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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

	DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cursor_c1, 'Select MRP_ATP_SCHEDULE_TEMP_S.NextVal@' || p_dblink ||' From   Dual', dbms_sql.native);
Line: 111

Line: 128

select name
from oe_ship_from_orgs_v
where organization_id = p_ship_from_org_id;
Line: 133

select padded_concatenated_segments, description
from mtl_system_items_kfv
where inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id
and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 139

select unit_of_measure
from mtl_item_uoms_view
where inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id
and organization_id = p_organization_id
and uom_code = p_uom_code;
Line: 146

select meaning
from fnd_lookup_values
where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
and view_application_id = p_view_application_id
and lookup_code = p_lookup_code
and enabled_flag = 'Y'
and language = USERENV('LANG')
and trunc(nvl(start_date_active,sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
and trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate);
Line: 157

select total_qoh
from mtl_onhand_items_v
where organization_id = p_organization_id
and inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id;
Line: 163

select nvl(request_date_type,'SHIP'),shipment_id
from aso_shipments
where quote_header_id = p_quote_header_id;
Line: 168

select l.meaning
from oe_lookups l
where l.lookup_type = 'REQUEST_DATE_TYPE' and
l.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
and nvl(end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
and l.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 177

select meaning
from mfg_lookups
where lookup_type = 'MTL_DEMAND_INTERFACE_ERRORS'
and lookup_code = p_error_code;
Line: 183

select shipment_id
from aso_shipments
where quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id
and quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id;
Line: 426

select segment1
from mtl_system_items_vl
where inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 432

select a.quote_line_id, b.item_type_code, a.config_header_id, a.config_revision_num,a.component_code,
a.config_item_id, a.ref_line_id, a.top_model_line_id, a.ato_line_id, a.component_sequence_id,
from aso_quote_line_details a, aso_quote_lines_all b
where b.quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id
and b.quote_line_id = a.quote_line_id
and a.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 441

select quote_line_id
from aso_quote_line_details
where config_header_id = p_config_header_id
and config_revision_num = p_config_revision_num
and config_item_id = p_config_item_id;
Line: 448

select ship_model_complete_flag
from aso_quote_lines_all
where quote_line_id = p_quote_line_id;
Line: 453

select quote_number, cust_account_id
from aso_quote_headers_all
where quote_header_id = p_quote_header_id;
Line: 458

select a.quote_line_id, b.shipment_id
from aso_quote_line_details a, aso_shipments b
where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
and a.config_header_id = p_config_header_id
and a.config_revision_num = p_config_revision_num
order by a.bom_sort_order;
Line: 466

select a.quote_line_id, b.shipment_id
from aso_quote_line_details a, aso_shipments b
where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
and a.config_header_id = p_config_header_id
and a.config_revision_num = p_config_revision_num
and a.ato_line_id = p_ato_line_id
order by a.bom_sort_order;
Line: 475

select quote_line_id from aso_quote_line_details
where config_header_id = p_config_header_id
and config_revision_num = p_config_revision_num
and ref_line_id is null
and ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 482

select shipment_id from aso_shipments
where quote_line_id = p_quote_line_id;
Line: 486

select request_date_type from aso_shipments
where shipment_id = p_shipment_id;
Line: 492

select quote_line_id
from aso_pvt_quote_lines_bali_v
where quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id
and nvl(service_item_flag,'N')  = 'N'
and instance_id is null
and nvl(config_model_type,'X') <> 'N' ;
Line: 500

select count(quote_line_id)
from aso_quote_lines_all
where quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id;
Line: 505

select ship_from_org_id
from aso_shipments
where quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id
and quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id;
Line: 511

select ato_line_id,top_model_line_id
from aso_quote_line_details
where quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id;
Line: 516

select request_date
from aso_shipments
where quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id
and quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id
and nvl(request_date_type,'SHIP')  = p_date_type;
Line: 523

select ship_method_code
from aso_shipments
where quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id
and quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id;
Line: 529

select demand_class_code
from aso_shipments
where quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id
and quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id;
Line: 1997

CURSOR mrp_cust(p_customer_id NUMBER) is SELECT TP_ID
                   FROM   msc_tp_id_lid tp
                   WHERE  tp.SR_TP_ID = p_customer_id
                   AND    tp.PARTNER_TYPE = 2;
Line: 2004

                   SELECT TP_SITE_ID
                   FROM   msc_tp_site_id_lid tpsite
                   WHERE  tpsite.SR_TP_SITE_ID = p_customer_site_id
                   AND    tpsite.PARTNER_TYPE = 2;
Line: 2074

     Into   l_session_id
     From   Dual;
Line: 2096

         select  user_profile_option_name
         into   l_profile_name
         from   fnd_profile_options_vl
         where  profile_option_name = 'ASO_SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID';
Line: 2120

        select  user_profile_option_name
        into   l_profile_name
        from   fnd_profile_options_vl
        where  profile_option_name = 'ASO_ATP_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_ID';
Line: 2143

        select  user_profile_option_name
        into   l_profile_name
        from   fnd_profile_options_vl
        where  profile_option_name = 'ASO_ATP_SHIP_TO_SITE_ID';
Line: 2416

PROCEDURE update_configuration(
    P_Api_Version_Number         IN   NUMBER,
    P_Init_Msg_List              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_qte_header_rec             IN   ASO_QUOTE_PUB.QTE_HEADER_REC_TYPE,
    p_qte_line_dtl_tbl           IN   ASO_QUOTE_PUB.qte_line_dtl_tbl_type := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_QTE_LINE_DTL_TBL,
    x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */  VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */  NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */  VARCHAR2

l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_configuration' ;
Line: 2433

SELECT b.config_header_id,b.config_revision_num,b.quote_line_id
from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b
where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
and  a. quote_header_id = l_qte_header_id
and b.ref_line_id is null
and b.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2441

select a.quote_line_id
from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b
where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
and b.config_header_id = l_config_header_id
and b.config_revision_num = l_config_revision_num
and ref_type_code = 'CONFIG'
and ref_line_id is null;
Line: 2450

select count(a.quote_line_id)
from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b
where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
and  a. quote_header_id = l_qte_header_id
and b.ref_line_id is null
and b.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 2459

select a.ato_config_item_id,b.quote_line_detail_id
from cz_config_details_v a, aso_quote_line_details b
where a.config_hdr_id = b.config_header_id
and a.config_rev_nbr = b.config_revision_num
and b.config_header_id = l_config_header_id
and b.config_revision_num = l_config_revision_num
order by b.bom_sort_order;
Line: 2468

select quote_line_id
from aso_quote_line_details
where config_header_id = l_config_header_id
and config_revision_num = l_config_revision_num
and config_item_id = l_config_item_id;
Line: 2485

Line: 2490

         aso_debug_pub.add('update_configuration: Begin');
Line: 2516

Line: 2526

         aso_debug_pub.add('update_configuration: p_qte_line_dtl_tbl.count: '|| p_qte_line_dtl_tbl.count, 1, 'Y');
Line: 2550

Line: 2561

         aso_debug_pub.add('update_configuration: l_qte_line_dtl_tbl.count: '|| l_qte_line_dtl_tbl.count, 1, 'Y');
Line: 2593

       update aso_quote_line_details
       set top_model_line_id = l_qte_line_dtl_tbl(i).quote_line_id,
           ato_line_id = nvl(l_ato_line_id,null)
       where quote_line_detail_id = l_line_detail_id;
Line: 2619

          aso_debug_pub.add('update_configuration: END' );
Line: 2656

End update_configuration;