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1 package body FND_REQUEST_SET as
2 /* $Header: AFRSSUBB.pls 120.13.12000000.2 2007/10/05 13:13:01 ggupta ship $ */
5 -- Used to get stage function values
6 g_set_id number;
7 g_set_appl_id number;
8 g_stage_id number;
9 g_function_id number;
10 g_function_appl_id number;
13 /*
14 ** GEN_ERROR (Internal)
15 **
16 ** Return error message for unexpected sql errors
17 */
18 function GEN_ERROR(routine in varchar2,
19 	           errcode in number,
20 	           errmsg in varchar2) return varchar2 is
21 begin
22     fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SQL_PLSQL_ERROR');
23     fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', routine);
24     fnd_message.set_token('ERRNO', errcode);
25     fnd_message.set_token('REASON', errmsg);
26     return substr( fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
27 end;
30 /*
32 **
33 ** Request set master program.
34 **
35 */
36 procedure FNDRSSUB  (errbuf    out nocopy varchar2,
37                      retcode   out nocopy number,
38                      appl_id   in number,
39                      set_id    in number) is
40   stage_id         number;        /* ID of current stage.            */
41   req_id           number;        /* Request_ID for current stage.   */
42   req_data         varchar2(240); /* State of last FNDRSSUB run.     */
43   pos              number;        /* Counter for parsing req_data.   */
44   pos2             number;        /* Counter for parsing req_data.   */
45   critical_outcome varchar2(240);  /* Outcome and name of last       */
46                                   /*   critical stage.               */
47   previous_outcome varchar2(1);
48   next_stage       number;        /* Next stage to run.              */
49   current_outcome  varchar2(1);   /* Outcome of current stage.       */
50             /*   'S' = Success                 */
51             /*   'W' = Warning                 */
52             /*   'E' = Error                   */
53   is_critical      varchar2(1);   /* Is the current stage critical?  */
54   user_stage_name  varchar2(240); /* Name of the current stage.      */
55   outcome_meaning  varchar2(80);  /* Translated outcome meaning.     */
56   critical_stages  boolean;       /* Were any critical stages        */
57                                   /*   executed in this set?         */
58   request_desc     varchar2(240); /* Description for submit_request  */
59   conc_req_id      number; /* Request Id for the Concurrent Program */
60   runinfo_id       varchar2(2); /* Flag to find whether request is started or restarted*/
61   error_stage_id   number; /*Stage id of failed stage in the last run.*/
62   restart_flag     number; /* represents whether stage needs to be restarted or not */
63   req_request_date date;
64   rset_last_updated_date date;
65   tmpDate               date;
66   tmp_number            number;
67   current_run_number    number;
68   /*Bug 5680669*/
69   t_app_name        varchar2(50);
70   req_set_name      varchar2(30);
71   warn_flag         varchar2(1)     default 'N';
72   tmp_buf        varchar2(240);
74 begin
75   /* Get state from last run if any. */
76   req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
77   conc_req_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id();
78   restart_flag := 0;
80     /*Bug 5680669 -START-*/
81 select fa.application_short_name,frs.request_set_name
82 into t_app_name, req_set_name
83 from fnd_request_sets_vl frs, fnd_application fa
84 where frs.application_id=appl_id
85 and frs.request_set_id=set_id
86 and frs.application_id=fa.application_id;
88 tmp_buf := fnd_submit.justify_program(t_app_name,req_set_name);
89 if tmp_buf is not null then
90   if substr(tmp_buf,1,1) = 'E' then
91         fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-RS-CRITICAL DISABLED');
92         fnd_message.set_token('PROGRAM', substr(tmp_buf,3,240));
93         errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
94         retcode := 2;
95         return;
96   elsif substr(tmp_buf,1,1) = 'W' then
97         warn_flag := 'Y';
98         fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-RS-NONCRITICAL DISABLED');
99         fnd_message.set_token('PROGRAM', substr(tmp_buf,3,240));
100         tmp_buf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
101   end if;
102 end if;
103   /*Bug 5680669 -END-*/
105   /* Is this the first run? */
106   if (req_data is null) then
107     update FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS set RUN_NUMBER = 1 where request_id = conc_req_id;
108     /* Get info for first stage. */
109     begin
110       select request_set_stage_id, request_set_stage_id, user_stage_name
111         into stage_id, next_stage, request_desc
112         from fnd_request_sets sets,
113              fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages
114         where sets.application_id = appl_id
115           and sets.request_set_id = set_id
116           and stages.set_application_id = sets.application_id
117           and stages.request_set_id = sets.request_set_id
118           and sets.start_stage = stages.request_set_stage_id;
119     exception
120       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
121         fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Missing first stage');
122         errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
123         retcode := 2;
124         return;
125     end;
126     /* Initialize critical outcome */
127     critical_outcome := 'NONE';
128     runinfo_id := 'F';
129   else /* Program was restarted */
130      /* Parse Request data: "runinfo_id, Error Stage, stage_id, request_id, critical_outcome" */
131      /* runinfo_id can take Following values
132        (null) - Request Set was running for the first time, this module is getting invoked first time.
