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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND ((current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                 AND current_status = 1
                OR (current_status = 4 AND
                    Nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('INV_RESTRICT_RCPT_SER')), 2) = 2
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 59

    select nvl(ENFORCE_RMA_SERIAL_NUM,'N')
      into   l_enforce_rma_sn
      from   RCV_PARAMETERS
     where  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 66

              For c_rma_line in ( select line_id
                  OE_ORDER_LINES_all OEL,
                  OE_ORDER_HEADERS_all OEH
             AND OEL.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_item_id
             AND nvl(OEL.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID, OEH.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID) = p_organization_id
             AND OEH.HEADER_ID = p_oe_order_header_id

                  p_api_version => 0.9
                , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
                , p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE
                , p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
                , x_return_status => l_return_status
                , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
                , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
                , x_errorcode => l_errorcode
                , p_rma_line_id => c_rma_line.LINE_ID
                , p_org_id => P_ORGANIZATION_ID
                , p_item_id => p_item_id
Line: 100

               SELECT   serial_number
                      , current_subinventory_code
                      , current_locator_id
                      , lot_number
                      , 0
                      , current_status
                      , mms.status_code
                   FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                  WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                    AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                         OR group_mark_id = -1
                    AND current_status = 4
                    AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                    AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                    AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
                    AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
                    AND EXISTS ( select 'x' from mtl_rma_serial_temp msrt
                                  where msrt.organization_id = p_organization_id
                                   and  msrt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                   and msrt.serial_number = msn.serial_number
                                   and msrt.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
               ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 128

                 SELECT   serial_number
                        , current_subinventory_code
                        , current_locator_id
                        , lot_number
                        , 0
                        , current_status
                        , mms.status_code
                     FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                    WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                      AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                           OR group_mark_id = -1
                      AND current_status = 4
                      AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                      AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                      AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
                      AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
                 ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 175

      SELECT msi1.lot_control_code src_lot_ctrl
           , msi1.serial_number_control_code src_srl_ctrl
           , msi2.lot_control_code rcv_lot_ctrl
           , rsl.source_document_code
      INTO   l_src_org_lot_ctrl
           , l_src_org_srl_ctrl
           , l_rcv_org_lot_ctrl
           , l_source_document_code
      FROM   mtl_system_items msi1
           , mtl_system_items msi2
           , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
      WHERE  rsl.shipment_header_id   = p_shipment_header_id
      AND    rsl.to_organization_id   = p_organization_id
      AND    rsl.item_id              = p_item_id
      AND    msi1.inventory_item_id   = p_item_id
      AND    msi1.organization_id     = rsl.from_organization_id
      AND    msi1.inventory_item_id   = msi2.inventory_item_id
      AND    msi2.organization_id     = p_organization_id
      AND    ROWNUM=1;
Line: 212

        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , ''
               , 0
               , rss.lot_num
               , 0
               , msn.current_status
               , mms.status_code
        FROM     rcv_serials_supply rss
               , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
               , mtl_serial_numbers msn
               , mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
        WHERE    rss.shipment_line_id(+) = rsl.shipment_line_id
 --BUG 3417870: The RSL.shipment_line_status_code will be FULLY
 -- RECEIVED, so we need to comment it out.
 --        AND      rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'FULLY RECEIVED'
 AND      nvl(rss.supply_type_code, 'SHIPMENT') = 'SHIPMENT'
        AND     (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL OR msn.group_mark_id = -1)
        AND      rsl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
        AND      rsl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND      rsl.item_id = p_item_id
        AND      msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        AND      msn.serial_number = rss.serial_num
        AND      msn.current_status = 5
 AND      Nvl(msn.lpn_id,NVL(p_from_lpn_id,-1)) = NVL(p_from_lpn_id, NVL(msn.lpn_id, -1))
        AND (   (l_rcv_org_lot_ctrl = 1 OR l_src_org_lot_ctrl = 1) OR
                ((l_rcv_org_lot_ctrl = 2 AND l_src_org_lot_ctrl = 2) AND
                 (Nvl(rss.lot_num,'@@@') = Nvl(p_lot_num,'@@@')))
        AND      msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
        AND      mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
        AND      inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
                     , p_transaction_type_id
                     , NULL
                     , NULL
                     , p_organization_id
                     , p_item_id
                     , NULL
                     , NULL
                     , NULL
                     , msn.serial_number
                     , 'S') = 'Y'
        AND      msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 263

        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , ''
               , 0
               , p_lot_num
               , 0
               , msn.current_status
               , mms.status_code
        FROM     mtl_serial_numbers msn
               , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
               , mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
        WHERE    msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        AND      rsl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
        AND     (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL OR msn.group_mark_id = -1)
        AND     ( (    msn.current_status IN (1, 6)
                   AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  ) OR
 	                (    msn.current_status = 4
 	                 AND nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('INV_RESTRICT_RCPT_SER')), 2) = 2
 	              ) )
        AND      rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'FULLY RECEIVED'
        AND      rsl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND      rsl.item_id = p_item_id
        AND      msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
        AND      mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
        AND      inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
                     , p_transaction_type_id
                     , NULL
                     , NULL
                     , p_organization_id
                     , p_item_id
                     , NULL
                     , NULL
                     , NULL
                     , msn.serial_number
                     , 'S') = 'Y'
        AND      msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 332

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
                OR group_mark_id in (select a.serial_transaction_temp_id from mtl_transaction_lots_temp a
                                     where a.transaction_temp_id = p_group_mark_id)
                OR group_mark_id = p_group_mark_id
           AND (line_mark_id IS NULL
                OR line_mark_id = -1
                OR line_mark_id in (select a.serial_transaction_temp_id from mtl_transaction_lots_temp a
                                     where a.transaction_temp_id = p_group_mark_id)
                OR line_mark_id = p_group_mark_id)
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND current_status = 3
           AND current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
           AND msn.lpn_id IS NULL
           AND NVL(current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 402

        SELECT status_id
          INTO l_number
          FROM mtl_lot_numbers
         WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 419

          SELECT NVL(status_code, '')
            INTO x_lot_status
            FROM mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           WHERE mms.status_id = NVL(l_number, p_default_lot_status_id)
                 AND mms.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 433

        SELECT   expiration_date
               , NVL(status_code, '')
            INTO x_expiration_date
               , x_lot_status
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers_all_v
           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND lot_number = p_lot_number
             AND ROWNUM < 2
        ORDER BY expiration_date;
Line: 448

            SELECT (SYSDATE + NVL(p_shelf_life_days, 0))
              INTO x_expiration_date
              FROM DUAL;
Line: 463

              SELECT NVL(status_code, '')
                INTO x_lot_status
                FROM mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
               WHERE mms.status_id = p_default_lot_status_id
                     AND mms.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 475

            SELECT (SYSDATE + NVL(p_shelf_life_days, 0))
              INTO x_expiration_date
              FROM DUAL;
Line: 509

        SELECT msn.current_status
             , NVL(mms.status_code, '')
          INTO x_current_status
             , x_serial_status
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.serial_number = p_serial
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG');
Line: 519

        SELECT msn.current_status
          INTO x_current_status
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.serial_number = p_serial;
Line: 533

            SELECT NVL(mms.status_code, '')
              INTO x_serial_status
              FROM mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
             WHERE mms.status_id = p_default_serial_status
                   AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG');
Line: 572

