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1 package body cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt as
2 /* $Header: cseatskb.pls 120.6.12000000.2 2007/05/03 17:31:11 romehrot ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------
4 /* this procedure get the task type present in new task table but not
5    present in old task table
6 */
7 FUNCTION  Are_task_Attributes_valid(p_task_type_id number,
8                                     p_task_status_id number,
9                                     p_task_priority_id number) return varchar2;
10 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- Modification History:
12 -- Date     Name     Desc
13 -- ------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
14 -- 01/06/06 smisra   fixed bug 4871341
15 --                   to get task priority, type and status names,
16 --                   used respective _vl tables instead of using jtf_tasks_vl
17 --                   This was to avoid excessive shared memory used by sql
18 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 PROCEDURE start_task_workflow (p_task_id             IN          NUMBER,
20                                p_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id IN          NUMBER,
21                                p_wf_process          IN          VARCHAR2,
22                                p_workflow_type       IN          VARCHAR2,
23                                p_task_name           in          varchar2,
24                                p_task_desc           in          varchar2,
25                                x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
26                                x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
27                                x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
28                                ) IS
29    l_wf_process_id            NUMBER;
30    l_itemkey                  wf_item_activity_statuses.item_key%TYPE;
31    l_owner_user_name          fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
32    l_owner_code               jtf_tasks_b.owner_type_code%TYPE;
33    l_owner_id                 jtf_tasks_b.owner_id%TYPE;
34    l_task_number              jtf_tasks_b.task_number%TYPE;
35    l_task_status_name         jtf_tasks_v.task_status%type ;
36    l_task_type_name           jtf_tasks_v.task_type%type ;
37    l_task_priority_name       jtf_tasks_v.task_priority%type ;
38    l_task_status_id           jtf_tasks_b.task_status_id%type ;
39    l_task_type_id             jtf_tasks_b.task_type_id%type ;
40    l_task_priority_id         jtf_tasks_b.task_priority_id%type ;
41    current_record             NUMBER;
42    source_text                VARCHAR2(200);
43    l_errname varchar2(60);
44    l_errmsg varchar2(2000);
45    l_errstack varchar2(4000);
47    CURSOR c_wf_processs_id
48    IS
49    SELECT jtf_task_workflow_process_s.nextval
50    FROM dual;
53    SAVEPOINT start_task_workflow;
54    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
56    OPEN c_wf_processs_id;
57    FETCH c_wf_processs_id INTO l_wf_process_id;
58    CLOSE c_wf_processs_id;
59    l_itemkey := TO_CHAR (p_task_id) || '-' || TO_CHAR (l_wf_process_id);
61    wf_engine.createprocess (
62    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
63    itemkey => l_itemkey,
64    process => p_wf_process
65    );
67    wf_engine.setitemuserkey (
68    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
69    itemkey => l_itemkey,
70    userkey => p_task_name
71    );
73    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
74    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
75    itemkey => l_itemkey,
76    aname => 'TASK_NAME',
77    avalue => p_task_name
78       );
80    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
81    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
82    itemkey => l_itemkey,
83    aname => 'TASK_DESC',
84    avalue => p_task_desc
85    );
87    select task_status_id, task_priority_id , task_type_id, task_number
88      into l_task_status_id, l_task_priority_id  , l_task_type_id,
89           l_task_number
90      from jtf_tasks_b where task_id = p_task_id ;
92    SELECT name
93    INTO   l_task_type_name
94    FROM   jtf_task_types_vl
95    WHERE  task_type_id = l_task_type_id;
97    SELECT name
98    INTO   l_task_status_name
99    FROM   jtf_task_statuses_vl
100    WHERE  task_status_id = l_task_status_id;
102    SELECT name
103    INTO   l_task_priority_name
104    FROM   jtf_task_priorities_vl
105    WHERE  task_priority_id = l_task_priority_id;
107    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
108    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
109    itemkey => l_itemkey,
110    aname => 'TASK_NUMBER',
111    avalue => l_task_number
112    );
114    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
115    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
116    itemkey => l_itemkey,
117    aname => 'TASK_STATUS_NAME',
118    avalue => l_task_status_name
119    );
121    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
122    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
123    itemkey => l_itemkey,
124    aname => 'TASK_PRIORITY_NAME',
125    avalue => l_task_priority_name
126    );
128    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
129    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
130    itemkey => l_itemkey,
131    aname => 'TASK_TYPE_NAME',
132    avalue => l_task_type_name
133    );
135    wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
136    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
137    itemkey => l_itemkey,
138    aname => 'OWNER_ID',
139    avalue => l_owner_user_name
140    );
142    wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (
143    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
144    itemkey => l_itemkey,
145    aname => 'CUG_TASK_DEP_ID',
146    avalue => p_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id
147    );
149    wf_engine.startprocess (
150    itemtype => p_workflow_type,
151    itemkey => l_itemkey
152    );
154    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
157    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
158      ROLLBACK TO start_task_workflow;
159      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
160      fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
161    ---
163      ROLLBACK TO start_task_workflow ;
164      wf_core.get_error(l_errname, l_errmsg, l_errstack);
165      if (l_errname is not null) then
166         fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'WF_ERROR');
167         fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_MESSAGE', l_errmsg);
168         fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_STACK', l_errstack);
169         fnd_msg_pub.add;
170      end if;
171      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
172      fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
173 END;
174 procedure get_new_task_types(
175               p_task_tbl_old  in ea_task_table_type,
176               p_task_tbl_new  in ea_task_table_type,
177               x_task_types_tbl   OUT NOCOPY task_type_table_type) is
178   l_indx1 number;
179   l_indx2 number;
180   l_indx3 number;
181   l_matched_with_old_task varchar2(1);
182 begin
183    l_indx3 := 0;
184    --dbms_output.put_line('Number of New Task:'||to_char(p_task_tbl_new.count));
185    --dbms_output.put_line('Number of Old Task:'||to_char(p_task_tbl_Old.count));
186    for l_indx2 in 1..p_task_tbl_new.count loop
187       l_matched_with_old_task := 'n';
188       for l_indx1 in 1..p_task_tbl_old.count loop
189           if (p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).task_status_id =
190                     p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).task_status_id and
191               nvl(p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).private_flag,'xx') =
192                     nvl(p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).private_flag,'xx') and
193               nvl(p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).publish_flag,'xx') =
194                     nvl(p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).publish_flag,'xx') and
195               nvl(p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).task_priority_id,-1) =
196                     nvl(p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).task_priority_id,-1) and
197               p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).task_type_id =
198                     p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).task_type_id and
199               p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).task_name =
200                     p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).task_name and
201               nvl(p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).task_description,'x') =
202                     nvl(p_task_tbl_old(l_indx1).task_description,'x')
203              ) then
204              l_matched_with_old_task := 'y';
205              exit;
206            end if;
207       end loop; --- old task records loop
208       if (l_matched_with_old_task = 'n') then -- match for new task not found
209          l_indx3 := l_indx3 + 1;
210          x_task_types_tbl(l_indx3) := p_task_tbl_new(l_indx2).task_type_id;
211       end if;
212    end loop; ------ new task records loop
213 end;
214 --------------------------------------------
215 /* this procedure gets a list of task that need to be created for a
216    service request type, extended attribute code and value.
217    There may be more than one task associated with sr type, attr code
218    and valuei, that is why this procedure appends the needed task to
219    task table and increase the task count acordingly
220 */
221 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 -- Modification History:
223 -- Date     Name     Desc
224 -- ------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
225 -- 07/26/05 smisra   fixed bug 4272460.
226 --                   Retrieved owner id and owner type from SR Type, Task Type
227 --                   mapping.
