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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 260

      x_rowid                       => l_org_rowid,
      x_organization_id             => l_organization_id,
      x_business_group_id           => p_business_group_id,
      x_cost_allocation_keyflex_id  => NULL,
      x_location_id                 => l_location_id,
      x_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => NULL,
      x_date_from                   => p_effective_start_date,
      x_name                        => p_pension_provider_name,
      x_comments                    => p_pension_provider_name,
      x_date_to                     => NULL,
      x_internal_external_flag      => p_internal_external_flag,
      x_internal_address_line       => NULL,
      x_type                        => p_type,
      x_security_profile_id         => p_Security_Profile_Id,
      x_view_all_orgs               => 'Y',
      x_attribute_category          => NULL,
      x_attribute1                  => NULL,
      x_attribute2                  => NULL,
      x_attribute3                  => NULL,
      x_attribute4                  => NULL,
      x_attribute5                  => NULL,
      x_attribute6                  => NULL,
      x_attribute7                  => NULL,
      x_attribute8                  => NULL,
      x_attribute9                  => NULL,
      x_attribute10                 => NULL,
      x_attribute11                 => NULL,
      x_attribute12                 => NULL,
      x_attribute13                 => NULL,
      x_attribute14                 => NULL,
      x_attribute15                 => NULL,
      x_attribute16                 => NULL,
      x_attribute17                 => NULL,
      x_attribute18                 => NULL,
      x_attribute19                 => NULL,
      x_attribute20                 => NULL );
Line: 299

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => p_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => l_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => p_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'Y',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 357

Procedure update_pension_provider
  (p_organization_id   in number
  ,p_business_group_id in number
  ,p_provider_name     in varchar2
  ,p_location_id       in number
  ,p_date_from         in date
  ,p_date_to           in date ) Is

  Cursor csr_org Is
   Select *
     from hr_organization_units_v
    where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 370

  l_proc     varchar2(150)  :=  g_package||'update_pension_provider';
Line: 392

     (x_Rowid                        => l_org_rec.row_id,
      x_Organization_Id              => l_org_rec.organization_id,
      x_Business_Group_Id            => l_org_rec.business_group_id,
      x_Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id   => l_org_rec.Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Location_Id                  => p_location_id,
      x_Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id       => l_org_rec.Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Date_From                    => p_date_from,
      x_Name                         => p_provider_name,
      x_Comments                     => l_org_rec.Comments,
      x_Date_To                      => p_date_to,
      x_Internal_External_Flag       => l_org_rec.Internal_External_Flag,
      x_Internal_Address_Line        => l_org_rec.Internal_Address_Line,
      x_Type                         => l_org_rec.Type,
      x_Attribute_Category           => l_org_rec.Attribute_Category,
      x_Attribute1                   => l_org_rec.Attribute1,
      x_Attribute2                   => l_org_rec.Attribute2,
      x_Attribute3                   => l_org_rec.Attribute3,
      x_Attribute4                   => l_org_rec.Attribute4,
      x_Attribute5                   => l_org_rec.Attribute5,
      x_Attribute6                   => l_org_rec.Attribute6,
      x_Attribute7                   => l_org_rec.Attribute7,
      x_Attribute8                   => l_org_rec.Attribute8,
      x_Attribute9                   => l_org_rec.Attribute9,
      x_Attribute10                  => l_org_rec.Attribute10,
      x_Attribute11                  => l_org_rec.Attribute11,
      x_Attribute12                  => l_org_rec.Attribute12,
      x_Attribute13                  => l_org_rec.Attribute13,
      x_Attribute14                  => l_org_rec.Attribute14,
      x_Attribute15                  => l_org_rec.Attribute15,
      x_Attribute16                  => l_org_rec.Attribute16,
      x_Attribute17                  => l_org_rec.Attribute17,
      x_Attribute18                  => l_org_rec.Attribute18,
      x_Attribute19                  => l_org_rec.Attribute19,
      x_Attribute20                  => l_org_rec.Attribute20
Line: 430

