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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

g_res_numRecInserted     Number := Null;
Line: 14

g_rbs_numRecInserted     Number := Null;
Line: 107

Line: 163

                Select NVL(p_resource_list_id,bv.resource_list_id)
                Into  g_resource_list_id
                From pa_budget_versions bv
            ,pa_proj_fp_options fp
                Where bv.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
        And   fp.fin_plan_version_id (+) = bv.budget_version_id
        and   rownum = 1;
Line: 182

            Select NVL(p_project_id,project_id)
            Into g_project_id
            From pa_budget_versions
            Where budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 205

/* This API inserts records into RBS mapping tmp tables
 * the records will be inserted Based on calling mode
PROCEDURE populate_rbsmap_tmp
        (p_budget_version_id    IN Number
        ,p_calling_mode         IN varchar2
        ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY  varchar2 ) IS

    l_stage  varchar2(1000);
Line: 218

    DELETE FROM pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp ;
Line: 219

    DELETE FROM pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
Line: 221

        l_stage := 'Inserting recrods into pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp for the budget version';
Line: 223

        INSERT INTO pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp
                SELECT ra.resource_assignment_id
                FROM pa_resource_assignments ra
                    --,pa_budget_versions bv
                    --,pa_proj_fp_options fp
            --,pa_expenditure_types et
            --,pa_non_labor_resources nlr
            --,pa_expenditure_categories ec
            --,pa_event_types ev
            --,pa_resource_classes_b rc
                WHERE ra.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
                --AND   ra.budget_version_id = bv.budget_version_id (+)
                --ANd   bv.budget_version_id = fp.fin_plan_version_id(+)
        --and   ra.expenditure_type = et.expenditure_type (+)
        --and   ra.non_labor_resource = nlr.non_labor_resource (+)
        --and   ra.expenditure_category = ec.expenditure_category (+)
        --and   ra.event_type = ev.event_type (+)
        --and   ra.resource_class_code = rc.resource_class_code (+)
Line: 278

        g_rbs_numRecInserted := sql%Rowcount ;
Line: 279

        l_stage := 'Num Of Records Inserted ['||g_rbs_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 281

        /* bug fix: 3678165 added this update commented out the outer join from insert */
        If g_rbs_numRecInserted > 0 Then
            l_stage := 'Update the tmp table with exp,event,cate,Ids';
Line: 284

            UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
            SET tmp.expenditure_type_id = (select et.expenditure_type_id
                            from pa_expenditure_types et
                                ,pa_resource_assignments ra
                            where et.expenditure_type = ra.expenditure_type
                            and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
                            and rownum =1 )
            ,tmp.non_labor_resource_id = (select nlr.non_labor_resource_id
                            from pa_non_labor_resources nlr
                                ,pa_resource_assignments ra
                            where nlr.non_labor_resource = ra.non_labor_resource
                            and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
                            and rownum = 1)
            ,tmp.expenditure_category_id = (select ec.expenditure_category_id
                            from pa_expenditure_categories ec
                                ,pa_resource_assignments ra
                                                        where ec.expenditure_category = ra.expenditure_category
                                                        and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
                                                        and rownum = 1)
            ,tmp.event_type_id  = (select ev.event_type_id
                        from pa_event_types ev
                            ,pa_resource_assignments ra
                                                where ra.event_type = ev.event_type
                                                and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
                                                and rownum = 1)
            ,tmp.resource_class_id  = (select rc.resource_class_id
                                                from pa_resource_classes_b rc
                                                    ,pa_resource_assignments ra
                                                where nvl(ra.incur_by_res_class_code,ra.resource_class_code) = rc.resource_class_code
                                                and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
                                                and rownum = 1) ;
Line: 316

                 print_msg(g_debug_flag,'Number of rows updated on pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp['||sql%Rowcount||']');
Line: 319

        l_stage := 'Inserting recrods into pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp from PLSQL tables';
Line: 322

                INSERT INTO pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp
                SELECT g_txn_source_id_sqltab(i)
            ,NULL   --et.expenditure_type_id
                        ,NULL   --ev.event_type_id
                        ,NULL   --ec.expenditure_category_id
            ,NULL   --nlr.non_labor_resource_id
            ,NULL   --rc.resource_class_id
                FROM Dual ;
Line: 362

        g_rbs_numRecInserted := g_txn_source_id_sqltab.Count ;
Line: 363

        l_stage := 'Num Of Records Inserted ['||g_rbs_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 366

            UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
            SET tmp.expenditure_type_id = (select et.expenditure_type_id
                            from pa_expenditure_types et
                            where et.expenditure_type = g_expenditure_type_sqltab(i))
            , tmp.non_labor_resource_id = (select nlr.non_labor_resource_id
                               from pa_non_labor_resources nlr
                            where nlr.non_labor_resource = g_non_labor_resource_sqltab(i))
            ,tmp.resource_class_id = (select rc.resource_class_id
                         from pa_resource_classes_b rc
                         where rc.resource_class_code = g_resource_class_code_sqltab(i) )
            ,tmp.expenditure_category_id = (select ec.expenditure_category_id
                            from pa_expenditure_categories ec
                            where ec.expenditure_category = g_expenditure_category_sqltab(i))
	    /* Bug fix: 3999186 populating event type */
	    ,tmp.event_type_id = (select evt.event_type_id
				from pa_event_types evt
				where evt.event_type = g_event_type_sqltab(i))
            WHERE tmp.source_id = g_txn_source_id_sqltab(i);
Line: 386

        l_stage := 'Inserting recrods into pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp from SYSTEM tables';
Line: 389

                INSERT INTO pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp
                SELECT g_txn_source_id_systab(i)
            ,NULL   --et.expenditure_type_id
                        ,NULL   --ev.event_type_id
                        ,NULL   --ec.expenditure_category_id
            ,NULL   --nlr.non_labor_resource_id
            ,NULL   --rc.resource_class_id
                FROM Dual ;
Line: 429

        g_rbs_numRecInserted := g_txn_source_id_systab.count;
Line: 430

        l_stage := 'Num Of Records Inserted ['||g_rbs_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 433

            UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp
            SET expenditure_type_id = (select et.expenditure_type_id
                            from pa_expenditure_types et
                            where et.expenditure_type = g_expenditure_type_systab(i))
            , non_labor_resource_id = (select nlr.non_labor_resource_id
                               from pa_non_labor_resources nlr
                            where nlr.non_labor_resource = g_non_labor_resource_systab(i))
            ,resource_class_id = (select rc.resource_class_id
                         from pa_resource_classes_b rc
                         where rc.resource_class_code = g_resource_class_code_systab(i) )
            ,expenditure_category_id = (select ec.expenditure_category_id
                            from pa_expenditure_categories ec
                            where ec.expenditure_category = g_expenditure_category_systab(i))
	    /* Bug fix: 3999186 populating event type */
            ,event_type_id = (select evt.event_type_id
                                from pa_event_types evt
                                where evt.event_type = g_event_type_systab(i))
            WHERE source_id = g_txn_source_id_systab(i);
Line: 455

        UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
    SET tmp.expenditure_category_id = (select etc.expenditure_category_id
                                           from pa_expenditure_types et
                        ,pa_expenditure_categories etc
                                           where et.expenditure_type_id = tmp.expenditure_type_id
                       and et.expenditure_category = etc.expenditure_category
        WHERE tmp.expenditure_category_id is NULL
    AND   tmp.expenditure_type_id is NOT NULL ;
Line: 468

        UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
        SET tmp.Revenue_category_code  = (select et.Revenue_category_code
                                           from pa_event_types et
                                           where et.event_type_id = tmp.event_type_id
        WHERE tmp.Revenue_category_code is NULL
        AND   tmp.event_type_id is NOT NULL ;
Line: 478

        UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
        SET tmp.Revenue_category_code  = (select et.Revenue_category_code
                                           from pa_expenditure_types et
                                           where et.expenditure_type_id = tmp.expenditure_type_id
        WHERE tmp.Revenue_category_code is NULL
        AND   tmp.expenditure_type_id is NOT NULL ;
Line: 487

    UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
    SET tmp.item_category_id = ( SELECT cat.CATEGORY_ID
                    FROM PA_RESOURCE_CLASSES_B classes
                        ,PA_PLAN_RES_DEFAULTS  cls
                        ,MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES  cat
                    WHERE classes.RESOURCE_CLASS_CODE = 'MATERIAL_ITEMS'
                    AND cls.RESOURCE_CLASS_ID      = classes.RESOURCE_CLASS_ID
                    AND cls.ITEM_CATEGORY_SET_ID    = cat.CATEGORY_SET_ID
                    AND cat.ORGANIZATION_ID = tmp.organization_id
                    AND cat.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = tmp.inventory_item_id
                    AND rownum = 1
    WHERE tmp.item_category_id is NULL
    AND   tmp.inventory_item_id is NOT NULL;
Line: 513

