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Line 499: p_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,

495: /* Bug#4467198 - Modified the function to take care of legal employer changes. Introduced following
496: parameters in the function p_use_tax_flag, p_payroll_id, p_assignment_action_id*/
497: FUNCTION calculate_asg_prev_value
498: ( p_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
499: p_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
500: p_date_earned in date,
501: p_tax_unit_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
502: p_assignment_action_id IN number,
503: p_payroll_id IN NUMBER,

Line 501: p_tax_unit_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,

497: FUNCTION calculate_asg_prev_value
498: ( p_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
499: p_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
500: p_date_earned in date,
501: p_tax_unit_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
502: p_assignment_action_id IN number,
503: p_payroll_id IN NUMBER,
504: p_period_start_date in date,
505: p_case out NOCOPY varchar2,

Line 556: c_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,

552: -- Assignment Action ID .
553: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
554: CURSOR c_get_prev_year_max_asg_act_id
555: ( c_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
556: c_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
557: c_fin_start_date in date,
558: c_fin_end_date in date)
559: IS
560: SELECT paa.assignment_action_id, paa.tax_unit_id, ppa.payroll_id

Line 586: c_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,

584: CURSOR c_get_pre_le_max_asg_act_id
585: ( c_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
586: c_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
587: c_fin_start_date in date,
588: c_fin_end_date in date)
589: IS
590: SELECT paa.assignment_action_id, paa.tax_unit_id, ppa.payroll_id, ppa.effective_date

Line 629: (c_tax_unit_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,

625: to count number of pay periods between greatest of (employee's hire date, financial year start date,
626: Legal Employer start date) and current period end date*/
628: cursor c_get_periods
629: (c_tax_unit_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
630: c_payroll_id in pay_payrolls_f.payroll_id%TYPE,
631: c_start_date in date,
632: c_end_date in date)
633: is

Line 663: c_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,

660: /* Bug#4467198 - Use the below cursor to check if this is the first for the assignment in this year*/
662: CURSOR c_check_payroll_run (c_assignment_id in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
663: c_business_group_id in hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
664: c_start_date in date,
665: c_end_date in date)
666: IS
667: SELECT count(paa.assignment_action_id)