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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 85

        		select serial_number, inventory_item_id, current_organization_id
        		into l_serial_number, l_inventory_item_id, l_organization_id
        		from mtl_serial_numbers where
        		gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 108

			select gen_object_id into l_parent_object_id
        		from mtl_serial_numbers where
			serial_number = p_parent_serial_number
			and inventory_item_id = p_parent_inventory_item_id
			and current_organization_id = p_parent_organization_id;
Line: 121

		select msn.gen_object_id into l_charge_object_id
		from wip_discrete_jobs wdj, mtl_serial_numbers msn
		where wdj.rebuild_serial_number = l_serial_number
		and wdj.rebuild_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
		and wdj.organization_id = l_organization_id
		and msn.serial_number = wdj.asset_number
		and msn.inventory_item_id = wdj.asset_group_id
		and msn.current_organization_id = wdj.organization_id
		and wdj.manual_rebuild_flag = 'N'
		and wdj.status_type in (1,3,6);
Line: 145

		select current_status into l_current_status from mtl_serial_numbers
		where serial_number = l_serial_number
		and inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
		and current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 163

			select current_subinventory_code into l_subinventory
    			from mtl_serial_numbers
    			where serial_number = l_serial_number and
          		inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
          		current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 174

				select current_locator_id into l_locator_id
    				from mtl_serial_numbers
    				where serial_number = l_serial_number and
          			inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
          			current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 206

        			select maintenance_offset_account into l_dist_acct_id
        			from wip_eam_parameters
        			where organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 239

				select last_transaction_id
				into l_txn_id
    				from mtl_serial_numbers
    				where serial_number = l_serial_number;
Line: 262

     			p_api_version                   => l_api_version
 			,   p_object_type                   => 2
 			,   p_parent_object_type            => 2
 			,   p_object_number                 => l_serial_number
 			,   p_inventory_item_id	     => l_inventory_item_id
 			,   p_org_id			     => l_organization_id
 			,   p_parent_object_id	             => p_parent_object_id
 			,   p_parent_object_number          => p_parent_serial_number
 			,   p_parent_inventory_item_id	     => p_parent_inventory_item_id
 			,   p_parent_org_id		     => p_parent_organization_id
 			,   p_genealogy_origin              => 3
 			,   p_genealogy_type                => 5
 			,   p_start_date_active             => p_start_date_active
 			,   p_end_date_active               => p_end_date_active
 			,   p_origin_txn_id                 => l_txn_id
 			,   x_return_status                 => l_return_status
 			,   x_msg_count                     => l_msg_count
 			,   x_msg_data                      => l_msg_data);
Line: 316

 PROCEDURE update_rebuild_genealogy(
     p_api_version                   IN  NUMBER
 ,   p_init_msg_list                 IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
 ,   p_commit                        IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
 ,   p_validation_level              IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
 ,   p_object_type                   IN  NUMBER
 ,   p_object_id                     IN  NUMBER   := NULL
 ,   p_serial_number                 IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL
 ,   p_inventory_item_id             IN  NUMBER   := NULL
 ,   p_organization_id               IN  NUMBER   := NULL
 ,   p_subinventory                  IN VARCHAR2  := NULL
 ,   p_locator_id                  IN  NUMBER := NULL
 ,   p_genealogy_origin              IN  NUMBER   := NULL
 ,   p_genealogy_type                IN  NUMBER   := NULL
 ,   p_end_date_active               IN  DATE     := NULL
 ,   x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
 ,   x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
 ,   x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is

Line: 394

		select gen_object_id into l_object_id
    		from mtl_serial_numbers
		where serial_number = p_serial_number
		and inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
		and current_organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 414

	        select serial_number, inventory_item_id, current_organization_id
	        into l_serial_number, l_inventory_item_id, l_organization_id
	        from mtl_serial_numbers where
	        gen_object_id = p_object_id;
Line: 439

				select current_subinventory_code into l_subinventory
    				from mtl_serial_numbers
    				where serial_number = l_serial_number and
          			inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
          			current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 457

				select current_locator_id into l_locator_id
    				from mtl_serial_numbers
    				where serial_number = l_serial_number and
          			inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
          			current_organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 485

        select maintenance_offset_account into l_dist_acct_id
        from wip_eam_parameters
        where organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 515

	select last_transaction_id
    	into l_txn_id
    	from mtl_serial_numbers
    	where serial_number = l_serial_number;
Line: 529

     p_api_version                   => l_api_version
 ,   p_object_type                   => 2
 ,   p_object_number                 => l_serial_number
 ,   p_inventory_item_id	         => l_inventory_item_id
 ,   p_org_id			             => l_organization_id
 ,   p_genealogy_origin              => 3
 ,   p_genealogy_type                => 5
 ,   p_end_date_active               => p_end_date_active
 ,   p_update_txn_id                 => l_txn_id
 ,   x_return_status                 => l_return_status
 ,   x_msg_count                     => l_msg_count
 ,   x_msg_data                      => l_msg_data);
Line: 573

end update_rebuild_genealogy;