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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

  sykrishn  03-JUL-02    Bug 2442163 - Procedure finp_imp_calc_anc_charges modified to insert sysdate to
                          transaction_dt in the table igs_fi_impchgs_lines table
                          Reference to anc_int table.transaction_dt is removed as it will never be present.
                          Removed transaction_dt from igs_fi_anc_int_pkg.update_row
                          Call to charges api changed to pass sysdate for invoice creation date instead of transaction_dt
  sykrishn  10-JUL-02    Bug 2454128 - Procedure finp_imp_calc_anc_charges
                         Call to charges api changed to pass Fee Type Description for invoice description
                         (l_header_rec.p_invoice_desc) instead of null.

  g_ancillary               CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ANCILLARY';
Line: 110

      SELECT ancillary_chg_rate
      FROM   igs_fi_anc_rates
      WHERE  fee_cal_type             = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND    fee_ci_sequence_number   = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    fee_type                 = cp_fee_type
      AND    NVL(enabled_flag,'N')    = 'Y'
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute1   = cp_ancillary_attribute1)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute1 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute1 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute2   = cp_ancillary_attribute2)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute2 IS NULL)AND (ancillary_attribute2 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute3   = cp_ancillary_attribute3)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute3 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute3 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute4   = cp_ancillary_attribute4)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute4 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute4 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute5   = cp_ancillary_attribute5)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute5 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute5 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute6   = cp_ancillary_attribute6)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute6 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute6 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute7   = cp_ancillary_attribute7)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute7 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute7 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute8   = cp_ancillary_attribute8)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute8 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute8 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute9   = cp_ancillary_attribute9)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute9 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute9 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute10  = cp_ancillary_attribute10)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute10 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute10 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute11  = cp_ancillary_attribute11)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute11 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute11 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute12  = cp_ancillary_attribute12)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute12 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute12 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute13  = cp_ancillary_attribute13)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute13 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute13 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute14  = cp_ancillary_attribute14)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute14 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute14 IS NULL)))
      AND    ((ancillary_attribute15  = cp_ancillary_attribute15)
               OR ((cp_ancillary_attribute15 IS NULL) AND (ancillary_attribute15 IS NULL)));
Line: 223

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_ca_type
      WHERE  cal_type  = cp_cal_type;
Line: 230

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_ca_inst
      WHERE  cal_type           = cp_cal_type
      AND    sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 238

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_fi_fee_type
      WHERE  fee_type   = cp_fee_type
      AND    s_fee_type = g_ancillary
      AND    NVL(closed_ind,'N') = 'N';
Line: 248

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci, igs_fi_fee_str_stat fss
      WHERE  ftci.fee_cal_type               = cp_cal_type
      AND    ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number     = cp_ci_sequence_number
      AND    ftci.fee_type                   = cp_fee_type
      AND    fss.fee_structure_status        = ftci.fee_type_ci_status
      AND    fss.s_fee_structure_status      = g_active;
Line: 366

