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1 PACKAGE BODY mst_cm_details AS
2 /*$Header: MSTCMDLB.pls 115.6 2004/07/30 09:59:58 bramacha noship $ */
4 function get_number_of_loads(
5 arg_plan_id number,
6 arg_continuous_move_id number
7 ) return number IS
8 -- local variables
9 l_num_of_loads number;
10 cursor cm_loads IS
11   select count(trip_id)
12   from mst_trips
13   where plan_id = arg_plan_id
14   and continuous_move_id = arg_continuous_move_id;
15 begin
16   open cm_loads;
17   fetch cm_loads into l_num_of_loads;
18   if cm_loads%NOTFOUND then
19        close cm_loads;
20        raise No_Data_Found;
21   end if;
22   close cm_loads;
23   return l_num_of_loads;
24 exception
25   when others then
26      return 0;
27 end get_number_of_loads;
29 function get_distance(
30 arg_plan_id number,
31 arg_continuous_move_id number
32 ) return number IS
33 -- local variables
34 l_distance number;
35   cursor cm_distance  IS
36   select sum(total_trip_distance)
37   from mst_trips
38   where plan_id = arg_plan_id
39   and continuous_move_id = arg_continuous_move_id;
40 begin
41   open cm_distance;
42   fetch cm_distance into l_distance;
43   if cm_distance%NOTFOUND then
44        close cm_distance;
45        raise No_Data_Found;
46   end if;
47   close cm_distance;
48   return l_distance;
49 exception
50   when others then
51      return 0;
52 end get_distance;
54 function get_savings(
55 arg_plan_id number,
56 arg_continuous_move_id number,
57 arg_total_cm_trip_cost number
58 ) return number IS
59 -- local variables
60 l_savings number;
61 begin
62   select nvl(total_saving, 0)
63   into l_savings
64   from mst_cm_trips
65   where plan_id = arg_plan_id
66   and continuous_move_id = arg_continuous_move_id;
67   return l_savings;
68 exception
69   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
70      raise;
71 end get_savings;
73 function get_number_of_stops(
74 arg_plan_id number,
75 arg_trip_id number
76 ) return number IS
77 -- local variables
78 l_num_of_stops number;
79 begin
80   l_num_of_stops := 12;
81   return l_num_of_stops;
82 exception
83   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
84      raise;
85 end get_number_of_stops;
87 function get_total_savings(
88 arg_plan_id number
89 ) return number IS
90 -- local variables
91 l_savings number;
92 begin
93   l_savings := 12;
94   return l_savings;
95 exception
96   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
97      raise;
98 end get_total_savings;
100 function get_number_of_exceptions(
101 arg_plan_id number
102 ) return number IS
103 -- local variables
104 l_number_of_exceptions number := 0;
105 cursor num_of_excep is select count(1)
106 from mst_exception_details
107 where plan_id = arg_plan_id
108 and continuous_move_id is not null;
110 begin
111   open num_of_excep;
112   fetch num_of_excep into l_number_of_exceptions;
113   close num_of_excep;
114   return l_number_of_exceptions;
115 exception
116   when NO_DATA_FOUND then
117      return l_number_of_exceptions;
118 end get_number_of_exceptions;
120 function get_percent_of_tl_in_cm(
121 arg_plan_id number
122 ) return number IS
123     l_percent NUMBER := null;
124     l_tl_count NUMBER;
125     l_tl_in_cm_count NUMBER;
126     cursor tl_count is
127     select count(1) from mst_trips
128     where plan_id = arg_plan_id
129     and mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
130 --Bug_Fix for 3803450
131 --	and move_type = 2;
132     and nvl ( move_type, 2 ) = 2;
134     cursor tl_in_cm_count is
135     select count(1) from mst_trips
136     where plan_id = arg_plan_id
137     and mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
138     and continuous_move_id is not null
139 --Bug_Fix for 3803450
140 --	and move_type = 2;
141     and nvl ( move_type, 2 ) = 2;
143   BEGIN
144     OPEN tl_count;
145     FETCH tl_count into l_tl_count;
146     CLOSE tl_count;
147     if l_tl_count = 0 then
148       l_tl_count := 1;
149     end if;
151     OPEN tl_in_cm_count;
152     FETCH tl_in_cm_count into l_tl_in_cm_count;
153     CLOSE tl_in_cm_count;
155     l_percent := round(100*(l_tl_in_cm_count/l_tl_count), 0);
156     return l_percent;
157 end get_percent_of_tl_in_cm;
159 function get_trip_loading_status(
160 arg_plan_id number,
161 arg_trip_id number
162 ) return varchar2 IS
163   cursor delivery_leg_count is
164   select count(1)
165   from mst_delivery_legs
166   where plan_id = arg_plan_id
167   and trip_id = arg_trip_id;
168   l_del_leg_count number;
169   l_meaning varchar2(100);
171   cursor loading_status(p_del_leg_count NUMBER) is
172   select meaning
173     from mfg_lookups
174     where lookup_type = 'MST_YES_NO'
175     and lookup_code = 1;
177   BEGIN
178     OPEN delivery_leg_count;
179     FETCH delivery_leg_count into l_del_leg_count;
180     CLOSE delivery_leg_count;
182     if(l_del_leg_count = 0) then
183        OPEN loading_status(l_del_leg_count);
184        FETCH loading_status into l_meaning;
185        CLOSE loading_status;
186     else
187        l_meaning := null;
188     end if;
189     return l_meaning;
190 end get_trip_loading_status;
191 END mst_cm_details;