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1 package pay_za_uif_magtape_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pyzauifm.pkh 115.8 2003/10/20 23:35:43 rpahune noship $ */
3 /*REM +====================================================================+
4 REM |       Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation                          |
5 REM |                           All rights reserved.                       |
6 REM +======================================================================+
7 REM SQL Script File name : pyzauifm.pkh
8 REM Description          : This sql script seeds the Package that creates
9 REM                        the UIF Magtape Driving cursors
10 REM
11 REM Change List:
12 REM ------------
13 REM
14 REM Name           Date        Version Bug     Text
15 REM -------------- ----------- ------- ------  ------------------------------
16 REM L.Kloppers     21-Apr-2002   115.0 2266156 Initial Version
17 REM L.Kloppers     06-May-2002   115.1 2266156 Removed join between Assignment
18 REM                                            Actions and Creator Payroll
19 REM                                            Action
20 REM L.Kloppers     08-May-2002   115.2 2266156 Modified to allow for multiple
21 REM                                            archives per UIF Month
22 REM Nageswara Rao  24-Jan-2003   115.3 2654703 Modified employer cursor
23 REM                                            with email address
24 REM Nageswara Rao  02-Feb-2003   115.4         Changes for GSCC compliance
25 REM Nageswara Rao  05-Mar-2003   115.5         Changes in Employee cursor
26 REM R.Pahune       26-Sep-2003   115.7 3134183 Modified Employee cursor
27 REM					       to reduce the cost.
28 REM R.Pahune       21-Oct-2003   115.8 3134183 Modified Employee cursor NVL
29 REM					       default changed from ':::' to
30 REM                                            '&&&'
31 REM ========================================================================
32 */
34 -- Note: A driving cursor applies to a specific magnetic block. Each block
35 --       could have several formulas associated with it.
36 --       Cursors can pass parameters to the formulas, by indicating them
37 --       with a TRANSFER...=P. Parameters are available to all subsequent
38 --       blocks. The same go for contexts (C). Contexts will be used for
39 --       archive and live database items.
40 --       If you want to use a parameter from a previous cursor in the WHERE
41 --       clause of a subsequent cursor, use get_parameter_value.
43 -- The driving cursor for the File Header
44 -- Note: The latest Electronic UIF File Preprocess Payroll Action is selected,
45 --       unless a specific Preprocess is selected. In the latter case the
46 --       TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID is the optional Payroll Action ID parameter
47 --       on the Electronic UIF File Preprocess SRS. If supplied it is the Payroll
48 --       Action of the Archive Run.
49 cursor header_cursor is
50    select 'TRANSFER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID=P'      , nvl(pai.action_information1, '&&&'),
51           'TRANSFER_UIF_CAL_MONTH=P'          , nvl(pai.action_information2, '&&&'),
52           'TRANSFER_CREATOR_UIF_REFERENCE=P'  , nvl(pai.action_information4, '&&&'),
53           'TRANSFER_CONTACT_PERSON=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information5, '&&&'),
54           'TRANSFER_CONTACT_NUMBER=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information6, '&&&'),
55           'TRANSFER_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESS=P'  , nvl(pai.action_information7, '&&&')
56      from pay_action_information    pai
57         , pay_payroll_actions       ppa
58     where pai.action_information1 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('BG_ID')
59       and pai.action_information2 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
60       and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA UIF CREATOR DETAILS'
61       and pai.action_context_type = 'PA'
62       and pai.action_context_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
63       and ppa.rowid =
64           (
65           select substr(
66                        max(lpad(ppa2.action_sequence, 15, 0) || ppa2.rowid)
67                        , -length(ppa2.rowid)
68                        )
69             from pay_payroll_actions    ppa2
70            where to_char(to_date(pay_za_uif_archive_pkg.get_parameter('END_DATE', ppa2.legislative_parameters), 'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'YYYYMM')
71                   = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
72              and ppa2.business_group_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('BG_ID')
73              and ppa2.action_type = 'X'
74              and ppa2.report_type = 'ZA_UIF'
75              and ppa2.payroll_action_id = nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),
76                                             ppa2.payroll_action_id)
77           group by length(ppa2.rowid)
78           );
81 -- The driving cursor for the Employer Header
82 -- Note: TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID is the optional Payroll Action ID parameter
83 --       on the Electronic UIF File Preprocess SRS. If supplied it is the Payroll
84 --       Action of the Archive Run.