End update_pension_provider;
Line: 451

    (x_rowid                      => l_hoi_rowid,
     x_org_information_id         => l_org_information_id,
     x_org_information_context    => p_org_information_context,
     x_organization_id            => p_organization_id,
     x_org_information1           => to_char(p_pension_type_id),
     x_org_information2           => NULL,
     x_org_information3           => NULL,
     x_org_information4           => NULL,
     x_org_information5           => NULL,
     x_org_information6           => NULL,
     x_org_information7           => NULL,
     x_org_information8           => NULL,
     x_org_information9           => NULL,
     x_org_information10          => NULL,
     x_org_information11          => NULL,
     x_org_information12          => NULL,
     x_org_information13          => NULL,
     x_org_information14          => NULL,
     x_org_information15          => NULL,
     x_org_information16          => NULL,
     x_org_information17          => NULL,
     x_org_information18          => NULL,
     x_org_information19          => NULL,
     x_org_information20          => NULL,
     x_attribute_category         => NULL,
     x_attribute1                 => NULL,
     x_attribute2                 => NULL,
     x_attribute3                 => NULL,
     x_attribute4                 => NULL,
     x_attribute5                 => NULL,
     x_attribute6                 => NULL,
     x_attribute7                 => NULL,
     x_attribute8                 => NULL,
     x_attribute9                 => NULL,
     x_attribute10                => NULL,
     x_attribute11                => NULL,
     x_attribute12                => NULL,
     x_attribute13                => NULL,
     x_attribute14                => NULL,
     x_attribute15                => NULL,
     x_attribute16                => NULL,
     x_attribute17                => NULL,
     x_attribute18                => NULL,
     x_attribute19                => NULL,
     x_attribute20                => NULL
Line: 520

    (x_rowid                      => l_hoi_rowid,
     x_org_information_id         => l_org_information_id,
     x_org_information_context    => p_org_information_context,
     x_organization_id            => p_organization_id,
     x_org_information1           => p_provider_reference_number,
     x_org_information2           => NULL,
     x_org_information3           => NULL,
     x_org_information4           => NULL,
     x_org_information5           => NULL,
     x_org_information6           => NULL,
     x_org_information7           => NULL,
     x_org_information8           => NULL,
     x_org_information9           => NULL,
     x_org_information10          => NULL,
     x_org_information11          => NULL,
     x_org_information12          => NULL,
     x_org_information13          => NULL,
     x_org_information14          => NULL,
     x_org_information15          => NULL,
     x_org_information16          => NULL,
     x_org_information17          => NULL,
     x_org_information18          => NULL,
     x_org_information19          => NULL,
     x_org_information20          => NULL,
     x_attribute_category         => NULL,
     x_attribute1                 => NULL,
     x_attribute2                 => NULL,
     x_attribute3                 => NULL,
     x_attribute4                 => NULL,
     x_attribute5                 => NULL,
     x_attribute6                 => NULL,
     x_attribute7                 => NULL,
     x_attribute8                 => NULL,
     x_attribute9                 => NULL,
     x_attribute10                => NULL,
     x_attribute11                => NULL,
     x_attribute12                => NULL,
     x_attribute13                => NULL,
     x_attribute14                => NULL,
     x_attribute15                => NULL,
     x_attribute16                => NULL,
     x_attribute17                => NULL,
     x_attribute18                => NULL,
     x_attribute19                => NULL,
     x_attribute20                => NULL
Line: 584

    (x_rowid                      => l_hoi_rowid,
     x_org_information_id         => l_org_information_id,
     x_org_information_context    => 'CLASS',
     x_organization_id            => p_organization_id,
     x_org_information1           => 'HR_PAYEE',
     x_org_information2           => 'Y',
     x_org_information3           => NULL,
     x_org_information4           => NULL,
     x_org_information5           => NULL,
     x_org_information6           => NULL,
     x_org_information7           => NULL,
     x_org_information8           => NULL,
     x_org_information9           => NULL,
     x_org_information10          => NULL,
     x_org_information11          => NULL,
     x_org_information12          => NULL,
     x_org_information13          => NULL,
     x_org_information14          => NULL,
     x_org_information15          => NULL,
     x_org_information16          => NULL,
     x_org_information17          => NULL,
     x_org_information18          => NULL,
     x_org_information19          => NULL,
     x_org_information20          => NULL,
     x_attribute_category         => NULL,
     x_attribute1                 => NULL,
     x_attribute2                 => NULL,
     x_attribute3                 => NULL,
     x_attribute4                 => NULL,
     x_attribute5                 => NULL,
     x_attribute6                 => NULL,
     x_attribute7                 => NULL,
     x_attribute8                 => NULL,
     x_attribute9                 => NULL,
     x_attribute10                => NULL,
     x_attribute11                => NULL,
     x_attribute12                => NULL,
     x_attribute13                => NULL,
     x_attribute14                => NULL,
     x_attribute15                => NULL,
     x_attribute16                => NULL,
     x_attribute17                => NULL,
     x_attribute18                => NULL,
     x_attribute19                => NULL,
     x_attribute20                => NULL
Line: 652

