = pdt.dated_table_id
Line: 2849

 select pde.dated_table_id,pde.business_group_id ,pde.LEGISLATION_CODE,pde.update_type
 from ben_ext_crit_typ ect
     ,ben_ext_crit_val ecv
     ,pay_datetracked_events pde
     ,pay_dated_tables pdt
  where ect.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and ect.crit_typ_cd = 'CPE'
    and ecv.ext_crit_typ_id = ect.ext_crit_typ_id
    and pde.event_group_id = to_number(ecv.val_1)
    and pde.dated_table_id = pdt.dated_table_id
Line: 2873

 l_update_type varchar2(10) ;
Line: 2921

     l_sql :=  ' Select ''X''  From pay_event_updates peu ' ||
               ' where  peu.dated_table_id = '|| i.dated_table_id ||
               ' and peu.event_type  = '''|| i.update_type || '''' ;
Line: 2935

               '  Select xcl.process_event_id from pay_process_events xcl' ||
               '  where  xcl.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id' ||
                  --- if the event created for a bg then validate the bg with  extract bg
               '    and (peu.business_group_id is null or xcl.business_group_id = peu.business_group_id)';
Line: 2970

                       p_select_statement   => l_ADV_sql) ;
Line: 3023

    select xcv.val_1
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = p_ext_crit_typ;
Line: 3081

Procedure build_select_statement
                     (p_data_typ_cd        in     varchar2,
                      p_ext_crit_prfl_id   in     number default null,
                      p_ext_dfn_id         in     number,
                      p_business_group_id  in     number,
                      p_effective_date     in     date,
                      p_ext_rslt_id        in     number ,
                      p_ext_global_flag    in     varchar2 default null,
                      p_eff_start_date     in     date default null,
                      p_eff_end_date       in     date default null,
                      p_act_start_date     in     date default null,
                      p_act_end_date       in     date default null,
                      p_select_statement   in out nocopy long,
                      p_penserv_date       in     date default null) is
  l_dynamic_sql long;
Line: 3114

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PID';
Line: 3128

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'POR';
Line: 3142

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PAS';
Line: 3157

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PLO';
Line: 3171

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PBG';
Line: 3186

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PBGR';
Line: 3201

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PPT';
Line: 3220

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct
           ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'CCE';
Line: 3233

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct
           ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'CPE';
Line: 3250

    Select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'CAD';
Line: 3269

    Select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PDL';
Line: 3284

   select 'Y',
           xct.excld_flag ,
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'WPLPR';
Line: 3302

    Select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'PASGSET';
Line: 3323

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'CED';
Line: 3346

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'MTP';
Line: 3360

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'MTBSDT';
Line: 3379

    Select 'Y'
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'ADV';
Line: 3389

    Select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'MSDT';
Line: 3408

    select 'Y',
    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'RRL';
Line: 3422

    select bed.ext_dfn_id
      from ben_ext_dfn bed
     where bed.name = 'PQP GB PenServer Standard Interface - Earnings History';
Line: 3575

            '  SELECT distinct(per.person_id)  person_id ' ||
            '    FROM per_all_assignments_f ben_asg ' ||
            '         ,per_periods_of_service ppos ' ||
            '         ,per_all_people_f per ' ||
            '   WHERE per.person_id =  ben_asg.person_id (+) ' ||
            '     AND ben_asg.period_of_service_id = ppos.period_of_service_id ' ||
            '     AND ((ppos.actual_termination_date is NULL) ' ||
            '           OR ' ||
            '           (ppos.actual_termination_date >= to_date('''||to_char((add_months(p_effective_date,-1) + 1) ,'DD/MM/YYYY') ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY''))' ||
            '           OR ' ||
            '           ((ppos.actual_termination_date < to_date('''||to_char((add_months(p_effective_date,-1) + 1) ,'DD/MM/YYYY') ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'') '||
            '             AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 ' ||
            '                           FROM pay_assignment_actions paa ' ||
            '                                ,pay_run_results prr ' ||
            '                                ,pay_payroll_actions ppa ' ||
            '                          WHERE paa.assignment_id = ben_asg.assignment_id ' ||
            '                            AND paa.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id ' ||
            '                            AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id ' ||
            '                            AND ppa.effective_date between to_date('''||to_char((add_months(p_effective_date,-1) + 1) ,'DD/MM/YYYY') ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'') '||
            '                                                                and last_day(to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD/MM/YYYY') || ''',''DD/MM/YYYY'')) '||
            '                         ) ' ||
            '             ) ' ||
            '           ) ' ||
            '         ) ' ||
            '     AND NVL(ppos.actual_termination_date, GREATEST(TO_DATE('''||to_char((add_months(p_effective_date,-1) + 1) ,'DD/MM/YYYY') ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY''),ppos.date_start)) ' ||
		'                                                                                                   BETWEEN ben_asg.effective_start_date AND ben_asg.effective_end_date ' ;
Line: 3603

