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Line 62: from fa_deprn_periods dp, fa_transaction_headers th

58: and period_close_date is null;
59: --
60: select dp.period_counter
61: into X_Transfer_In_PC
62: from fa_deprn_periods dp, fa_transaction_headers th
63: where th.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
64: and th.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
65: and th.transaction_type_code = 'TRANSFER IN'
66: and dp.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code

Line 85: from fa_transaction_headers

81: and fiscal_year_name = lv_fiscal_year_name;
82: --
83: /* select max(transaction_date_entered)
84: into X_Max_Transaction_Date
85: from fa_transaction_headers
86: where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
87: and book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code;
88: */
89: if not FA_UTIL_PVT.get_latest_trans_date

Line 167: from fa_transaction_headers th,

163: -- distributions in those books
164: -- do this in the form, using INS_DETAIL
165: select count(1)
166: into lv_count
167: from fa_transaction_headers th,
168: fa_deprn_periods dp,
169: fa_book_controls bc
170: where bc.book_class <> 'CORPORATE'
171: and bc.distribution_source_book = X_Book_Type_Code