133        F      - Request Set was running for the first time, this module is invoked more than once
134        R      - Request Set was restarted.
135        C      - Request Set completed it's Execution.
136        */
137     pos := instr(req_data, ',', 1, 1);
138     runinfo_id := substr(req_data, 1, pos - 1);
139     pos2 := instr(req_data, ',', pos + 1, 1);
140     error_stage_id := to_number(substr(req_data, pos + 1, pos2 - pos -1));
141     pos := pos2;
142     pos2 := instr(req_data, ',', pos + 1, 1);
143     stage_id := to_number(substr(req_data, pos + 1, pos2 - pos -1));
144     pos := pos2;
145     pos2 := instr(req_data, ',', pos + 1, 1);
146     req_id := to_number(substr(req_data, pos + 1, pos2 - pos -1));
147     /* bug 1961715 Removed null as the 3rd parameter */
148     critical_outcome := substr(req_data, pos2 + 1);
149     if (runinfo_id = 'C') then
150       begin
151       select REQUEST_DATE into req_request_date from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS where REQUEST_ID = conc_req_id;
152     select LAST_UPDATE_DATE into rset_last_updated_date from FND_REQUEST_SETS sets
153     where REQUEST_SET_ID = set_id AND application_id = appl_id;
154     SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_stages
155     WHERE request_set_id = set_id
156       AND SET_APPLICATION_ID = appl_id;
157     IF( tmpDate > rset_last_updated_date) THEN
158       rset_last_updated_date := tmpDate;
159     END IF;
160     SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_programs
161     WHERE request_set_id = set_id AND set_application_id = appl_id;
162     IF( tmpDate > rset_last_updated_date) THEN
163       rset_last_updated_date := tmpDate;
164     END IF;
165     if( rset_last_updated_date > req_request_date ) then
166         errbuf := gen_error('FNDRSSUB', SQLCODE, 'Request Set Definition Changed');
167         retcode := 2;
168         return;
169     end if;
170     exception
171     when no_data_found then
172       NULL;
173   end;
174   SELECT run_number INTO current_run_number FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id = conc_req_id;
175   select count(r.request_set_program_id) INTO tmp_number
176   from fnd_run_requests r,
177              fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr2
178        where r.parent_request_id = conc_req_id
179          and fcr1.parent_request_id = fcr2.request_id
180          and fcr1.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
181          and r.request_id = fcr1.request_id
182          and fcr1.status_code = 'E'
183          and fcr2.parent_request_id = conc_req_id
184          and fcr2.run_number = current_run_number
185          and error_stage_id = to_number(fcr2.argument3)
186          AND r.request_set_program_id IS NOT NULL
187          AND r.request_set_program_id NOT IN
188          (
190          AND REQUEST_SET_ID = set_id AND REQUEST_SET_STAGE_ID = error_stage_id
191          );
192     if( tmp_number <> 0)THEN
193         errbuf := gen_error('FNDRSSUB', SQLCODE, 'Request Set Definition Changed');
194         retcode := 2;
195         return;
196     END IF;
199       if ( error_stage_id IS null )  then
200         errbuf := gen_error('FNDRSSUB', SQLCODE, 'Already Succeeded or Last Error Stage id not available');
201         retcode := 2;
202         return;
203       else
204         begin
205         update FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS set RUN_NUMBER = RUN_NUMBER + 1, COMPLETION_TEXT = null where request_id = conc_req_id;
206         critical_outcome := 'NONE';
207         restart_flag := 1;
208         runinfo_id := 'R';
209         stage_id := error_stage_id;
210         error_stage_id := null;
211         select request_set_stage_id, user_stage_name
212           into next_stage, request_desc
213           from fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages
214           where stages.set_application_id = appl_id
215             and stages.request_set_id = set_id
216             and stages.request_set_stage_id = stage_id;
217         exception
218         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
219           fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Missing first stage');
220           errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
221           retcode := 2;
222           return;
223         end;
224       end if;
225     else
226       /* Get status for current stage */
227       begin
228         select decode(status_code, 'C', 'S', 'G', 'W', 'E')
229           into current_outcome
230           from fnd_concurrent_requests
231           where request_id = req_id;
232       exception
233         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
234           fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Missing Request');
235           fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_REQUEST_SET.FNDRSSUB');
236           fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST', to_char(req_id));
237           errbuf := fnd_message.get;
238           retcode := 2;
239           return;
240       end;