        SELECT a.serial_number
             , a.current_subinventory_code
             , a.current_locator_id
             , a.lot_number
             , b.expiration_date
             , a.current_status
             , mms.status_code
             , inv_project.get_locsegs(a.current_locator_id, p_current_organization_id)
             , inv_project.get_project_id
             , inv_project.get_project_number
             , inv_project.get_task_id
             , inv_project.get_task_number
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers a, mtl_lot_numbers b, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE a.current_organization_id = p_current_organization_id
           AND NVL(a.lpn_id, -1) = NVL(p_lpn_id, -1)
           AND a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND (a.group_mark_id IS NULL OR a.group_mark_id = -1)
           AND ((a.revision = p_revision)
                OR (a.revision IS NULL AND p_revision IS NULL))
           AND a.current_status = 3
           AND b.inventory_item_id(+) = a.inventory_item_id
           AND b.organization_id(+) = a.current_organization_id
           AND b.lot_number(+) = a.lot_number
           AND mms.status_id(+) = a.status_id
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND a.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
           AND (p_planning_org_id IS NULL
                OR planning_organization_id = p_planning_org_id)
           AND (p_planning_tp_type IS NULL
                OR planning_tp_type = p_planning_tp_type)
           AND (p_owning_org_id IS NULL
                OR owning_organization_id = p_owning_org_id)
           AND (p_owning_tp_type IS NULL
                OR owning_tp_type = p_owning_tp_type)
           AND a.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
               , NULL
               , p_transaction_type_id
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , p_current_organization_id
               , p_inventory_item_id
               , a.current_subinventory_code
               , a.current_locator_id
               , a.lot_number
               , a.serial_number
               , 'A'
               ) = 'Y' -- modified by mxgupta because we want to check all statuses (lot and serial)
         ORDER BY a.serial_number;
Line: 624

        SELECT a.serial_number
             , a.current_subinventory_code
             , NVL(a.current_locator_id, -1)
             , a.lot_number
             , b.expiration_date
             , a.current_status
             , mms.status_code
             , inv_project.get_locsegs(a.current_locator_id, p_current_organization_id)
             , inv_project.get_project_id
             , inv_project.get_project_number
             , inv_project.get_task_id
             , inv_project.get_task_number
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers a, mtl_lot_numbers b, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE a.current_organization_id = p_current_organization_id
           AND NVL(a.lpn_id, -1) = NVL(p_lpn_id, -1)
           AND a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND a.current_subinventory_code = p_current_subinventory_code
           AND (a.group_mark_id IS NULL OR a.group_mark_id = -1)
           AND a.current_status = 3
           AND mms.status_id(+) = a.status_id
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND ((a.revision = p_revision)
                OR (a.revision IS NULL AND p_revision IS NULL))
           AND ((a.current_locator_id = p_current_locator_id)
                OR (a.current_locator_id IS NULL
                    AND (p_current_locator_id IS NULL OR p_current_locator_id = -1))) -- Bug2564817
           AND b.inventory_item_id(+) = a.inventory_item_id
           AND b.organization_id(+) = a.current_organization_id
           AND b.lot_number(+) = a.lot_number
           AND (p_planning_org_id IS NULL
                OR planning_organization_id = p_planning_org_id)
           AND (p_planning_tp_type IS NULL
                OR planning_tp_type = p_planning_tp_type)
           AND (p_owning_org_id IS NULL
                OR owning_organization_id = p_owning_org_id)
           AND (p_owning_tp_type IS NULL
                OR owning_tp_type = p_owning_tp_type)
           AND a.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
               , NULL
               , p_transaction_type_id
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , p_current_organization_id
               , p_inventory_item_id
               , p_current_subinventory_code
               , a.current_locator_id
               , a.lot_number
               , a.serial_number
               , 'S'
               ) = 'Y'
         ORDER BY a.serial_number;
Line: 683

      SELECT cost_group
           , cost_group_id
           , description
        FROM cst_cost_groups
       WHERE NVL(organization_id, p_organization_id) = p_organization_id
         AND cost_group_type = 3
         AND cost_group LIKE (p_cost_group)
         AND cost_group_id IN (SELECT cost_group_id
                                 FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq
                                WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                                  AND NVL(subinventory_code, '@') = NVL(p_subinventory_code, NVL(subinventory_code, '@'))
                                  AND NVL(locator_id, -999) = NVL(TO_NUMBER(p_locator_id), NVL(locator_id, -999))
                                  AND inventory_item_id = NVL(TO_NUMBER(p_inventory_item_id), inventory_item_id));
Line: 713

       SELECT  serial_number
          SELECT serial_number
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
          WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
          AND ((current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                 AND current_status IN (1, 3, 4, 6)
                 OR current_status = 5
          AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
          AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
          AND (NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
                 OR current_status IN (1, 6)
              ) --newly generated
          AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
          AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
          AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
          SELECT serial_number
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
   WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          AND (group_mark_id IS NULL OR group_mark_id = -1)
          AND ((current_organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND current_status =1
   OR current_status = 5
   AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
          AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
          AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
Line: 769

        SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
                    , msn.current_subinventory_code
                    , msn.current_locator_id
                    , msn.lot_number
                    , 0
                    , msn.current_status
                    , mms.status_code
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_physical_inventory_tags mpit, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                  AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                       OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
                  AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                        AND msn.current_status IN (3, 4)
                       OR msn.current_status = 5
                  AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                  AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
                  AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
                  AND msn.serial_number = mpit.serial_num
                  AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                  AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                  AND mpit.physical_inventory_id = p_physical_inventory_id
                  AND mpit.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                  AND mpit.organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND NVL(mpit.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                  AND NVL(mpit.void_flag, 2) = 2
                  AND mpit.adjustment_id IN (SELECT adjustment_id
                                               FROM mtl_physical_adjustments
                                              WHERE physical_inventory_id = p_physical_inventory_id
                                                AND organization_id = p_organization_id
                                                AND approval_status IS NULL)
                  ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 831

       SELECT serial_number
       FROM (SELECT serial_number, current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id,
                 lot_number, 0, current_status, mms.status_code
             FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
             WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND (group_mark_id IS NULL OR group_mark_id = -1)
             AND (( current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                    AND current_status IN (1, 3, 4, 6)
                    OR current_status = 5
             AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
             AND NVL (msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL (p_locator_id,-99999)
             AND (NVL (msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL (p_lot_number, '###')
                  OR current_status IN (1, 6)
                 )     --newly generated
             AND serial_number LIKE (p_to_serial_number)
             AND serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.LANGUAGE(+) = USERENV ('LANG')
             AND serial_number > p_from_serial_number
             -- Bug# 2770853. Honor the serial material status for physical inventory adjustments.
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
                                                         ) = 'Y'
             SELECT serial_number, current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id,
                 lot_number, 0, current_status, mms.status_code
             FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
             WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND (group_mark_id IS NULL OR group_mark_id = -1)
             AND (   (    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                      AND current_status = 1
                  OR current_status = 5
             AND serial_number LIKE (p_to_serial_number)
             AND serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.LANGUAGE(+) = USERENV ('LANG')
             AND serial_number > p_from_serial_number
             -- Bug# 2770853. Honor the serial material status for physical inventory adjustments.
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
                                                         ) = 'Y'
          ) ORDER BY serial_number;
Line: 907

        SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
                    , msn.current_subinventory_code
                    , msn.current_locator_id
                    , msn.lot_number
                    , 0
                    , msn.current_status
                    , mms.status_code
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_physical_inventory_tags mpit, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                  AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                       OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
                  AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                        AND msn.current_status IN (3, 4)
                       OR msn.current_status = 5
                  AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                  AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
                  AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_to_serial_number)
                  AND msn.serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
                  AND msn.serial_number = mpit.serial_num
                  AND mpit.physical_inventory_id = p_physical_inventory_id
                  AND mpit.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                  AND mpit.organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                  AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                  AND msn.serial_number > p_from_serial_number
                  AND NVL(mpit.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                  AND NVL(mpit.void_flag, 2) = 2
                  AND mpit.adjustment_id IN (SELECT adjustment_id
          FROM mtl_physical_adjustments
          WHERE physical_inventory_id = p_physical_inventory_id
          AND organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND approval_status IS NULL)
           -- Bug# 2770853
           -- Honor the serial material status for physical inventory adjustments
    AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
           'S') = 'Y'
             ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 973