   Select min(effective_start_date), max(effective_end_date)
     from pqp_pension_types_f
    where pension_type_id = p_pension_type_id;
Line: 657

   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
    where org_information_context = 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES'
      and org_information_id      = p_org_information_id
      and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 664

   Select pty.pension_type_name
     from hr_organization_information hoi,
     pqp_pension_types_f pty
    where hoi.org_information_context    = 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES'
      and hoi.org_information2           = to_char(p_pension_type_id)
      and hoi.organization_id            = p_organization_id
      and to_char(pty.pension_type_id)   = hoi.org_information2
      and to_char(p_pension_provider_id) = hoi.org_information1
      and rownum = 1;
Line: 705

  If p_transaction_mode = 'INSERT' Then
   hr_utility.set_location('  INSERT Mode, Calling: hr_org_information_pkg.Insert_Row', 15);
Line: 718

    (x_rowid                   => l_hoi_rowid,
     x_org_information_id      => l_org_information_id,
     x_org_information_context => 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES',
     x_organization_id         => p_organization_id,
     x_org_information1        => to_char(p_pension_provider_id), -- Pension Provider
     x_org_information2        => to_char(p_pension_type_id),     -- Pension Type
     x_org_information3        => p_registration_number,          -- Registration Number
     x_org_information4        => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_start_date),-- Start Date
     x_org_information5        => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_end_date),  -- End Date
     x_org_information6        => NULL,
     x_org_information7        => NULL,
     x_org_information8        => NULL,
     x_org_information9        => NULL,
     x_org_information10       => NULL,
     x_org_information11       => NULL,
     x_org_information12       => NULL,
     x_org_information13       => NULL,
     x_org_information14       => NULL,
     x_org_information15       => NULL,
     x_org_information16       => NULL,
     x_org_information17       => NULL,
     x_org_information18       => NULL,
     x_org_information19       => NULL,
     x_org_information20       => NULL,
     x_attribute_category      => NULL,
     x_attribute1              => NULL,
     x_attribute2              => NULL,
     x_attribute3              => NULL,
     x_attribute4              => NULL,
     x_attribute5              => NULL,
     x_attribute6              => NULL,
     x_attribute7              => NULL,
     x_attribute8              => NULL,
     x_attribute9              => NULL,
     x_attribute10             => NULL,
     x_attribute11             => NULL,
     x_attribute12             => NULL,
     x_attribute13             => NULL,
     x_attribute14             => NULL,
     x_attribute15             => NULL,
     x_attribute16             => NULL,
     x_attribute17             => NULL,
     x_attribute18             => NULL,
     x_attribute19             => NULL,
     x_attribute20             => NULL
Line: 766

  ElsIf p_transaction_mode = 'UPDATE' Then

   hr_utility.set_location('  UPDATE Mode, Calling: hr_org_information_pkg.Update_Row', 25);
Line: 786

    (X_Rowid                   => l_hoi_rowid,
     X_Org_Information_Id      => p_org_information_id,
     x_org_information_context => 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES',
     x_organization_id         => p_organization_id,
     x_org_information1        => to_char(p_pension_provider_id), -- Pension Provider
     x_org_information2        => to_char(p_pension_type_id),     -- Pension Type
     x_org_information3        => p_registration_number,          -- Registration Number
     x_org_information4        => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_start_date),-- Start Date
     x_org_information5        => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_end_date),  -- End Date
     x_org_information6        => NULL,
     x_org_information7        => NULL,
     x_org_information8        => NULL,
     x_org_information9        => NULL,
     x_org_information10       => NULL,
     x_org_information11       => NULL,
     x_org_information12       => NULL,
     x_org_information13       => NULL,
     x_org_information14       => NULL,
     x_org_information15       => NULL,
     x_org_information16       => NULL,
     x_org_information17       => NULL,
     x_org_information18       => NULL,
     x_org_information19       => NULL,
     x_org_information20       => NULL,
     x_attribute_category      => NULL,
     x_attribute1              => NULL,
     x_attribute2              => NULL,
     x_attribute3              => NULL,
     x_attribute4              => NULL,
     x_attribute5              => NULL,
     x_attribute6              => NULL,
     x_attribute7              => NULL,
     x_attribute8              => NULL,
     x_attribute9              => NULL,
     x_attribute10             => NULL,
     x_attribute11             => NULL,
     x_attribute12             => NULL,
     x_attribute13             => NULL,
     x_attribute14             => NULL,
     x_attribute15             => NULL,
     x_attribute16             => NULL,
     x_attribute17             => NULL,
     x_attribute18             => NULL,
     x_attribute19             => NULL,
     x_attribute20             => NULL
Line: 847