            'select distinct(per.person_id)  person_id ' ||
            'from ' ||
            'per_all_people_f per, ' ||
            'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg ' ||
            'where ' ||
            'per.person_id = ben_asg.person_id (+)' ||
            ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  || ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date ' ||
            ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  || ''',''DD-MM-YYYY'') between ben_asg.effective_start_date (+) ' ||
            ' and ben_asg.effective_end_date (+)  ';
Line: 3615

            'select distinct(per.person_id)  person_id ' ||
            'from ' ||
            'per_all_people_f per, ' ||
            'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg ' ||
            'where ' ||
            'per.person_id = ben_asg.person_id (+)' ||
            ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  || ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date ' ||
            ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  || ''',''DD-MM-YYYY'') between ben_asg.effective_start_date (+) ' ||
            ' and ben_asg.effective_end_date (+)  ';
Line: 3681

        'select distinct(xcl.person_id)  person_id ' ||
        'from ' ||
        'ben_ext_chg_evt_log xcl, ' ||
        'per_all_people_f per, ' ||
        'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg ' ||
        'where ' ||
        'xcl.person_id = per.person_id ' ||
        ' and xcl.person_id = ben_asg.person_id (+) ' ||
        ' and xcl.chg_eff_dt between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date '  ||
        ' and xcl.chg_eff_dt between ben_asg.effective_start_date (+) ' ||
        ' and ben_asg.effective_end_date (+)  '
Line: 3766

             'select distinct(per.person_id)  person_id ' ||
             'from ' ||
             'per_all_people_f  per , ' ||
             'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg  ' ||
             'where ' ||
             '  ben_asg.person_id  = per.person_id  '  ||
             ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
             ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date '
Line: 3778

             'select distinct(ben_asg.person_id)  person_id ' ||
             'from ' ||
             'pay_process_events xcl, ' ||
             'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg  ' ||
             'where ' ||
             ' xcl.assignment_id  = ben_asg.assignment_id  ' ||
             ' and xcl.effective_date  between ben_Asg.effective_start_date and ben_Asg.effective_end_date '  ||
             ' and xcl.business_group_id = ben_Asg.business_group_id '
Line: 3813

     'select distinct(pcm.person_id)  person_id ' ||
     'from ' ||
     'ben_per_cm_f pcm, ' ||
     'ben_per_cm_prvdd_f pcp, ' ||
     'per_all_people_f per, ' ||
     'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg ' ||
     'where ' ||
     'pcm.per_cm_id = pcp.per_cm_id ' ||
     ' and pcm.person_id = per.person_id ' ||
     ' and per.person_id = ben_asg.person_id (+) ' ||
     ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
     ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date ' ||
     ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
     ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between pcm.effective_start_date and pcm.effective_end_date ' ||
     ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
     ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between pcp.effective_start_date and pcp.effective_end_date ' ||
     'and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
     ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between ben_asg.effective_start_date (+)  ' ||
     'and ben_asg.effective_end_date (+) ';
Line: 3846

     'select distinct(cpi.person_id)  person_id ' ||
     'from ' ||
     'ben_cwb_person_info  cpi, ' ||
     'per_all_people_f per, ' ||
     'per_all_assignments_f ben_asg ' ||
     'where ' ||
     'cpi.person_id = per.person_id ' ||
     ' and cpi.person_id = ben_asg.person_id (+) ' ||
      --  ' and cpi.business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id ||
     ' and  cpi.effective_date  between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date '  ||
     ' and cpi.effective_date  between ben_asg.effective_start_date (+) ' ||
     ' and ben_asg.effective_end_date (+)  '
Line: 3877

         '(select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1))
               from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
         ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
         ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
         'xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PID'') ';
Line: 3914