228 -- ------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
229 procedure get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(
230               p_incident_type_id      number,
231               p_sr_ea_attr_code       varchar2,
232               p_sr_ea_attr_val        varchar2,
233               p_taskrec_table  in out nocopy ea_task_table_type,
234               p_task_count     in out nocopy number) is
235   --
236   l_task_type_id jtf_task_types_b.task_type_id % type;
237   l_sr_attr_op           cug_tsk_typ_attr_deps_vl.sr_attribute_operator % type;
238   l_sr_attr_val_for_Task cug_tsk_typ_attr_deps_vl.sr_attribute_value    % type;
239   l_sr_attr_val_for_Task1 cug_tsk_typ_attr_deps_vl.sr_attribute_value    % type;
240   cursor c_sr_attr_tasks is
241     select task_type_id,
242            sr_attribute_operator,
243            sr_attribute_value,
244            tsk_typ_attr_dep_id
245       from cug_tsk_typ_attr_deps_vl
246      where incident_type_id = p_incident_type_id
247        and nvl(sr_attribute_code,'-909') = nvl(p_sr_ea_attr_code,'-909')
248        and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,sysdate-1)
249                               and nvl(end_date_active  ,sysdate+1)
250     ;
251   cursor c_lookup_code is
252    select 1 from fnd_lookups
253     where description = p_sr_ea_attr_val
254       and lookup_code = l_sr_attr_val_for_task
255       and lookup_type in (select sr_attribute_list_name
256                            from cug_sr_type_attr_maps_b
257                           where incident_type_id = p_incident_type_id
258                             and sr_attribute_code = p_sr_ea_attr_code);
259   --
260   -- Cursor to get planned effort and UOM
261   l_rule                jtf_task_types_b.rule          % type;
262   l_planned_effort      jtf_tasks_b.planned_effort     % type;
263   l_planned_effort_uom  jtf_tasks_b.planned_effort_uom % type;
264   l_workflow            jtf_task_types_b.workflow           % type;
265   l_workflow_type       jtf_task_types_b.workflow_type      % type;
266   cursor c_planned_effort is
267     select planned_effort, planned_effort_uom, rule, workflow, nvl(workflow_type,'JTFTASK')
268       from jtf_task_types_b
269      where task_type_id = l_task_type_id
270       /* and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,sysdate-1)
271                               and nvl(end_date_active  ,sysdate+1)*/
272     ;
273   --
274   -- cursor to task attributes
275   l_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id cug_sr_task_type_dets_b.tsk_typ_attr_dep_id % type;
276   l_task_status_id    jtf_tasks_b.task_status_id   % type;
277   l_task_priority_id  jtf_tasks_b.task_priority_id % type;
278   l_task_name         jtf_tasks_tl.task_name       % type;
279   l_task_desc         jtf_tasks_tl.description     % type;
280   l_publish_flag      jtf_tasks_b.publish_flag    % type;
281   l_private_flag      jtf_tasks_b.private_flag    % type;
282   CURSOR c_task_attributes IS
283     SELECT
284       task_status_id
285     , task_priority_id
286     , task_name
287     , description
288     , publish_flag
289     , private_flag
290     , owner_type_code
291     , owner_id
292     , assignee_type_code --5686743
293     , assigned_by_id     --5686743
294     FROM cug_sr_task_type_dets_vl
295     WHERE tsk_typ_attr_dep_id = l_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id;
296   l_match_found varchar2(1);
297   l_sr_attr_found varchar2(1);
298   l_sr_attr_task_found varchar2(1);
299   l_dummy              fnd_lookups.lookup_type % type;
300   l_owner_type_code    cug_sr_task_type_dets_vl.owner_type_code % TYPE;
301   l_owner_id           cug_sr_task_type_dets_vl.owner_id        % TYPE;
302   l_assignee_type_code cug_sr_task_type_dets_vl.owner_type_code % TYPE; --5686743
303   l_assignee_id        cug_sr_task_type_dets_vl.owner_id        % TYPE; --5686743
304 begin
305   open c_sr_attr_tasks;
306   l_sr_attr_task_found := 'n';
307   loop
308     fetch c_sr_attr_tasks into l_task_type_id,
309          l_sr_attr_op, l_sr_attr_val_for_task,
310          l_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id;
311     if c_sr_attr_tasks % notfound then
312        exit;
313     end if;
314     -- No matching task are found
315     l_match_found := 'n';
316     l_sr_attr_task_found := 'y';
317     -- This code is needed because cug_tsk_type_attr_deps_vl stores llokup_code
318     -- in tl table instead of meaning. so checking existance of lookup_code meaning
319     -- pair in lookup table.
320     if (l_sr_attr_val_for_task is not null) then
321        open c_lookup_code;
322        fetch c_lookup_code into l_dummy;
323        if c_lookup_code %notfound then
324           l_sr_attr_val_for_task := '-99';
325           --dbms_output.put_line('No match found for, code:'||l_sr_attr_val_for_task);
326           --dbms_output.put_line('............. ...Meaning:'||p_sr_ea_attr_val);
327        else
328           l_sr_attr_val_for_task := p_sr_ea_attr_val;
329           --dbms_output.put_line('match found.. ...Meaning:'||p_sr_ea_attr_val);
330        end if;
331        close c_lookup_code;
332     end if;
333     --
334     if ((l_sr_attr_op = 'EQ' and
335         nvl(p_sr_ea_attr_val,'x') = nvl(l_sr_attr_val_for_task,'x')) or
336         l_sr_attr_val_for_task is null) then
337         -- there exists a task type for input sr type, attr code and value
338         -- this may lead to task creation
339         l_match_found := 'y';
340     -- add code for all other operators
341     end if;
342     if (l_match_found = 'y') then
343        OPEN c_task_attributes;
344        FETCH c_task_attributes
345        INTO
346          l_task_status_id
347        , l_task_priority_id
348        , l_task_name
349        , l_task_desc
350        , l_publish_flag
351        , l_private_flag
352        , l_owner_type_code
353        , l_owner_id
354        , l_assignee_type_code --5686743
355        , l_assignee_id --5686743
356        ;
357        if (c_task_attributes%notfound) then
358           --add a error message
359           -- This should never happen because form force this validation
360           fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NO_TASK_ATTRIBUTES');
361           fnd_msg_pub.add;
362           close c_task_attributes;
363           close c_sr_attr_tasks;
364           raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
365        end if;
366        close c_task_attributes;
367        p_task_count := p_task_count + 1;
368        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).task_name           := l_task_name;
369        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).task_description    := l_task_desc;
370        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).task_type_id        := l_task_type_id;
371        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).task_status_id      := l_task_status_id;
372        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).task_priority_id    := l_task_priority_id;
373        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).publish_flag        := l_publish_flag;
374        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).private_flag        := l_private_flag;
375        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).tsk_typ_attr_dep_id := l_tsk_typ_attr_dep_id;
376        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).owner_type_code     := l_owner_type_code;
377        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).owner_id            := l_owner_id;
378        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).assignee_type_code  := l_assignee_type_code; --5686743
379        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).assignee_id         := l_assignee_id; --5686743
381        p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).source_object_type_code := 'SR';
382        --p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).source_object_id        := p_request_id;
383        --p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).source_object_name      := p_incident_number;
384           -- get planned fields
385           open c_planned_effort;
386           fetch c_planned_effort into l_planned_effort,
387                                       l_planned_effort_uom, l_rule, l_workflow, l_workflow_type;
388           if (c_planned_effort%notfound) then
389              fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_INVALID_TYPE_ID');
390              fnd_message.set_token('P_TASK_TYPE_ID',l_task_type_id);
391              fnd_msg_pub.add;
392              close c_planned_effort;
393              close c_sr_attr_tasks;
394              raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
395           end if;
396           close c_planned_effort;
397           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).workflow  := l_workflow;
398           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).workflow_type  := l_workflow_type;
399           -- add planned fields to task record
400           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).planned_start_date  := sysdate;
401           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).planned_effort     := l_planned_effort;
402           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).planned_effort_uom :=
403                                                           l_planned_effort_uom;
404        if (l_rule = 'DISPATCH') then
405           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).field_service_task_flag  := 'Y';
406        else
407           p_taskrec_table(p_task_count).field_service_task_flag  := 'N';
408        end if;
409        --dbms_output.put_line('Status:'||to_char(l_task_status_id));
410        --dbms_output.put_line('type:'||to_char(l_task_type_id));
411        --dbms_output.put_line('priority:'||to_char(l_task_priority_id));
412        --dbms_output.put_line('Desc:'||to_char(l_task_desc));
413        --dbms_output.put_line('name:'||to_char(l_task_name));
414        --dbms_output.put_line('Planned Eff:'||to_char(l_planned_effort));
415        --dbms_output.put_line('Planned EffUOM:'||to_char(l_planned_effort_uom));
416     else
417         null;
418        --dbms_output.put_line('No Match found');
419 /*
420 ***/
421     end if; -- if match found
422     --dbms_output.put_line('=======================================');
423   end loop;
424   close c_sr_attr_tasks;
425    /* 10/28/2003
426       this may happen for check of task types with null attributes.