        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.inventory_item_id
               , msik.concatenated_segments
               , msn.revision
               , msn.lot_number
               , msn.lpn_id
               , wlpn.license_plate_number
               , msn.current_status
               , msik.primary_uom_code
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_system_items_kfv msik, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
           WHERE (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
             AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND msn.current_status IN (1, 3, 4, 6)
                  OR msn.current_status = 5
             AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
             AND msn.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
             AND msn.current_organization_id = msik.organization_id
             AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = msn.lpn_id
      -- Bug# 2770853
      -- Honor the serial material status for physical inventory adjustments
      AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
             'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1014

        SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
                    , msn.current_subinventory_code
                    , msn.current_locator_id
                    , msn.inventory_item_id
                    , msik.concatenated_segments
                    , msn.revision
                    , msn.lot_number
                    , msn.lpn_id
                    , wlpn.license_plate_number
                    , msn.current_status
                    , msik.primary_uom_code
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_physical_inventory_tags mpit, mtl_system_items_kfv msik, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
                WHERE (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                       OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
                  AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                  AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
                  AND msn.serial_number = mpit.serial_num
                  AND msn.inventory_item_id = mpit.inventory_item_id
                  AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(mpit.parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                  AND mpit.physical_inventory_id = p_physical_inventory_id
                  AND mpit.organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND mpit.subinventory = p_subinventory_code
                  AND NVL(mpit.locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  AND NVL(mpit.void_flag, 2) = 2
                  AND mpit.tag_quantity IS NULL
                  AND mpit.adjustment_id IN (SELECT adjustment_id
          FROM mtl_physical_adjustments
          WHERE physical_inventory_id = p_physical_inventory_id
          AND organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND approval_status IS NULL)
                  AND msn.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
                  AND msn.current_organization_id = msik.organization_id
                  AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = msn.lpn_id
           -- Bug# 2770853
           -- Honor the serial material status for physical inventory adjustments
    AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
           'S') = 'Y'
             ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1086

    SELECT NVL(serial_discrepancy_option, 2),
      NVL(container_discrepancy_option, 2),
      NVL(orientation_code, 1)
      INTO l_serial_discrepancy_option, l_container_discrepancy_option,
      FROM mtl_cycle_count_headers
     WHERE cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id;
Line: 1097

        SELECT   serial_number
        , current_subinventory_code
        , current_locator_id
        , lot_number
        , 0
        , current_status
        , mms.status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
        WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
             AND ((current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND current_status IN (1, 3, 4, 6)
                  OR current_status = 5
             AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                   AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
                  OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                      AND l_container_discrepancy_option = 1
             -- Bug# 2591158
             -- Only allow serials that are within the scope of the header
      -- for unscheduled cycle count entries
      -- Bug# 2778771
      -- Do this check only if the serial status is 3, resides in stores
             AND (l_orientation_code = 1 OR
                  (msn.current_status = 3
     AND msn.current_subinventory_code IN
                   (SELECT subinventory
                    FROM mtl_cc_subinventories
                    WHERE cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id))
    OR msn.current_status <> 3
             AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND (NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
                  OR current_status IN (1, 6)
                 ) --newly generated
             -- Do not include  the serial numbers which are pending approval
             -- for the same cycle count header
             AND msn.serial_number NOT IN
                    (SELECT mcce.serial_number
                     FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce
                     WHERE mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
                     AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                     AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
                     AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                     AND mcce.entry_status_code = 2
                     AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2)
             AND msn.serial_number NOT IN
                    (SELECT mcsn.serial_number
                     FROM mtl_cc_serial_numbers mcsn, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce
                     WHERE mcsn.cycle_count_entry_id = mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
                     AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
                     AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                     AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
                     AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                     AND mcce.entry_status_code = 2
                     AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2)
      -- Bug# 2770853
      -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
      AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
             'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY 1 ASC;
Line: 1182

          SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
                      , msn.current_subinventory_code
                      , msn.current_locator_id
                      , msn.lot_number
                      , 0
                      , msn.current_status
                      , mms.status_code
                   FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                  WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                    AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                          AND msn.current_status IN (3, 4)
                         OR msn.current_status = 5
                    AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                          AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                         OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
                         OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                             AND l_container_discrepancy_option = 1
                    AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
                    AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
                    AND msn.serial_number = mcce.serial_number
                    AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                    AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                    AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
                    AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                    AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
                    AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                    AND mcce.entry_status_code IN (1, 3)
                    AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2
      -- Bug# 2770853
      -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
      AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
             'S') = 'Y'
               ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1233

          SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
                      , msn.current_subinventory_code
                      , msn.current_locator_id
                      , msn.lot_number
                      , 0
                      , msn.current_status
                      , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_cc_serial_numbers mcsn,
          mtl_material_statuses_tl mms, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce
          WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
               OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
            AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND msn.current_status IN (3, 4)
                 OR msn.current_status = 5
            AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                  AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                 OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
                 OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                     AND l_container_discrepancy_option = 1
            AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
            AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
            AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
            AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
            AND msn.serial_number = mcsn.serial_number
            AND mcsn.cycle_count_entry_id = mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
            AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
            AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
            AND mcce.entry_status_code IN (1, 3)
            AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2
     -- Bug# 2770853
     -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
     AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
            'S') = 'Y'
         ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1315

    SELECT NVL(serial_discrepancy_option, 2),
      NVL(container_discrepancy_option, 2),
      NVL(orientation_code, 1)
      INTO l_serial_discrepancy_option, l_container_discrepancy_option,
      FROM mtl_cycle_count_headers
      WHERE cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id;
Line: 1330

        SELECT   serial_number
        , current_subinventory_code
        , current_locator_id
        , lot_number
        , 0
        , current_status
        , mms.status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
        WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
             AND ((current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND current_status IN (1, 3, 4, 6)
                  OR current_status = 5
             AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                   AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
                  OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                      AND l_container_discrepancy_option = 1
             -- Bug# 2591158
             -- Only allow serials that are within the scope of the header
             -- for unscheduled cycle count entries
      -- Bug# 2778771
      -- Do this check only if the serial status is 3, resides in stores
             AND (l_orientation_code = 1 OR
                  (msn.current_status = 3
     AND msn.current_subinventory_code IN
                   (SELECT subinventory
                    FROM mtl_cc_subinventories
                    WHERE cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id))
    OR msn.current_status <> 3
             AND (NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
                  OR current_status IN (1, 6)
                 ) --newly generated
             AND serial_number LIKE (p_to_serial_number)
             AND serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND serial_number > p_from_serial_number
             -- Do not include  the serial numbers which are pending approval
             -- for the same cycle count header
             AND msn.serial_number NOT IN
                    (SELECT mcce.serial_number
                     FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce
                     WHERE mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
                     AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                     AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
                     AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                     AND mcce.entry_status_code = 2
                     AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2)
             AND msn.serial_number NOT IN
                    (SELECT mcsn.serial_number
                     FROM mtl_cc_serial_numbers mcsn, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce
                     WHERE mcsn.cycle_count_entry_id = mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
                     AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
                     AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                     AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
                     AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
                     AND mcce.entry_status_code = 2
                     AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2)
      -- Bug# 2770853
      -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
      AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
             'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY 1 ASC;
Line: 1417

          SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
          , msn.current_subinventory_code
          , msn.current_locator_id
          , msn.lot_number
          , 0
          , msn.current_status
          , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
          WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND msn.current_status IN (3, 4)
               OR msn.current_status = 5
          AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
               OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
               OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                   AND l_container_discrepancy_option = 1
          AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
          AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_to_serial_number)
          AND msn.serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
          AND msn.serial_number = mcce.serial_number
          AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
          AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
          AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
          AND msn.serial_number > p_from_serial_number
          AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
          AND mcce.entry_status_code IN (1, 3)
          AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2
   -- Bug# 2770853
          -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
          AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
          'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1470

          SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
          , msn.current_subinventory_code
          , msn.current_locator_id
          , msn.lot_number
          , 0
          , msn.current_status
          , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,
          mtl_material_statuses_tl mms, mtl_cc_serial_numbers mcsn
          WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                         OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
            AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND msn.current_status IN (3, 4)
                 OR msn.current_status = 5
            AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                  AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                 OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
                 OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                     AND l_container_discrepancy_option = 1
            AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '###') = NVL(p_lot_number, '###')
            AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_to_serial_number)
            AND msn.serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
            AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
            AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
            AND msn.serial_number > p_from_serial_number
            AND msn.serial_number = mcsn.serial_number
            AND mcsn.cycle_count_entry_id = mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
            AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
            AND mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(p_parent_lpn_id, -99999)
            AND mcce.entry_status_code IN (1, 3)
            AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2
     -- Bug# 2770853
     -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
     AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
            'S') = 'Y'
         ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1542

    SELECT NVL(serial_discrepancy_option, 2), NVL(orientation_code, 1)
      INTO l_serial_discrepancy_option, l_orientation_code
      FROM mtl_cycle_count_headers
     WHERE cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id;
Line: 1550

        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.inventory_item_id
               , msik.concatenated_segments
               , msn.revision
               , msn.lot_number
               , msn.lpn_id
               , wlpn.license_plate_number
               , msn.current_status
               , msik.primary_uom_code
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_system_items_kfv msik, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
           WHERE (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
             AND ((msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND msn.current_status IN (1, 3, 4, 6)
                  OR msn.current_status = 5
             AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                   AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
                  OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
             -- Bug# 2591158
             -- Only allow serials that are within the scope of the header
             -- for unscheduled cycle count entries
      -- Bug# 2778771
      -- Do this check only if the serial status is 3, resides in stores
             AND (l_orientation_code = 1 OR
                  (msn.current_status = 3
     AND msn.current_subinventory_code IN
                   (SELECT subinventory
                    FROM mtl_cc_subinventories
                    WHERE cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id))
    OR msn.current_status <> 3
             AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
             AND msn.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
             AND msn.current_organization_id = msik.organization_id
             AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = msn.lpn_id
             -- Do not include  the serial numbers which are pending approval
             -- for the same cycle count header
             AND msn.serial_number NOT IN (SELECT mcce.serial_number
                                           FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce
                                           WHERE mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
                                           AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
                                           AND mcce.inventory_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id
                                           AND mcce.entry_status_code = 2
                                           AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2)
      -- Bug# 2770853
      -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
      AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
             'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1620

        SELECT UNIQUE msn.serial_number
        , msn.current_subinventory_code
        , msn.current_locator_id
        , msn.inventory_item_id
        , msik.concatenated_segments
        , msn.revision
        , msn.lot_number
        , msn.lpn_id
        , wlpn.license_plate_number
        , msn.current_status
        , msik.primary_uom_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,
        mtl_system_items_kfv msik, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
        WHERE (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
               OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
          AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND ((msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
                AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, -99999) = NVL(p_locator_id, -99999)
               OR l_serial_discrepancy_option = 1
          AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
          AND msn.serial_number = mcce.serial_number
          AND msn.inventory_item_id = mcce.inventory_item_id
          AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, -99999) = NVL(mcce.parent_lpn_id, -99999)
          AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = p_cycle_count_header_id
          AND mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND mcce.entry_status_code IN (1, 3)
          AND NVL(mcce.export_flag, 2) = 2
          AND msn.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
          AND msn.current_organization_id = msik.organization_id
          AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = msn.lpn_id
   -- Bug# 2770853
          -- Honor the serial material status for cycle count adjustments
          AND INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_GRP.is_status_applicable(NULL,
          'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1677

      SELECT serial_number
           , current_subinventory_code
           , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , mms.status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         --AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5)
         AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5, 7)
         AND (p_from_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number >= p_from_lot_number
         AND (p_to_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number <= p_to_lot_number
         AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
         AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
         AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number);
Line: 1714

      SELECT serial_number
           , current_subinventory_code
           , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         --AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5)
         AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5, 7)
         AND (p_from_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number >= p_from_lot_number
         AND (p_to_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number <= p_to_lot_number
         AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
         AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
         AND serial_number >= p_from_serial_number
         AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number);
Line: 1741

      SELECT   serial_number
             , 0
             , 0
             , 0
             , 0
             , ''
             , ''
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
         WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id
           AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND NVL(lot_number, 'NOLOT') = NVL(p_lot, 'NOLOT')
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND group_mark_id IS NULL
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 1782

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
           AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           --AND msn.current_status = 5      /* Intransit */
           AND msn.current_status IN (5, 7)  /* Intransit, Resides in Receiving */
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND msn.inspection_status = 1  /* yet to be inspected */
           AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND Nvl(msn.lot_number,'@@@') = Nvl(p_lot_number,Nvl(msn.lot_number,'@@@'))
           AND Nvl(msn.group_mark_id,-1) <> 2
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 1833

    SELECT serial_number_control_code
      INTO l_serial_number_control_code
      FROM mtl_system_items_b
     WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 1841

        SELECT   serial_number
               , current_subinventory_code
               , current_locator_id
               , lot_number
               , 0
               , current_status
               , ' '
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers
           WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
             AND current_status = 1
             AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
        ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 1859

  select serial_number,current_subinventory_code,current_locator_id,lot_number,0,0,''
  from mtl_serial_numbers msn
  where inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
  and current_organization_id = p_organization_id
  and (group_mark_id is null or group_mark_id = -1 )
  and nvl(current_subinventory_code,'@@@') = nvl(p_subinventory_code,'@@@')
  and nvl(current_locator_id,0) = nvl(p_locator_id,0)
  and current_status = 3
  and (lpn_id is NULL OR lpn_id = 0)
  and wip_entity_id is NULL
  and msn.serial_number like (p_serial_number || '%')
  order by lpad(msn.serial_number,20);
Line: 1877

      SELECT   msn.serial_number
             , msn.current_subinventory_code
             , msn.current_locator_id
             , msn.lot_number
             , 0
             , msn.current_status
             , ''
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
           AND NVL(line_mark_id, -999) <> 1
           AND NVL(lot_number, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@@@'), NVL(lot_number, '@@@'))
           AND NVL(revision, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@@@'), NVL(revision, '@@@'))
           AND msn.serial_number LIKE p_serial
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE', NULL, inv_globals.g_type_container_unpack, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, msn.inventory_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, msn.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
           AND NOT EXISTS (select 1
                           from   mtl_reservations mr
                           where  mr.reservation_id = msn.reservation_id
                           and    mr.lpn_id = p_lpn_id)
      ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1904

        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.lot_number
               , 0
               , msn.current_status
               , ''
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
           WHERE msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
             AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
             AND NVL(line_mark_id, -9) <> 1
             AND NVL(lot_number, '@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@'), NVL(lot_number, '@'))
             AND NVL(revision, '@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@'), NVL(revision, '@'))
             AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             AND (inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE', NULL, inv_globals.g_type_container_split, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, msn.inventory_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, msn.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y')
             AND NOT EXISTS (select 1
                             from   mtl_reservations mr
                             where  mr.reservation_id = msn.reservation_id
                             and    mr.lpn_id = p_lpn_id)
        ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1927

      SELECT   msn.serial_number
             , msn.current_subinventory_code
             , msn.current_locator_id
             , msn.lot_number
             , 0
             , msn.current_status
             , ''
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
           AND NVL(line_mark_id, -9) <> 1
           AND NVL(lot_number, '@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@'), NVL(lot_number, '@'))
           AND NVL(revision, '@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@'), NVL(revision, '@'))
           AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND (inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE', NULL, inv_globals.g_type_container_split, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, msn.inventory_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, msn.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y')
      ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 1960