241       /* Get Next Stage and Critical info*/
242       begin
243         select decode(current_outcome, 'S', success_link, 'W', warning_link, error_link), critical, user_stage_name
244           into next_stage, is_critical, user_stage_name
245           from fnd_request_set_stages_vl
246           where request_set_id = set_id
247           and set_application_id = appl_id
248           and request_set_stage_id = stage_id;
249         exception
250         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
251           fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Missing stage');
252           errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
253           retcode := 2;
254           return;
255       end;
256       /* update the error stage id in this run */
257       if( current_outcome = 'E' and error_stage_id is null ) then
258         error_stage_id := stage_id;
259       end if;
260       /* Update critical_outcome if necessary */
261       /*  new code added to check the outcome of all the stages
262           if we have more than one critical stages then
263           considering the 'worst' critical stage outcome as set outcome
264           bug 3785411
265       */
266       if (is_critical = 'Y') then
267         previous_outcome := substr(critical_outcome, 1, 1);
268         if (previous_outcome <> 'E') then
269           if(current_outcome = 'E') then
270             critical_outcome := substrb(current_outcome || user_stage_name, 1, 240);
271           elsif(current_outcome = 'W' AND previous_outcome <> 'W') then
272             critical_outcome := substrb(current_outcome || user_stage_name, 1, 240);
273           elsif(previous_outcome <> 'S') then
274             critical_outcome := substrb(current_outcome || user_stage_name, 1, 240);
275           end if;
276         end if;
277       end if;
279       /* Is the set complete? */
280       if (next_stage is null) then
281         /* Were there any critical stages? */
282         if (critical_outcome <> 'NONE') then
283           critical_stages := TRUE;
284           current_outcome := substr(critical_outcome, 1, 1);
285           /* bug 1961715 Removed null as the 3rd parameter */
286           user_stage_name := substr(critical_outcome, 2);
287         else
288           critical_stages := FALSE;
289         end if;
290         /* Get final outcome meaning */
291         select meaning
292           into outcome_meaning
293           from fnd_lookups
294           where lookup_type = 'CP_SET_OUTCOME'
295           and lookup_code = current_outcome;
296         retcode := to_number(translate(current_outcome, 'SWE', '012'));
297         if (critical_stages) then
298           fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Set Completed Critical');
299         else
300           fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-Set Completed');
301         end if;
302         fnd_message.set_token('OUTCOME', outcome_meaning);
303         fnd_message.set_token('STAGE', user_stage_name);
304         errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
305         fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals( request_data =>
306           substrb( 'C,' || to_char(error_stage_id) || ',' || to_char(stage_id) || ',' ||
307           to_char(req_id)   || ',' ||
308           critical_outcome, 1, 240));
310 	  /*Bug 5680669 */
311 	  if warn_flag = 'Y' then
312             retcode := 1;
313             errbuf := tmp_buf;
314           end if;
315         return;
316       end if;
317       /* Get next stage  */
318       begin
319         Select user_stage_name
320           into request_desc
321           from fnd_request_set_stages_vl
322          where request_set_id = set_id
323            and set_application_id = appl_id
324            and request_set_stage_id = next_stage;
325         exception
326         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
327           if (current_outcome = 'S') then
328             fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-BAD SUCCESS LINK');
329           elsif (current_outcome = 'W') then
330             fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-BAD WARNING LINK');
331           else
332             fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-BAD ERROR LINK');
333           end if;
334           errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
335           retcode := 2;
336           return;
337       end;
338     end if;
339   end if;
340   /* Submit Request for the stage. */
341   fnd_request.internal(type=>'S');
342   req_id := fnd_request.submit_request('FND', 'FNDRSSTG',
343        request_desc, NULL, TRUE,
344        to_char(appl_id), to_char(set_Id),
345        to_char(next_stage),
346        to_char(fnd_global.conc_request_id),to_char(restart_flag));
347   if (req_id = 0) then
348     errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
349     retcode := 2;
350     return;
351   else
352      update fnd_concurrent_requests set RUN_NUMBER =
353           (select RUN_NUMBER from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = conc_req_id)