/* This API inserts records into Resource mapping tmp tables
 * the records will be inserted Based on calling mode
PROCEDURE populate_resmap_tmp
    (p_budget_version_id    IN Number
    ,p_calling_mode         IN varchar2
    ,x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY varchar2 ) IS

    l_NumRecInserted         Number := 0;
Line: 526

        SELECT decode(nvl(wp_version_flag,'N'),
                  'N',PA_PROJECT_STRUCTURE_UTILS.GET_FIN_STRUC_VER_ID( project_id ),
        FROM   pa_budget_versions
        WHERE  budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 535

    l_NumRecInserted := 0;
Line: 539

    DELETE FROM pa_res_list_map_tmp1;
Line: 540

    DELETE FROM pa_res_list_map_tmp4;
Line: 553

    SELECT nvl(uncategorized_flag,'N')
    INTO   l_uncategorized_flag
    FROM   pa_resource_lists_all_bg
    WHERE  resource_list_id=g_resource_list_id;
Line: 577

           l_stage := 'Inserting recrods into pa_res_list_map_tmp1 for the given budget version';
Line: 581

               INSERT INTO pa_res_list_map_tmp4
                SELECT ra.resource_assignment_id
                    ,SUPPLIER_ID    VENDOR_ID
                    -- bug fix: 3698197 ,NVL(EXPENDITURE_TYPE,RATE_EXPENDITURE_TYPE)
                    --,Null         EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID
                    --,Null         EVENT_TYPE_ID
                    --,Null     NON_LABOR_RESOURCE_ID
                    --,Null     EXPENDITURE_CATEGORY_ID
                    ,Null       NLR_ORGANIZATION_ID
                    ,Null       EVENT_CLASSIFICATION
                    ,Null       SYS_LINK_FUNCTION
                    --,Null         NAMED_ROLE_ID
                    ,NULL --pelm.element_version_id
            FROM pa_resource_assignments ra
            WHERE ra.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 672

               INSERT INTO pa_res_list_map_tmp1
                    ,TXN_BUDGET_VERSION_ID )
            SELECT ra.resource_assignment_id
                    ,SUPPLIER_ID    VENDOR_ID
                    -- bug fix: 3698197 ,NVL(EXPENDITURE_TYPE,RATE_EXPENDITURE_TYPE)
                    --,Null         EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID
                    --,Null         EVENT_TYPE_ID
                    --,Null     NON_LABOR_RESOURCE_ID
                    --,Null     EXPENDITURE_CATEGORY_ID
                    ,Null       NLR_ORGANIZATION_ID
                    ,Null       EVENT_CLASSIFICATION
                    ,Null       SYS_LINK_FUNCTION
                    --,Null         NAMED_ROLE_ID
                    ,NULL --pelm.element_version_id
            FROM pa_resource_assignments ra
            WHERE ra.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 761

        l_NumRecInserted := sql%Rowcount;
Line: 762

        g_res_numRecInserted := l_NumRecInserted ;
Line: 763

        l_stage := 'Num of Records inserted ['||g_res_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 767

        /* Insert these plsql tables into ResMap Temp Tables*/
        If g_TXN_SOURCE_ID_sqltab.COUNT > 0 Then

            IF l_uncategorized_flag = 'Y' THEN
                l_stage := 'Inserting records into pa_res_list_map_tmp4 from PLSQL tables';
Line: 774

                    INSERT INTO pa_res_list_map_tmp4
                      SELECT g_TXN_SOURCE_ID_sqltab(i)
                        ,g_TXN_PLAN_END_DATE_sqltab (i)
                       FROM DUAL;
Line: 862

                l_stage := 'Inserting records into pa_res_list_map_tmp1 from PLSQL tables';
Line: 865

                    INSERT INTO pa_res_list_map_tmp1
                        ,TXN_BUDGET_VERSION_ID )
                      SELECT g_TXN_SOURCE_ID_sqltab(i)
                        ,g_TXN_PLAN_END_DATE_sqltab (i)
                       FROM DUAL;
Line: 950

            l_NumRecInserted := sql%Rowcount;
Line: 951

            g_res_numRecInserted := l_NumRecInserted;
Line: 953

            l_stage := 'Num of Records inserted ['||g_res_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 958