      SELECT   msn.serial_number
             , msn.current_subinventory_code
             , msn.current_locator_id
             , msn.lot_number
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
         WHERE msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND NVL(lot_number, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@@@'), NVL(lot_number, '@@@'))
           AND NVL(revision, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@@@'), NVL(revision, '@@@'))
           AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND current_status = 3
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, NULL, p_txn_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, p_serial, 'S') = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 2007

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 'NULL'
             , current_status
             , 'NULL'
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
         WHERE inventory_item_id = NVL(p_inventory_item_id, inventory_item_id)
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND ((NVL(current_subinventory_code, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_subinventory_code, '@@@'), NVL(current_subinventory_code, '@@@'))
                 AND NVL(current_locator_id, -1) = NVL(NVL(TO_NUMBER(p_locator_id), -1), NVL(current_locator_id, -1))
                 AND NVL(lot_number, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@@@'), NVL(lot_number, '@@@'))
                 AND NVL(revision, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@@@'), NVL(revision, '@@@'))
                 AND current_status = 3
                OR current_status = 1
                OR current_status = 6
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2044

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 'NULL'
             , current_status
             , 'NULL'
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND NVL(line_mark_id, -999) <> 1
           AND current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
           AND NVL(current_locator_id, -1) = NVL(NVL(TO_NUMBER(p_locator_id), -1), NVL(current_locator_id, -1))
           AND NVL(lot_number, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@@@'), NVL(lot_number, '@@@'))
           AND NVL(revision, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@@@'), NVL(revision, '@@@'))
           AND current_status = 3
           AND lpn_id IS NULL
           AND serial_number LIKE p_serial_number
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
                'TRUE', NULL,
                NULL, NULL,
                p_organization_id, inventory_item_id,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2113

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 'NULL'
             , current_status
             , 'NULL'
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
         WHERE inventory_item_id = NVL(p_inventory_item_id, inventory_item_id)
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND ((NVL(current_subinventory_code, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_subinventory_code, '@@@'), NVL(current_subinventory_code, '@@@'))
                 AND NVL(current_locator_id, -1) = NVL(NVL(TO_NUMBER(p_locator_id), -1), NVL(current_locator_id, -1))
                 AND NVL(lot_number, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_lot_number, '@@@'), NVL(lot_number, '@@@'))
                 AND NVL(revision, '@@@') = NVL(NVL(p_revision, '@@@'), NVL(revision, '@@@'))
                 AND current_status = 3
           AND serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
           AND lpn_id IS NULL
           AND serial_number >= NVL(p_from_serial_number, serial_number)
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
           AND (inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE', NULL, inv_globals.g_type_container_pack, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, inventory_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y')
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2155

  PROCEDURE get_cgupdate_serial_lov(
    x_serial            OUT    NOCOPY t_genref
  , p_organization_id   IN     NUMBER
  , p_inventory_item_id IN     NUMBER
  , p_lpn_id            IN     NUMBER
  , p_serial_number     IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_subinventory_code IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_locator_id        IN     NUMBER
  , p_revision          IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_cost_group_id     IN     NUMBER
  ) IS
    IF p_lpn_id IS NULL THEN
      OPEN x_serial FOR
        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.lot_number
               , ''
               , msn.current_status
               , mms.status_code
               , mil.concatenated_segments
               , msn.revision
               , msn.cost_group_id
               , ccg.cost_group
            FROM mtl_item_locations_kfv mil, mtl_serial_numbers msn, cst_cost_groups ccg, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           WHERE (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
             AND mms.status_id(+) = msn.status_id
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND ccg.cost_group_id = msn.cost_group_id
             AND msn.current_locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
             AND mil.organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE', NULL, 86, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id, msn.current_subinventory_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number, 'A') = 'Y'
             AND msn.current_status = 3
             AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR (msn.group_mark_id <> 1)
             AND (p_revision IS NULL
                  OR (msn.revision = p_revision)
             AND msn.cost_group_id = NVL(p_cost_group_id, msn.cost_group_id)
             AND msn.current_locator_id = NVL(p_locator_id, msn.current_locator_id)
             AND msn.current_subinventory_code = NVL(p_subinventory_code, msn.current_subinventory_code)
             AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
             AND msn.lpn_id IS NULL
             AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
        ORDER BY serial_number;
Line: 2207

        SELECT   msn.serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.lot_number
               , ''
               , msn.current_status
               , mms.status_code
               , mil.concatenated_segments
               , msn.revision
               , msn.cost_group_id
               , ccg.cost_group
            FROM mtl_item_locations_kfv mil, mtl_serial_numbers msn, cst_cost_groups ccg, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           WHERE (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
             AND mms.status_id(+) = msn.status_id
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND ccg.cost_group_id = msn.cost_group_id
             AND msn.current_locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
             AND mil.organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE', NULL, 86, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id, msn.current_subinventory_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number, 'A') = 'Y'
             AND msn.current_status = 3
             AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR (msn.group_mark_id <> 1)
             AND (p_revision IS NULL
                  OR (msn.revision = p_revision)
             AND msn.cost_group_id = NVL(p_cost_group_id, msn.cost_group_id)
             AND msn.current_locator_id = NVL(p_locator_id, msn.current_locator_id)
             AND msn.current_subinventory_code = NVL(p_subinventory_code, msn.current_subinventory_code)
             AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
             AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
             AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
        ORDER BY serial_number;
Line: 2244

  END get_cgupdate_serial_lov;
Line: 2254

        SELECT MIN(expiration_date)
          INTO x_expiration_date
          FROM mtl_lot_numbers
         WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 2263

            SELECT (SYSDATE + NVL(p_shelf_life_days, 0))
              INTO x_expiration_date
              FROM DUAL;
Line: 2273

            SELECT (SYSDATE + NVL(p_shelf_life_days, 0))
              INTO x_expiration_date
              FROM DUAL;
Line: 2317

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND current_status = 3
           AND current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
           AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, 0) = NVL(p_lpn_id, 0)
           AND NVL(current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND NVL(msn.lot_number, 0) = NVL(p_lot_number, 0) --retrict to lot numbers
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(l_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2383

        SELECT   msnt.fm_serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.lot_number
               , 0
               , msn.current_status
               , mms.status_code
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
             AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND msn.current_status = 3
             AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
             AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, 0) = NVL(p_lpn_id, 0)
             AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, msn.current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(l_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msnt.fm_serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
             AND msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number
             AND msnt.fm_serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
        ORDER BY LPAD(msnt.fm_serial_number, 20);
Line: 2407

        SELECT   msnt.fm_serial_number
               , msn.current_subinventory_code
               , msn.current_locator_id
               , msn.lot_number
               , 0
               , msn.current_status
               , mms.status_code
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
             AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND msn.current_status = 3
             AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
             AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, 0) = NVL(p_lpn_id, 0)
             AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, msn.current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(l_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msnt.fm_serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
             AND msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number
             AND msnt.fm_serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
             AND mtlt.lot_number = p_lot_number
             AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
        ORDER BY LPAD(msnt.fm_serial_number, 20);
Line: 2449

        SELECT   serial_number
               , current_subinventory_code
               , current_locator_id
               , lot_number
               , 0
               , current_status
               , mms.status_code
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
             AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                  OR group_mark_id = -1
             AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND current_status = 3
             AND current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
             AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, 0) = NVL(p_lpn_id, 0)
             AND NVL(current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
             AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
             AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
             AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             AND (p_revision IS NULL
                  OR (msn.revision = p_revision)
             AND NVL(msn.lot_number, 0) = NVL(p_lot_number, 0) --retrict to lot numbers
             AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(l_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
        ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2504

          SELECT   mag.serial_number
                 , msn.current_subinventory_code
                 , msn.current_locator_id
                 , msn.lot_number
                 , 0
                 , msn.current_status
                 , mms.status_code
              FROM wms_allocations_gtmp mag, mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
             WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
               AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND msn.current_status = 3
               AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
               --AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, 0) = NVL(p_lpn_id, 0)
               AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, msn.current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
               AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
               AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
               AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(l_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, mag.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
               AND msn.serial_number = mag.serial_number
               AND mag.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
               AND (p_revision IS NULL
                    OR (msn.revision = p_revision)
          ORDER BY LPAD(mag.serial_number, 20);
Line: 2530