      '(  SELECT 1 FROM hr_assignment_sets aset , ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
      ' where xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
      ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
      ' xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PASGSET''  and  to_number(xcv.val_1) = aset.assignment_set_id  ' ||
      ' and (not exists (select 1  from hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa ' ||
      '                  where hasa.assignment_set_id = aset.assignment_set_id and hasa.include_or_exclude = ''I'') ' ||
      ' or exists (select 1 from hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa ' ||
      ' where hasa.assignment_set_id=aset.assignment_set_id  '||
      '       and hasa.assignment_id = ben_asg.assignment_id and hasa.include_or_exclude = ''I'' ) '||
      '  ) ' ||
      ' and not exists (select 1 from hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa  ' ||
      ' where hasa.assignment_set_id=aset.assignment_set_id'||
      '   and hasa.assignment_id =  ben_asg.assignment_id and hasa.include_or_exclude = ''E'')   )) ' ;
Line: 3939

         '(select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1))
               from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
         ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
         ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
         'xct.crit_typ_cd = ''POR''))) ';
Line: 3977

     '(select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1))  |
     ' from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
     ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
     ' and   ben_asg.assignment_status_type_id  = to_number(xcv.val_1)  '||
     ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id  '||
     ' and  xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PAS''))) ';
Line: 3995

    '(select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1)) ' ||
    '  from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
    ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
    ' and   ben_asg.location_id  = to_number(xcv.val_1)  '||
    ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
    'xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PLO''))) ';
Line: 4040

           '(select  to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1))
                 from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
           ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
           ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
           'xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PBG''))) ';
Line: 4054

          '(select ''x''  from per_all_people_f per , ben_ext_crit_typ xct, ben_ext_crit_val xcv  where ' ||
          ' per.person_id = ben_asg.person_id   ' ||
          ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
          ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date ' ||
          ' and per.benefit_group_id  = to_number(xcv.val_1) '||
          ' and xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
          ' and xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id  '||
          ' and xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PBG'') )) ';
Line: 4092

     '(select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1))
             from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
     ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
     ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
     'xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PBGR'') ';
Line: 4124

        ' (select  ptu.person_id  from  per_person_type_usages_f ptu  ' ;
Line: 4137

        '    (select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1)) ' ||
        '   from ben_ext_crit_typ xct , ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
        '    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
        '    and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
        '    xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PPT'')) ';
Line: 4154

           ' (select  ptu.person_id  from  per_person_type_usages_f ptu  where ptu.person_id = per.person_id ' ;
Line: 4157

           ' (select  ptu.person_id  from  per_person_type_usages_f ptu  where ptu.person_id = ben_Asg.person_id ' ;
Line: 4169

      '    (select to_number(decode(ltrim (xcv.val_1,''0123456789''),NULL,xcv.val_1,-1))
               from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
      '    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
      '    and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id  '||
      '    and   ptu.person_type_id = to_number(xcv.val_1) and '||
      '    xct.crit_typ_cd = ''PPT'')) ';
Line: 4200

        '(select xcv.val_1 from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
        ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
        ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id  '||
        ' and xct.crit_typ_cd = ''CCE'') ';
Line: 4235

               ' (select pde.event_group_id ' ||
               ' from  pay_datetracked_events pde, ' ||
               '  pay_event_updates peu ' ||
		    -- BEGIN for Pensrv
               ' ,pay_dated_tables pdt '||
               -- END for Pensrv
               ' where  ' ||
               --' and (pde.business_group_id = bg.organization_id OR  (pde.business_group_id IS NULL ' ||
               --' and (pde.legislation_code is null or pde.legislation_code = bg.org_information9) ) ) ' ||
               --' and xct.crit_typ_cd = ''CPE'' and xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' ||  p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
               --' and xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id ' ||
               --' and pde.event_group_id =  to_number(xcv.val_1) ' ||
               '  pde.event_group_id in   ' || l_crit_val_all  ||
               ' and xcl.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id ' ||
               ' and peu.dated_table_id = pde.dated_table_id ' ||
               --' and (pde.column_name is null or pde.column_name = peu.column_name) ' ||
               --' and (peu.business_group_id = pde.business_group_id OR (peu.business_group_id is null ' ||
               --' and (peu.legislation_code is null or peu.legislation_code = pde.legislation_code)))' ||
		   -- BEGIN for Pensrv
		   --  Modified the below sql to cater for purge events more efficiently
               ' AND    pde.dated_table_id  = pdt.dated_table_id ' ||
               ' AND    ((pdt.table_name = '||'''PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F'''||
               '          AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 '  ||
               '                      FROM  pay_event_group_usages pegu ' ||
               '                            ,pay_element_type_rules petr ' ||
               '                            ,pay_element_entries_f  peef ' ||
               '                       WHERE pegu.event_group_id = pde.event_group_id ' ||
               '                       AND   ((xcl.noted_value IS NOT NULL ' ||
               '                               AND xcl.noted_value = petr.element_type_id ' ||
               '                               AND petr.element_set_id = pegu.element_set_id ' ||
               '                              ) ' ||
               '                              OR ' ||
               '                              (xcl.surrogate_key = peef.element_entry_id ' ||
               '                               AND peef.assignment_id = ben_asg.assignment_id ' ||
               '                               AND peef.element_type_id = petr.element_type_id ' ||
               '                               AND petr.element_set_id = pegu.element_set_id ' ||
               '                              ) ' ||
               '                             ) ' ||
               '                      ) ' ||
               '              ) ' ||
               '        ) ' ||
               '        OR  ' ||
               '        (pdt.table_name = '||'''PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F'''||
               '          AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 '  ||
               '                      FROM  pay_event_group_usages pegu ' ||
               '                            ,pay_element_type_rules petr ' ||
               '                            ,pay_element_entries_f  peef ' ||
               '                            ,pay_element_entry_values_f  peevf ' ||
               '                      WHERE  peef.assignment_id = ben_asg.assignment_id ' ||
               '                      AND    peef.element_type_id = petr.element_type_id ' ||
               '                      AND    petr.element_set_id = pegu.element_set_id ' ||
               '                      AND    pegu.event_group_id = pde.event_group_id ' ||
               '                      AND    peef.element_entry_id = peevf.element_entry_id ' ||
               '                      AND    xcl.surrogate_key = peevf.element_entry_value_id ' ||
               '                      ) ' ||
               '              ) ' ||
               '        ) ' ||
               '        OR  ' ||
               '        (pdt.table_name not in (' || '''PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F''' ||','|| '''PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F''' ||
               '        )) ' ||
               '        ) ' ||
               -- End for pensrv
               ' ) ' ;
Line: 4301

