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1 package body ame_api6 as
2 /* $Header: ameeapi6.pkb 120.1 2006/07/22 12:36:15 pvelugul noship $ */
3   ambiguousApproverException exception;
4   ambiguousApproverMessage constant ame_util.longestStringType :=
5     ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
6     messageNameIn => 'AME_400249_API_APR_REC_NULL');
7   procedure getApprovers(applicationIdIn   in number
8                         ,transactionTypeIn in varchar2
9                         ,transactionIdIn   in varchar2
10                         ,approversOut     out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2) as
11     ameApplicationId integer;
12     tempIndex        integer;
13     cursor approversCursor (applicationIdIn in integer
14                            ,transactionIdIn in varchar2) is
15       select atah.row_timestamp row_timestamp
16             ,atah.item_class item_class
17             ,atah.item_id item_id
18             ,atah.name name
19             ,atah.order_number order_number
20             ,atah.approver_category category
21             ,atah.user_comments user_comment
22             ,atah.status status
23             ,atah.authority
24             ,atah.occurrence
25             ,atah.action_type_id
26             ,atah.group_or_chain_id
27             ,atah.api_insertion
28             ,atah.member_order_number
29        from ame_trans_approval_history atah
30       where atah.date_cleared is null
31         and atah.transaction_id   = transactionIdIn
32         and atah.application_id   = applicationIdIn
33         and atah.trans_history_id =
34              (
35               select max(b.trans_history_id)
36                 from ame_trans_approval_history b
37                where atah.transaction_id     = b.transaction_id
38                  and atah.application_id     = b.application_id
39                  and atah.name               = b.name
40                  and atah.approver_category  = b.approver_category
41                  and atah.item_class         = b.item_class
42                  and atah.item_id            = b.item_id
43                  and atah.action_type_id     = b.action_type_id
44                  and atah.authority          = b.authority
45                  and atah.group_or_chain_id  = b.group_or_chain_id
46                  and atah.occurrence         = b.occurrence
47                  and b.date_cleared is null);
48     begin
49       --+
50       -- get the ame application id.
51       --+
52       tempIndex := 0;
53       ameApplicationId :=
54           ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId
55                             (fndAppIdIn          => applicationIdIn
56                             ,transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
57       for approver in approversCursor(applicationIdIn => ameApplicationId
58                                      ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn) loop
59         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
60         approversOut(tempIndex).name := approver.name;
61         approversOut(tempIndex).display_name := ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverDisplayName
62                                                 (nameIn => approver.name);
63         approversOut(tempIndex).item_class := approver.item_class;
64         approversOut(tempIndex).item_id    := approver.item_id;
65         approversOut(tempIndex).approver_category := approver.category;
66         approversOut(tempIndex).authority := approver.authority;
67         approversOut(tempIndex).approval_status := approver.status;
68         approversOut(tempIndex).action_type_id := approver.action_type_id;
69         approversOut(tempIndex).group_or_chain_id := approver.group_or_chain_id;
70         approversOut(tempIndex).occurrence := approver.occurrence;
71         approversOut(tempIndex).approver_order_number := approver.order_number;
72         approversOut(tempIndex).api_insertion := approver.api_insertion;
73         approversOut(tempIndex).member_order_number := approver.member_order_number;
74         ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverOrigSystemAndId
75              (nameIn          => approver.name
76              ,origSystemOut   => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system
77              ,origSystemIdOut => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id);
78         /*
79           The old approver list does not maintain source.  Calling applications requiring
80           source data must get it by calling getNextApprover or getAllApprovers.
81         */
82         approversOut(tempIndex).source := null;
83       end loop;
84     exception
85       when others then
86         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api6',
87                                   routineNameIn => 'getApprovers',
88                                   exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
89                                   exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
90         approversOut.delete;
91         raise;
92     end getApprovers;
93       procedure updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn in number,
94                                  transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
95                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
96                                  approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2,
97                                  notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
98                                           default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
99                                  forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2 default
100                                              ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2,
101                                  updateItemIn in boolean default false) as
102      errorCode integer;
103     errorMessage ame_util.longStringType;
104     begin
105       /* Validate the input approver. */
106       if(approverIn.name is null) then
107         raise ambiguousApproverException;
108       end if;
109       ame_engine.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
110                                  transactionTypeIn => transactionTypeIn,
111                                  transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
112                                  approverIn => approverIn,
113                                  notificationIn => notificationIn,
114                                  forwardeeIn => forwardeeIn,
115                                  updateItemIn => updateItemIn);
116       exception
117         when ambiguousApproverException then
118           errorCode := -20001;
119           errorMessage := ambiguousApproverMessage;
120           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
121                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus',
122                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
123                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
124           raise_application_error(errorCode,
125                                   errorMessage);
126         when others then
127           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
128                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus',
129                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
133   procedure updateApprovalStatus2(applicationIdIn in number,
130                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
131           raise;
132     end updateApprovalStatus;
134                                   transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
135                                   transactionIdIn in varchar2,
136                                   approvalStatusIn in varchar2,
137                                   approverNameIn in varchar2,
138                                   itemClassIn in varchar2 default null,
139                                   itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
140                                   actionTypeIdIn in number default null,
141                                   groupOrChainIdIn in number default null,
142                                   occurrenceIn in number default null,
143                                   notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
144                                         default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
145                                   forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2
146                                         default ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2,
147                                  updateItemIn in boolean default false) as
148     approver ame_util.approverRecord2;
149     errorCode integer;
150     errorMessage ame_util.longStringType;
151     nullApproverException exception;
152     begin
153       /* No locking needed here as it is done in updateApprovalStatus */
154       if  approverNameIn is not null  then
155         approver.name := approverNameIn;
156       else
157         raise nullApproverException;
158       end if;
159       approver.item_class := itemClassIn ;
160       approver.item_id := itemIdIn ;
161       approver.approval_status := approvalStatusIn;
162       approver.action_type_id :=actionTypeIdIn ;
163       approver.group_or_chain_id := groupOrChainIdIn;
164       approver.occurrence := occurrenceIn;
165       ame_approver_type_pkg.getOrigSystemIdAndDisplayName(nameIn =>approver.name,
166                                           origSystemOut => approver.orig_system,
167                                           origSystemIdOut => approver.orig_system_id,
168                                           displayNameOut => approver.display_name);
169       ame_engine.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
170                            transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
171                            approverIn => approver,
172                            transactionTypeIn => transactionTypeIn,
173                            notificationIn => notificationIn,
174                            forwardeeIn => forwardeeIn,
175                            updateItemIn => updateItemIn);
176       exception
177         when nullApproverException then
178           errorCode := -20001;
179           errorMessage :=
180           ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
181           messageNameIn => 'AME_400248_API_USR_PER_NULL');
182           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
183                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus2',
184                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
185                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
186           raise_application_error(errorCode,
187                                   errorMessage);
188         when others then
189           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
190                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus2',
191                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
192                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
193           raise;
194     end updateApprovalStatus2;
195 end ame_api6;