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APPS.GMICVAL dependencies on GMICUOM

Line 1379: -12 - Package/Security Issue to gmicuom Package.

1375: -8 - LAB CONVERSION - LM$DENSITY variable not found.
1376: -9 - LAB CONVERSION - conversion factor not found.
1377: -10 - Cannot find conversion factor for NEW UOM.
1378: -11 - Package/Security Issue to gmicitm Package.
1379: -12 - Package/Security Issue to gmicuom Package.
1380: -13 - Quantity is GREATER than allowed deviation.
1381: -14 - Quantity is LESS THAN allowed deviation.
1383: HISTORY:

Line 1437: l_iret := GMICUOM.uom_conversion(pitem_id, plot_id,

1433: Next .... let's perform a unit of measure
1434: conversion to determine the base converted amount.
1435: ================================================== */
1436: l_iret := -1;
1437: l_iret := GMICUOM.uom_conversion(pitem_id, plot_id,
1438: ptrans_qty1, pprim_uom, psec_uom, patomic);
1440: IF(l_iret < -1) THEN
1441: RETURN l_iret;