354           where request_id = req_id;
355      fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(
356                      conc_status => 'PAUSED',
357                      request_data => runinfo_id||','||to_char(error_stage_id)||','||substrb( to_char(next_stage) || ',' ||
358                      to_char(req_id)   || ',' ||
359                      critical_outcome, 1, 240));
360      fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Stage Submitted');
361      fnd_message.set_token('STAGE', request_desc);
362      errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
363      retcode := 0;
364      return;
365   end if;
367   exception
368     when OTHERS then
369       errbuf := gen_error('FNDRSSUB', SQLCODE, SQLERRM);
370       retcode := 2;
371       return;
372 end FNDRSSUB;
375 /*
377 **
378 ** Request set stage master program.
379 **
380 */
381 procedure FNDRSSTG  (errbuf            out nocopy varchar2,
382                      retcode           out nocopy number,
383                      appl_id           in number,
384                      set_id            in number,
385                      stage_Id          in number,
386                      parent_id         in number,
387                      restart_flag      in number default 0) is
388 cursor stage_requests(appl_id number, set_id number,
389                       stage_id number, parent_id number) is
390   select sp.critical,
391          sp.sequence,
392          a.application_short_name,
393          cp.concurrent_program_name,
394          r.request_set_program_id,
395          r.application_id,
396          r.concurrent_program_id,
397          r.number_of_copies,
398          r.printer,
399          r.print_style,
400          r.save_output_flag,
401          r.nls_language,
402          r.nls_territory,
403 /* NLS Project */
404          r.numeric_characters,
405          argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, argument5,
406          argument6, argument7, argument8, argument9, argument10,
407          argument11, argument12, argument13, argument14, argument15,
408          argument16, argument17, argument18, argument19, argument20,
409          argument21, argument22, argument23, argument24, argument25,
410          argument26, argument27, argument28, argument29, argument30,
411          argument31, argument32, argument33, argument34, argument35,
412          argument36, argument37, argument38, argument39, argument40,
413          argument41, argument42, argument43, argument44, argument45,
414          argument46, argument47, argument48, argument49, argument50,
415          argument51, argument52, argument53, argument54, argument55,
416          argument56, argument57, argument58, argument59, argument60,
417          argument61, argument62, argument63, argument64, argument65,
418          argument66, argument67, argument68, argument69, argument70,
419          argument71, argument72, argument73, argument74, argument75,
420          argument76, argument77, argument78, argument79, argument80,
421          argument81, argument82, argument83, argument84, argument85,
422          argument86, argument87, argument88, argument89, argument90,
423          argument91, argument92, argument93, argument94, argument95,
424          argument96, argument97, argument98, argument99, argument100, r.org_id
425     from fnd_request_set_programs sp, fnd_run_requests r,
426          fnd_concurrent_programs cp, fnd_application a
427    where sp.set_application_id = appl_id
428      and sp.request_set_id = set_id
429      and sp.request_set_stage_id = stage_id
430      and sp.request_set_program_id = r.request_set_program_id
431      and sp.set_application_id = r.set_application_id
432      and sp.request_set_id = r.request_set_id
433      and r.parent_request_id = parent_id
434      and a.application_id = r.application_id
435      and cp.application_id = r.application_id
436      and cp.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
437    order by sp.sequence;
439   cursor stage_requests_restart( appl_id number, set_id number,
440                                  stage_id number, parent_id number,
441 				 current_run_number number) is
442      select sp.critical,
443              sp.sequence,
444              a.application_short_name,
445              cp.concurrent_program_name,
446              r.request_set_program_id,
447              r.application_id,
448              r.concurrent_program_id,
449              r.number_of_copies,
450              r.printer,
451              r.print_style,
452              r.save_output_flag,
453              r.nls_language,
454              r.nls_territory,
455     /* NLS Project */
456              r.numeric_characters,
457              r.argument1, r.argument2, r.argument3, r.argument4, r.argument5,
458              r.argument6, r.argument7, r.argument8, r.argument9, r.argument10,
459              r.argument11, r.argument12, r.argument13, r.argument14, r.argument15,
460              r.argument16, r.argument17, r.argument18, r.argument19, r.argument20,
461              r.argument21, r.argument22, r.argument23, r.argument24, r.argument25,
