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Line 1273: app_exception.raise_exception;

1269: ELSE
1270: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_SYSTEM_OPT_SETUP');
1271: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get());
1272: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,' ');
1273: app_exception.raise_exception;
1274: END IF;
1276: END finpl_upd_conv_prc_run_ind;

Line 1294: -- app_exception.raise_exception then message "Process raised unhandled

1290: --Who When What
1291: --abshriva 12-May-2006 Bug 5217319: Amount Precision change, added API call to allow correct precison into DB
1292: --shtatiko 15-JAN-2003 Bug# 2736389, Introduced l_validation_exp to handle validation failure
1293: -- cases separately. Because in these cases if we raise exception using
1294: -- app_exception.raise_exception then message "Process raised unhandled
1295: -- exception" is logged along with validation failure error message.
1296: --pathipat 07-Jan-2003 Bug: 2672837 - Log file format modified to be multiline instead
1297: -- of in tabular format. Used generic function to obtain the lookup
1298: -- description instead of local func lookup_Desc