               ' (select pde.event_group_id ' ||
               ' from  pay_datetracked_events pde, ' ||
               '  pay_event_updates peu ' ||
               ' where  ' ||
               --' and (pde.business_group_id = bg.organization_id OR  (pde.business_group_id IS NULL ' ||
               --' and (pde.legislation_code is null or pde.legislation_code = bg.org_information9) ) ) ' ||
               --' and xct.crit_typ_cd = ''CPE'' and xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' ||  p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
               --' and xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id ' ||
               --' and pde.event_group_id =  to_number(xcv.val_1) ' ||
               '  pde.event_group_id in   ' || l_crit_val_all  ||
               ' and xcl.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id ' ||
               ' and peu.dated_table_id = pde.dated_table_id ' ||
               --' and (pde.column_name is null or pde.column_name = peu.column_name) ' ||
               --' and (peu.business_group_id = pde.business_group_id OR (peu.business_group_id is null ' ||
               --' and (peu.legislation_code is null or peu.legislation_code = pde.legislation_code)))' ||
               ' ) ' ;
Line: 4496

                    p_select_statement   => l_dynamic_ADV_sql) ;
Line: 4512

                    p_select_statement   => l_dynamic_ADV_sql) ;
Line: 4529

    '(select xcv.val_1 from ben_ext_crit_typ xct ,ben_ext_crit_val xcv ' ||
    ' where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = ' || p_ext_crit_prfl_id ||
    ' and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id and '||
    'xct.crit_typ_cd = ''MTP'') ';
Line: 4584

                  '  (select 1 from   per_jobs job  where job.job_id = ben_asg.job_id  and ' ||
                  '    exists ( select group_val_01 from  ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd  where  ' ||
                  '   erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id  ||
                  '   and group_val_01 is not null  and group_val_01 = job.name  ) )   '  ;
Line: 4590

                  '  (select 1 from   HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F pos where pos.position_id = ben_asg.position_id and '||
                  '    to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
                  ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between pos.effective_start_date and pos.effective_end_date and  ' ||
                  '   exists ( select group_val_01 from  ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd  where  ' ||
                  '   erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id  ||
                  '   and group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = pos.name ))  '  ;
Line: 4599

                  '  (select 1 from   pay_payrolls  pay  where pay.payroll_id  = ben_asg.payroll_id   and ' ||
                  '   exists ( select group_val_01 from  ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd  where  ' ||
                  '   erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id  ||
                  '   and  group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = pay.payroll_name   ))  '  ;
Line: 4605

                  '  (select 1 from   hr_locations_all  loc  where loc.location_id = ben_asg.location_id  ' ||
                  '   and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
                  ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between loc.effective_start_date and loc.effective_end_date ' ||
                  '  and  exists ( select group_val_01 from  ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd  where  ' ||
                  '   erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id  ||
                  '   and  group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = loc.location_code )) '  ;
Line: 4613