427   if (l_sr_attr_task_found = 'n') then
428      fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NO_CONFIGURED_TASKS');
429      fnd_message.set_token('P_SR_TYPE',p_incident_type_id);
430      fnd_message.set_token('P_EA_CODE',p_sr_ea_attr_code);
431      fnd_msg_pub.add;
432   end if;
433    */
434 end get_tasks_for_sr_attribute;
435 --------------------------------------------
436 procedure get_affected_tasks (
437       p_api_version           in         number,
438       p_init_msg_list         in         varchar2 ,
439       p_incident_type_id_old  in         number,
440       p_incident_type_id_new  in         number,
441       p_ea_sr_attr_tbl        in         extended_attribute_table_type,
442       x_tasks_affected_flag   out nocopy varchar2,
443       x_task_type_tbl         out nocopy task_type_table_type,
444       x_return_status         out nocopy varchar2,
445       x_msg_count             out nocopy number,
446       x_msg_data              out nocopy varchar2
447    ) is
448   l_task_tbl_new    ea_task_table_type;
449   l_task_tbl_old    ea_task_table_type;
450   l_task_count_new  number;
451   l_task_count_old  number;
452 begin
453   --
454   -- initialize message list
455   if fnd_api.to_boolean (p_init_msg_list) then
456      fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
457   end if;
458   --
459   -- check API version
460   if (p_api_version <> 1) then
461      fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_US_INVALID_API_VER');
462      fnd_msg_pub.add;
463      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
464   end if;
465   --
466   -- check old incident type ID
467   if (p_incident_type_id_old is null) then
468      fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NULL_OLD_INCIDENT_TYPE');
469      fnd_msg_pub.add;
470      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
471   end if;
472   --
473   -- check new incident type ID
474   if (p_incident_type_id_new is null) then
475      fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NULL_NEW_INCIDENT_TYPE');
476      fnd_msg_pub.add;
477      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
478   end if;
479   ----------------------------------------------------------
480   l_task_count_new  := 0;
481   l_task_count_old  := 0;
482   /** 11/18/2003 smisra
483   As per requirement from UI team, disabling this part.
484   Now this procedure will always return tasks needed for passed
485   attribute code - value pairs
487   if (p_incident_type_id_old = p_incident_type_id_new) then
488     for l_indx in 1..p_ea_sr_attr_tbl.count loop
489         --dbms_output.put_line('Inside Get Affected Task:'||to_char(l_indx));
490         if (nvl(p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_value_old,'x') <>
491                  nvl(p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_value_new,'x') ) then
492            get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(
493                    p_incident_type_id_old,
494                    p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_code_old,
495                    p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_value_old,
496                    l_task_tbl_old,
497                    l_task_count_old);
498            get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(
499                    p_incident_type_id_new,
500                    p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_code_new,
501                    p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_value_new,
502                    l_task_tbl_new,
503                    l_task_count_new);
504         end if;
505     end loop;
506     **/
507     /*
508     no need to call get_tasks_for_sr_attributes with null value for code and value
509     as such task are independed on attrbiure values. we are trying to find out
510     task needs due to change in attribute code values
511     *************************************/
512   --else
513     for l_indx in 1..p_ea_sr_attr_tbl.count loop
514        if (p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_code_new is not null) then
515            get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(
516                    p_incident_type_id_new,
517                    p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_code_new,
518                    p_ea_sr_attr_tbl(l_indx).sr_attribute_value_new,
519                    l_task_tbl_new,
520                    l_task_count_new);
521        end if;
522     end loop;
523     -- this call will get all configured tasks that have attribute as null
524     -- such tasks are to be created whenever an SR of particular type is created
525     get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(
526        p_incident_type_id_new,
527        null,
528        null,
529        l_task_tbl_new,
530        l_task_count_new);
531   --end if;
532   --dbms_output.put_line('Getting the new tasks type..');
533   get_new_task_types(
534               l_task_tbl_old  ,
535               l_task_tbl_new  ,
536               x_task_type_tbl   ) ;
537    if (x_task_type_tbl.count > 0 ) then
538        x_tasks_affected_flag := 'Y';
539    else
540        x_tasks_affected_flag := 'N';
541    end if;
542 /*****
543   dbms_output.put_line('total new task types:'|| to_char(x_task_type_tbl.count));
544   for l_indx in 1..x_task_type_tbl.count loop
545     dbms_output.put_line(to_char(x_task_type_tbl(l_indx)));
546   end loop;
547 ****/
548   --
549   -- Exception handling
550   --
552 WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
553    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
554    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
555       p_count => x_msg_count,
556       p_data => x_msg_data);
558    fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
559    fnd_message.set_token ('P_TEXT', SQLCODE || SQLERRM);
560    fnd_msg_pub.add;
561    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
562    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
563       p_count => x_msg_count,
564       p_data => x_msg_data);
565 end get_affected_tasks;
566 --------------------------------------------
567 procedure get_extnd_attr_tasks (
568       p_api_version       in number,
569       p_init_msg_list     in varchar2 ,
570       p_sr_rec            in CS_ServiceRequest_pub.service_request_rec_type,
571       p_request_id        in number ,
572       p_incident_number   in varchar2 ,
573       p_sr_attributes_tbl in EA_SR_ATTR_TABLE_TYPE,
574       x_return_status out nocopy varchar2,
575       x_msg_count     out nocopy number,
576       x_msg_data      out nocopy varchar2,
577       x_task_rec_table out nocopy EA_task_table_type) is
578   -- local variables
579   l_sr_attr_code  cug_incidnt_attr_vals_vl.sr_attribute_code % type;
580   l_sr_attr_val   cug_incidnt_attr_vals_vl.sr_attribute_value% type;
581   --
582   l_sr_attr_found varchar2(1);
583   l_indx      number;
584 begin
585   --
586   -- initialize message list
587   if fnd_api.to_boolean (p_init_msg_list) then
588      fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
589   end if;
590   --
591   -- check API version
592   if (p_api_version <> 1) then
593      fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_US_INVALID_API_VER');
594      fnd_msg_pub.add;
595      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
596   end if;
597   --
598   -- Check Service request id
599   if (p_request_id is null) then
600      fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NULL_REQUEST_ID');
601      fnd_msg_pub.add;
602      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
603   end if;
604   -- Get Service Extended Attributes
605   l_sr_attr_found := 'n';
606   l_indx := 0;
607   --dbms_output.put_line('Total Attr:'||to_char(p_sr_attributes_tbl.count));
608   if (p_sr_attributes_tbl.count > 0) then
609   for l_loop_indx in p_sr_attributes_tbl.first..p_sr_attributes_tbl.last loop
610     --dbms_output.put_line('loop indx:' ||to_char(l_loop_indx));
611     l_sr_attr_code := p_sr_attributes_tbl(l_loop_indx).sr_attribute_code;
612     l_sr_attr_val  := p_sr_attributes_tbl(l_loop_indx).sr_attribute_value;
613     get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(p_sr_rec.type_id,
614                                l_sr_attr_code, l_sr_attr_val,
615                                x_task_rec_table, l_indx);
616     --dbms_output.put_line('Index Out,loop indx:'||to_char(l_indx) ||',' ||to_char(l_loop_indx));
617   end loop;
618   end if;
619   -- There may be some tasks configured with attrbiute code as NULL.