        /* Insert these system.tab into ResMap Temp Tables*/
        If g_TXN_SOURCE_ID_systab.COUNT > 0 Then
            IF l_uncategorized_flag = 'Y' THEN

                 l_stage := 'Inserting records into pa_res_list_map_tmp4  from SYSTEM tables';
Line: 965

                     INSERT INTO pa_res_list_map_tmp4
                     SELECT g_TXN_SOURCE_ID_systab(i)
                        ,g_TXN_PLAN_END_DATE_systab (i)
                     FROM DUAL;
Line: 1054

                 l_stage := 'Inserting records into pa_res_list_map_tmp1  from SYSTEM tables';
Line: 1057

                     INSERT INTO pa_res_list_map_tmp1
                        ,TXN_BUDGET_VERSION_ID )
                     SELECT g_TXN_SOURCE_ID_systab(i)
                        ,g_TXN_PLAN_END_DATE_systab (i)
                     FROM DUAL;
Line: 1143

            l_NumRecInserted := sql%Rowcount;
Line: 1144

            g_res_numRecInserted := l_NumRecInserted;
Line: 1145

            l_stage := 'Num of Records inserted ['||g_res_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 1156

    IF l_NumRecInserted > 0  AND
       l_uncategorized_flag = 'N' THEN

        /* update the resource class id for the inseted rows*/
        --FORALL i IN g_txn_id_sqltab.FIRST .. g_txn_id_sqltab.LAST
            UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
        SET tmp.resource_class_id = (select rc.resource_class_id
                         from pa_resource_classes_b rc
                         where rc.resource_class_code = tmp.resource_class_code)
        WHERE tmp.resource_class_code is NOT NULL
Line: 1170

                UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
                SET tmp.expenditure_category = (select etc.expenditure_category
                                           from pa_expenditure_types et
                                                ,pa_expenditure_categories etc
                                           where et.expenditure_type = tmp.expenditure_type
                                           and et.expenditure_category = etc.expenditure_category
                       and rownum = 1
                WHERE tmp.expenditure_category is NULL
                AND   tmp.expenditure_type is NOT NULL ;
Line: 1182

        UPDATE  pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
            SET tmp.revenue_category = (SELECT evt.revenue_category_code
                                          FROM pa_event_types evt
                                         WHERE evt.event_type=tmp.event_type)
            WHERE tmp.revenue_category IS NULL
            AND tmp.event_type IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1190

                UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
                SET tmp.Revenue_category  = (select et.Revenue_category_code
                                           from pa_expenditure_types et
                                           where et.expenditure_type = tmp.expenditure_type
                       and rownum = 1
                WHERE tmp.Revenue_category is NULL
                AND   tmp.expenditure_type is NOT NULL ;
Line: 1200

            UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
            SET tmp.item_category_id = ( SELECT cat.CATEGORY_ID
                                        FROM PA_RESOURCE_CLASSES_B classes
                                                ,PA_PLAN_RES_DEFAULTS  cls
                                                ,MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES  cat
                                        WHERE classes.RESOURCE_CLASS_CODE = 'MATERIAL_ITEMS'
                                        AND cls.RESOURCE_CLASS_ID      = classes.RESOURCE_CLASS_ID
                                        AND cls.ITEM_CATEGORY_SET_ID    = cat.CATEGORY_SET_ID
                                        AND cat.ORGANIZATION_ID = tmp.organization_id
                                        AND cat.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = tmp.inventory_item_id
                    AND rownum = 1
            WHERE tmp.item_category_id is NULL
            AND   tmp.inventory_item_id is NOT NULL;
Line: 1217

         * moved the select to cursor */
        IF l_struct_ver_id is NOT NULL Then
            UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
                    SET tmp.TXN_WBS_ELEMENT_VERSION_ID = (Select pelm.element_version_id
                              From pa_proj_element_versions pelm
                              WHERE pelm.parent_structure_version_id = l_struct_ver_id
                              AND pelm.proj_element_id = tmp.txn_task_id
                              AND rownum = 1
                    WHERE tmp.TXN_WBS_ELEMENT_VERSION_ID is NULL
                    AND   tmp.txn_task_id is NOT NULL;
Line: 1231