          '  ( select 1 from per_time_periods tim  where   ben_asg.payroll_id  = tim.payroll_id  ' ||
          '   and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR')  ||
          ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between   tim.start_date and tim.end_date   ' ||
          '  and  ben_asg.effective_start_date<=tim.end_date and ben_asg.effective_end_date>= tim.start_date) ';
Line: 4621

                  '  (select 1 from   per_grades  grd  where grd.grade_id = ben_asg.grade_id  ' ||
                  '  and  exists ( select group_val_01 from  ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd  where  ' ||
                  '   erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id  ||
                  '   and  group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = grd.name )) '  ;
Line: 4639

        '   ( select 1  from ben_ext_crit_val cvl , ben_enrt_perd enp   , ben_per_in_ler pil' ||
        '   where cpi.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id and pil.group_pl_id =   cvl.val_2 '   ||
        '   and  cvl.EXT_CRIT_TYP_ID = ' ||  l_wlpr_EXT_CRIT_TYP_ID  ||
        '   and  enp.enrt_perd_id   =  cvl.val_1   and  pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt =  enp.ASND_LF_EVT_DT   ) ' ;
Line: 4673

  p_select_statement := l_dynamic_sql;
Line: 4678

end build_select_statement;
Line: 4694

 select asg.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE ,asg.assignment_id,asg.business_group_id
   from per_all_assignments_f asg
   where asg.person_id = p_person_id
     and asg.primary_flag =  'Y'
     and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
         and asg.effective_end_date
Line: 4704

  select 'x'
   from per_all_assignments_f asg
   where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
         and asg.effective_end_date  ;
Line: 4892

  select  pos.position_id,pos.job_id
    from  HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F  pos
    where pos.business_group_id =  p_bg_id
      and pos.organization_id   = p_org_id
      and p_effective_date between pos.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
          and  nvl(pos.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE ,p_effective_date)
Line: 4901

  select  job.job_id
    from  per_jobs_vl job
    where job.business_group_id = p_bg_id
    and   p_effective_date between job.date_from and nvl(job.date_to,p_effective_date)
Line: 4909

  select loc.location_id
    from hr_locations_all loc
   where loc.business_group_id = p_bg_id
         or loc.business_group_id is null    -- for global location
Line: 4917

  select org.organization_id
    from hr_all_organization_units_vl org
   where org.business_group_id = p_bg_id
   and   p_effective_date between org.date_from and nvl(org.date_to,p_effective_date) ;
Line: 4925

  select payroll_id
  from   pay_payrolls_f  pay
   where pay.business_group_id = p_bg_id
    -- and pay.organization_id   = p_org_id
     and p_effective_date between pay.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE  and  pay.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
Line: 4934

  select grade_id
  from   per_grades_vl  grd
   where grd.business_group_id = p_bg_id
   and   p_effective_date between grd.date_from and nvl(grd.date_to,p_effective_date)
Line: 4945

         distinct pos.position_id position_id
   from  ghr_pa_history  gph  ,
         HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F pos
  where  (   (gph.table_name = 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F'
              and pos.POSITION_ID = gph.information1 )
          or (gph.table_name = 'PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO'
              and pos.position_id = gph.information4 --  info4 is position_id
              and gph.information5 in ('GHR_US_POS_GRP1','GHR_US_POS_GRP2' ,'GHR_US_POS_VALID_GRADE','GHR_US_POS_GRP3',
                                       'GHR_US_POS_OBLIG', 'GHR_US_POS_MASS_ACTIONS', 'GHR_US_POSITION_LANGUAGE',
                                       'GHR_US_POSITION_INTERDISC', 'GHR_US_POSITION_DESCRIPTION' )
     and pos.business_group_id = p_bg_id
     and pos.organization_id   = p_org_id
     and gph.effective_date between pos.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
         and  pos.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
     and ( p_subhdr_ghr_from_dt is null
          or (
               trunc(gph.effective_date) between p_subhdr_ghr_from_dt and nvl(p_subhdr_ghr_to_dt, p_subhdr_ghr_from_dt)
               ( trunc(gph.process_date) between   p_subhdr_ghr_from_dt and nvl(p_subhdr_ghr_to_dt, p_subhdr_ghr_from_dt)
                 and   trunc(gph.effective_date) <=  nvl(p_subhdr_ghr_to_dt, p_subhdr_ghr_from_dt)
Line: 4975