Procedure delete_pension_types
  (p_organization_id               in     number
  ,p_business_group_id             in     number
  ,p_legislation_code              in     varchar2
  ,p_pension_type_id               in     number
  ,p_org_information_id            in     number
  ) IS

  Cursor csr_org_info(c_org_info_context in varchar2)  Is
   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
    where org_information_context = c_org_info_context
      and org_information_id      = p_org_information_id
      and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 863

    select 'x'
      from hr_organization_information
     where org_information_context  = 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES'
           -- ORG_INFORMATION2 is the pension_type_id from NL
       and ORG_INFORMATION2      = to_char(p_pension_type_id)
       and ORG_INFORMATION1      = to_char(p_organization_id);
Line: 871

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where ((eei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS')
      or (eei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_SAVINGS_DEDUCTIONS'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_SAVINGS_DEDUCTIONS')
      or (eei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'))
      and eei.eei_information2  = p_pension_type_id
      and eei.eei_information3  = p_organization_id;
Line: 883

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where eei.information_type = 'PQP_GB_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_GB_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information3  = p_pension_type_id
      and eei.eei_information2  = p_organization_id;
Line: 891

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where eei.information_type = 'HU_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'HU_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information3  = p_pension_type_id
      and eei.eei_information2  = p_organization_id;
Line: 899

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where eei.information_type = 'IE_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'IE_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information1  = p_pension_type_id
      and eei.eei_information2  = p_organization_id;
Line: 951

Line: 966

Line: 980

Line: 994

Line: 1001

End Delete_Pension_Types;
Line: 1008

Procedure delete_third_party_paymnt
  (p_organization_id               in     number
  ) IS
  -- cursor to select the rowid for the org information row
  Cursor csr_org_info Is
   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
    where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
      and org_information1      = 'HR_PAYEE'
      and org_information2      = 'Y'
      and organization_id       = p_organization_id;
Line: 1030

Line: 1035

End Delete_third_party_paymnt;
Line: 1044

Procedure delete_pension_provider_nl
  (p_organization_id   in number)

  Cursor csr_org_info Is
   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'FR_PENSION'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1057

   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
    where org_information_context = 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES'
      and org_information1      = p_organization_id;
Line: 1063

   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'PQP_NL_PENSION_TYPES'
     and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1069

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where ((eei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS')
      or (eei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_SAVINGS_DEDUCTIONS'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_SAVINGS_DEDUCTIONS')
      or (eei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'))
      and eei.eei_information3  = p_organization_id;
Line: 1124

Line: 1136

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1184

End delete_pension_provider_nl;
Line: 1193

Procedure delete_pension_provider_gb
  (p_organization_id   in number
  ,p_effective_date    in date)

 Cursor csr_org Is
  Select *
    from hr_organization_units_v
  where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1205

   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'FR_PENSION'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1212

   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'HR_PAYEE'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1219

   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'PQP_GB_PENSION_TYPES_INFO'
     and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1225

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where eei.information_type = 'PQP_GB_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_GB_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information2 = p_organization_id;
Line: 1260

