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Line 151: xle_etb_profiles xle_etb

148: CURSOR establishment_id_csr(c_legal_entity_id number) IS
149: SELECT xle_etb.establishment_id
150: FROM zx_party_tax_profile ptp,
151: xle_etb_profiles xle_etb
152: WHERE ptp.party_id = xle_etb.party_id
153: AND ptp.party_type_code = 'LEGAL_ESTABLISHMENT'
154: AND xle_etb.legal_entity_id = c_legal_entity_id
155: AND xle_etb.main_establishment_flag = 'Y';

Line 335: xle_etb_profiles xle_pf ,

331: FROM zx_reporting_types_b rep_type,
332: zx_reporting_codes_b rep_code,
333: zx_report_codes_assoc rep_ass,
334: zx_party_tax_profile ptp,
335: xle_etb_profiles xle_pf ,
336: zx_rep_trx_detail_t dtl
337: WHERE rep_type.reporting_type_id = rep_code.reporting_type_id
338: AND rep_type.reporting_type_code = 'MEMBER STATE'
339: AND rep_code.reporting_code_id = rep_ass.reporting_code_id

Line 586: xle_etb_profiles xle_pf

582: FROM zx_reporting_types_b rep_type,
583: zx_reporting_codes_b rep_code,
584: zx_report_codes_assoc rep_ass,
585: zx_party_tax_profile ptp,
586: xle_etb_profiles xle_pf
587: -- zx_rep_trx_detail_t dtl
588: WHERE rep_type.reporting_type_id = rep_code.reporting_type_id
589: AND rep_type.reporting_type_code = 'FSO_REG_NUM'
590: AND rep_code.reporting_code_id = rep_ass.reporting_code_id