sapanigr  03-May-2006  Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Amount values being inserted into igs_fi_impchgs_lines
                       are now rounded off to currency precision
svuppala  04-AUG-2005  Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
                       Impact of Charges API version Number change
                       Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
pathipat  30-Sep-2003  Bug 3166888 - Modified cur_inv_int to sum invoice_amount instead of invoice_amount_due
                       and added 'not exists' clause
vvutukur  20-Jun-2003  Enh#2777404.Modified the logic such that all the error messages pertaining to an ancillary record
                       being processed from interface table are logged in the log file and error_msg field in the interface table
                       is updated with the concatenated error message texts.
shtatiko  29-APR-2003  Enh# 2831569, Added check for Manage Accounts System Option. If its value is NULL then
                       this process cannot be run.
vvutukur  23-Jan-20033 Bug#2750566.Modified the code to update the error_msg column in Interface record with appropriate message text.
vvutukur  06-Jan-2003  Bug#2737714.Used fnd_message.set_encoded to encode the message after charges api call,if charges api returns an error.
                       Also shown the no. of successfully imported records instead of showing no. of records processsed from interface table.
pathipat  20-NOV-2002  Enh#2584986 - GL Interface build
                       1.  Removed override account columns from calls to insert_row of IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and
                           IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES and update_row of IGS_FI_ANC_INT.
                           Also removed the corresponding validations and local variables.
                       2.  Removed ext_attribute columns from calls to insert_row of IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES
                       3.  Removed cursor cur_currency and its usage. Derived local currency using generic
                           function igs_fi_gen_gl.finp_get_cur()
                       4.  Passed sysdate to p_d_gl_date in call to charges_api.  Passed null to override account
                           codes before calling charges_api.
saraskhi  13-sep-2002  Enh#2564643, removed the reference of subaccount
vvutukur  24-Jul-2002  Bug#2425767.Removed references to obsoleted columns chg_rate,chg_elements from
                       call to igs_fi_impchgs_lines.insert_row procedure.
sykrishn  10-JUL-02    Bug 2454128 - Procedure finp_imp_calc_anc_charges
                         Call to charges api changed to pass Fee Type Description for invoice description
                         (l_header_rec.p_invoice_desc) instead of null.
jbegum    12-Jun-02    Bug#2400189 - Added a local valriable l_rec_cntr to count the number of
                                     records processed and log that in the log file
agairola  04-Jun-2002  Bug 2395663 - Modified the TBH call for the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES_PKG
SYKRISHN  19-APR-2002  Bug 2324088 - Introduced Desc Flex Field Validations and CCID validations.
smadathi 27-Feb-2002   Bug 2238413. Reduced selection list for
                         rec installed flag to 'Y' and 'N'.Removed
                         reference of rec installed flag = 'E'.
sarakshi  16-jan-2002  Modified the logic of fetching subaccount_id as a part of bug:2175865
********************************************************************************************** */

-- Variables of type VARCHAR2
    l_error_msg                   VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 464

      SELECT rowid,
      WHERE  ((fee_cal_type           = cp_fee_cal_type)
              OR (cp_fee_cal_type IS NULL))
      AND    ((fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number)
              OR (cp_fee_ci_sequence_number IS NULL))
      AND    status                 = g_todo
      AND    ((person_id            = cp_person_id)
               OR (cp_person_id IS NULL))
      AND    ((person_id_type       = cp_person_id_type)
               OR (cp_person_id_type IS NULL))
      AND    ((api_person_id        = cp_api_person_id)
               OR (cp_api_person_id IS NULL))
      AND    ((fee_type             = cp_fee_type)
               OR (cp_fee_type IS NULL));
Line: 485

      SELECT pe_person_id
      FROM   igs_pe_alt_pers_id
      WHERE  person_id_type = cp_person_id_type
      AND    api_person_id  = cp_api_person_id;
Line: 496

      SELECT import_charges_id
      FROM   igs_fi_imp_chgs
      WHERE  person_id              = cp_person_id
      AND    fee_cal_type           = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND    fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    fee_type               = cp_fee_type
      AND    transaction_type       = cp_transaction_type;
Line: 512

      SELECT SUM(invoice_amount)
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv
      WHERE  inv.person_id              = cp_person_id
      AND    inv.fee_cal_type           = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND    inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    inv.fee_type               = cp_fee_type
      AND    inv.transaction_type       = cp_transaction_type
                         FROM  igs_fi_credits fc,
                               igs_fi_cr_types crt,
                               igs_fi_applications app
                         WHERE app.invoice_id = inv.invoice_id
                         AND   app.credit_id = fc.credit_id
                         AND   fc.status = g_v_cleared
                         AND   fc.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
                         AND   crt.credit_class = g_v_chgadj
                         AND   app.amount_applied = inv.invoice_amount);
Line: 532