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1315

Line: 1330

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1392

     (x_Rowid                        => l_org_rec.row_id,
      x_Organization_Id              => l_org_rec.organization_id,
      x_Business_Group_Id            => l_org_rec.business_group_id,
      x_Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id   => l_org_rec.Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Location_Id                  => l_org_rec.Location_Id,
      x_Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id       => l_org_rec.Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Date_From                    => l_org_rec.Date_From,
      x_Name                         => l_org_rec.Name,
      x_Comments                     => l_org_rec.Comments,
      x_Date_To                      => p_effective_date,
      x_Internal_External_Flag       => l_org_rec.Internal_External_Flag,
      x_Internal_Address_Line        => l_org_rec.Internal_Address_Line,
      x_Type                         => l_org_rec.Type,
      x_Attribute_Category           => l_org_rec.Attribute_Category,
      x_Attribute1                   => l_org_rec.Attribute1,
      x_Attribute2                   => l_org_rec.Attribute2,
      x_Attribute3                   => l_org_rec.Attribute3,
      x_Attribute4                   => l_org_rec.Attribute4,
      x_Attribute5                   => l_org_rec.Attribute5,
      x_Attribute6                   => l_org_rec.Attribute6,
      x_Attribute7                   => l_org_rec.Attribute7,
      x_Attribute8                   => l_org_rec.Attribute8,
      x_Attribute9                   => l_org_rec.Attribute9,
      x_Attribute10                  => l_org_rec.Attribute10,
      x_Attribute11                  => l_org_rec.Attribute11,
      x_Attribute12                  => l_org_rec.Attribute12,
      x_Attribute13                  => l_org_rec.Attribute13,
      x_Attribute14                  => l_org_rec.Attribute14,
      x_Attribute15                  => l_org_rec.Attribute15,
      x_Attribute16                  => l_org_rec.Attribute16,
      x_Attribute17                  => l_org_rec.Attribute17,
      x_Attribute18                  => l_org_rec.Attribute18,
      x_Attribute19                  => l_org_rec.Attribute19,
      x_Attribute20                  => l_org_rec.Attribute20
Line: 1430

End delete_pension_provider_gb;
Line: 1439

Procedure delete_pension_provider_hu
  (p_organization_id   in number
  ,p_effective_date    in date)

 Cursor csr_org Is
  Select *
    from hr_organization_units_v
  where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1451

   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'FR_PENSION'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1458

   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'HR_PAYEE'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1465

   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'HU_PENSION_TYPES_INFO'
     and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1471

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where eei.information_type = 'HU_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'HU_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information2 = p_organization_id;
Line: 1506

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1561

Line: 1576

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1638

     (x_Rowid                        => l_org_rec.row_id,
      x_Organization_Id              => l_org_rec.organization_id,
      x_Business_Group_Id            => l_org_rec.business_group_id,
      x_Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id   => l_org_rec.Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Location_Id                  => l_org_rec.Location_Id,
      x_Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id       => l_org_rec.Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Date_From                    => l_org_rec.Date_From,
      x_Name                         => l_org_rec.Name,
      x_Comments                     => l_org_rec.Comments,
      x_Date_To                      => p_effective_date,
      x_Internal_External_Flag       => l_org_rec.Internal_External_Flag,
      x_Internal_Address_Line        => l_org_rec.Internal_Address_Line,
      x_Type                         => l_org_rec.Type,
      x_Attribute_Category           => l_org_rec.Attribute_Category,
      x_Attribute1                   => l_org_rec.Attribute1,
      x_Attribute2                   => l_org_rec.Attribute2,
      x_Attribute3                   => l_org_rec.Attribute3,
      x_Attribute4                   => l_org_rec.Attribute4,
      x_Attribute5                   => l_org_rec.Attribute5,
      x_Attribute6                   => l_org_rec.Attribute6,
      x_Attribute7                   => l_org_rec.Attribute7,
      x_Attribute8                   => l_org_rec.Attribute8,
      x_Attribute9                   => l_org_rec.Attribute9,
      x_Attribute10                  => l_org_rec.Attribute10,
      x_Attribute11                  => l_org_rec.Attribute11,
      x_Attribute12                  => l_org_rec.Attribute12,
      x_Attribute13                  => l_org_rec.Attribute13,
      x_Attribute14                  => l_org_rec.Attribute14,
      x_Attribute15                  => l_org_rec.Attribute15,
      x_Attribute16                  => l_org_rec.Attribute16,
      x_Attribute17                  => l_org_rec.Attribute17,
      x_Attribute18                  => l_org_rec.Attribute18,
      x_Attribute19                  => l_org_rec.Attribute19,
      x_Attribute20                  => l_org_rec.Attribute20
Line: 1676

End delete_pension_provider_hu;
Line: 1684

Procedure delete_pension_provider_ie
  (p_organization_id   in number
  ,p_effective_date    in date)

