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Line 4181: and org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805

4177: IS
4178: select *
4179: from pa_project_types_all -- Bug#3807805 : Modifed pa_project_types to pa_project_types_all
4180: where project_type = c_project_type
4181: and org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805
4182: -- anlee end of changes
4184: -- MOAC Changes: Bug 4363092 - removed nvl used with org_id
4185: cursor get_unassigned_time (c_project_type VARCHAR2)

Line 4190: and org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805

4186: IS
4187: Select unassigned_time
4188: from pa_project_types_all -- Bug#3807805 : Modifed pa_project_types to pa_project_types_all
4189: where project_type = c_project_type
4190: and org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805
4192: l_unassigned_time pa_project_types.unassigned_time%TYPE;
4193: l_project_old_rec pa_projects_all%ROWTYPE; -- Bug#3807805 : Modifed pa_projects to pa_projects_all
4194: l_project_type_rec get_project_type_info%ROWTYPE;

Line 4205: and org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805

4201: IS
4202: Select project_type_class_code
4203: from pa_project_types_all -- Bug#3807805 : Modifed pa_project_types to pa_project_types_all
4204: where project_type = c_project_type
4205: and org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805
4207: cursor get_billable_cap_flag (c_work_type_id NUMBER)
4208: IS
4209: select billable_capitalizable_flag

Line 4294: if PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID is null and p_project_type is not null then -- Added the if block for Bug#3807805

4291: --if (p_calling_module like ('BASIC_INFO')) then
4292: if (p_calling_module = 'BASIC_INFO' OR p_calling_module = 'SETUP_PAGE') then -- bug 7204572 added one more condition to IF
4294: if PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID is null and p_project_type is not null then -- Added the if block for Bug#3807805
4295: select org_id into PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID from pa_project_types where project_type = p_project_type;
4296: end if;
4298: -- anlee project actions changes

Line 4295: select org_id into PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID from pa_project_types where project_type = p_project_type;

4291: --if (p_calling_module like ('BASIC_INFO')) then
4292: if (p_calling_module = 'BASIC_INFO' OR p_calling_module = 'SETUP_PAGE') then -- bug 7204572 added one more condition to IF
4294: if PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID is null and p_project_type is not null then -- Added the if block for Bug#3807805
4295: select org_id into PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID from pa_project_types where project_type = p_project_type;
4296: end if;
4298: -- anlee project actions changes
4299: OPEN get_product_code;

Line 4968: and pt.org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805

4964: , pa_lookups lps
4965: where pt.project_type = p_project_type
4966: and lps.lookup_type(+) = 'PROJECT TYPE CLASS'
4967: and lps.lookup_code(+) = pt.project_type_class_code
4968: and pt.org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805
4970: PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(p_app_short_name => 'PA',
4971: p_msg_name => 'PA_INVALID_PT_CLASS_ORG',
4972: p_token1 => 'PT_CLASS',