      SELECT description
      FROM   igs_fi_fee_type
      WHERE  fee_type   = cp_fee_type;
Line: 813

            igs_fi_imp_chgs_pkg.Insert_Row(      x_rowid                                => l_rowid,
                                                 x_import_charges_id                    => l_import_charges_id,
                                                 x_person_id                            => l_person_id,
                                                 x_fee_type                             => ancrec.fee_type,
                                                 x_fee_cal_type                         => ancrec.fee_cal_type,
                                                 x_fee_ci_sequence_number               => ancrec.fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                                 x_transaction_type                     => g_ancillary);
Line: 834

            igs_fi_impchgs_lines_pkg.Insert_Row(  x_rowid                               => l_rowid,
                                                  x_impchg_lines_id                     => l_impchgs_lines_id,
                                                  x_import_charges_id                   => l_import_charges_id,
                                                  x_transaction_dt                      => SYSDATE,
                                                  x_effective_dt                        => l_effective_dt,
                                                  x_transaction_amount                  => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_ancillary_chg_rate),
                                                  x_currency_cd                         => l_v_local_currency,
                                                  x_exchange_rate                       => NULL,
                                                  x_comments                            => NULL,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute1                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute1,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute2                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute2,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute3                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute3,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute4                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute4,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute5                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute5,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute6                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute6,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute7                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute7,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute8                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute8,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute9                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute9,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute10               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute10,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute11               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute11,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute12               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute12,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute13               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute13,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute14               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute14,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute15               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute15,
                                                  x_attribute_category                  => ancrec.attribute_category,
                                                  x_attribute1                          => ancrec.attribute1,
                                                  x_attribute2                          => ancrec.attribute2,
                                                  x_attribute3                          => ancrec.attribute3,
                                                  x_attribute4                          => ancrec.attribute4,
                                                  x_attribute5                          => ancrec.attribute5,
                                                  x_attribute6                          => ancrec.attribute6,
                                                  x_attribute7                          => ancrec.attribute7,
                                                  x_attribute8                          => ancrec.attribute8,
                                                  x_attribute9                          => ancrec.attribute9,
                                                  x_attribute10                         => ancrec.attribute10,
                                                  x_attribute11                         => ancrec.attribute11,
                                                  x_attribute12                         => ancrec.attribute12,
                                                  x_attribute13                         => ancrec.attribute13,
                                                  x_attribute14                         => ancrec.attribute14,
                                                  x_attribute15                         => ancrec.attribute15,
                                                  x_attribute16                         => ancrec.attribute16,
                                                  x_attribute17                         => ancrec.attribute17,
                                                  x_attribute18                         => ancrec.attribute18,
                                                  x_attribute19                         => ancrec.attribute19,
                                                  x_attribute20                         => ancrec.attribute20
Line: 897

            igs_fi_impchgs_lines_pkg.Insert_Row(  x_rowid                               => l_rowid,
                                                  x_impchg_lines_id                     => l_impchgs_lines_id,
                                                  x_import_charges_id                   => l_import_charges_id,
                                                  x_transaction_dt                      => SYSDATE,
                                                  x_effective_dt                        => l_effective_dt,
                                                  x_transaction_amount                  => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_ancillary_chg_rate),
                                                  x_currency_cd                         => l_v_local_currency,
                                                  x_exchange_rate                       => NULL,
                                                  x_comments                            => NULL,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute1                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute1,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute2                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute2,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute3                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute3,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute4                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute4,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute5                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute5,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute6                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute6,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute7                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute7,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute8                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute8,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute9                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute9,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute10               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute10,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute11               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute11,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute12               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute12,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute13               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute13,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute14               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute14,
                                                  x_ancillary_attribute15               => ancrec.ancillary_attribute15,
                                                  x_attribute_category                  => ancrec.attribute_category,
                                                  x_attribute1                          => ancrec.attribute1,
                                                  x_attribute2                          => ancrec.attribute2,
                                                  x_attribute3                          => ancrec.attribute3,
                                                  x_attribute4                          => ancrec.attribute4,
                                                  x_attribute5                          => ancrec.attribute5,
                                                  x_attribute6                          => ancrec.attribute6,
                                                  x_attribute7                          => ancrec.attribute7,
                                                  x_attribute8                          => ancrec.attribute8,
                                                  x_attribute9                          => ancrec.attribute9,
                                                  x_attribute10                         => ancrec.attribute10,
                                                  x_attribute11                         => ancrec.attribute11,
                                                  x_attribute12                         => ancrec.attribute12,
                                                  x_attribute13                         => ancrec.attribute13,
                                                  x_attribute14                         => ancrec.attribute14,
                                                  x_attribute15                         => ancrec.attribute15,
                                                  x_attribute16                         => ancrec.attribute16,
                                                  x_attribute17                         => ancrec.attribute17,
                                                  x_attribute18                         => ancrec.attribute18,
                                                  x_attribute19                         => ancrec.attribute19,
                                                  x_attribute20                         => ancrec.attribute20
Line: 967

