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Line 216: l_service_request_rec CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.service_request_rec_type;

212: x_service_request_number Out NOCOPY Varchar2,
213: P_need_by_date In DATE) --Enhancement:3391950
214: IS
215: -- Declare local record variables for SR, Notes, contacts and repair line records
216: l_service_request_rec CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.service_request_rec_type;
217: l_notes_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.notes_table;
218: l_contacts_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.contacts_table;
219: l_rep_line_rec CSD_REPAIRS_PUB.Repln_Rec_Type;

Line 217: l_notes_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.notes_table;

213: P_need_by_date In DATE) --Enhancement:3391950
214: IS
215: -- Declare local record variables for SR, Notes, contacts and repair line records
216: l_service_request_rec CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.service_request_rec_type;
217: l_notes_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.notes_table;
218: l_contacts_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.contacts_table;
219: l_rep_line_rec CSD_REPAIRS_PUB.Repln_Rec_Type;
221: l_inc_type_id Varchar2(255) ; -- Changed from number to Varchar2

Line 218: l_contacts_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.contacts_table;

214: IS
215: -- Declare local record variables for SR, Notes, contacts and repair line records
216: l_service_request_rec CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.service_request_rec_type;
217: l_notes_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.notes_table;
218: l_contacts_table CS_ServiceRequest_PUB.contacts_table;
219: l_rep_line_rec CSD_REPAIRS_PUB.Repln_Rec_Type;
221: l_inc_type_id Varchar2(255) ; -- Changed from number to Varchar2
222: l_inc_status_id Varchar2(255) ; -- Changed from number to Varchar2

Line 857: CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.initialize_rec(l_service_request_rec);

853: 'Error while calling procedure : Get_PartySIteId for site use type Ship To');
854: End If;
855: End If;
856: -- Initialize the SR record values
857: CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.initialize_rec(l_service_request_rec);
859: l_service_request_rec.request_date := sysdate;
860: l_service_request_rec.type_id := l_inc_type_id;
861: l_service_request_rec.status_id := l_inc_status_id;

Line 887: CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_ServiceRequest(

885: -- Not creating contact for SR as it is optional
886: -- Call to Service Request API
887: CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_ServiceRequest(
888: p_api_version => 3.0,
889: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
890: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
891: x_return_status => l_return_status,

Line 917: 'Error : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_ServiceRequest');

913: x_Return_Status := l_Return_Status ;
914: If Not(x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) Then
915: If Fnd_Log.Level_Error >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
916: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || '.Create_ServiceRequest',
917: 'Error : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_ServiceRequest');
918: End If;
919: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;
920: Else
921: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then

Line 923: 'Sucsess : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_ServiceRequest');

919: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;
920: Else
921: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
922: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module || '.Create_ServiceRequest',
923: 'Sucsess : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_ServiceRequest');
924: End If;
925: End If;
926: --- Check if Item is serialized item
927: Begin

Line 1009: 'Error : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_Repair_Order');

1005: X_Msg_Data => l_Msg_Data ) ;
1006: If l_Return_Status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS Then
1007: If Fnd_Log.Level_Error >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
1008: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || '.Create_Repair_Order',
1009: 'Error : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_Repair_Order');
1010: End If;
1011: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;
1012: Else
1013: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then

Line 1015: 'Success : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_Repair_Order');

1011: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;
1012: Else
1013: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
1014: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module || '.Create_Repair_Order',
1015: 'Success : While calling procedure CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB.Create_Repair_Order');
1016: End If;
1017: End If;
1018: -- Insert into Product Transactions table , Insert a row for Action Type Move-In
1019: l_Product_Trxn_Id := NULL ; -- This is just to make sure that new product trasaction id generated