          SELECT   mag.serial_number
                 , msn.current_subinventory_code
                 , msn.current_locator_id
                 , msn.lot_number
                 , 0
                 , msn.current_status
                 , mms.status_code
              FROM wms_allocations_gtmp mag,  mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
             WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
               AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND msn.current_status = 3
               AND msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinv_code
               --AND NVL(msn.lpn_id, 0) = NVL(p_lpn_id, 0)
               AND NVL(msn.current_locator_id, 0) = NVL(DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, msn.current_locator_id, p_locator_id), 0)
               AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
               AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
               AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(l_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, p_subinv_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, mag.serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
               AND msn.serial_number = mag.serial_number
               AND mag.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
               AND mag.lot_number = p_lot_number
               AND (p_revision IS NULL
                   OR (msn.revision = p_revision)
          ORDER BY LPAD(mag.serial_number, 20);
Line: 2560

      SELECT DISTINCT serial_number
                    , 'NULL'
                    , 0
                    , 'NULL'
                    , --lot_number,
                    , 0
                    , --current_status,
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2585

      SELECT DISTINCT serial_number
                    , 'NULL'
                    , 0
                    , 'NULL'
                    , --lot_number,
                    , 0
                    , --current_status,
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                  AND LENGTH(serial_number) = LENGTH(p_from_serial_number)
                  AND serial_number LIKE (l_prefix || '%')
                  AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2614

      UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
         SET group_mark_id = NULL
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_org_id
         AND group_mark_id IS NOT NULL
         AND lpn_id = p_lpn_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
         AND ((revision = p_revision
               AND p_revision IS NOT NULL
              OR (revision IS NULL
                  AND p_revision IS NULL
Line: 2631

      SELECT DISTINCT serial_number
                    , 'NULL'
                    , 0
                    , NVL(lot_number, '')
                    , --lot_number,
                    , 0
                    , --current_status,
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                WHERE current_organization_id = p_org_id
                  AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                       OR group_mark_id = -1
                  AND lpn_id = p_lpn_id
                  AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                  AND ((revision = p_revision
                        AND p_revision IS NOT NULL
                       OR (revision IS NULL
                           AND p_revision IS NULL
                  AND last_txn_source_name IN ('RETURN TO VENDOR', 'RETURN TO CUSTOMER', 'RETURN TO RECEIVING')
                  AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
             ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2665

        SELECT   fm_serial_number || '-' || to_serial_number
               , 0
               , 0
               , 0
               , 0
               , ''
               , ''
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
           WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
        ORDER BY LPAD(fm_serial_number, 20);
Line: 2677

        SELECT   msnt.fm_serial_number || '-' || msnt.to_serial_number
               , 0
               , 0
               , 0
               , 0
               , ''
               , ''
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
           WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
             AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
        ORDER BY LPAD(fm_serial_number, 20);
Line: 2698

      SELECT DISTINCT msn.serial_number
                    , msn.current_subinventory_code
                    , msn.current_locator_id
                    , --I Development Bug 2634570
                     inv_project.get_locsegs(msn.current_locator_id, p_current_organization_id)
                    , msn.inventory_item_id
                    , msiv.concatenated_segments
                    , msiv.description
                    , msn.revision
                    , msn.lot_number
                    , NVL(msiv.restrict_subinventories_code, 2)
                    , NVL(msiv.restrict_locators_code, 2)
                    , msiv.serial_number_control_code
                    , msi.asset_inventory
                    , msiv.location_control_code
                    , msiv.primary_uom_code
                    , --I Development Bug 2634570
                    , inv_project.get_project_number
                    , inv_project.get_task_id
                    , inv_project.get_task_number
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
                    , mtl_system_items_vl msiv
                    , mtl_item_locations_kfv milv
                    , mtl_secondary_inventories msi
                WHERE msn.current_organization_id = p_current_organization_id
                  AND msn.lpn_id IS NULL
                  AND (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL
                       OR msn.group_mark_id = -1
                       OR (       msn.group_mark_id IS NOT NULL
                              -- Performance Bug : 5367744
                              AND NOT EXISTS (
                                   SELECT 1
                                   FROM mtl_reservations mr
                                   WHERE mr.reservation_id = msn.reservation_id
                                   AND NVL(mr.staged_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
                              AND NOT EXISTS (
                                   SELECT 1
                                   FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                   WHERE msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.fm_serial_number
                                   AND   msnt.to_serial_number)

                  AND msn.current_status = 3
                  AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number || '%')
                  AND milv.organization_id(+) = p_current_organization_id
                  AND milv.inventory_location_id(+) = msn.current_locator_id
                  AND msiv.organization_id = p_current_organization_id
                  AND msiv.inventory_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id
                  AND msi.organization_id = p_current_organization_id
                  AND msi.secondary_inventory_name = msn.current_subinventory_code;
Line: 2773

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
             , ''
             , msn.revision
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
                OR group_mark_id IN (SELECT transaction_temp_id
                                       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                                      WHERE move_order_line_id = p_move_order_line_id
                                     SELECT mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                                       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                                      WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
                                        AND mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL)
           AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND current_status = 3
           AND msn.lpn_id IS NULL
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, msn.current_subinventory_code, msn.current_locator_id, msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number, 'A') = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2832

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , ''
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND (current_status = 1 or current_status = 6
                OR (current_status = 4
                    AND last_txn_source_type_id = 5 -- returned to WIP
                    AND (NVL(lot_number, '%') LIKE l_lot_number)))
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL OR group_mark_id = -1)
           AND (inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, current_organization_id, inventory_item_id, current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id, lot_number, serial_number, 'S')) = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2885

      SELECT DISTINCT serial_number
                    , current_subinventory_code
                    , current_locator_id
                    , lot_number
                    , ''
                    , current_status
                    , mms.status_code
                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                  AND current_status = 3
                  AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                  AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                  -- bug 2360642: don't select serials that are packed into lpns
                  AND msn.lpn_id IS NULL
                  AND NVL(current_subinventory_code, '$@#$%') = NVL(p_subinv, NVL(current_subinventory_code, '$@#$%'))
                  AND NVL(current_locator_id, -1) = DECODE(p_locator_id, -1, NVL(current_locator_id, -1), p_locator_id)
                  AND NVL(lot_number, '$@#$%') = NVL(p_lot, NVL(lot_number, '$@#$%'))
                  AND NVL(revision, '$@#$%') = NVL(p_revision, NVL(revision, '$@#$%'))
                  AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
                  AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                       OR group_mark_id = -1
                  AND (inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, current_organization_id, inventory_item_id, current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id, lot_number, serial_number, 'S')) =
             ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 2951

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , ''
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND (current_status = 1 or current_status = 6
                OR (current_status = 4
                    AND last_txn_source_type_id = 5 -- returned to WIP
                    AND (((p_wip_entity_id <> -1)
                          AND (p_wip_entity_id = last_txn_source_id)
                          AND (NVL(lot_number, '%') LIKE l_lot_number)
                         OR ((p_wip_entity_id = -1)
                             AND (NVL(lot_number, '%') LIKE l_lot_number)
                             AND (4 = (SELECT entity_type
                                         FROM wip_entities
                                        WHERE wip_entity_id = last_txn_source_id)
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND (inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, NULL, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, current_organization_id, inventory_item_id, current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id, lot_number, serial_number, 'S')) = 'Y'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 3015

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND current_status = 4
           AND last_txn_source_type_id = 5 -- issued to WIP
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND NVL(lot_number, '$@#$%') = NVL(p_lot, NVL(lot_number, '$@#$%'))
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
           AND (((p_wip_entity_id <> -1)
                 AND (p_wip_entity_id = last_txn_source_id)
                OR ((p_wip_entity_id = -1)
                    AND (4 = (SELECT entity_type
                                FROM wip_entities
                               WHERE wip_entity_id = last_txn_source_id)
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 3060