    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'CED';
Line: 4987

    from   ben_ext_crit_typ xct,
           ben_ext_crit_val xcv
    where  xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
    and    xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
    and    xct.crit_typ_cd = 'CAD';
Line: 5000

   select business_group_id , name
   from per_business_groups
   where  p_ext_global_flag = 'Y'
     or   business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
Line: 5007

   select business_group_id , name
   from per_business_groups
   where business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
Line: 5445

    select substr(value,1,instr(value,',')-1)
    from gv$system_parameter
    where name = 'utl_file_dir'
    and value is not null ; */
Line: 5453

  select decode (instr(ltrim(value),','), 0 ,
         substrb(value,1,instr(ltrim(value),',')-1) )
  from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 5503

  l_select_statement       varchar2(32000);
Line: 5512

    select object_version_number
    from ben_ext_rslt
    where ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id ;
Line: 5518

     select 'Y'
     from ben_ext_rcd         a,
          ben_ext_rcd_in_file  b
     where a.ext_rcd_id  = b.ext_rcd_id
       and b.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
       and a.rcd_type_cd = 'D'
Line: 5527

  select 'x'  from
  where typ_cd  = 'E'
  and  ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
Line: 5562

  select application_short_name ,
         template_code ,
  from xdo_templates_b
 where template_id = c_xdo_id  ;
Line: 5810

         ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
         ,p_request_id              => l_conc_request_id
         ,p_output_type             => l_output_type
         ,p_xdo_template_id         => l_xdo_template_id
         ,p_object_version_number   => l_xrs_object_version_number
         ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date);
Line: 5835

       ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
       ,p_request_id              => l_conc_request_id
       ,p_output_type             => l_output_type
       ,p_xdo_template_id         => l_xdo_template_id
       ,p_object_version_number   => l_xrs_object_version_number
       ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date);
Line: 5880

      ,p_comp_selection_rl      => NULL
      ,p_person_selection_rl    => NULL
      ,p_ler_id                 => NULL
      ,p_organization_id        => NULL
      ,p_benfts_grp_id          => NULL
      ,p_location_id            => NULL
      ,p_pstl_zip_rng_id        => NULL
      ,p_rptg_grp_id            => NULL
      ,p_pl_typ_id              => NULL
      ,p_opt_id                 => NULL
      ,p_eligy_prfl_id          => NULL
      ,p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id        => NULL
      ,p_legal_entity_id        => NULL
      ,p_payroll_id             => NULL
      ,p_request_id             => nvl(l_conc_request_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id )
      ,p_inelg_action_cd        => 'X' --Unique for extract benefit action recs
      ,p_debug_messages_flag    => 'N'
      ,p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number
      ,p_effective_date         => l_effective_date);
Line: 5934

         (p_data_typ_cd          => l_data_typ_cd,
          p_ext_crit_prfl_id     => l_ext_crit_prfl_id,
          p_ext_dfn_id           => p_ext_dfn_id,
          p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id,
          p_effective_date       => l_effective_date,
          p_ext_rslt_id          => l_ext_rslt_id ,
          p_ext_global_flag      => nvl(l_ext_global_flag, 'N') ,
          p_eff_start_date       => l_eff_start_date,
          p_eff_end_date         => l_eff_end_date,
          p_act_start_date       => l_act_start_date,
          p_act_end_date         => l_act_end_date,
          p_select_statement     => l_select_statement, --out
          p_penserv_date         => p_penserv_date);
Line: 5952

         open PersonCur for l_select_statement;
Line: 5962

           FOR i in 1..LENGTH(l_select_statement) LOOP
             IF mod(i,80)=0 OR i=LENGTH(l_select_statement) THEN
               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'  ' ||substr(l_select_statement,l_current_loc+1,i-l_current_loc));
Line: 5994

             select ben_person_actions_s.nextval
             into   l_person_action_id(l_num_rows)
             from   sys.dual;
Line: 6005

                 insert into ben_person_actions
Line: 6020

               select ben_batch_ranges_s.nextval
               into   l_range_id
               from   sys.dual;
Line: 6027

               insert into ben_batch_ranges
Line: 6044

Line: 6045

Line: 6067

           insert into ben_person_actions
Line: 6086

         select ben_batch_ranges_s.nextval
         into   l_range_id
         from   sys.dual;
Line: 6093

         insert into ben_batch_ranges
Line: 6112

Line: 6113

Line: 6119

      select count(*)
      into   l_person_cnt
      from ben_person_actions
      where  benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 6313