 Cursor csr_org Is
  Select *
    from hr_organization_units_v
  where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1696

   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'IE_PENSION'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1703

   Select rowid,org_information_id,org_information_context,org_information1
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'CLASS'
     and org_information1      = 'HR_PAYEE'
     and organization_id         = p_organization_id;
Line: 1710

   Select rowid
     from hr_organization_information
   where org_information_context = 'IE_PENSION_TYPES_INFO'
     and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1716

   Select 1
     from pay_element_type_extra_info eei
    where eei.information_type = 'IE_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information_category = 'IE_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
      and eei.eei_information2 = p_organization_id;
Line: 1751

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1806

Line: 1821

      x_rowid                => l_org_info_rowid,
      x_org_information_id   => l_org_information_id,
      x_org_information_context => l_org_information_context,
      x_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
      x_org_information1     => l_org_classification,
      x_org_information2     => 'N',
      x_org_information3     => NULL,
      x_org_information4     => NULL,
      x_org_information5     => NULL,
      x_org_information6     => NULL,
      x_org_information7     => NULL,
      x_org_information8     => NULL,
      x_org_information9     => NULL,
      x_org_information10    => NULL,
      x_org_information11    => NULL,
      x_org_information12    => NULL,
      x_org_information13    => NULL,
      x_org_information14    => NULL,
      x_org_information15    => NULL,
      x_org_information16    => NULL,
      x_org_information17    => NULL,
      x_org_information18    => NULL,
      x_org_information19    => NULL,
      x_org_information20    => NULL,
      x_attribute_category   => NULL,
      x_attribute1           => NULL,
      x_attribute2           => NULL,
      x_attribute3           => NULL,
      x_attribute4           => NULL,
      x_attribute5           => NULL,
      x_attribute6           => NULL,
      x_attribute7           => NULL,
      x_attribute8           => NULL,
      x_attribute9           => NULL,
      x_attribute10          => NULL,
      x_attribute11          => NULL,
      x_attribute12          => NULL,
      x_attribute13          => NULL,
      x_attribute14          => NULL,
      x_attribute15          => NULL,
      x_attribute16          => NULL,
      x_attribute17          => NULL,
      x_attribute18          => NULL,
      x_attribute19          => NULL,
      x_attribute20          => NULL);
Line: 1883

     (x_Rowid                        => l_org_rec.row_id,
      x_Organization_Id              => l_org_rec.organization_id,
      x_Business_Group_Id            => l_org_rec.business_group_id,
      x_Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id   => l_org_rec.Cost_Allocation_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Location_Id                  => l_org_rec.Location_Id,
      x_Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id       => l_org_rec.Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id,
      x_Date_From                    => l_org_rec.Date_From,
      x_Name                         => l_org_rec.Name,
      x_Comments                     => l_org_rec.Comments,
      x_Date_To                      => p_effective_date,
      x_Internal_External_Flag       => l_org_rec.Internal_External_Flag,
      x_Internal_Address_Line        => l_org_rec.Internal_Address_Line,
      x_Type                         => l_org_rec.Type,
      x_Attribute_Category           => l_org_rec.Attribute_Category,
      x_Attribute1                   => l_org_rec.Attribute1,
      x_Attribute2                   => l_org_rec.Attribute2,
      x_Attribute3                   => l_org_rec.Attribute3,
      x_Attribute4                   => l_org_rec.Attribute4,
      x_Attribute5                   => l_org_rec.Attribute5,
      x_Attribute6                   => l_org_rec.Attribute6,
      x_Attribute7                   => l_org_rec.Attribute7,
      x_Attribute8                   => l_org_rec.Attribute8,
      x_Attribute9                   => l_org_rec.Attribute9,
      x_Attribute10                  => l_org_rec.Attribute10,
      x_Attribute11                  => l_org_rec.Attribute11,
      x_Attribute12                  => l_org_rec.Attribute12,
      x_Attribute13                  => l_org_rec.Attribute13,
      x_Attribute14                  => l_org_rec.Attribute14,
      x_Attribute15                  => l_org_rec.Attribute15,
      x_Attribute16                  => l_org_rec.Attribute16,
      x_Attribute17                  => l_org_rec.Attribute17,
      x_Attribute18                  => l_org_rec.Attribute18,
      x_Attribute19                  => l_org_rec.Attribute19,
      x_Attribute20                  => l_org_rec.Attribute20
Line: 1921