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND current_status = 4
           AND last_txn_source_type_id = 5 -- issued to WIP
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND NVL(lot_number, '$@#$%') = NVL(p_lot, NVL(lot_number, '$@#$%'))
           AND nvl(msn.revision, '$@#$%') = nvl(p_revision, '$@#$%')
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL,
 p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
           AND (((p_wip_entity_id <> -1)
                 AND (p_wip_entity_id = last_txn_source_id)
                OR ((p_wip_entity_id = -1)
                    AND (4 = (SELECT entity_type
                                FROM wip_entities
                               WHERE wip_entity_id = last_txn_source_id)
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 3113

          select primary_item_id
          into l_wip_assembly_id
          From wip_discrete_jobs
          where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
          And organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3124

           select serial_number
                , current_subinventory_code
                , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , mms.status_code
           from mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
           where inventory_item_id = l_wip_assembly_id
           and msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND CURRENT_organization_id = p_organization_id
           and (
                ((current_status = 1 or current_status = 6 )
                   AND p_transaction_action_id =1
                   AND (wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id OR wip_entity_id is null)
                 or ((current_status = 3 OR current_status = 4)
                      AND last_txn_source_type_id =5
                      AND last_txn_source_id = p_wip_entity_id
                      AND p_transaction_type_id = 35
                )--changed for bug 2767928
            and inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
                          p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id,NULL,NULL,
                          p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                serial_number,'S') = 'Y'
                 and serial_number like (p_serial)
           order by lpad(serial_number,20);
Line: 3234

    SELECT vendor_id
         , grade_code
         , TO_CHAR(origination_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , date_code
         , status_id
         , TO_CHAR(change_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , age
         , TO_CHAR(retest_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(maturity_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , lot_attribute_category
         , item_size
         , color
         , volume
         , volume_uom
         , place_of_origin
         , TO_CHAR(best_by_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , LENGTH
         , length_uom
         , recycled_content
         , thickness
         , thickness_uom
         , width
         , width_uom
         , curl_wrinkle_fold
         , c_attribute1
         , c_attribute2
         , c_attribute3
         , c_attribute4
         , c_attribute5
         , c_attribute6
         , c_attribute7
         , c_attribute8
         , c_attribute9
         , c_attribute10
         , c_attribute11
         , c_attribute12
         , c_attribute13
         , c_attribute14
         , c_attribute15
         , c_attribute16
         , c_attribute17
         , c_attribute18
         , c_attribute19
         , c_attribute20
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute1, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute2, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute3, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute4, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute5, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute6, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute7, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute8, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute9, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute10, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , n_attribute1
         , n_attribute2
         , n_attribute3
         , n_attribute4
         , n_attribute5
         , n_attribute6
         , n_attribute7
         , n_attribute8
         , n_attribute9
         , n_attribute10
         , supplier_lot_number
         , territory_code
         , vendor_name
         , description
      INTO x_vendor_id
         , x_grade_code
         , x_origination_date
         , x_date_code
         , x_status_id
         , x_change_date
         , x_age
         , x_retest_date
         , x_maturity_date
         , x_lot_attribute_category
         , x_item_size
         , x_color
         , x_volume
         , x_volume_uom
         , x_place_of_origin
         , x_best_by_date
         , x_length
         , x_length_uom
         , x_recycled_content
         , x_thickness
         , x_thickness_uom
         , x_width
         , x_width_uom
         , x_curl_wrinkle_fold
         , x_c_attribute1
         , x_c_attribute2
         , x_c_attribute3
         , x_c_attribute4
         , x_c_attribute5
         , x_c_attribute6
         , x_c_attribute7
         , x_c_attribute8
         , x_c_attribute9
         , x_c_attribute10
         , x_c_attribute11
         , x_c_attribute12
         , x_c_attribute13
         , x_c_attribute14
         , x_c_attribute15
         , x_c_attribute16
         , x_c_attribute17
         , x_c_attribute18
         , x_c_attribute19
         , x_c_attribute20
         , x_d_attribute1
         , x_d_attribute2
         , x_d_attribute3
         , x_d_attribute4
         , x_d_attribute5
         , x_d_attribute6
         , x_d_attribute7
         , x_d_attribute8
         , x_d_attribute9
         , x_d_attribute10
         , x_n_attribute1
         , x_n_attribute2
         , x_n_attribute3
         , x_n_attribute4
         , x_n_attribute5
         , x_n_attribute6
         , x_n_attribute7
         , x_n_attribute8
         , x_n_attribute9
         , x_n_attribute10
         , x_supplier_lot_number
         , x_territory_code
         , x_vendor_name
         , x_description
      FROM mtl_lot_numbers
     WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
       AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 3446

    SELECT attribute_category
         , attribute1
         , attribute2
         , attribute3
         , attribute4
         , attribute5
         , attribute6
         , attribute7
         , attribute8
         , attribute9
         , attribute10
         , attribute11
         , attribute12
         , attribute13
         , attribute14
         , attribute15
         , group_mark_id
         , serial_attribute_category
         , c_attribute1
         , c_attribute2
         , c_attribute3
         , c_attribute4
         , c_attribute5
         , c_attribute6
         , c_attribute7
         , c_attribute8
         , c_attribute9
         , c_attribute10
         , c_attribute11
         , c_attribute12
         , c_attribute13
         , c_attribute14
         , c_attribute15
         , c_attribute16
         , c_attribute17
         , c_attribute18
         , c_attribute19
         , c_attribute20
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute1, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute2, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute3, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute4, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute5, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute6, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute7, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute8, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute9, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , TO_CHAR(d_attribute10, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
         , n_attribute1
         , n_attribute2
         , n_attribute3
         , n_attribute4
         , n_attribute5
         , n_attribute6
         , n_attribute7
         , n_attribute8
         , n_attribute9
         , n_attribute10
      INTO x_attribute_category
         , x_attribute1
         , x_attribute2
         , x_attribute3
         , x_attribute4
         , x_attribute5
         , x_attribute6
         , x_attribute7
         , x_attribute8
         , x_attribute9
         , x_attribute10
         , x_attribute11
         , x_attribute12
         , x_attribute13
         , x_attribute14
         , x_attribute15
         , x_group_mark_id
         , x_serial_attribute_category
         , x_c_attribute1
         , x_c_attribute2
         , x_c_attribute3
         , x_c_attribute4
         , x_c_attribute5
         , x_c_attribute6
         , x_c_attribute7
         , x_c_attribute8
         , x_c_attribute9
         , x_c_attribute10
         , x_c_attribute11
         , x_c_attribute12
         , x_c_attribute13
         , x_c_attribute14
         , x_c_attribute15
         , x_c_attribute16
         , x_c_attribute17
         , x_c_attribute18
         , x_c_attribute19
         , x_c_attribute20
         , x_d_attribute1
         , x_d_attribute2
         , x_d_attribute3
         , x_d_attribute4
         , x_d_attribute5
         , x_d_attribute6
         , x_d_attribute7
         , x_d_attribute8
         , x_d_attribute9
         , x_d_attribute10
         , x_n_attribute1
         , x_n_attribute2
         , x_n_attribute3
         , x_n_attribute4
         , x_n_attribute5
         , x_n_attribute6
         , x_n_attribute7
         , x_n_attribute8
         , x_n_attribute9
         , x_n_attribute10
      FROM mtl_serial_numbers
     WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND serial_number = p_serial_number;
Line: 3582

     SELECT  serial_number
     , current_subinventory_code
     , current_locator_id
     , lot_number
     , 0
     , current_status
     , mms.status_code
     FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
     WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
     AND NVL(lot_number, 'NOLOT') = NVL(p_lot_number, 'NOLOT')
     AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
   OR group_mark_id = -1
     AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
     AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
     AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
     AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE',
            'S') = 'Y'
     ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 3626