        /* added this update for bug fix:3854817 */
         UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
         SET tmp.fc_res_type_code = DECODE(tmp.EXPENDITURE_TYPE,null
         WHERE tmp.fc_res_type_code is NULL;
Line: 1264

    SELECT rsmap.txn_source_id
        ,null -- rsmap.res_map_rejection_code
                ,null  --rsmap.res_map_rejection_code
    FROM pa_res_list_map_tmp4 rsmap;
Line: 1279

        SELECT rsmap.source_id
                ,null -- rsmap.rbs_map_rejection_code
                ,null -- rsmap.rbs_map_rejection_code
        FROM pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp rsmap;
Line: 1294

        SELECT resmap.txn_source_id
                ,null -- resmap.res_map_rejection_code
                ,null  --resmap.res_map_rejection_code
                ,null -- rbsmap.rbs_map_rejection_code
                ,null -- rbsmap.rbs_map_rejection_code
        FROM pa_res_list_map_tmp4 resmap
        ,pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp rbsmap
    WHERE resmap.txn_source_id = rbsmap.source_id ;
Line: 1319

Line: 1321

Line: 1323

Line: 1325

Line: 1327

Line: 1329

Line: 1334

                select count(*)
                into l_count
                from pa_res_list_map_tmp4;
Line: 1360

                select count(*)
                into l_count
                from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
Line: 1365

        FOR i IN ( select * from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp ) LOOP
        print_msg(g_debug_flag,'Value from rbs outtmp SourceId['||i.source_id||']RbsEleId['||i.rbs_element_id||']TxnAccum['||i.txn_accum_header_id||']');
Line: 1390

                select count(*)
                into l_count
                from pa_res_list_map_tmp4;
Line: 1394

                select count(*)
                into l_count
                from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
Line: 1837

                l_stage := 'End of Populate populate_resmap_tmp api NumOfRecsInserted['||g_res_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 1842

        If g_res_numRecInserted > 0
           AND g_call_res_list_mapping_api ='Y' Then
                    l_stage := 'Calling pa_resource_mapping.map_resource_list api';
Line: 1871

                l_stage := 'End of populate_rbsmap_tmp api for RBS NumOfRecsInserted['||g_rbs_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 1876

        If g_rbs_numRecInserted > 0 Then
            /** bug fix 3658113  is reverted
            l_stage := 'Calling pa_rbs_mapping.create_mapping_rules api';
Line: 1907

    If ( g_res_numRecInserted > 0  OR g_rbs_numRecInserted > 0 ) Then
        /* After resource mapping read the values from out tmp tables and
        * populate the plsqltables */
        l_stage := 'Calling populate_resrbsmap_outTbls API';
Line: 2419

                l_stage := 'End of Populate populate_resmap_tmp api NumOfRecsInserted['||g_res_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 2423

        If g_res_numRecInserted > 0 AND
           g_call_res_list_mapping_api = 'Y' Then
            /* call resource mapping api */
                    l_stage := 'Calling pa_resource_mapping.map_resource_list api';
Line: 2454

                l_stage := 'End of populate_rbsmap_tmp api for RBS NumOfRecsInserted['||g_rbs_numRecInserted||']';
Line: 2457

        If g_rbs_numRecInserted > 0 Then
            /** bug fix3658113  is reverted
                        l_stage := 'Calling pa_rbs_mapping.create_mapping_rules api';
Line: 2488

    If ( g_res_numRecInserted > 0 OR g_rbs_numRecInserted > 0 )Then
        /* After resource mapping read the values from out tmp tables and
        * populate the plsqltables */
        l_stage := 'Calling populate_resrbsmap_outTbls API';
Line: 2586

/* This API updates the new frozen RBS version on all affected projects.
 * Befare Calling this API, user has to populate the following global temp Table
 * with all the affected project Ids : pji_pjp_proj_batch_map
 * The out param x_return_status will be 'S' in case of Success, 'E'- Error , 'U' - Unexpected Errors
        (p_old_rbs_version_id    IN NUMBER
        ,p_new_rbs_version_id    IN NUMBER
        ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
        ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY Number
        ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY Varchar2 ) IS