462              r.argument26, r.argument27, r.argument28, r.argument29, r.argument30,
463              r.argument31, r.argument32, r.argument33, r.argument34, r.argument35,
464              r.argument36, r.argument37, r.argument38, r.argument39, r.argument40,
465              r.argument41, r.argument42, r.argument43, r.argument44, r.argument45,
466              r.argument46, r.argument47, r.argument48, r.argument49, r.argument50,
467              r.argument51, r.argument52, r.argument53, r.argument54, r.argument55,
468              r.argument56, r.argument57, r.argument58, r.argument59, r.argument60,
469              r.argument61, r.argument62, r.argument63, r.argument64, r.argument65,
470              r.argument66, r.argument67, r.argument68, r.argument69, r.argument70,
471              r.argument71, r.argument72, r.argument73, r.argument74, r.argument75,
472              r.argument76, r.argument77, r.argument78, r.argument79, r.argument80,
473              r.argument81, r.argument82, r.argument83, r.argument84, r.argument85,
474              r.argument86, r.argument87, r.argument88, r.argument89, r.argument90,
475              r.argument91, r.argument92, r.argument93, r.argument94, r.argument95,
476              r.argument96, r.argument97, r.argument98, r.argument99, r.argument100, r.org_id
477         from fnd_request_set_programs sp, fnd_run_requests r,
478              fnd_concurrent_programs cp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr2
479        where sp.set_application_id = appl_id
480          and sp.request_set_id = set_id
481          and sp.request_set_stage_id = stage_id
482          and sp.request_set_program_id = r.request_set_program_id
483          and sp.set_application_id = r.set_application_id
484          and sp.request_set_id = r.request_set_id
485          and r.parent_request_id = parent_id
486          and a.application_id = r.application_id
487          and cp.application_id = r.application_id
488          and cp.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
489          and fcr1.parent_request_id = fcr2.request_id
490          and fcr1.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
491          and r.request_id = fcr1.request_id
492          and fcr1.status_code = 'E'
493          and fcr2.parent_request_id = parent_id
494          and fcr2.run_number = current_run_number - 1
495          and stage_id = to_number(fcr2.argument3)
496        order by sp.sequence;
498   cursor critical_outcomes (req_id number) is
499     select decode(status_code, 'C', 'S', 'G', 'W', 'E') outcome
500       from fnd_concurrent_requests
501      where parent_request_id = req_id
502        and critical = 'Y';
504   cursor stage_req_printers(parent_req_id number, set_program_id number) is
505     select arguments printer, number_of_copies
506       from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
507      where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
508        and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
509        and action_type = 1
510      order by sequence;
512   cursor stage_req_notifications(parent_req_id number,
513     set_program_id number) is
514     select arguments notify
515       from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
516      where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
517        and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
518        and action_type = 2
519      order by sequence;
521     cursor stage_req_layouts(parent_req_id number,
522           set_program_id number) is
523     select argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, argument5
524       from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
525      where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
526        and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
527        and action_type = 6
528      order by sequence;
531   req_id            number;
532   critical_request  varchar2(1)     default 'N';
533   hardwired_outcome varchar2(1);
534   current_outcome   varchar2(1)     default 'S';
535   warning           boolean         default FALSE;
536   error             boolean         default FALSE;
537   outcome_meaning   varchar2(80);  /* Translated outcome meaning.     */
538   req_data          varchar2(10);  /* State of last FNDRSSUB run.     */
539   has_reqs          boolean         default FALSE;
540   funct             varchar2(61);  /* Function string */
541   fcursor           varchar2(75);  /* Cursor sting for dbms_sql */
542   cid               number;        /* Cursor ID for dbms_sql */
543   dummy             number;
544   printer           varchar2(30);
545   copies            number;
546   /* xml project */
547   t_app_name        varchar2(50);
548   t_code            varchar2(80);
549   t_language        varchar2(2);
550   t_territory       varchar2(2);
551   t_format          varchar2(6);
552   req               stage_requests%ROWTYPE;
553   old_reqid         number;
554   run_number_var    number;
555 begin
556   /* Get outcome and function for stage if any.