620   -- get all the task that have NULL attribute code.
621   -- These tasks are to be created irrespective of attribute codes and values
622   -- These tasks are basically depends on SR Type
623   -- Get the count of message and message into out variables
624   --dbms_output.put_line('before get_task_for_sr_attribute call');
625   get_tasks_for_sr_attribute(p_sr_rec.type_id,
626                              null, null,
627                              x_task_rec_table, l_indx);
628   --dbms_output.put_line('After get_task_for_sr_attribute call');
629   x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
630   fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
631   --
632   -- Exception handling
633   --
635 WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
636    --dbms_output.put_line('get_extnd g_exc_unexpected error');
637    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
638    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
639       p_count => x_msg_count,
640       p_data => x_msg_data);
642    --dbms_output.put_line('get_extnd others error');
643    fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
644    fnd_message.set_token ('P_TEXT', SQLCODE || SQLERRM);
645    fnd_msg_pub.add;
646    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
647    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
648       p_count => x_msg_count,
649       p_data => x_msg_data);
650 end get_extnd_attr_tasks;
651 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
652 -- Modification History:
653 -- Date     Name     Desc
654 -- ------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
655 -- 07/26/05 smisra   fixed bug 4477767.
656 --                   passed p_date_selected as NULL to task API. If this
657 --                   parameter is 'D' then it may cause certain task validations
658 --                   to fail and auto task process in not in a position to pass
659 --                   those details
660 -- 07/26/05 smisra   fixed bug 4272460.
661 --                   used owner id, owner type from SR Type, Task Type mapping
662 --                   if assignment manager can not determine task owner
663 -- 08/19/05 smisra   Fixed bug 4272460                                                              |
664 --                   put call to auto tak assignment under comment.
665 --                   when decision to use Assignment is manager is made, that
666 --                   call can be uncommneted.
667 -- 07/12/06 romehrot  Bug 5686743
668 --                    Added to code to populate assignee information from setup form.
670 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
671 procedure create_extnd_attr_tasks (
672       p_api_version       in number,
673       p_init_msg_list     in varchar2 ,
674       p_commit            in varchar2 ,
675       p_sr_rec            in CS_ServiceRequest_pub.service_request_rec_type,
676       p_sr_attributes_tbl in EA_SR_ATTR_TABLE_TYPE,
677       p_request_id        in number ,
678       p_incident_number   in varchar2 ,
679       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
680       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY number,
681       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
682       x_auto_task_gen_attempted    OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
683       x_field_service_Task_created OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
684   l_task_rec_tbl ea_task_table_type;
685   l_task_attr_rec cs_sr_task_autoassign_pkg.Sr_Task_rec_type;
686   l_indx         number;
687   l_task_id      jtf_tasks_b.task_id % type;
688   l_login_id  jtf_notes_b.last_update_login % type;
689   l_user_id   jtf_notes_b.last_updated_by   % type;
690   l_obj_version cs_incidents_all_b.object_version_number % type;
691   l_owner_type  cs_incidents_all_b.resource_type % type;
692   l_owner_id    cs_incidents_all_b.incident_owner_id % type;
693   l_owner_group_id cs_incidents_all_b.owner_group_id % type;
694   l_last_updated_by cs_incidents_all_b.last_updated_by % type;
695   l_group_type   varchar2(50);
696   l_sr_rec       cs_servicerequest_pub.service_request_rec_type ;
697   l_task_owner_type jtf_tasks_b.owner_type_code % type;
698   l_task_owner_id   jtf_tasks_b.owner_id%type;
699   l_location_id     cs_incidents_all_b.incident_location_id % type;
700   l_dummy varchar2(80);
701   l_address_id      NUMBER;
702   l_customer_id     NUMBER := p_sr_rec.customer_id;
703   l_task_assignment_id Number; --5686743
704   -- Simplex
705   -- local variable and exception declarations for Simplex Enhancement
706  l_prof_val		VARCHAR(1);
707  l_date_selected	VARCHAR2(1) := null;
708  l_temp			NUMBER(20,4);
709  l_api_name             VARCHAR2(100) := 'cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt.create_extnd_attr_tasks';
710  l_conv_rate            NUMBER(30,6);
711  l_planned_effort       NUMBER(30,6):= 0;
712  l_task_type_name       VARCHAR2(100) := null;
714   e_date_pair_exception      EXCEPTION ;
715   e_planned_effort_val_exception EXCEPTION ;
716   e_party_site_exception     EXCEPTION;
718   cursor c_task_type_name(l_task_type_id IN NUMBER) IS
719   select name
720   from jtf_task_types_vl
721   where task_type_id = l_task_type_id;
723  -- end Simplex
725 begin
726   savepoint create_extnd_attr_task_pvt;
727   l_sr_rec       := p_sr_rec;
728   x_auto_task_gen_attempted := 'N';
729   x_field_service_task_created := 'N';
730   --dbms_output.put_line('Before get_extnd_attrtask');
731   get_extnd_attr_tasks (
732       p_api_version       => p_api_version,
733       p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
734       p_sr_rec            => p_sr_rec,
735       p_request_id        => p_request_id,
736       p_incident_number   => p_incident_number,
737       p_sr_attributes_tbl => p_sr_attributes_tbl,
738       x_return_status     => x_return_status,
739       x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
740       x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
741       x_task_rec_table     => l_task_rec_tbl);
742    --dbms_output.put_line('Return Status(get_extnd_attr_tasks):'||x_return_status|| ':');
743    -- Create Tasks
744    if (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
745    --l_login_id := fnd_global.login_id;
746    --l_user_id  := fnd_global.user_id ;
747    -- Task api does not take user ids as parameter
749    -- Simplex
750    -- Get the value for the profile option 'Service : Apply State Restriction on Tasks'
751    -- to decide the enabling/disabling of task state restrictions
753    --   in order to fix 4477767, task restriction can not be applied to auto tasks
756    -- end of simplex
759    for l_indx in 1..l_task_rec_tbl.count loop
760      --dbms_output.put_line('Going through the task table:'||to_char(l_indx));
761      -- do validations for field service task
762      if (Are_Task_Attributes_valid(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id,
763                                    l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_status_id,
764                                    l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_priority_id) = 'Y') then
765           l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date := nvl(p_sr_rec.obligation_date,sysdate);
768      if (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).field_service_task_flag = 'Y') then
769          -- no need to validate type id, status, task_name as these are not null
770          -- in database
771          -- 1st check: Location as party site  -- Removed  -- Modified to ensure incident location is NOT NULL
773          IF (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).field_service_task_flag = 'Y') THEN
775             IF p_sr_rec.incident_location_id IS NULL THEN
776                RAISE e_party_site_exception ;
777             END IF ;
779          END IF ;
782         -- 2nd check: Planed End Date
783         /*
784         if (p_sr_rec.obligation_date is null) then
785           fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NO_PLANNED_END_DATE');
786           fnd_msg_pub.add;
787           x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
788           raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
789         else
790         */
791         --end if;
792         -- 3rd check: Planned Effort
793         if (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_effort is null) then
794           fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NO_PLANNED_EFFORT');
795           fnd_message.set_token('P_TYPE_ID',l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id);
796           fnd_msg_pub.add;
797           x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
798           raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
799         end if;
800         -- 4th check: Planned Effort UOM
801         if (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_effort_uom is null) then
802           fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NO_PLANNED_EFFORT_UOM');
803           fnd_message.set_token('P_TYPE_ID',l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id);
804           fnd_msg_pub.add;
805           x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
806           raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
807         end if;
808         -- no need to check task name, status, type and planned start date
809         -- as these can not be null. these are not null in respective
810         -- source tables. planned_start_date is always set to sysdate
811      end if;
812      -- end of field service task validation
813      -- Get Resource_id for new tasks.