    CURSOR cur_rbsVersions(p_worker_id Number,p_rbs_header_id NUMBER) IS -- Modified for Bug 6450168
    SELECT fp.project_id		 project_id
	  ,fp.fin_plan_option_level_code finplan_option_level
          ,fp.fin_plan_version_id        budget_version_id
	  ,pp.segment1  		 project_name
	  ,bv.version_name		 version_name
	  ,fptyp.name                    plan_type_name
    FROM pa_budget_versions bv
          ,pa_proj_fp_options fp
          ,pji_pjp_proj_batch_map rbs
	  ,pa_projects_all pp
	  ,pa_fin_plan_types_tl fptyp
          ,pa_rbs_versions_b rvb -- Added for Bug 6450168
    WHERE bv.budget_version_id (+) = fp.fin_plan_version_id
    AND   nvl(bv.project_id,fp.project_id) = fp.project_id
    ANd   fp.project_id = rbs.project_id
    AND   fp.project_id = pp.project_id
    AND   fp.rbs_version_id = rvb.rbs_version_id -- Added for Bug 6450168
    AND   rvb.rbs_header_id = p_rbs_header_id    -- Added for Bug 6450168
--    AND   rbs.PROJECT_ACTIVE_FLAG = 'Y'  --commented for bug 4579741
    AND   rbs.WORKER_ID = p_worker_id
    AND   fp.fin_plan_type_id = fptyp.fin_plan_type_id (+)
    AND   NVL(fptyp.language,userenv('LANG')) = userenv('LANG')
    ORDER BY fp.project_id,bv.budget_version_id
    FOR UPDATE OF fp.proj_fp_options_id,bv.budget_version_id ;
Line: 2627

	FROM dual
	WHERE EXISTS (select null
		      from pa_resource_assignments ra
		      where ra.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id);
Line: 2634

	SELECT rbs1.name old_rbs_name
       		,rbs2.name new_rbs_name
	FROM pa_rbs_versions_v rbs1
    	    ,pa_rbs_versions_v rbs2
	WHERE rbs1.rbs_version_id = p_old_rbs_version_id
	AND rbs2.rbs_version_id = p_new_rbs_version_id;
Line: 2706

    	/* For Each budget version Id call the RBS mapping api and update the
         * the rbs_element_id from the tmp table on proj_fp_options, budget versions, and resource assignments
         * table
    	l_prev_project_id := NULL;
Line: 2718

	    /* Bug fix: 3977666 As discussed with Vijay Ranganathan, The proj fp options must be updated first and then
             * to call the RBS mapping api. So moving the code of updating pa_proj_fp_options at end to first */
             /* once all the mapping is done for the project update the fp options at plan Type and project level and version level
             l_stage := 'Update pa proj fp options with RBS details: FpOptionId['||i.proj_fp_options_id||']BdgtVer['||i.budget_version_id||']';
Line: 2724

             UPDATE pa_proj_fp_options fp
             SET fp.rbs_version_id = p_new_rbs_version_id
                   ,fp.record_version_number = nvl(fp.record_version_number,0) +1
             WHERE fp.project_id = i.Project_id
             --AND  fp.rbs_version_id = p_old_rbs_version_id -- Commented for Bug 6450168
             AND  fp.proj_fp_options_id = i.proj_fp_options_id;
Line: 2730

Line: 2735

Line: 2736

Line: 2737

Line: 2738

Line: 2798

        	      /* update the resource assignment table with the new rbs details */
        	      If l_txn_source_id_tab.count > 0  AND l_return_status = 'S' Then
            		l_stage := 'Update Resource assignments with new RBS details';
Line: 2803

            			UPDATE pa_resource_assignments ra
            			SET ra.rbs_element_id = NVL(l_rbs_element_id_tab(j),ra.rbs_element_id)
               			   ,ra.txn_accum_header_id = NVL(l_txn_accum_header_id_tab(j),ra.txn_accum_header_id)
            			WHERE ra.budget_version_id = i.budget_version_id
            			AND   ra.project_id = i.project_id
            			AND   ra.resource_assignment_id = l_txn_source_id_tab(j) ;
Line: 2814

            		/* update the budget version recod version nubmer, so that any changes in the rbs version related to
            		* old budget version should be in synch with these changes
                	l_stage := 'Update pa_budget_versions with recordVerNum:BdgtVer['||i.budget_version_id||']';
Line: 2819

                	UPDATE pa_budget_versions bv
                	SET bv.record_version_number = nvl(bv.record_version_number,0) +1
                	WHERE bv.budget_version_id = i.budget_version_id;