     SELECT  serial_number
     , current_subinventory_code
     , current_locator_id
     , lot_number
     , 0
     , current_status
     , mms.status_code
     FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
     WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id
     AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id
     AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
     AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
   OR group_mark_id = -1
     AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
     AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
     AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
     AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable('TRUE',
            'S') = 'Y'
     ORDER BY LPAD(msn.serial_number, 20);
Line: 3686

      SELECT   serial_number
             , 0
             , 0
             , 0
             , 0
             , ''
             , ''
      FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn
          , rcv_serials_supply rss
          , rcv_supply rs
      WHERE msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
      AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND NVL(msn.lot_number, '&*^') = NVL(p_lot_number, '&*^')
      AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
      AND msn.current_status = 7
      AND (group_mark_id IS NULL or group_mark_id = -1)
      AND rss.serial_num = msn.serial_number
      AND rs.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
      AND rss.transaction_id = rs.rcv_transaction_id
      AND rs.supply_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
      ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 3711

/* Bug 4574714-Added the procedure to insert into temp table
               based on the ENFORCE_RMA_SERIAL_NUM value in
	       rcv_parameters. This is called before firing
	       the LOV query for serials for RMA*/

  PROCEDURE insert_temp_table_for_serials
  (p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
   p_item_id IN NUMBER,
   p_wms_installed IN VARCHAR2,
   p_oe_order_header_id IN NUMBER,
   x_returnSerialVal OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   x_errorcode     OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER) IS

 l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1)  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 3751

    select nvl(ENFORCE_RMA_SERIAL_NUM,'N')
      into   l_enforce_rma_sn
      from   RCV_PARAMETERS
     where  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3759

      For c_rma_line in ( select line_id
                  OE_ORDER_LINES_all OEL,
                  OE_ORDER_HEADERS_all OEH
             AND OEL.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_item_id
             AND nvl(OEL.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID, OEH.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID) = p_organization_id
             AND OEH.HEADER_ID = p_oe_order_header_id

                  p_api_version => 0.9
                , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
                , p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE
                , p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
                , x_return_status => l_return_status
                , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
                , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
                , x_errorcode => l_errorcode
                , p_rma_line_id => c_rma_line.LINE_ID
                , p_org_id => P_ORGANIZATION_ID
                , p_item_id => p_item_id
Line: 3789

	       SELECT count(line_id)
	       INTO l_count_rows
	       FROM mtl_rma_serial_temp msrt
	       WHERE msrt.organization_id = p_organization_id
	       AND  msrt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id ;
Line: 3809

END insert_temp_table_for_serials;
Line: 3841

               SELECT   serial_number
                      , current_subinventory_code
                      , current_locator_id
                      , lot_number
                      , 0
                      , current_status
                      , mms.status_code
                   FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                  WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                    AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                         OR group_mark_id = -1
                    AND current_status = 4
                    AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                    AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                    AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
                    AND msn.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
                    AND EXISTS ( select 'x' from mtl_rma_serial_temp msrt
                                  where msrt.organization_id = p_organization_id
                                   and  msrt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                   and msrt.serial_number = msn.serial_number
                                   and msrt.serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
               ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 3870

                 SELECT   serial_number
                        , current_subinventory_code
                        , current_locator_id
                        , lot_number
                        , 0
                        , current_status
                        , mms.status_code
                     FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
                    WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                      AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                           OR group_mark_id = -1
                      AND current_status = 4
                      AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
                      AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
                      AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
                      AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
                 ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20);
Line: 3913

      SELECT   serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , status_code
      (SELECT  serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND (group_mark_id IS NULL
                OR group_mark_id = -1
           AND ((current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                 AND current_status = 1
                OR (current_status = 4 AND
                    Nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('INV_RESTRICT_RCPT_SER')), 2) = 2)
           AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
           AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
           AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
           AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y'
       SELECT serial_number
             , current_subinventory_code
             , current_locator_id
             , lot_number
             , 0
             , current_status
             , mms.status_code
        FROM     rcv_serials_supply rss
               , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
               , mtl_serial_numbers msn
               , mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
        WHERE    rss.shipment_line_id(+) = rsl.shipment_line_id
        AND      nvl(rss.supply_type_code, 'SHIPMENT') = 'SHIPMENT'
        AND     (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL OR msn.group_mark_id = -1)
        AND      rsl.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
        AND      rsl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND      rsl.item_id = p_item_id
        AND      msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        AND      msn.serial_number = rss.serial_num
        AND      msn.current_status = 5
        AND      Nvl(msn.lpn_id,NVL(p_from_lpn_id,-1)) = NVL(p_from_lpn_id, NVL(msn.lpn_id, -1))
        AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
        AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
        AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial)
        AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed, p_transaction_type_id, NULL, NULL, p_organization_id, p_item_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, serial_number, 'S') = 'Y')
       ORDER BY LPAD(serial_number, 20) ;
Line: 3975

/* Bug 5577789-Added the procedure to insert into temp table
               based on the ENFORCE_RMA_SERIAL_NUM value in
               rcv_parameters. This is called before firing
               the LOV query for serials for RMA. This is for the deliver step*/

  PROCEDURE insert_RMA_serials_for_deliver
  (p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
   p_item_id IN NUMBER,
   p_wms_installed IN VARCHAR2,
   p_oe_order_header_id IN NUMBER,
   x_returnSerialVal OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   x_errorcode     OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER) IS

 l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1)  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 4015

    select nvl(ENFORCE_RMA_SERIAL_NUM,'N')
      into   l_enforce_rma_sn
      from   RCV_PARAMETERS
     where  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4023

      For c_rma_line in ( select line_id
                  OE_ORDER_LINES_all OEL,
                  OE_ORDER_HEADERS_all OEH
             AND OEL.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_item_id
             AND nvl(OEL.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID, OEH.SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID) = p_organization_id
             AND OEH.HEADER_ID = p_oe_order_header_id

                  p_api_version => 0.9
                , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
                , p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE
                , p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
                , x_return_status => l_return_status
                , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
                , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
                , x_errorcode => l_errorcode
                , p_rma_line_id => c_rma_line.LINE_ID
                , p_org_id => P_ORGANIZATION_ID
                , p_item_id => p_item_id
Line: 4053

               SELECT count(line_id)
               INTO l_count_rows
               FROM mtl_rma_serial_temp msrt
               WHERE msrt.organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND  msrt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id ;
Line: 4072

END insert_RMA_serials_for_deliver;
Line: 4088

      SELECT serial_number
           , current_subinventory_code
           , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         --AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5)
         AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5, 7)
         AND (p_from_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number >= p_from_lot_number
         AND (p_to_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number <= p_to_lot_number
         AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
         AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
         AND msn.lpn_id is null
         AND serial_number >= p_from_serial_number
         AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number);
Line: 4117

      SELECT serial_number
           , current_subinventory_code
           , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , mms.status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         --AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5)
         AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5, 7)
         AND (p_from_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number >= p_from_lot_number
         AND (p_to_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number <= p_to_lot_number
         AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
         AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
         AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
         AND msn.lpn_id is NULL;
Line: 4156

      SELECT serial_number
           , current_subinventory_code
           , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND (p_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number = p_lot_number)
         AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
         AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
          AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
         AND serial_number >= p_from_serial_number
         AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)
Line: 4187

      SELECT serial_number
           , current_subinventory_code
           , current_locator_id
           , lot_number
           , 0
           , current_status
           , mms.status_code
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses_tl mms
       WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         --AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5)
         AND current_status IN (1, 3, 5, 7)
         AND (p_lot_number IS NULL
              OR lot_number = p_lot_number
         AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id(+)
         AND mms.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
          AND msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
         AND serial_number LIKE (p_serial_number)