85 --       TRANSFER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID is passed from the header_cursor
86 cursor subheader_cursor is
87    select 'TRANSFER_UIF_EMPL_REF_NO=P',        nvl(max(distinct pai.action_information4), '&&&') /*UIF Employer Ref No*/
88         , 'TRANSFER_PAYE_EMPL_NO=P',           nvl(max(distinct pai.action_information5), '&&&') /*PAYE Employer Number*/
89           /* Changes as per Bug2654703 */
90         , 'TRANSFER_EMPLOYER_EMAIL_ADDRESS=P', nvl(max(distinct pai.action_information22), '&&&') /*UIF Employer Email id*/
92      from pay_action_information pai
93         , pay_payroll_actions    ppa
94         , pay_assignment_actions paa
95     where pai.action_information2 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
96       and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
97       and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA UIF EMPLOYEE DETAILS'
98       and pai.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
99       and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
100       and ppa.payroll_action_id in
101           (
102           select ppa2.payroll_action_id
103             from pay_payroll_actions ppa2
104            where to_char(to_date(pay_za_uif_archive_pkg.get_parameter('END_DATE', ppa2.legislative_parameters), 'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'YYYYMM')
105                  =            pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
106              and ppa2.business_group_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
107              and ppa2.action_type = 'X'
108              and ppa2.report_type = 'ZA_UIF'
109              and ppa2.payroll_action_id = nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),
110                                               ppa2.payroll_action_id)
111         )
112     group by pai.action_information4 /*UIF Employer Ref No*/
113            , pai.action_information5 /*PAYE Employer Number*/
114 	   , pai.action_information22;/*UIF Employer Email id, Changes as per Bug2654703 */
117 -- The driving cursor for the Employee Details
118 -- Note: TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID is the optional Payroll Action ID parameter
119 --       on the Electronic Tax File Magtape SRS. If supplied it is the Payroll
120 --       Action of the Archive Run.
121 -- Note: TRANSFER_UIF_EMPL_REF_NO is passed from the subheader_cursor
122 -- Start R.Pahune       26-Sep-2003   115.7 3134183
123 cursor employee_cursor is
124 select
125           'TRANSFER_UIF_EMPL_REF_NO=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information4 , '&&&'),
126           'TRANSFER_ID_NUMBER=P'               , nvl(pai.action_information6 , '&&&'),
127           'TRANSFER_OTHER_NUMBER=P'            , nvl(pai.action_information7 , '&&&'),
128           'TRANSFER_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information8 , '&&&'),
129           'TRANSFER_SURNAME=P'                 , nvl(pai.action_information9 , '&&&'),
130           'TRANSFER_FIRST_NAMES=P'             , nvl(pai.action_information10, '&&&'),
131           'TRANSFER_DATE_OF_BIRTH=P'           , nvl(pai.action_information11, '&&&'),
132           'TRANSFER_DATE_EMPLOYED_FROM=P'      , nvl(pai.action_information12, '&&&'),
133           'TRANSFER_DATE_EMPLOYED_TO=P'        , nvl(pai.action_information13, '&&&'),
134           'TRANSFER_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS=P'       , nvl(pai.action_information14, '01'),
135           'TRANSFER_REASON_NON_CONTRIB=P'      , nvl(pai.action_information15, '&&&'),
136           'TRANSFER_GROSS_TAX_REMUN=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information16, '&&&'),
137           'TRANSFER_GROSS_UIF_REMUN=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information17, '&&&'),
138           'TRANSFER_UIF_CONTRIBUTION=P'        , nvl(pai.action_information18, '&&&'),
139           'TRANSFER_BANK_BRANCH_CODE=P'        , nvl(pai.action_information19, '&&&'),
140           'TRANSFER_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=P'     , nvl(pai.action_information20, '&&&'),
141           'TRANSFER_BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE=P'       , nvl(pai.action_information21, '&&&')
142 	  from PAY_ACTION_INFORMATION pai, pay_assignment_actions paa ,
143 	  (
144           select substr(
145                        max(lpad(paa2.action_sequence, 15, 0) || paa2.rowid)
146                        , -length(paa2.rowid)
147                        ) paa_rowid, assignment_id
148             from pay_assignment_actions paa2
149                , pay_payroll_actions    ppa2
150            where ppa2.payroll_action_id  = paa2.payroll_action_id
151              and to_char(to_date(pay_za_uif_archive_pkg.get_parameter('END_DATE', ppa2.legislative_parameters), 'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'YYYYMM')
