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Line 32: | Create_Party, IGS_PE_TYP_INSTANCES_PKG.INSERT_row was commented

28: | 27-JAN-2003 pkpatel (changed for Bug No 2753318, 2753728 )
29: | Create_Fnd_User, copy the password back to the workflow
30: | Generate_User, Added the validation that the password if entered should be at least 5 characters.
31: | Generate_Password, added the call of fnd_user_pkg.update_user if the primary email of the person has been changed.
32: | Create_Party, IGS_PE_TYP_INSTANCES_PKG.INSERT_row was commented
33: | 24-APR-2003 pkpatel Bug No: 2908802
34: | Modified Create_Fnd_User procedure
35: | 01-jul-2003 KUMMA, 2803555, Added the code to set the tokens for message IGS_PE_WF_EXISTS
36: | added statement to add the blank lines between successive messages inside procedure Process_Group_ID

Line 1328: FROM igs_pe_typ_instances c

1325: -- Cursor to get all the active person types associated with the person
1326: CURSOR c_get_sys_typ(cp_party_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE, cp_sysdate DATE) IS
1327: SELECT c.system_type
1328: FROM igs_pe_typ_instances c
1329: WHERE c.person_id = cp_party_id
1330: AND cp_sysdate BETWEEN c.start_date AND NVL(c.end_date, cp_sysdate);
1332: -- Cursor to get the responsibilities associated with a particular person type