557    * Also, set up function globals.            */
558   begin
559     errbuf := null;
560     select outcome, execution_file_name,
561            s.set_application_id, s.request_set_id, s.request_set_stage_id,
562            s.function_id, s.function_application_id
563       into hardwired_outcome, funct,
564            g_set_appl_id, g_set_id, g_stage_id,
565            g_function_id, g_function_appl_id
566       from fnd_request_set_stages s, fnd_executables e
567      where s.set_application_id = appl_id
568        and s.request_set_id = set_id
569        and s.request_set_stage_id = stage_id
570        and e.executable_id(+) = s.function_id
571        and e.application_id(+) = s.function_application_id;
572   exception
573     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
574       fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Missing stage');
575       errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
576       retcode := 2;
577       return;
578   end;
580   /* Get state from last run if any. */
581   req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
583   /* Is this the first run? */
584   if (req_data is null) then
585     begin
586       select run_number into run_number_var from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = parent_id;
587       if( restart_flag = 0) then
588         open stage_requests( appl_id, set_id, stage_id, parent_id);
589       else
590         open stage_requests_restart( appl_id, set_id, stage_id, parent_id,
591                                      run_number_var);
592       end if;
593       loop
594         if( restart_flag = 0 ) then
595           fetch stage_requests into req;
596           exit when stage_requests%NOTFOUND;
597         else
598           fetch stage_requests_restart into req;
599           exit when stage_requests_restart%NOTFOUND;
600         end if;
601 --      for req in stage_requests(appl_id, set_id, stage_id, parent_id) loop
602         if (req.critical = 'Y') then
603           critical_request := 'Y';
604         end if;
606         open stage_req_printers(parent_id, req.request_set_program_id);
607         fetch stage_req_printers into printer, copies;
608         if (stage_req_printers%found) then
609           if (not fnd_request.set_print_options(
610                               printer => printer,
611                               style => req.print_style,
612                               copies => copies,
613                               save_output => (req.save_output_flag = 'Y'),
614                               print_together => NULL))
615           then
616             errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
617             retcode := 2;
618             close stage_req_printers;
619             rollback;
620             return;
621           end if;
623           fetch stage_req_printers into printer, copies;
624           while (stage_req_printers%found) loop
625             if (not fnd_request.add_printer(
626                               printer => printer,
627                               copies => copies)) then
628               errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
629               retcode := 2;
630               close stage_req_printers;
631               rollback;
632               return;
633             end if;
634             fetch stage_req_printers into printer, copies;
635           end loop;
636         else
637           if (not fnd_request.set_print_options(
638                               printer => null,
639                               style => req.print_style,
640                               copies => 0,
641                               save_output => (req.save_output_flag = 'Y'),
642                               print_together => NULL))
643           then
644             errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
645             retcode := 2;
646             close stage_req_printers;
647             rollback;
648             return;
649           end if;
650         end if;
651         close stage_req_printers;
653         for notify_rec in stage_req_notifications
654                             (parent_id, req.request_set_program_id) loop
655           if (not fnd_request.add_notification(
656                               user=>notify_rec.notify)) then
657             /* 3900886: User not found in wf_roles, continue with warning */
658             if (errbuf is NULL) then
659               errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get||
660                                ': '|| notify_rec.notify, 1, 240);
661             else
662               if (instr(errbuf, notify_rec.notify, -1, 1) = 0) then
663                 errbuf := substr(errbuf ||', '|| notify_rec.notify, 1, 240);
664               end if;
665             end if;
666             retcode := 1;
667           end if;
