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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

  FROM   igs_fi_fin_lt_plan
  WHERE  plan_name= cp_plan_name
         AND NVL(closed_ind,'N')='N';
Line: 135

  FROM    igs_pe_persid_group_all
  WHERE   group_id = p_persid_grp_id
  AND     closed_ind = 'N'
  AND     TRUNC(create_dt) <= g_d_sysdate;
Line: 168

  FROM    igs_fi_fin_lt_plan
  WHERE   plan_name = p_plan_name
  AND     closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 205

  FROM    igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_all fcc,
  -- bug 5018036:  Changed igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_lkp_v to igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_all
          igs_fi_fee_str_stat fss
  WHERE   fcc.fee_type = cp_fee_type
  AND     fcc.fee_cal_type = cp_fee_cal_type
  AND     fcc.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
  AND     fcc.fee_type_ci_status = fss.fee_structure_status
  AND     fss.s_fee_structure_status = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 242

  SELECT person_number,full_name
  --bug:2238362, changed the view igs_pe_person_v to igs_fi_parties_v
  FROM   igs_fi_parties_v
  WHERE  person_id= p_person_id;
Line: 422

       SELECT  credit_id, amount, effective_date
       FROM    igs_fi_credits cdt,
               igs_fi_cr_types cty
       WHERE   TRUNC(effective_date)
         BETWEEN TRUNC(p_bal_start_dt) AND TRUNC(p_bal_end_dt)
         AND party_id = p_person_id
         AND status = 'CLEARED'
         AND cty.credit_type_id = cdt.credit_type_id
         AND cty.credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT');
Line: 607

  SELECT description
  FROM   igs_fi_fee_type
  WHERE  fee_type = cp_fee_type;
Line: 761

    SELECT cut_off_date
    FROM   igs_fi_bill
    WHERE  person_id = cp_n_person_id
    ORDER BY bill_date DESC;
Line: 884

    SELECT due_amt, due_date, (g_d_sysdate -(TRUNC(due_date)-1)) num_days
    FROM   igs_fi_pp_instlmnts
    WHERE  student_plan_id = cp_n_std_plan_id
    AND    TRUNC(due_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(cp_d_bal_start_dt) AND g_d_sysdate
    AND    due_amt > 0
    ORDER BY due_date;
Line: 927

  SELECT fee_balance amount
  FROM    igs_fi_balances
  WHERE   party_id = p_person_id
  AND     balance_date <= p_batch_cutoff_dt
  AND     fee_balance IS NOT NULL
  ORDER BY balance_date DESC;
Line: 976

    SELECT pp.rowid,pp.*
    FROM   igs_fi_pp_instlmnts pp
    WHERE  pp.student_plan_id = cp_n_std_plan_id
    AND    TRUNC(pp.due_date) <= cp_d_due_date
    AND    pp.due_amt > 0
    AND    NVL(pp.penalty_flag,'N') = cp_v_penalty_flag;
Line: 1083

                                       x_rowid                  => rec_cur_get_inst_details.rowid,
                                       x_installment_id         => rec_cur_get_inst_details.installment_id,
                                       x_student_plan_id        => rec_cur_get_inst_details.student_plan_id,
                                       x_installment_line_num   => rec_cur_get_inst_details.installment_line_num,
                                       x_due_day                => rec_cur_get_inst_details.due_day,
                                       x_due_month_code         => rec_cur_get_inst_details.due_month_code,
                                       x_due_year               => rec_cur_get_inst_details.due_year,
                                       x_due_date               => rec_cur_get_inst_details.due_date,
                                       x_installment_amt        => rec_cur_get_inst_details.installment_amt,
                                       x_due_amt                => rec_cur_get_inst_details.due_amt,
                                       x_penalty_flag           => 'Y',
                                       x_mode                   => 'R'
Line: 1493

  SELECT ci.start_dt start_dt,ci.end_dt end_dt
  FROM   igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_all ftci, igs_ca_inst ci
  WHERE  ftci.fee_type=cp_fee_type
  AND    ftci.fee_cal_type=cp_fee_cal_type
  AND    ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number=cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
  AND    ci.cal_type = ftci.fee_cal_type
  AND    ci.sequence_number = ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 1503

  SELECT meaning
  FROM   igs_lookup_values
  WHERE  lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
  AND    lookup_code = p_test_flag;