Line: 1105

      igs_fi_anc_int_pkg.update_row(  x_rowid                                => ancrec.rowid,
                                      x_ancillary_int_id                     => ancrec.ancillary_int_id,
                                      x_person_id                            => ancrec.person_id,
                                      x_person_id_type                       => ancrec.person_id_type,
                                      x_api_person_id                        => ancrec.api_person_id,
                                      x_status                               => ancrec.status,
                                      x_fee_type                             => ancrec.fee_type,
                                      x_fee_cal_type                         => ancrec.fee_cal_type,
                                      x_fee_ci_sequence_number               => ancrec.fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute1                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute1,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute2                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute2,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute3                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute3,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute4                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute4,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute5                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute5,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute6                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute6,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute7                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute7,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute8                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute8,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute9                 => ancrec.ancillary_attribute9,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute10                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute10,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute11                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute11,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute12                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute12,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute13                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute13,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute14                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute14,
                                      x_ancillary_attribute15                => ancrec.ancillary_attribute15,
                                      x_attribute_category                   => ancrec.attribute_category,
                                      x_attribute1                           => ancrec.attribute1,
                                      x_attribute2                           => ancrec.attribute2,
                                      x_attribute3                           => ancrec.attribute3,
                                      x_attribute4                           => ancrec.attribute4,
                                      x_attribute5                           => ancrec.attribute5,
                                      x_attribute6                           => ancrec.attribute6,
                                      x_attribute7                           => ancrec.attribute7,
                                      x_attribute8                           => ancrec.attribute8,
                                      x_attribute9                           => ancrec.attribute9,
                                      x_attribute10                          => ancrec.attribute10,
                                      x_attribute11                          => ancrec.attribute11,
                                      x_attribute12                          => ancrec.attribute12,
                                      x_attribute13                          => ancrec.attribute13,
                                      x_attribute14                          => ancrec.attribute14,
                                      x_attribute15                          => ancrec.attribute15,
                                      x_attribute16                          => ancrec.attribute16,
                                      x_attribute17                          => ancrec.attribute17,
                                      x_attribute18                          => ancrec.attribute18,
                                      x_attribute19                          => ancrec.attribute19,
                                      x_attribute20                          => ancrec.attribute20,
                                      x_effective_dt                         => ancrec.effective_dt,
                                      x_error_msg                            => SUBSTR(LTRIM(ancrec.error_msg,'.'),1,2000),
                                      x_validation_flag                      => ancrec.validation_flag,
                                      x_mode                                 => 'R');
Line: 1201

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v ppv,
             igs_pe_alt_pers_id api
      WHERE  ppv.person_id      = api.pe_person_id
      AND    ppv.person_id      = cp_person_id
      AND    api.person_id_type = cp_person_id_type
      AND    api.api_person_id  = cp_api_person_id;
Line: 1253

      SELECT person_number
      FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
      WHERE  person_id   = cp_person_id;