        (p_validate                       => false
        ,p_ext_rslt_id                    => l_ext_rslt_id
        ,p_run_end_dt                     => sysdate
        ,p_ext_stat_cd                    => l_ext_stat_cd
        ,p_tot_rec_num                    => g_rec_cnt
        ,p_tot_per_num                    => g_per_cnt
        ,p_tot_err_num                    => g_err_cnt
        ,p_program_application_id         => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
        ,p_program_id                     => fnd_global.conc_program_id
        ,p_program_update_date            => sysdate
        ,p_request_id                     => l_conc_request_id
        ,p_object_version_number          => l_xrs_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date                 => l_effective_date);
Line: 6334

        (p_validate                       => false
        ,p_ext_rslt_id                    => l_ext_rslt_id
        ,p_run_end_dt                     => sysdate
        ,p_ext_stat_cd                    => 'S'
        ,p_tot_rec_num                    => g_rec_cnt
        ,p_tot_per_num                    => g_per_cnt
        ,p_tot_err_num                    => g_err_cnt
        ,p_program_application_id         => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
        ,p_program_id                     => fnd_global.conc_program_id
        ,p_program_update_date            => sysdate
        ,p_request_id                     => l_conc_request_id
        ,p_object_version_number          => l_xrs_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date                 => l_effective_date);
Line: 6354

Line: 6486

        (p_validate                => false
        ,p_ext_rslt_id             => l_ext_rslt_id
        ,p_run_end_dt              => sysdate
        ,p_ext_stat_cd             => 'F'
        ,p_tot_rec_num             => g_rec_cnt
        ,p_tot_per_num             => g_per_cnt
        ,p_tot_err_num             => g_err_cnt
        ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
        ,p_program_id              => fnd_global.conc_program_id
        ,p_program_update_date     => sysdate
        ,p_request_id              => l_conc_request_id
        ,p_object_version_number   => l_xrs_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date);
Line: 6546

        (p_validate               => false
        ,p_ext_rslt_id            => l_ext_rslt_id
        ,p_run_end_dt             => sysdate
        ,p_ext_stat_cd            => 'F'
        ,p_tot_rec_num            => g_rec_cnt
        ,p_tot_per_num            => g_per_cnt
        ,p_tot_err_num            => g_err_cnt
        ,p_program_application_id => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
        ,p_program_id             => fnd_global.conc_program_id
        ,p_program_update_date    => sysdate
        ,p_request_id             => l_conc_request_id
        ,p_object_version_number  => l_xrs_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date         => l_effective_date);
Line: 6604

   select person_id
   from   ben_person_actions act
   where act.person_action_id between p_start_person_action_id
                              and     p_end_person_action_id
     and act.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id
     and action_status_cd <> 'P'  ;
Line: 6612

   select ext_rslt_dtl_id,
   from ben_ext_rslt_dtl
   where  person_id = c_person_id
     and  ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id ;
Line: 6620

   select ext_rslt_err_id,
   from ben_ext_rslt_err
   where  person_id = c_person_id
     and  ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id ;
Line: 6653

               (p_ext_rslt_dtl_id       => xrdt.ext_rslt_dtl_id
               ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
Line: 6668

               (p_ext_rslt_err_id       => xrer.ext_rslt_err_id
               ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
               ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
Line: 6691

select pgm_id
from   ben_benefit_actions ben
where  ben.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
Line: 6700

  select *
  from ben_batch_ranges ran
  where ran.range_status_cd = 'E'
Line: 6763

        update ben_batch_ranges
          set range_Status_cd = 'U'
          where  range_id = rng.range_id ;
Line: 6798

   SELECT  ea.ext_dfn_type
     FROM  ben_ext_dfn ed,
           per_business_groups bg,
           pqp_extract_attributes ea
    WHERE ((bg.business_group_id = ed.business_group_id)OR
          (bg.legislation_code  = ed.legislation_code) OR
          (ed.business_group_id IS NULL AND
           ed.legislation_code  IS NULL)
      AND bg.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
      AND ed.ext_dfn_id        = ea.ext_dfn_id
      AND ed.ext_dfn_id        = c_ext_dfn_id
      AND ea.ext_dfn_type in
        ('PEN_FPR', 'PEN_CHG', 'FID_PTC','FID_CAC',
         'FID_ERC', 'FID_LPY', 'FID_ATE','FID_CHG',
         'GBL_FPR', 'GBL_CHG', 'GBL_MUL_CHG');
Line: 6818

