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Line 29: -- Changed the TBH calls of the packages: igf_aw_awd_disb_pkg and igf_db_awd_disb_dtl_pkg

25: --ridas 08-Nov-2004 Bug 3021287 If the profile_value = 'DISBURSED'
26: -- then updating COA at the student level
27: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: --ayedubat 13-OCT-04 FA 149 COD-XML Standards build bug # 3416863
29: -- Changed the TBH calls of the packages: igf_aw_awd_disb_pkg and igf_db_awd_disb_dtl_pkg
30: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31: -- veramach Sep 2004 Bug 3871976
32: -- Added ability to handle dynamic person id groups
33: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 630: igf_db_awd_disb_dtl_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid => lv_rowid,

627: IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
628: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_db_disb.create_actual.debug','creating actual disbursment with disb_gross_amt '|| disb_dtl_rec.disb_gross_amt);
629: END IF;
630: igf_db_awd_disb_dtl_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid => lv_rowid,
631: x_award_id => disb_dtl_rec.award_id ,
632: x_disb_num => disb_dtl_rec.disb_num ,
633: x_disb_seq_num => disb_dtl_rec.disb_seq_num ,
634: x_disb_gross_amt => disb_dtl_rec.disb_gross_amt ,