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Line 217: from pay_shadow_element_types

213: -- Get the element type id for a given template id
214: --
215: cursor c1 (c_ele_name varchar2) is
216: select element_type_id, object_version_number
217: from pay_shadow_element_types
218: where template_id = l_template_id
219: and element_name = c_ele_name;
220: --
221: -- Cursor to fetch the core element id

Line 225: from pay_shadow_element_types psbt,

221: -- Cursor to fetch the core element id
222: --
223: cursor c5 (c_element_name in varchar2) is
224: select ptco.core_object_id
225: from pay_shadow_element_types psbt,
226: pay_template_core_objects ptco
227: where psbt.template_id = l_template_id
228: and psbt.element_name = c_element_name
229: and ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id