   SELECT bba.pgm_id
     FROM ben_benefit_actions bba
    WHERE bba.pl_id  = c_ext_rslt_id
      AND bba.pgm_id = c_ext_dfn_id
      AND bba.business_group_id = c_business_group_id;
Line: 6832

     FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
    WHERE request_id = c_req_id;
Line: 6864

  DELETE FROM  pay_us_rpt_totals
  WHERE tax_unit_id        = p_conc_req_id
    AND attribute5         = 'EXTRACT_COMPLETED'
    AND business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
    AND organization_id    = p_business_group_id
    AND location_id        = p_ext_dfn_id;
Line: 6893

    INSERT INTO pay_us_rpt_totals
    (session_id         -- session id
    ,organization_name  -- Conc. Program Name
    ,business_group_id  -- business group id
    ,organization_id    -- -do-
    ,location_id        -- Ext Def Id
    ,tax_unit_id        -- concurrent request id
    ,value1             -- extract def. id
    ,value2             -- element set id
    ,value3             -- element type id
    ,value4             -- Payroll Id
    ,value5             -- GRE Org Id
    ,value6             -- Consolidation set id
    ,attribute1         -- Selection Criteria
    ,attribute2         -- Reporting dimension
    ,attribute3         -- Extract Start Date
    ,attribute4         -- Extract End Date
    ,attribute5         -- Status
    ,'US Pension Extracts'
    ,p_business_group_id      -- p_business_group_id
    ,p_business_group_id      -- Org Id
    ,p_ext_dfn_id             -- location id for key
    ,l_conc_request_id        -- New Conc Req Id.
    ,l_conc_params.argument2  -- p_ext_dfn_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument9  -- p_element_set_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument12 -- p_element_type_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument17 -- p_payroll_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument16 -- p_gre_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument20 -- p_con_set
    ,l_conc_params.argument7  -- p_selection_criteria
    ,l_conc_params.argument5  -- p_reporting_dimension
    ,l_conc_params.argument14 -- p_start_date
    ,l_conc_params.argument15 -- p_end_date
    ,'EXTRACT_RUNNING'        -- Status
Line: 6934

    INSERT INTO pay_us_rpt_totals
    (session_id         -- session id
    ,organization_name  -- Conc. Program Name
    ,business_group_id  -- business group id
    ,organization_id    -- -do-
    ,location_id        -- Ext Def Id
    ,tax_unit_id        -- concurrent request id
    ,value1             -- extract def. id
    ,value2             -- element set id
    ,value3             -- element type id
    ,value4             -- Payroll Id
    ,value5             -- GRE Org Id
    ,value6             -- Consolidation set id
    ,attribute1         -- Selection Criteria
    ,attribute2         -- Reporting dimension
    ,attribute3         -- Extract Start Date
    ,attribute4         -- Extract End Date
    ,attribute5         -- Organization Name
    ,attribute6         -- Person Type
    ,attribute7         -- Location
    (l_session_id               -- session id
    ,'Global Pension Extracts'
    ,p_business_group_id        -- p_business_group_id
    ,p_business_group_id        -- Org Id
    ,p_ext_dfn_id               -- ext dfn id for key purpose
    ,l_conc_request_id          -- New Conc Req Id.
    ,l_conc_params.argument2    -- p_ext_dfn_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument8    -- p_element_set_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument10   -- p_element_type_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument15   -- p_payroll_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument14   -- p_gre_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument18   -- p_con_set
    ,l_conc_params.argument6    -- p_selection_criteria
    ,l_conc_params.argument4    -- p_reporting_dimension
    ,l_conc_params.argument12   -- p_start_date
    ,l_conc_params.argument13   -- p_end_date
    ,l_conc_params.argument20   -- p_org_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument21   -- p_person_type_id
    ,l_conc_params.argument22   -- p_location_id
Line: 7004

  select pgm_id
    from ben_benefit_actions ben
   where ben.request_id = p_concurrent_request_id;
Line: 7014

   select *
     from ben_batch_ranges ran
    where ran.range_status_cd  in ( 'E', 'W')
      and ran.benefit_action_id  = l_benefit_action_id;
Line: 7080

        update ben_batch_ranges
           set range_status_cd = 'U'
         where range_id        = rng.range_id;
Line: 7135

   select null
   from   fnd_concurrent_requests fnd
   where  /*fnd.phase_code <> 'C' and */
         fnd.request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 7141

   select name
     from per_business_groups  bg
     where  business_group_id = p_business_group_id ;
Line: 7146

   select name,business_group_id
     from ben_ext_file
    where ext_file_id  = p_extract_file_id ;