End delete_pension_provider_ie;
Line: 2142

Procedure update_pension_provider_swi
  (p_organization_id   in number
  ,p_business_group_id in number
  ,p_provider_name     in varchar2
  ,p_location_id       in number
  ,p_date_from         in date
  ,p_date_to           in date ) Is

  -- Variables for API Boolean parameters
  l_validate                      boolean;
Line: 2158

  l_proc    varchar2(72) := 'update_pension_provider';
Line: 2164

  savepoint update_pension_provider;
Line: 2184

  (p_organization_id      =>  p_organization_id
  ,p_business_group_id    =>  p_business_group_id
  ,p_provider_name        =>  p_provider_name
  ,p_location_id          =>  p_location_id
  ,p_date_from            =>  p_date_from
  ,p_date_to              =>  p_date_to
Line: 2214

    rollback to update_pension_provider;
Line: 2229

    rollback to update_pension_provider;
Line: 2240

End update_pension_provider_swi;
Line: 2247

Procedure delete_pension_provider_swi
  (p_organization_id   in number
  ,p_effective_date    in date
  ,p_business_group_id in number)

  -- Variables for API Boolean parameters
  l_validate                      boolean;
Line: 2261

  l_proc    varchar2(72) := 'delete_pension_provider';
Line: 2269

  savepoint delete_pension_provider;
Line: 2297

      (p_organization_id  => p_organization_id);
Line: 2302

      (p_organization_id  => p_organization_id
      ,p_effective_date   => p_effective_date);
Line: 2308

      (p_organization_id  => p_organization_id
      ,p_effective_date   => p_effective_date);
Line: 2313

      (p_organization_id  => p_organization_id
      ,p_effective_date   => p_effective_date);
Line: 2343

    rollback to delete_pension_provider;
Line: 2358

    rollback to delete_pension_provider;
Line: 2369

End delete_pension_provider_swi;
Line: 2688

 procedure delete_pension_types_swi
  (p_organization_id               in     number
  ,p_business_group_id             in     number
  ,p_legislation_code              in     varchar2
  ,p_pension_type_id               in     number
  ,p_org_information_id            in     number
  ) IS

  -- Variables for API Boolean parameters
  l_validate                      boolean;
Line: 2704

  l_proc    varchar2(72) := 'delete_pension_types';
Line: 2710

  savepoint delete_pension_types;
Line: 2730

  (p_organization_id     =>    p_organization_id
  ,p_business_group_id   =>    p_business_group_id
  ,p_legislation_code    =>    p_legislation_code
  ,p_pension_type_id     =>    p_pension_type_id
  ,p_org_information_id  =>    p_org_information_id
Line: 2759

    rollback to delete_pension_types;
Line: 2774

    rollback to delete_pension_types;
Line: 2785

END delete_pension_types_swi;
Line: 2792

 procedure delete_third_party_paymnt_swi
  (p_organization_id               in     number
  ) IS

  -- Variables for API Boolean parameters
  l_validate                      boolean;
Line: 2804

  l_proc    varchar2(72) := 'delete_third_party_paymnt_swi';
Line: 2810

  savepoint delete_third_party_paymnt;
Line: 2830

  (p_organization_id     =>    p_organization_id
Line: 2855

    rollback to delete_third_party_paymnt;
Line: 2870

    rollback to delete_third_party_paymnt;
Line: 2881

END delete_third_party_paymnt_swi;
Line: 3003

procedure delete_assigned_providers_swi
 ( p_organization_id       in     number
  ,p_org_information_id  in     number
 ) Is

  -- Variables for API Boolean parameters
  l_validate                      boolean;
Line: 3043

 (p_organization_id     =>  p_organization_id
 ,p_org_information_id  =>  p_org_information_id
Line: 3095

End delete_assigned_providers_swi;
Line: 3102

procedure delete_assigned_providers
 ( p_organization_id       in     number
  ,p_org_information_id  in     number
 ) Is

CURSOR csr_org_info IS
Select rowid
  From hr_organization_information
Where  org_information_context = 'PQP_NL_ER_PENSION_TYPES'
   AND organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND org_information_id = p_org_information_id;
Line: 3132

Line: 3135

End delete_assigned_providers;