814      l_task_attr_rec.task_type_id := l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id;
815      l_task_attr_rec.task_status_id := l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_status_id;
816      l_task_attr_rec.task_priority_id := l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_priority_id;
817      l_task_owner_type := l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).owner_type_code;
818      l_task_owner_id   := l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).owner_id;
820      /**********************************************************************
821      task assignment will be based on SR Type, Task Type setup only for time being
822      when decision to use task assignment based on territory is made, uncomment
823      this portion of code
825      l_sr_rec.type_id := null;
826      cs_sr_task_autoassign_pkg.assign_task_resource(
827             p_api_version           => 1,
828             p_init_msg_list         => fnd_api.g_false,
829             p_commit                => fnd_api.g_false,
830             p_incident_id           => p_request_id,
831             p_service_request_rec   => l_sr_rec,
832             p_task_attribute_rec    => l_task_attr_rec,
833             x_owner_group_id        => l_owner_group_id,
834             x_owner_type            => l_owner_type,
835             x_group_type            => l_group_type,
836             x_owner_id              => l_owner_id,
837             x_return_status         => x_return_status,
838             x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
839             x_msg_data              => x_msg_data);
840      IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
841      THEN
842        --fnd_msg_pub.set_search_name('CS','CS_SR_TASK_NO_OWNER');
843        --fnd_msg_pub.set_search_token('API_NAME','CS_SR_TASK_AUTOASSIGN_PKG.Assign_Task_Resource');
844        --fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_ASSIGN_TASK_ERROR');
845        --fnd_message.set_token('TASK_NAME',l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_name);
846        --l_dummy := fnd_msg_pub.change_msg;
847        --raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
848        x_return_status   := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
849      ELSE
850        IF (l_owner_type is null) then
851          l_task_owner_type := l_group_type;
852          l_task_owner_id   := l_owner_group_id;
853        ELSE
854          l_task_owner_type := l_owner_type;
855          l_task_owner_id   := l_owner_id;
856        END IF;
857      END IF;
858      ******************************************************************************/
860      x_auto_task_gen_attempted := 'Y';
861      -- Since location id can be null for task but task takes only
862      -- party sites. so if location type is not party site, set location to null
863      if (nvl(p_sr_rec.incident_location_type,'x') = 'HZ_PARTY_SITE' ) then
864         l_address_id := p_sr_rec.incident_location_id;
865         l_customer_id := p_sr_rec.customer_id ;
866      elsif (nvl(p_sr_rec.incident_location_type,'x')) = 'HZ_LOCATION' THEN
867         l_location_id := p_sr_rec.incident_location_id;
868         l_customer_id := null;
869      else
870         l_address_id  := null;
871         l_location_id := null;
872         l_customer_id := p_sr_rec.customer_id;
873      end if;
875       -- Simplex
876      -- The below validations should be done every tasks in the task template group and
877      -- hence the validations are inside the loop
879      -- Enable task state restrictions depending on the profile value
880      -- 'Service : Apply State Restriction on Tasks'
881      --
882      --IF ( l_prof_val = 'Y') THEN
883      --  l_date_selected := 'D';
884      --END IF;
886      -- The palnned start date and planned end date should appear in pair.
887      -- If not,exception is thrown
888      IF ( (  (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_start_date IS NOT NULL AND
889 	              l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_start_date <> FND_API.G_MISS_DATE)
890 		      AND
891 		      (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date IS NULL OR
892 		      l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date = FND_API.G_MISS_DATE)
893 		   )
894 		   OR
895                    (  (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date IS NOT NULL AND
896 	               l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date <> FND_API.G_MISS_DATE)
897 		       AND
898 		       (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_start_date IS NULL OR
899 		        l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_start_date = FND_API.G_MISS_DATE)
900 		    )
901 		  )THEN
903                      open c_task_type_name(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id);
904 		     fetch c_task_type_name into l_task_type_name;
905 		     close c_task_type_name;
907 		     fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_DATE_PAIR_ERROR');
908                      fnd_message.set_token('TASK_TYPE',l_task_type_name);
909                      fnd_message.set_token('API_NAME',l_api_name);
910                      fnd_msg_pub.add;
911                      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
912                      raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
913       END IF;
915       -- no validations for scheduled and actual dates as the parameters are not passed
918      -- The enabling/disabling of state restrictions is based on tke profile option
919      -- 'Service : Apply State Restriction on Tasks' and the value is stored in the
920      -- local variable l_date_selected
922      jtf_tasks_pub.create_task (
923         p_api_version       => 1.0,
924         p_init_msg_list     => fnd_api.g_false,
925         p_commit            => fnd_api.g_false,
926         p_task_name         => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_name,
927         p_description       => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_description,
928 	p_task_type_id      => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id,
929         p_task_status_id    => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_status_id,
930         p_task_priority_id  => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_priority_id,
931         p_owner_id          => l_task_owner_id,
932         p_owner_type_code   => l_task_owner_type,
933         p_planned_start_date => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_start_date,
934         p_planned_end_date   => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date,
935         p_planned_effort     => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_effort,
936         p_planned_effort_uom => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_effort_uom,
937         p_customer_id        => l_customer_id , --p_sr_rec.customer_id,
938         p_address_id         => l_address_id,
939         p_category_id        => NULL,
940 	p_source_object_id   => p_request_id,
941 	p_source_object_name => p_incident_number,
942 	p_source_object_type_code => 'SR',
943         p_date_selected    => l_date_selected, -- simplex  'D',
944         p_private_flag     => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).private_flag,
945         p_publish_flag     => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).publish_flag,
946         p_location_id        => l_location_id,
947         x_return_status    => x_return_status,
948 	x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
949 	x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
950         x_task_id          => l_task_id)
951         ;
952      --dbms_output.put_line('after Create Task:'||x_return_status);
953         if (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
954            /***
955            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_name);
956            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_description);
957            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_type_id);
958            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_status_id);
959            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_priority_id);
960            dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_start_date,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
961            dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_end_date,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
962            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_effort);
963            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).planned_effort_uom);
964            dbms_output.put_line(p_sr_rec.incident_location_id);
965            dbms_output.put_line(p_request_id);
966            dbms_output.put_line(p_incident_number);
967            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).private_flag);
968            dbms_output.put_line(l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).publish_flag);
969            dbms_output.put_line(':'||to_char(l_owner_id));
970            dbms_output.put_line('Owner Type:'||l_owner_type||':');
971            dbms_output.put_line(':'||to_char(l_owner_group_id));
972            dbms_output.put_line('Owner Type:'||l_group_type||':');
973            dbms_output.put_line('====');
974            fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_CREATE_TASK_API_ERROR');
975            fnd_msg_pub.add;
976            *****/
977            raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
978         end if;
979         if (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).field_service_task_flag = 'Y') then
980            x_field_service_task_created := 'Y';
981         end if;
982         /* Start : 5686743 */
