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APPS.PATC SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 190

          ,       tc.person_id
          ,       tc.expenditure_category
          ,       tc.expenditure_type
          ,       tc.non_labor_resource
          ,       tc.chargeable_flag
          ,       tc.billable_indicator
          ,       tc.SCHEDULED_EXP_ONLY
	      ,       tc.employees_only_flag  -- PA.M/CWK changes
	      ,       tc.workplan_res_only_flag -- PA.M/Task Assignment changes
                  pa_transaction_controls tc
                  tc.project_id = X_project_id
             AND  ( tc.task_id is null
                   tc.task_id = X_task_id
	       /******** Bug fix :2345895 Start  donot modify refer to bug for details
                AND  ( tc.person_id IS NULL these lines are commented out for bug fix 2345895
                     or or c_person_id  = -9999  )  --Added for bug# 2188422
                     Commented for bug# 2188422
                    (X_person_id is NOT NULL and  --Added for # 1652082
                    tc.person_id = X_person_id )
                    OR                   -- Added or clause for # 1652082
                    (X_vendor_id is NOT NULL and
                    X_person_id is NULL)
		***END of bug fix 2345895 ********/
         	/*AND ((p_sys_link_function = 'VI'Commented for bug 5735180*/        /*Bug# 2955795: Replaced c_sys_link_func by p_sys_link_function*/
                /*        AND (tc.expenditure_category is NOT NULL
                            OR tc.expenditure_type is NOT NULL
                            OR tc.task_id is NOT NULL
		      AND tc.person_id is null -- Added for bug 2942492
		      AND tc.non_labor_resource is null) Commented for Bug 5735180*/ /*  Added for bug 2942492, added ( in start and )
                                                             for bug 2939224  */
                   /* OR Commented for bug5735180 */ /* Added for bug#2939224 */
                   /* Added VI following condition for bug 5735180*/
               AND ( --Added for Bug 5735180
                    (p_sys_link_function in ('USG', 'PJ','VI') AND ((tc.person_id is NULL) OR ((X_person_id is NOT NULL) AND
                                                                                          (X_person_id = tc.person_id)))) -- Modified for bug 4585740
                          ( nvl(p_sys_link_function,'-99') NOT IN ('VI', 'USG', 'PJ')  /* Bug 5721949 */
                                    /*Bug# 2955795: Replaced c_sys_link_func by p_sys_link_function*/
                                    /* Bug 2939224-Added not in USG and PG and VI */
                            AND (tc.person_id is NULL OR
                                 /**tc.person_id = tc.person_id Bug 2467454 **/
                                 tc.person_id = x_person_id
               /** Bug fix :2345895 End  **/
             AND  (    tc.expenditure_category IS NULL
                    OR tc.expenditure_category =
                         ( SELECT expenditure_category
                             FROM pa_expenditure_types
                            WHERE expenditure_type = X_expenditure_type ) )
             AND  (    tc.expenditure_type IS NULL
                    OR tc.expenditure_type = X_expenditure_type )
             AND  (    tc.non_labor_resource IS NULL
                    OR tc.non_labor_resource = X_non_labor_resource )
             AND  X_ei_date BETWEEN tc.start_date_active
                                AND nvl( tc.end_date_active, X_ei_date )
          GROUP BY
	      ,       decode(p_sys_link_function,'VI',0, 'USG', 0, 'PJ', 0, tc.person_id)  -- for VI group by task,exp_cat,exp_tpe /*2955795*/ /* Added USG and PJ here as no grouping on person_id is required for these sys links */
          /*** ,  tc.person_id commented for bug fix :2345895 **/-- for <> VI group by task,person,exp_cat,exp_type
          ,       tc.expenditure_category
          ,       tc.expenditure_type
          ,       tc.non_labor_resource
          ,       tc.start_date_active
          ,       tc.end_date_active
          ,       tc.chargeable_flag
	      ,       tc.billable_indicator
          ,       tc.SCHEDULED_EXP_ONLY
	      ,       tc.employees_only_flag -- PA.M/CWK changes
	      ,       tc.workplan_res_only_flag -- PA.M/Task Assignment changes
	      ,       tc.person_id
          ORDER BY tc.task_id;
Line: 278

          ,       nvl( p.start_date, X_ei_date )            p_start_date
          ,       nvl( p.completion_date, X_ei_date )       p_end_date
          ,       nvl( p.limit_to_txn_controls_flag, 'N' )  p_limit_flag
          ,       nvl( p.template_flag, 'N')                p_template_flag
          ,       nvl( t.chargeable_flag, 'N' )             t_chargeable_flag
          ,       nvl( t.billable_flag, 'N' )               t_billable_flag
          ,       nvl( t.start_date, X_ei_date )            t_start_date
          ,       nvl( t.completion_date, X_ei_date )       t_end_date
          ,       nvl( t.limit_to_txn_controls_flag, 'N' )  t_limit_flag
          ,       t.retirement_cost_flag                    t_ret_cost_flag        -- PA.L Retirement Cost Processing
          ,       pt.project_type_class_code                p_proj_typ_class_code  -- PA.L Retirement Cost Processing
          ,       nvl(p.assign_precedes_task, 'N')          p_assign_precedes_task -- Bug 3017533
		  pa_tasks t
	  ,	  pa_projects_all p
          ,       pa_project_types_all pt                                          -- PA.L Retirement Cost Processing
		  t.task_id = X_task_id
	     AND  p.project_id = t.project_id
	     AND  p.project_id = X_project_id
             AND  p.project_type = pt.project_type                                -- PA.L Retirement Cost Processing
             AND  p.org_id = pt.org_id ;                                          -- For the Bug 5368274.Reverted the
Line: 352

