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1 package body per_ri_pre_datapump as
2 /* $Header: perripmp.pkb 120.1 2006/05/03 09:42:10 nkkrishn noship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |                       Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation                  |
7 |                          Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
8 |                               All rights reserved.                           |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 --
11 Name
12         Enrollment Process
13 Purpose
14         This is a wrapper procedure for Data pump functionality from workbench.
15 History
16 	Date		Who		Version	What?
17 	----		---		-------	-----
18 	16 Jan 06	ikasire 	115.0		Created
19         23 Mar 06       ikasire         115.1           Added Process beneficiaries
20         02 May 06       nkkrishn        115.11          Fixed Beneficiary upload
21 */
22 --
23 --Globals
24 --
25 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
26 --
27 --
28 procedure check_slaves_status
29   (p_request_id        in number
30   ,p_slave_errored    out nocopy boolean
31   )
32 is
33   --
34   l_package        varchar2(80) := 'per_ri_pre_datapump.check_slaves_status';
35   --
36   l_no_slaves      boolean;
37   l_poll_loops     pls_integer;
38   l_slave_errored  boolean := false ;
39   --
40   cursor c_slaves
41     (c_request_id number
42     )
43   is
44     select phase_code,
45            status_code
46     from   fnd_concurrent_requests fnd
47     where  fnd.request_id = c_request_id;
48   --
49   l_slaves c_slaves%rowtype;
50   --
51 begin
52   --
53   hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
54   --
55   --
56   l_no_slaves := true;
57   --
58   while l_no_slaves loop
59     --
60     l_no_slaves := false;
61     --
62     --
63     open c_slaves
64         (p_request_id);
65       fetch c_slaves into l_slaves;
66       if l_slaves.phase_code <> 'C'
67       then
68         --
69         l_no_slaves := true;
70         --
71       end if;
72       --
73       if l_slaves.status_code = 'E' then
74         --
75         l_slave_errored := true;
76         --
77       end if;
78       --
79     close c_slaves;
80     --
81     -- Loop to avoid over polling of fnd_concurrent_requests
82     --
83     l_poll_loops := 100000;
84     --
85     for i in 1..l_poll_loops
86     loop
87       --
88       null;
89       --
90     end loop;
91     --
92   end loop;
93   --
94   p_slave_errored := l_slave_errored ;
95   --
96   hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,10);
97   --
98   commit;
99   --
100 end check_slaves_status;
101 --
102 --
103 procedure pre_datapump_process
104           (errbuf                     out nocopy varchar2,
105            retcode                    out nocopy number,
106            p_batch_id                 in number  default null,
107            p_validate                 in  varchar2 default 'N'
108   ) is
109     l_retcode number;
110     l_errbuf  varchar2(1000);
111     l_package        varchar2(80) := 'per_ri_pre_datapump.pre_datapump_process';
112     --
113     cursor c_api is
114      select distinct module_name
115        from hr_pump_batch_lines lines,
116             hr_api_modules api
117       where lines.batch_id = p_batch_id
118         and lines.api_module_id = api.api_module_id ;
119     --
120     l_api        c_api%ROWTYPE;
121     l_request_id NUMBER ;
122     l_slave_errored  boolean := false ;
123     --
124   begin
125     --Find out the HRDPP information from batch_id
126     --Now call the appropriate procedure.
127     --once the call is completed, successfully, submit DATAPUMP request
128     --
129     hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
130     savepoint pre_datapump_process;
131     --
132     --
133     fnd_file.put_line
134            (which => fnd_file.log,
135             buff  => 'Before Pre Process call ');
136     --
137     FOR l_rec in c_api LOOP
138       --
139       fnd_file.put_line
140            (which => fnd_file.log,
141             buff  => 'module_name :'||l_rec.module_name );
142       --
143       IF l_rec.module_name = 'CREATE_ENROLLMENT' THEN
144         --
145         ben_pre_datapump_process.pre_create_enrollment(
146           p_batch_id => p_batch_id
147          ,p_validate => p_validate
148         );
149         --
150       ELSIF l_rec.module_name = 'PROCESS_DEPENDENT' THEN
151         --
152         ben_pre_datapump_process.pre_process_dependent(
153           p_batch_id => p_batch_id
154          ,p_validate => p_validate
155          );
156         --
157       ELSIF l_rec.module_name = 'PROCESS_BENEFICIARY' THEN
158         --
159         ben_pre_datapump_process.pre_process_beneficiary(
160           p_batch_id => p_batch_id
161          ,p_validate => p_validate
162          );
163         --
164       END IF;
165       --
166       fnd_file.put_line
167            (which => fnd_file.log,
168             buff  => 'After Call - module_name :'||l_rec.module_name );
169       --
170     END LOOP;
171     --
172     -- Now lets call Data pump Process
173     --
174     hr_utility.set_location ('Before Submit Request '||l_package,20);
175     --
176     fnd_file.put_line
177            (which => fnd_file.log,
178             buff  => 'Before Datapump Call');
179     --
180     l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
181                        (application => 'PER'
182                        ,program     => 'DATAPUMP'
183                        ,description => NULL
184                        ,sub_request => FALSE
185                        ,argument1   => p_batch_id
186                        ,argument2   => p_validate );
187     --
188     hr_utility.set_location ('After Submit Request '||l_package,30);
189     --
190     commit;
191     --
192     fnd_file.put_line
193            (which => fnd_file.log,
194             buff  => 'After Datapump Call');
195     --
196     check_slaves_status(p_request_id      => l_request_id
197                        ,p_slave_errored   => l_slave_errored);
198     --
199     if l_slave_errored then
200       --
201       fnd_file.put_line
202            (which => fnd_file.log,
203             buff  => 'Datapump Request '||l_request_id||' completed with error.');
204       fnd_file.put_line
205            (which => fnd_file.log,
206             buff  => 'Check the request log for error details.');
207       --
208     else
209       --
210       fnd_file.put_line
211            (which => fnd_file.log,
212             buff  => 'Datapump Request '||l_request_id||' completed successfully.');
213       --
214     end if;
215     --
216     hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,40);
217     --
218   exception when others then
219     raise ;
220   end pre_datapump_process ;
221 --
222 end per_ri_pre_datapump;