152                  =            pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
153              and ppa2.business_group_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
154              and ppa2.action_type = 'X'
155              and ppa2.report_type = 'ZA_UIF'
156              and paa2.payroll_action_id = nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),
157                                               ppa2.payroll_action_id)
158           group by length(paa2.rowid) , paa2.assignment_id
159           )  paa_v
160     where pai.action_information2 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
161       and pai.action_information4 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_UIF_EMPL_REF_NO')
162       and pai.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
163       and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
164       and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA UIF EMPLOYEE DETAILS'
165       and paa.rowid = paa_v.paa_rowid
166       and paa.assignment_id  = paa_v.assignment_id
167      order by pai.action_information8 /*Employee Number*/;
169 /*Query Before R.Pahune       26-Sep-2003   115.7 3134183 */
170 /*cursor employee_cursor is
171    select
172           'TRANSFER_UIF_EMPL_REF_NO=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information4 , '&&&'),
173           'TRANSFER_ID_NUMBER=P'               , nvl(pai.action_information6 , '&&&'),
174           'TRANSFER_OTHER_NUMBER=P'            , nvl(pai.action_information7 , '&&&'),
175           'TRANSFER_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information8 , '&&&'),
176           'TRANSFER_SURNAME=P'                 , nvl(pai.action_information9 , '&&&'),
177           'TRANSFER_FIRST_NAMES=P'             , nvl(pai.action_information10, '&&&'),
178           'TRANSFER_DATE_OF_BIRTH=P'           , nvl(pai.action_information11, '&&&'),
179           'TRANSFER_DATE_EMPLOYED_FROM=P'      , nvl(pai.action_information12, '&&&'),
180           'TRANSFER_DATE_EMPLOYED_TO=P'        , nvl(pai.action_information13, '&&&'),
181           'TRANSFER_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS=P'       , nvl(pai.action_information14, '01'), */ /* Defaulted to '01' when null */
182 /*          'TRANSFER_REASON_NON_CONTRIB=P'      , nvl(pai.action_information15, '&&&'),
183           'TRANSFER_GROSS_TAX_REMUN=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information16, '&&&'),
184           'TRANSFER_GROSS_UIF_REMUN=P'         , nvl(pai.action_information17, '&&&'),
185           'TRANSFER_UIF_CONTRIBUTION=P'        , nvl(pai.action_information18, '&&&'),
186           'TRANSFER_BANK_BRANCH_CODE=P'        , nvl(pai.action_information19, '&&&'),
187           'TRANSFER_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=P'     , nvl(pai.action_information20, '&&&'),
188           'TRANSFER_BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE=P'       , nvl(pai.action_information21, '&&&')
189      from pay_action_information pai
190         , pay_assignment_actions paa
191     where pai.action_information2 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
192       and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
193       and pai.action_information4 = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_UIF_EMPL_REF_NO')
194       and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA UIF EMPLOYEE DETAILS'
195       and pai.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
196       and paa.rowid =
197           (
198           select substr(
199                        max(lpad(paa2.action_sequence, 15, 0) || paa2.rowid)
200                        , -length(paa2.rowid)
201                        )
202             from pay_assignment_actions paa2
203                , pay_payroll_actions    ppa2
204            where paa2.assignment_id      = paa.assignment_id
205              and ppa2.payroll_action_id  = paa2.payroll_action_id
206              and to_char(to_date(pay_za_uif_archive_pkg.get_parameter('END_DATE', ppa2.legislative_parameters), 'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'YYYYMM')
207                  =            pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('CAL_MONTH')
208              and ppa2.business_group_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
209              and ppa2.action_type = 'X'
210              and ppa2.report_type = 'ZA_UIF'
211              and ppa2.payroll_action_id = nvl(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_ARCH_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID'),
212                                               ppa2.payroll_action_id)
213           group by length(paa2.rowid)
214           )
215     order by pai.action_information8 */ /*Employee Number*/
217 -- End R.Pahune       26-Sep-2003   115.7 3134183
219 level_cnt number;
221 end pay_za_uif_magtape_pkg;