          SELECT  count(1)
            INTO  dummy
            FROM  dual
                   ( SELECT  1
                       FROM  pa_expend_typ_sys_links etsl
                           , pa_expenditure_types    et
                      WHERE  etsl.expenditure_type = et.expenditure_type
                        AND  etsl.expenditure_type = X_expenditure_type
                        AND  etsl.system_linkage_function = 'VI'
                        AND  et.cost_rate_flag = 'Y' );
Line: 380

          SELECT  count(1)

            INTO  dummy
          FROM pa_expenditure_types  et
          WHERE et.expenditure_type = X_expenditure_type
            AND X_ei_date BETWEEN et.start_date_active AND
                           nvl( et.end_date_active, X_ei_date ) ;
Line: 408

          SELECT  count(1)
            INTO  dummy
            FROM  pa_organizations_v
           WHERE  organization_id = X_nl_resource_org_id
             AND  X_ei_date between date_from and nvl(date_to,X_ei_date);
Line: 428

          SELECT  count(1)
            INTO  dummy
            FROM  dual
           WHERE EXISTS
                   ( SELECT  1
                     FROM pa_transaction_controls
                     WHERE project_id = X_project_id
                     AND task_id    = X_task_id ) ;
Line: 467

         SELECT count(*)
         INTO  dummy2
         FROM  po_vendors_ap_v
         WHERE vendor_id  = x_vendor_id
          AND vendor_type_lookup_code = 'EMPLOYEE'
         AND   employee_id is NULL ;
Line: 474

         SELECT count(*)
         INTO  dummy
         FROM  po_vendors_ap_v
         WHERE vendor_id  = x_vendor_id
         AND   employee_id is NULL ;
Line: 507

                  SELECT vend.employee_id
                  FROM  po_vendors vend
                  WHERE  vend.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
                  AND   p_ei_date BETWEEN nvl(vend.start_date_active,p_ei_date) AND
                           nvl( vend.end_date_active, trunc(sysdate) ) ;
Line: 543

         FROM  pa_expend_typ_sys_links
        WHERE  system_linkage_function = X_system_linkage
          AND  expenditure_type        = X_etype ;
Line: 592

  SELECT count(1) INTO l_tc_count
  From pa_transaction_controls
  WHERE project_id = p_project_id
  AND task_id = p_task_id;
Line: 599

  SELECT count(1) INTO l_tc_count
  From pa_transaction_controls
  WHERE project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 613

          From pa_transaction_controls
          WHERE project_id = p_project_id
          AND task_id = p_task_id
          AND (expenditure_category IS NOT NULL OR expenditure_type IS NOT NULL)
          AND person_id IS NULL
          AND non_labor_resource IS NULL
          AND ROWNUM =1;
Line: 624

          FROM pa_transaction_controls
          WHERE project_id = p_project_id
          AND task_id is NULL
          AND (expenditure_category IS NOT NULL OR expenditure_type IS NOT NULL)
          AND person_id IS NULL
          AND non_labor_resource IS NULL
          AND ROWNUM =1;
Line: 644

          FROM pa_transaction_controls
          WHERE project_id = p_project_id
          AND task_id = p_task_id
          -- Commented for bug 4585740
          -- AND (expenditure_category IS NOT NULL OR expenditure_type IS NOT NULL)
          AND (person_id IS NULL OR x_person_id is NOT NULL) -- Modified for bug 4585740
          AND ROWNUM =1;
Line: 655

          FROM pa_transaction_controls
          WHERE project_id = p_project_id
          AND task_id is NULL
          -- Commented for bug 4585740
          -- AND (expenditure_category IS NOT NULL OR expenditure_type IS NOT NULL)
          AND (person_id IS NULL OR x_person_id is NOT NULL) -- Modified for bug 4585740
          AND ROWNUM =1;
Line: 690

   SELECT  count(1)
    INTO  dummy
    FROM  dual
              ( SELECT  1
                 FROM  pa_expend_typ_sys_links etsl
                     , pa_expenditure_types    et
                  WHERE  etsl.expenditure_type = et.expenditure_type
                    AND  etsl.expenditure_type = X_expenditure_type
                    AND  etsl.system_linkage_function = 'VI'
Line: 940

                   /* Modified the following select statement for bug 3620355
		           select to_number(SUBSTR(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10)) into l_prvdr_org_id from dual; */
Line: 945

                   select to_number(DECODE(SUBSTRB(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,1),' '
                                     ,NULL ,SUBSTRB(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10))) into l_prvdr_org_id from dual;
Line: 1010

                  select p.CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG , p.CURRENT_NPW_FLAG
                  into  l_CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG , l_CURRENT_NPW_FLAG
                  from per_all_people_f  p
                  where p.person_id = x_person_id
                  and x_ei_date between p.effective_start_date and  p.effective_end_date
                  and ((p.current_employee_flag = 'Y') OR (p.current_npw_flag = 'Y')); -- added for bug 7395534
Line: 1834

select null
from   per_periods_of_service
where  person_id = p_person_id
and    p_ei_date between date_start and nvl(actual_termination_date, p_ei_date);
Line: 1847

  select actual_termination_date into l_actual_termination_date from (
  select actual_termination_date
  from   per_periods_of_service
  where  person_id = p_person_id
  and    actual_termination_date < p_ei_date
  order by actual_termination_date desc)
  where rownum = 1;
Line: 1877

select null
from   per_periods_of_placement
where  person_id = p_person_id
and    p_ei_date between date_start and nvl(actual_termination_date, p_ei_date);
Line: 1890

  select actual_termination_date into l_actual_termination_date from (
  select actual_termination_date
  from   per_periods_of_placement
  where  person_id = p_person_id
  and    actual_termination_date < p_ei_date
  order by actual_termination_date desc)
  where rownum = 1;