668         end loop;
670         -- XML Project
671         open stage_req_layouts(parent_id, req.request_set_program_id);
673         fetch stage_req_layouts into t_app_name,
674                                      t_code,
675                                      t_language,
676                                      t_territory,
677                                      t_format;
678         while (stage_req_layouts%found) loop
679           if (not fnd_request.add_layout(
680                             t_app_name,
681                             t_code,
682                             t_language,
683                             t_territory,
684                             t_format)) then
685             errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
686             retcode := 2;
687             close stage_req_printers;
688             rollback;
689             return;
690           end if;
691           fetch stage_req_layouts into t_app_name,
692                                        t_code,
693                                        t_language,
694                                        t_territory,
695                                        t_format;
696         end loop;
697         close stage_req_layouts;
700 /* NLS Project - Added Numeric Character to set_options */
701         if (not fnd_request.set_options(language=>req.nls_language,
702                             territory=>req.nls_territory,
703                             datagroup=>'',
704                             numeric_characters=>req.numeric_characters)) then
705           errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
706           retcode := 2;
707           rollback;
708           return;
709         end if;
711         fnd_request.internal(critical => req.critical, type=>'P');
713         /* MOAC */
714         fnd_request.set_org_id(req.org_id);
716         req_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
717                       req.application_short_name, req.concurrent_program_name,
718                       Null, NULL, TRUE,
719                       req.argument1, req.argument2, req.argument3,
720                       req.argument4, req.argument5, req.argument6,
721                       req.argument7, req.argument8, req.argument9,
722                       req.argument10, req.argument11, req.argument12,
723                       req.argument13, req.argument14, req.argument15,
724                       req.argument16, req.argument17, req.argument18,
725                       req.argument19, req.argument20, req.argument21,
726                       req.argument22, req.argument23, req.argument24,
727                       req.argument25, req.argument26, req.argument27,
728                       req.argument28, req.argument29, req.argument30,
729                       req.argument31, req.argument32, req.argument33,
730                       req.argument34, req.argument35, req.argument36,
731                       req.argument37, req.argument38, req.argument39,
732                       req.argument40, req.argument41, req.argument42,
733                       req.argument43, req.argument44, req.argument45,
734                       req.argument46, req.argument47, req.argument48,
735                       req.argument49, req.argument50, req.argument51,
736                       req.argument52, req.argument53, req.argument54,
737                       req.argument55, req.argument56, req.argument57,
738                       req.argument58, req.argument59, req.argument60,
739                       req.argument61, req.argument62, req.argument63,
740                       req.argument64, req.argument65, req.argument66,
741                       req.argument67, req.argument68, req.argument69,
742                       req.argument70, req.argument71, req.argument72,
743                       req.argument73, req.argument74, req.argument75,
744                       req.argument76, req.argument77, req.argument78,
745                       req.argument79, req.argument80, req.argument81,
746                       req.argument82, req.argument83, req.argument84,
747                       req.argument85, req.argument86, req.argument87,
748                       req.argument88, req.argument89, req.argument90,
749                       req.argument91, req.argument92, req.argument93,
750                       req.argument94, req.argument95, req.argument96,
751                       req.argument97, req.argument98, req.argument99,
752                       req.argument100);
753         if (req_id = 0) then
754           errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
755           retcode := 2;
756           return;
757         end if;
759         -- set the request_id in fnd_run_requests so that
760         -- we can identify the failed request later if we
761         -- restart this stage.