983         If l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).assignee_id IS NOT NULL Then
984            jtf_task_assignments_pub.create_task_assignment(
985                                        p_api_version          => 1.0,
986                                        p_init_msg_list        => cs_core_util.get_g_true,
987                                        p_commit               => cs_core_util.get_g_false,
988                                        p_task_id              => l_task_id,
989                                        p_resource_type_code   => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).assignee_type_code,
990                                        p_resource_id          => l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).assignee_id,
991                                        p_assignment_status_id => fnd_profile.value('JTF_TASK_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_STATUS'),
992                                        x_return_status        => x_return_status,
993                                        x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
994                                        x_msg_data             => x_msg_data,
995                                        x_task_assignment_id   => l_task_assignment_id);
997            If (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) Then
998               raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
999            End if;
1000 	End If;
1001         /* End : 5686743 */
1002 	if (l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).workflow is not null) then
1003            start_task_workflow (l_task_id             ,
1004                                 l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).tsk_typ_attr_dep_id ,
1005                                 l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).workflow ,
1006                                 l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).workflow_type ,
1007                                 l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_name,
1008                                 l_task_rec_tbl(l_indx).task_description,
1009                                 x_return_status       ,
1010                                 x_msg_count           ,
1011                                 x_msg_data            );
1012            if (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
1013               fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_START_WORKFLOW_ERROR');
1014               fnd_msg_pub.add;
1015               raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1016            end if;
1017         end if;
1018         else
1019            fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
1020         end if; -- check for validity of task attributes such as type, status, priority
1021    end loop;
1022    end if;
1023    -- All task created
1024   if fnd_api.to_boolean (p_commit) then
1025      commit;
1026   end if;
1027   --
1028   -- Exception handling
1029   --
1030   --raise_application_error(-20001,'For testing msg JTF_TASK_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
1032      WHEN e_party_site_exception THEN
1033           FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count => x_msg_count,
1034                                     p_data  => x_msg_data );
1036           FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
1037           x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ;
1038 WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1039    rollback to create_extnd_attr_task_pvt;
1040    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1041    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
1042       p_count => x_msg_count,
1043       p_data => x_msg_data);
1044 WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1045    rollback to create_extnd_attr_task_pvt;
1046    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1047    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
1048       p_count => x_msg_count,
1049       p_data => x_msg_data);
1051    rollback to create_extnd_attr_task_pvt;
1052    fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
1053    fnd_message.set_token ('P_TEXT', SQLERRM);
1054    fnd_msg_pub.add;
1055    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1056    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
1057       p_count => x_msg_count,
1058       p_data => x_msg_data);
1059 end create_extnd_attr_tasks;
1060 --------------------------------------------------
1061 FUNCTION  Are_task_Attributes_valid(p_task_type_id number,
1062                                     p_task_status_id number,
1063                                     p_task_priority_id number) return varchar2 is
1064   l_type           jtf_tasks_v.task_type     % type;
1065   l_status         jtf_tasks_v.task_status   % type;
1066   l_priority       jtf_tasks_v.task_priority % type;
1067   l_type_id        number;
1068   l_status_id      number;
1069   l_priority_id    number;
1070   x_return_status  varchar2(10);
1071 BEGIN
1072   jtf_task_utl.validate_task_type ( p_task_type_id   => p_task_type_id,
1073                                     p_task_type_name => l_type,
1074                                     x_return_status  => x_return_status,
1075                                     x_task_type_id   => l_type_id
1076                                   );
1078 IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
1079    return 'N';
1080 END IF;
1082 IF l_type_id IS NULL THEN
1083    return 'N';
1084 END IF;
1086 -------
1087 -------	Validate Task Status
1088 -------
1089 IF l_type_id = '22' THEN
1090    l_type := 'ESCALATION';
1091 ELSE
1092    l_type := 'TASK';
1093 END IF;
1095 jtf_task_utl.validate_task_status ( p_task_status_id   => p_task_status_id,
1096                                     p_task_status_name => l_status,
1097                                     p_validation_type  => l_type,
1098                                     x_return_status    => x_return_status,
1099                                     x_task_status_id   => l_status_id);
1101 IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
1102    return 'N';
1103 END IF;
1104 -------
1105 jtf_task_utl.validate_task_priority ( p_task_priority_id   => p_task_priority_id,
1106                                       p_task_priority_name => l_priority,
1107                                       x_return_status      => x_return_status,
1108                                       x_task_priority_id   => l_priority_id);
1109 IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
1110    return 'N';
1111 END IF;
1112 -- All task attrributes are valid
1113 return 'Y';
1115 Exception when others then
1116     return 'N';
1117 END;
1118 /**** not used anymore 9/30/2003
1119 procedure create_ea_tasks_isupp (
1120       p_api_version       in number,
1121       p_init_msg_list     in varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
1122       p_commit            in varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
1123       p_sr_attributes_tbl in EA_SR_ATTR_TABLE_TYPE,
1124       p_request_id        in number ,
1125       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
1126       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY number,
1127       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
1128       x_auto_task_gen_attempted    OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
1129       x_field_service_Task_created OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
1130   i number;
1131   l_prof_value fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value % type;
1132   l_err        varchar2(4000);
1133   l_msg_index_out number;
1134   l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
1135   l_note_id number;
1136   l_note_type jtf_notes_b.note_type % type;
1137   l_login_id  jtf_notes_b.last_update_login % type;
1138   l_user_id   jtf_notes_b.last_updated_by   % type;
1139   l_sr_rec    CS_ServiceRequest_pub.service_request_rec_type;
1140   l_incident_number cs_incidents_all_b.incident_number % type;
1141   cursor c_sr is
1142     select * from cs_incidents_all_b
1143      where incident_id = p_request_id;
1144 begin
1145   l_prof_value := fnd_profile.value('AUTO GENERATE TASKS ON SR CREATE');
1146   if (l_prof_value = 'Task type Attribute configuration' or 1 =1) then
1147      for l_rec in c_sr loop
1148          l_sr_rec.type_id              := l_rec.incident_type_id;
1149          l_sr_rec.status_id            := l_rec.incident_status_id;
1150          l_sr_rec.urgency_id           := l_rec.incident_urgency_id;
1151          l_sr_rec.severity_id          := l_rec.incident_severity_id;
1152          l_sr_rec.obligation_date      := l_rec.obligation_date;
1153          l_sr_rec.problem_code         := l_rec.problem_code;
1154          l_sr_rec.inventory_item_id    := l_rec.inventory_item_id;
1155          l_sr_rec.inventory_org_id     := l_rec.inv_organization_id;
1156          l_sr_rec.customer_id          := l_rec.customer_id;
1157          l_sr_rec.customer_number      := l_rec.customer_number;
1158          l_sr_rec.category_id          := l_rec.category_id;
1159          l_sr_rec.category_set_id      := l_rec.category_set_id;
1160          l_sr_rec.incident_location_id := l_rec.incident_location_id;
1161          l_sr_rec.request_date                := l_rec.incident_date;
1162          l_sr_rec.type_id                     := l_rec.incident_type_id;
1163          l_sr_rec.status_id                   := l_rec.incident_status_id;
1164          l_sr_rec.severity_id                 := l_rec.incident_severity_id;
1165          l_sr_rec.urgency_id                  := l_rec.incident_urgency_id;
1166          l_sr_rec.closed_date                 := l_rec.close_date;