762         UPDATE fnd_run_requests
763           SET request_id = req_id
764           WHERE request_set_program_id = req.request_set_program_id
765           AND application_id = req.application_id
766           AND concurrent_program_id = req.concurrent_program_id
767           AND parent_request_id = parent_id
768           AND set_application_id = appl_id
769           AND request_set_id = set_id;
771         UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
772           SET RUN_NUMBER = run_number_var
773           WHERE request_id = req_id;
775         has_reqs := TRUE;
776       end loop;
777       /* close the cursor open  */
778       if( restart_flag = 0) then
779         close stage_requests;
780       else
781         close stage_requests_restart;
782       end if;
784       if (has_reqs = FALSE) then
785         fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Stage has no requests');
786         errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
787         /* Exit with error unless we have a hardwired outcome. */
788         if (hardwired_outcome = 'C') then
789           retcode := 2;
790         else
791           retcode := to_number(translate(hardwired_outcome, 'SWE', '012'));
792         end if;
793         return;
794       end if;
795     end;
797     fnd_conc_global.set_req_globals(
798                     conc_status => 'PAUSED',
799                     request_data => critical_request);
800     if (retcode = 1) then  /* submission with warnings, message set */
801        fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Stage Reqs Submitted Warn');
802        fnd_message.set_token('WARNING', substr (errbuf, 1, 240), FALSE);
803        errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
804        return;
805     else
806        fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Stage Reqs Submitted');
807        errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
808        retcode := 0;
809        return;
810     end if;
812   else  /* FNDRSSTG has been restarted. */
814     /* Compute stage exit code. */
816     /* Do we have a hardwired outcome? */
817     if (hardwired_outcome <>'C') then
818       fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Stage outcome hardwired');
819       current_outcome := hardwired_outcome;
821     else  /* Call evaluation function */
822       if (funct is null) then
823         fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Invalid Stage Function');
824         errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get,1, 240);
825         retcode := 2;
826         return;
827       end if;
830       fcursor := 'begin :r := '||funct||'; end;';
831       begin
832         cid := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
833         dbms_sql.parse(cid, fcursor, dbms_sql.v7);
834         dbms_sql.bind_variable(cid, ':r', 'a');
835         dummy := dbms_sql.execute(cid);
836         dbms_sql.variable_value(cid, ':r', current_outcome);
837         dbms_sql.close_cursor(cid);
838       exception
839         when others then
840           errbuf := gen_error(funct, SQLCODE, SQLERRM);
841           retcode := 2;
842           return;
843       end;
845     end if;
847     select meaning
848       into outcome_meaning
849       from fnd_lookups
850      where lookup_type = 'CP_SET_OUTCOME'
851        and lookup_code = current_outcome;
853     fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-Stage outcome computed');
854     fnd_message.set_token('OUTCOME', outcome_meaning);
855     errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
856     retcode := to_number(translate(current_outcome, 'SWE', '012'));
858     return;
859   end if;
860 exception
861   when OTHERS then
862     errbuf := gen_error('FNDRSSTG', SQLCODE, SQLERRM);
863     retcode := 2;
864     return;
865 end FNDRSSTG;
869 /* 1310211 - Need to handle the case where the child request has restarted the
870    parent but has not yet finished the post-processing steps. In this case the child's
871    status will still be 'R'.
872    If we find a child still running, we will wait a small amount of time, then try the
873    query again. After 5 repetitions if the child is still running we will report it as an
874    error condition
875 */
877 function standard_stage_evaluation return varchar2 is
878   warning      boolean := FALSE;
879   stillrunning boolean := FALSE;
880   i            integer;
881 begin
883   <<outer>>
884   for i in 1 .. stage_looptimes loop
885     stillrunning := FALSE;
886     for request in fnd_request_set.stage_request_info loop
887         if (request.exit_status = 'E') then
888             return 'E';
889         elsif (request.exit_status = 'R') then
890             stillrunning := TRUE;
891         elsif (request.exit_status = 'W') then
892             warning := TRUE;
893         end if;
894     end loop;
897     exit outer when stillrunning = FALSE;
898     dbms_lock.sleep(stage_sleeptime);
900   end loop;
902   if (warning) then
903     return 'W';
904   elsif (stillrunning) then
905     return 'E';
906   else
907     return 'S';
908   end if;
909 end;
912 -- Name
914 --
915 -- Purpose
916 --  Used by stage functions to retrieve parameter
917 --  values for the current stage.
918 --
919 function get_stage_parameter(name in varchar2) return varchar2 is
920   val varchar2(240);
921 begin
922   select value into val
923     from fnd_stage_fn_parameters_vl p, fnd_stage_fn_parameter_values v
924    where v.set_application_id = g_set_appl_id
925      and v.request_set_id = g_set_id
926      and v.request_set_stage_id = g_stage_id
927      and v.function_id = g_function_id
928      and v.function_application_id =g_function_appl_id
929      and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
930      and p.parameter_name = name
931      and p.function_id = v.function_id
932      and p.application_id = v.function_application_id;
934   return val;
935 exception
936   when no_data_found then
937     return null;
938 end;