1167          l_sr_rec.owner_id                    := l_rec.incident_owner_id;
1168          l_sr_rec.owner_group_id              := l_rec.owner_group_id;
1169          l_sr_rec.publish_flag                := l_rec.publish_flag;
1170          l_sr_rec.caller_type                 := l_rec.caller_type;
1171          l_sr_rec.customer_id                 := l_rec.customer_id;
1172          l_sr_rec.customer_number             := l_rec.customer_number;
1173          l_sr_rec.employee_id                 := l_rec.employee_id;
1174          --l_sr_rec.employee_number             := l_rec.employee_number;
1175          --l_sr_rec.verify_cp_flag              := l_rec.verify_cp_flag;
1176          l_sr_rec.customer_product_id         := l_rec.customer_product_id;
1177          l_sr_rec.platform_id                 := l_rec.platform_id;
1178          l_sr_rec.platform_version	 := l_rec.platform_version;
1179          l_sr_rec.db_version		 := l_rec.db_version;
1180          l_sr_rec.platform_version_id         := l_rec.platform_version_id;
1181          l_sr_rec.cp_component_id             := l_rec.cp_component_id;
1182          l_sr_rec.cp_component_version_id     := l_rec.cp_component_version_id;
1183          l_sr_rec.cp_subcomponent_id          := l_rec.cp_subcomponent_id;
1184          l_sr_rec.cp_subcomponent_version_id  := l_rec.cp_subcomponent_version_id;
1185          l_sr_rec.language_id                 := l_rec.language_id;
1186          --l_sr_rec.language                    := l_rec.language;
1187          --l_sr_rec.cp_ref_number               := l_rec.cp_ref_number;
1188          l_sr_rec.inventory_item_id           := l_rec.inventory_item_id;
1189          l_sr_rec.inventory_org_id            := l_rec.inv_organization_id;
1190          l_sr_rec.current_serial_number       := l_rec.current_serial_number;
1191          l_sr_rec.original_order_number       := l_rec.original_order_number;
1192          --l_sr_rec.purchase_order_num          := l_rec.purchase_order_number;
1193          l_sr_rec.problem_code                := l_rec.problem_code;
1194          l_sr_rec.exp_resolution_date         := l_rec.expected_resolution_date;
1195          l_sr_rec.install_site_use_id         := l_rec.install_site_use_id;
1196          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_1         := l_rec.incident_attribute_1;
1197          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_2         := l_rec.incident_attribute_2;
1198          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_3         := l_rec.incident_attribute_3;
1199          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_4         := l_rec.incident_attribute_4;
1200          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_5         := l_rec.incident_attribute_5;
1201          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_6         := l_rec.incident_attribute_6;
1202          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_7         := l_rec.incident_attribute_7;
1203          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_8         := l_rec.incident_attribute_8;
1204          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_9         := l_rec.incident_attribute_9;
1205          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_10        := l_rec.incident_attribute_10;
1206          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_11        := l_rec.incident_attribute_11;
1207          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_12        := l_rec.incident_attribute_12;
1208          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_13        := l_rec.incident_attribute_13;
1209          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_14        := l_rec.incident_attribute_14;
1210          l_sr_rec.request_attribute_15        := l_rec.incident_attribute_15;
1211          --l_sr_rec.request_context             := l_rec.request_context;
1212          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_1        := l_rec.external_attribute_1;
1213          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_2        := l_rec.external_attribute_2;
1214          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_3        := l_rec.external_attribute_3;
1215          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_4        := l_rec.external_attribute_4;
1216          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_5        := l_rec.external_attribute_5;
1217          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_6        := l_rec.external_attribute_6;
1218          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_7        := l_rec.external_attribute_7;
1219          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_8        := l_rec.external_attribute_8;
1220          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_9        := l_rec.external_attribute_9;
1221          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_10       := l_rec.external_attribute_10;
1222          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_11       := l_rec.external_attribute_11;
1223          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_12       := l_rec.external_attribute_12;
1224          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_13       := l_rec.external_attribute_13;
1225          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_14       := l_rec.external_attribute_14;
1226          l_sr_rec.external_attribute_15       := l_rec.external_attribute_15;
1227          l_sr_rec.external_context            := l_rec.external_context;
1228          l_sr_rec.bill_to_site_use_id         := l_rec.bill_to_site_use_id;
1229          l_sr_rec.bill_to_contact_id          := l_rec.bill_to_contact_id;
1230          l_sr_rec.ship_to_site_use_id         := l_rec.ship_to_site_use_id;
1231          l_sr_rec.ship_to_contact_id          := l_rec.ship_to_contact_id;
1232          l_sr_rec.resolution_code             := l_rec.resolution_code;
1233          l_sr_rec.act_resolution_date         := l_rec.actual_resolution_date;
1234          --l_sr_rec.public_comment_flag         := l_rec.public_comment_flag;
1235          --l_sr_rec.parent_interaction_id       := l_rec.parent_iteaction_id;
1236          l_sr_rec.contract_service_id         := l_rec.contract_service_id;
1237          --l_sr_rec.contract_service_number     := l_rec.contract_service_number;
1238          l_sr_rec.contract_id                 := l_rec.contract_id;
1239          l_sr_rec.project_number              := l_rec.project_number;
1240          l_sr_rec.qa_collection_plan_id       := l_rec.qa_collection_id;
1241          l_sr_rec.account_id                  := l_rec.account_id;
1242          l_sr_rec.resource_type               := l_rec.resource_type;
1243          l_sr_rec.resource_subtype_id         := l_rec.resource_subtype_id;
1244          --l_sr_rec.cust_po_number              := l_rec.cust_po_number;
1245          --l_sr_rec.cust_ticket_number          := l_rec.cust_ticket_number;
1246          l_sr_rec.sr_creation_channel         := l_rec.sr_creation_channel;
1247          l_sr_rec.obligation_date             := l_rec.obligation_date;
1248          l_sr_rec.time_zone_id                := l_rec.time_zone_id;
1249          l_sr_rec.time_difference             := l_rec.time_difference;
1250          l_sr_rec.site_id                     := l_rec.site_id;
1251          l_sr_rec.customer_site_id            := l_rec.customer_site_id;
1252          l_sr_rec.territory_id                := l_rec.territory_id;
1253          --l_sr_rec.initialize_flag             := l_rec.initialize_flag;
1254          l_sr_rec.cp_revision_id              := l_rec.cp_revision_id;
1255          l_sr_rec.inv_item_revision           := l_rec.inv_item_revision;
1256          l_sr_rec.inv_component_id            := l_rec.inv_component_id;
1257          l_sr_rec.inv_component_version       := l_rec.inv_component_version;
1258          l_sr_rec.inv_subcomponent_id         := l_rec.inv_subcomponent_id;
1259          l_sr_rec.inv_subcomponent_version    := l_rec.inv_subcomponent_version;
1260          ------jngeorge---------------07/12/01
1261          l_sr_rec.tier                        := l_rec.tier;
1262          l_sr_rec.tier_version                := l_rec.tier_version;
1263          l_sr_rec.operating_system            := l_rec.operating_system;
1264          l_sr_rec.operating_system_version    := l_rec.operating_system_version;
1265          l_sr_rec.database                    := l_rec.database;
1266          l_sr_rec.cust_pref_lang_id           := l_rec.cust_pref_lang_id;
1267          l_sr_rec.category_id                 := l_rec.category_id;
1268          l_sr_rec.group_type                  := l_rec.group_type;
1269          l_sr_rec.group_territory_id          := l_rec.group_territory_id;
1270          l_sr_rec.inv_platform_org_id         := l_rec.inv_platform_org_id;
1271          l_sr_rec.component_version           := l_rec.component_version;
1272          l_sr_rec.subcomponent_version        := l_rec.subcomponent_version;
1273          --l_sr_rec.product_revision            := l_rec.product_version;
1274          l_sr_rec.comm_pref_code              := l_rec.comm_pref_code;
1275          ---- Added for Post 11.5.6 Enhancement
1276          l_sr_rec.cust_pref_lang_code         := l_rec.cust_pref_lang_code;
1277          -- Changed the width from 1 to 30 for last_update_channel for bug 2688856
1278          -- shijain 3rd dec 2002
1279          l_sr_rec.last_update_channel         := l_rec.last_update_channel;
1280          l_sr_rec.category_set_id             := l_rec.category_set_id;
1281          l_sr_rec.external_reference          := l_rec.external_reference;
1282          l_sr_rec.system_id                   := l_rec.system_id;
1283          ------jngeorge---------------07/12/0 := l_rec.
1284          l_sr_rec.error_code                  := l_rec.error_code;
1285          l_sr_rec.incident_occurred_date      := l_rec.incident_occurred_date;
1286          l_sr_rec.incident_resolved_date      := l_rec.incident_resolved_date;
1287          l_sr_rec.inc_responded_by_date       := l_rec.inc_responded_by_date;
1288          --l_sr_rec.resolution_summary          := l_rec.resolution_summary;
1289          l_sr_rec.incident_location_id        := l_rec.incident_location_id;
1290          l_sr_rec.incident_address            := l_rec.incident_address;
1291          l_sr_rec.incident_city               := l_rec.incident_city;
1292          l_sr_rec.incident_state              := l_rec.incident_state;
1293          l_sr_rec.incident_country            := l_rec.incident_country;
1294          l_sr_rec.incident_province           := l_rec.incident_province;
1295          l_sr_rec.incident_postal_code        := l_rec.incident_postal_code;
1296          l_sr_rec.incident_county             := l_rec.incident_country;
1297          -- Added for Enh# 221666 := l_rec.
1298          --l_sr_rec.owner                       := l_rec.ARCHAR2(360),
1299          --l_sr_rec.group_owner                 := l_rec.ARCHAR2(60),
1300          -- Added for Credit Card ER# 2255263 (UI ER#2208078)
1301          l_sr_rec.cc_number                   := l_rec.credit_card_number;
1302          l_sr_rec.cc_expiration_date          := l_rec.credit_card_expiration_date;
1303          l_sr_rec.cc_type_code                := l_rec.credit_card_type_code;
1304          l_sr_rec.cc_first_name               := l_rec.credit_card_holder_fname;
1305          l_sr_rec.cc_last_name                := l_rec.credit_card_holder_lname;
1306          l_sr_rec.cc_middle_name              := l_rec.credit_card_holder_mname;
1307          l_sr_rec.cc_id                       := l_rec.credit_card_id;
1308          l_sr_rec.bill_to_account_id          := l_rec.bill_to_account_id;
1309          l_sr_rec.ship_to_account_id          := l_rec.ship_to_account_id;
1310          l_sr_rec.customer_phone_id   	 := l_rec.customer_phone_id;
1311          l_sr_rec.customer_email_id   	 := l_rec.customer_email_id;
1312          -- Added for source changes for 1159 by shijain oct 11 2002
1313          l_sr_rec.creation_program_code       := l_rec.creation_program_code;
1314          l_sr_rec.last_update_program_code    := l_rec.last_update_program_code;
1315          -- Bill_to_party, ship_to_party
1316          l_sr_rec.bill_to_party_id            := l_rec.bill_to_party_id;
1317          l_sr_rec.ship_to_party_id            := l_rec.ship_to_party_id;
1318          -- Conc request related fields
1319          l_sr_rec.program_id                  := l_rec.program_id;
1320          l_sr_rec.program_application_id      := l_rec.program_application_id;
1321          --l_sr_rec.conc_request_id            NUMBER, -- Renamed so that it doesn't clash with SR id
1322          l_sr_rec.program_login_id            := l_rec.program_login_id;
1323          -- Bill_to_site, ship_to_site
1324          l_sr_rec.bill_to_site_id            := l_rec.bill_to_site_id;
1325          l_sr_rec.ship_to_site_id            := l_rec.ship_to_site_id;
1326          l_sr_rec.incident_point_of_interest         := l_rec.incident_point_of_interest;
1327          l_sr_rec.incident_cross_street              := l_rec.incident_cross_street;
1328          l_sr_rec.incident_direction_qualifier       := l_rec.incident_direction_qualifier;
1329          l_sr_rec.incident_distance_qualifier        := l_rec.incident_distance_qualifier;
1330          l_sr_rec.incident_distance_qual_uom         := l_rec.incident_distance_qual_uom;
1331          l_sr_rec.incident_address2                  := l_rec.incident_address2;
1332          l_sr_rec.incident_address3                  := l_rec.incident_address3;
1333          l_sr_rec.incident_address4                  := l_rec.incident_address4;
1334          l_sr_rec.incident_address_style             := l_rec.incident_address_style;
1335          l_sr_rec.incident_addr_lines_phonetic       := l_rec.incident_addr_lines_phonetic;
1336          l_sr_rec.incident_po_box_number             := l_rec.incident_po_box_number;
1337          l_sr_rec.incident_house_number              := l_rec.incident_house_number;
1338          l_sr_rec.incident_street_suffix             := l_rec.incident_street_suffix;
1339          l_sr_rec.incident_street                    := l_rec.incident_street;
1340          l_sr_rec.incident_street_number             := l_rec.incident_street_number;
1341          l_sr_rec.incident_floor                     := l_rec.incident_floor;
1342          l_sr_rec.incident_suite                     := l_rec.incident_suite;
1343          l_sr_rec.incident_postal_plus4_code         := l_rec.incident_postal_plus4_code;
1344          l_sr_rec.incident_position                  := l_rec.incident_position;
1345          l_sr_rec.incident_location_directions       := l_rec.incident_location_directions;
1346          l_sr_rec.incident_location_description      := l_rec.incident_location_description;
1347          l_sr_rec.install_site_id                    := l_rec.install_site_id;
1349          --
1350          l_incident_number    := l_rec.incident_number;
1351      end loop;
1352      create_extnd_attr_tasks (
1353          p_api_version       ,
1354          p_init_msg_list     ,
1355          p_commit            ,
1356          l_sr_rec            ,
1357          p_sr_attributes_tbl ,
1358          p_request_id         ,
1359          l_incident_number    ,
1360          x_return_status              ,
1361          x_msg_count                  ,
1362          x_msg_data                   ,
1363          x_auto_task_gen_attempted    ,
1364          x_field_service_Task_created );
1365       --dbms_output.put_line('Return Message(isupp):'||x_return_status||':');
1366       if (x_return_status <> 'S') then
1367          for i in 1..x_msg_count loop
1368              FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_msg_index=>i,
1369                         p_encoded=>'F',
1370                         p_data=>l_msg_data,
1371                         p_msg_index_out=>l_msg_index_out);
1372              l_err := l_err || l_msg_data || ',';
1373          end loop;
1374          l_note_type := fnd_profile.value('CS_SR_TASK_ERROR_NOTE_TYPE');
1375          if (l_note_type is null) then
1376             fnd_message.set_name ('CS', 'CS_EA_NULL_NOTE_TYPE');
1377             fnd_msg_pub.add;
1378             raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1379          end if;
1380          l_login_id := fnd_global.login_id;
1381          l_user_id  := fnd_global.user_id ;
1382          jtf_notes_pub.create_note(
1383              p_api_version        => 1,
1384              p_init_msg_list      => p_init_msg_list,
1385              p_commit             => p_commit,
1386              p_validation_level   => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
1387              x_return_status      => x_return_status,
1388              x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
1389              x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
1390              p_entered_by         => l_user_id,
1391              p_entered_date       => sysdate,
1392              p_last_update_date   => sysdate,
1393              p_last_updated_by    => l_user_id,
1394              p_creation_date      => sysdate,
1395              p_created_by         => l_user_id,
1396              p_last_update_login  => l_login_id,
1397              p_source_object_id   => p_request_id,
1398              p_source_object_code => 'SR',
1399              p_notes              => l_err,
1400              p_notes_detail       => l_err,
1401              p_note_type          => l_note_type,
1402              p_note_status        => 'P',
1403              x_jtf_note_id        => l_note_id
1404 );
1405       --dbms_output.put_line('Return Message(note):'||x_return_status||':');
1406       end if; -- check for errors returned by autogen api
1407   end if; -- profile option check
1409 WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1410    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1411    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
1412       p_count => x_msg_count,
1413       p_data => x_msg_data);
1415    fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
1416    fnd_message.set_token ('P_TEXT', SQLCODE || SQLERRM);
1417    fnd_msg_pub.add;
1418    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1419    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
1420       p_count => x_msg_count,
1421       p_data => x_msg_data);
1422 end ;
1423 ***** 9/30/2003 *******/
1424 end cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt;